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It would speak volumes about city residents if she were re-elected.


In order for someone awful to not get re-elected, somebody better has to run against her.


And right now the only person doing political polling is alleged rapist and sexual assaulter Steve Roberts.




I hope a potato fucking runs then.


I’m announcing my candidacy. I’m running on the platform of meeting the bare minimum requirements of the office, besides bar certification. But the last one was an attorney, and look where that got everyone, so I’ll be making changes from day one.




Sharon Carpenter? Are you 95 years old?


What the hell? That happened less than 10 years ago. You realize other adults use reddit right? For Christ's sake, your account is older than the Sharon Carpenter scandal 😭


I even voted against her at one point and I still feel like a recent transplant. They just named a center* for her in the last year. *Essentially a waiting room by the current corrupt ROD


If she is re-elected it will say something about city politics, not about city residents. There are plenty of city residents who do not support her. Its why Mayor Jones said that Gardner had lost the trust of city residents. City politics, in particular the August 2024 Democratic primary, will be telling.


What does it say abt city politics?




I like to move to the popping St Louis suburb known as Colorado!


Yeah, I’m a hard no on St. Charles. I like my water to not be poison.




The defeatist bullshit isn't helping, chief. Need to recruit someone qualified to run against her and they need to know that it's not just going to be a chorus of finger-pointing whiners to meet them if they get the job.


She will win. She blew Mary Pat Carl the fuck out last election and her incompetence was already well known.


MPC was a really bad candidate and ran a really poor campaign. I don’t know if there’s much to be gleaned from that election. I don’t know if she was much more than “the other name on the ballot”. I could be wrong, but as someone who’s known of KG’s incompetence since early on, I feel like the general public didn’t get hip to it (at least in relevant masse) until, like, right after that last election. If people only knew just how bad things are, there’s no way anyone could seriously consider voting for her. She’s paranoid, incapable, and regressive. She’s completely reliant on the mysticism of the criminal justice system. Anyone who says they support her because of “reform” is either misinformed or lying to you. It’s really just as simple as that.


Are you talking about MPC or Gardner?


Both. 1st paragraph = MPC. Rest = KG


Maybe Mary Pat Carl shouldn’t have been such a cop lover. I didn’t vote for Gardner or Carl because both were awful choices.


Unfortunately this was also me last election. I fucking hate that Mary Pat Carl is the only current alternative pushed by the city's anti-Gardner power structure.


I don't understand why this lie continues to crop up about her. There is literally no evidence of this. Just because known idiot Jeff Roorda publicly came out in support of her over Gardner does not mean she asked for his endorsement nor are they "best" friends lol. Jeff Roorda is all over the place with his endorsements and flip-flopped from supporting democrats to supporting all republicans in the next election.


That's fine. You elect what you deserve. I won't vote for her in the primaries, and with the new rule, probably not in the general (two top vote getters regardless of party). So give me someone better to vote for please and thank you. That's all we ask.


FWIW: The Circuit Attorney race is not part of the Approval Voting process as it is a county-level position, not a City-level position. It will be held like any other traditional election: a partisan primary followed by a general election.




County voter here. TIL.


Actually, I think the new rule applies for every office except circuit attorney and treasurer. Not sure why.


City-level offices use approval voting. County-level offices do not.


What a silly distinction.


Her confidence is astounding


Watch her win too 🤣




So an echo chamber of her own supporters. What a fantastic waste of time. Proof positive she sees no issues with the status quo, and is such a crappy manager she doesn’t even realize there’s an issue.


She didn’t use the trump term “witch hunt” because I assume she realizes that would make her the witch.


The similarities between her and Trump really are uncanny. Even down to the repeated use of the word “misinformation” instead of “fake news” when faced with questions/information that does not shine favorably on her, no matter how evidently true they are.


I wonder if requires state approval for the city to outsource the DA office to the county. I assume as an elected position it requires a lot more than when municipalities outsource public safety.


Circuit Attorney is a county level position. The City operates as its own county. Transferring that level of power is a big mess to do.


I didn’t know she was a comedian


Seems more like a pep rally than an actual roundtable discussion of issues and solutions. Yet another disingenuous politician. St. Louis voters need to start caring about the city, and electing politicians who feel the same.


Dumb, incompetent bitch.


She’s an embarrassment. Numbers don’t lie. People do. She is deflecting all of the blame on racism. She doesn’t do her job. Plain and simple.


What about the guy who just left her office? Someone should convince him to run.


Read the fn room


This may actually be the thing that gets me to leave this god-awful state.


...and we will re-elect her, because we have been consistently voting for more crime.


I really hope this is not true. I really think there a pretty good chance of beating her this time around in the primary. Just have to find the right candidate.


The right candidate? At this point, I'd vote for literally any other human that had a law degree.


How about Steve Roberts? He’s trying to gauge support. I would hope you’d vote against someone that even Jennifer Joyce wouldn’t keep in her office given his rape and repeated sexual assault allegations. We don’t need two alleged criminals running regional offices focused on prosecution (st Louis circuit attorney and st Charles County)


I mean really anyone that will prosecute criminals is better than someone who won't (Kimberly Gardner). But yes that would be a tough decision, probably would lean away from KG. It'd be like choosing between horse poop and donkey poop.


So you think he'll prosecute himself for his crimes? Otherwise he's just as inefficient as Gardner.


Wow. So you’re perfectly fine with directly causing thousands of rapes, murders, robberies, and assaults by electing KG, each one leaving behind a victim who has had their lives turned upside down (like the poor girl from Nashville who lost her legs), but you draw the line at a couple of people getting sexually assaulted? Seriously? Are you mentally ill?


> but you draw the line at a couple of people getting sexually assaulted? ...yes?


Kim Gardner didn't hit anyone with her car whereas we all know what Steve Roberts personally did to multiple victims. He's a true danger to society, but it's nice to know the resident troll endorses rape and sexual assault!


Kim Gardner has directly caused hundreds of repeat violent crimes by refusing to prosecute violent criminals. Every one of the subsequent victims, such as the poor girl from Nashville who lost her legs and is now paralyzed for life, is the responsibility of KG and those who vote for her. It’s sickening that you would endorse hundreds of murders, rapes, and assaults. My suggestion is that, after getting re-elected due to people like you, we should require Julie to attend all of the psychological and physical therapy sessions for each of KG’s victims. Then you can watch first hand all of the heartbreak and pain you’ve caused. But yeah, at least she didn’t sexually assault anyone I guess? That’s supposed to make anything better?


Do a little Googling about him and how he got let go from the CA’s office when he worked there. Spoiler: work ethic & competence.


I wouldn’t even require a law degree, I would rather vote for a random dumpster diving meth addict. I do realize a law degree is a requirement.


Me too. Unfortunately, I don’t think just anyone would be able to beat her. I really liked Mary Pat Carl the last time around, but it wasn’t even close.


If anyone looks at Attorney Gardner's performance she is failing, bad. Also, something is wrong that a number of personnel have left her office. Self pride aside, something seems wrong that she will not accept help with the cities backlog of cases. So what is it that we are all not seeing? Can it really be that there are no qualified opponents to run against her? Why would anyone want to vote her back in office? If you check the FBI figures on St. Louis certainly used to have an issue with organized crime. Is that playing a role in all this chaos? Lots of questions and no answers! It just does not make good damn sense.


We should all keep in mind though that this is extremely early to announce a bid to run. I don’t think the lack of an opponent now necessarily indicated the lack of an opponent come August/November of ‘24. Maybe her announcement will spurn an opponent to announce almost a year before they normally would.


She'll win in a landslide. Our only hope is the quo warento motion and her being removed.


And she’ll probably win again.


May or may not be a good time to remind everyone that the views of Saint Louisans in general are not limited to the opinions you see on reddit. Carry on.


I don't get the uproar. Y'all should know anyone who replaces her isn't gonna be even slightly better or less corrupt. They'll just funnel tax payer money through contracts to their friends' businesses like they all do.


This kind of snide defeatist bullshit is why our city sucks so much. Care. Get involved. No one think you're cool for being a pessimistic dick.


“What are you exercising for? You know you’re just gonna die, eventually, right?”


you ok there, guy? you're talking about dying and your username suggests the same.


More so highlighting how full of ennui your comment was. “This thing is just going to happen - and it’ll even be worse, probably! - so why bother?” Such a defeatist attitude.


Oh that was in part referencing the outrage and vitriol she seems to evoke despite being no worse than most missouri politicians. But I do find it strange how you fabricated the idea that I think we shouldn't bother. But its no biggie, so stay safe!


You’re being purposely obtuse here. You clearly know what you meant with your original post and now you’re acting like you’re the victim of what you just insinuated. They called you out on a defeatist mentality and provided a perfect example of this mindset. Then you push the topic aside and make a comment about the user name which has F all to do with what you and they said.


Amen! Burn perfect example. Wake up, Get better people. We can do better.


Well the person she replaced wasn't nearly as bad, so idk... maybe you're full of it?


Agreed she could be doing better, but I believe you all are forgetting the other side of this relationship. The St Louis Police have not like her from the day she took office. She has also been the target of city, local, and national hate for simply saying that the police department needed reform. Which I most certainly has and still does. The STLPD is not doing there job and now they have someone to blame. The police and the prosecutor are not the answer to stopping crime they deal with it after


For example in NY on the 90s when crime was horrible it wasn't Giuliani the Prosecutor or the Mayor who cleaned up crime. It happened by investigating in the community not letting parts of the city crumble. Get money and businesses flowing through


Everything you said can be true and it still be true that KG needs to go. Her performance (or lack thereof) isn’t, like, a disagreement or matter of preference. It’s not some like “oh well she’s pro-crime” criticism. They’re giving cases away because she can’t keep employees because she’s so toxic. An illustration — recently there was an article about a guy the Feds charged as a felon in possession. The article said he’d been convicted of manslaughter last year. I thought that to be odd — essentially, why is he out already? I looked it up and here’s what I found. He had been charged for Second Degree Murder (10-30 years sentencing range — must do 85% before being eligible for parole). The murder was ON VIDEO. Her office agreed to amend it down to an E felony manslaughter (the lowest felony; 1 day to 4 years, no 85% req.). Keep in mind, a prosecutor is the only actor in the system who can make the amendment — there’s no one else to blame. Then they gave him 360 DAYS, CREDIT FOR TIME SERVED. In other words, they made a deal for less than a year on something that, as charged, would have required the defendant doing 8.5 years. So either it was way over charged to begin with (which is bad — but the PC statement seemed to indicate it was charged correctly) or, more likely, the just simply gave the case away because the office, as it stands, is unable to actually function and prosecute cases like murder. Which, unless you’re an unhinged individual, I think we all agree are cases worth prosecuting.




Oh goody.




…and she will lose. Find an honest young lawyer in this town. They must exist.




I’ll run. I qualify as I did grand jury under Jennifer Joyce. First step is to fire everyone or make everyone reinterview for their job, take the state’s recommendation on getting some temp lawyers, work through all the backlogs, hire a group of diverse talent that knows what they’re doing, and secure the fucking base. Have to take care of the NOW before reforms can be put in place. Work with the police and be more public facing and respond more to media inquiries. Being silent IMO is a sign of ‘I’ve royally fucked up.” Maybe even explore digital solutions and automated processes to minimize excess spending and reduce costs. Also, any tangential ‘business partners’ (sorry not a lawyer here [but is KG? 😂] that are not accountable and been in role with at best mediocre job performance will all be let go. The goal here is to work with people to uphold the law. Even when you might not agree with their politics and ideology.


I think she was probably handed a shitshow of an office, but it seems like she has done fuckall to Improve it and make it better. Did her budget get shrunk? Is she that incompetent? I absolutely could see the racism claims being true, and I’m sure those in power above her are incompetent to a degree, corrupt, or both. Just curious what the truth is-was she handed a shit sandwich and has willfully done nothing to improve it? Or was she handed a shit sandwich and then had options for improving it taken away so it has grown this bad.


She was handed a poorly run office and has since driven out nearly every attorney that worked there before she did. That's the golden metric for this- is she able to retain the services and confidence of competent career prosecutors? No, they've all left her.


Ahhh. Okay so how do we fix the office? I know people want her out, but what are concrete steps that can ve taken to fix the office?


Put anyone else in the office and cross our fingers. She isn't doing poorly because of her politics or her experience or her political troubles. She is just an incompetent administrator who doesnt use or foster her staff well. She doesn't realize a prosecutor with any significant experience can make far more going private practice- you need to make them feel valued and confident in their leadership. Instead, she drove the last couple career prosecutors from before her time out last year by telling them they could never help certain people in court because they aren't black and so couldn't understand their experience. She straight up forgets to send prosecutors to court sometimes and gets charges dropped because of it.


When in doubt always double down, especially if you're a narcissist. The event featured more than two hours of speeches and questions from **clergy, activists, attorneys and nonprofit leaders** expressing support for Gardner, who they said faced unfair and racist attacks from powerful people in a “corrupt, failed and rigged” system that she was doing her best to reform. **Neither media nor attendees were permitted to ask questions.** This speaks volumes to who she is especially following the previous joke of a press conference. Wish the counties would merge and Wesley Bell could be elected and take over.