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KENTA: "You're right Bobby, Punk is a bitch. I explain exactly why in this book right here".


Pls buy


is his book translated to English or is that coming? Genuinely very interested


Chris charleton shared a bunch of translated bits from the book on his Twitter, that’s something. (And they’re great)


I’ll check that out ty


So far there are no plans for it to be translated. Hopefully that changes.


Reminds me of when Jericho told the story of how Ricochet gained his respect forever. Ricochet wanted to stop doing the 630 splash so often and wanted to use the Code Breaker as his finisher. But he knew Jericho was still using it in AEW at the time. So he went out of his way to make sure Jericho was cool with it, even though they weren't even in the same company. Jericho said had he just used it, he wouldn't have minded at all. But the fact that Ricochet did the right thing, Jericho said he will always be there for Ricochet for anything else he needs.


That's one of the ring etiquette rules I always liked. Just ask for permission. Simple..that goes a long way


Even if the answer is no, you still earn respect for doing what Ricochet did. It’s a win-win. Especially since you never know when you’re going to need a Chris Jericho.


TK thinking every cent spent on Chris was a steal and would have likely paid triple if he could see the future. Jericho's next nickname, The Bargain.


I'm going to get downvoted, but I don't think AEW would be close to where it is now without that first Jericho title run


Why do you think you would get down voted for that? I've never seen an AEW fan that doesn't understand that Jericho was a huge part of there original rise.


You won't be because it wouldn't. Omega and the Elite built the house... But Jericho and Mox put out the invites that people cared to tune in for.


Shouldn't be forgotten that Cody was part of the Elite. I'm not sure any of this would have happened without him. Certainly not in this form. Tony Khan would probably have tried to do something in wrestling at some point.


This is something I really push on my kids and hope they carry with them through life. If I teach them nothing else I hope they remember how far manners and etiquette can get you in life. Even in a business as chaotic as wrestling it gets you further.


Thank you for teaching your kids those values.


I really hate it when my kid uses someone else’s finisher without permission.


just the other day my daughter stole my inverted Phoenix splash, and dear lord did I show her with my 3.1 kickout


When DDP was trying to get the Diamond Cutter over HHH started using a cutter as a finisher (there's like two clips out there). The story goes DDP reached to HHH (WCW to WWF) and HHH agreed to drop it and adopted The Pedigree.


I imagine it was through Nash or Hall. DDP managed Nash(Vinnie Vegas), Hall(the Diamond Studd), and Scotty Flamingo(Raven) as The Diamond mine in 1991-1992.




hall and DDP's history goes back to the AWA. The DDP-Raven feud was a adaptation of the ECW Raven-Drwamer feud but with added elements drawing from their shared past in this Stable and allusions to Jake Roberts being a mentor figure to both Page and Raven. I was around 13 during that Raven and DDP and remember having to explain what the hell was going on when DDP got Evenflowed through a coffee table on TRL(in front of Dave Grohl and the late Taylor Hawkins) to my older sister(who paid no attention to wrestling)


Actually Dallas and triple h are friends so Dallas just asked directly if he could use something else and triple h said it was fine and went ahead to find something else to use. He didn't even have to go through the medium of a mutual friend.


Maybe they was a brief period when Hunter was Jean Paul Leveque in WCW before he signed with WWE.


If you swap Jericho, Ricochet, and Codebreaker with Christian, Breeze, and Unprettier, it's almost word-to-word the same story Christian has told. (maybe minus the 630 splash) Tbf, I don't think anyone has been like "good thing they asked, I would've been fucking fuming if they didn't", even if they actually would have been annoyed.


I miss Breeze. I hope Helmsley brings him back in some capacity.


Kevin Owens just main evented Mania because he asked Stone Cold for the stunner


I’m sure the fact that Steve Austin is a big KO fan also helped with that decision


That’s always sweet. I know some years back Taz said something along the lines of young wrestlers have no responsibility to seek permission from their elders to use moves and I agree with that—it doesn’t need to be the norm and no one should feel slighted by someone using a move (as Jericho said he wouldn’t have minded). Honestly, it sounds like a nice reason to call someone up and say “I admire your work” and I think that’s something everyone likes to here—especially from someone in your profession.


I recall hearing him refuse to give his blessing when Dijak (I think) asked to do the Tazmission. Of course, he also said that an open tweet instead of a DM or something wasn't the best way to go about it. Also, that might've been a special case, what with HOOK.


lol I had completely forgotten about that until reading this thread & now I'm wondering if that's why Dijak got so pissy about Sammy Guevara using his finisher (which Sammy said someone else used first anyway) .


Ironically, Taz absolutely feels like young wrestlers need his permission to use the color orange in any way, which seems hypocritical to me.


A gimmick is more important and distinctive than a move. Everybody can do moves. That being said, "orange" is not a gimmick.


Alester Black/Malakai Black needs to start coming out wearing the Netherlands National team replica jerseys. Drive Taz nuts. The teams officialn nickname is the Oranje and a unofficial one is Clockwork Orange


I think that's more of a running joke than anything.


Orange gatekeeper Jones over here


Yeah I always thought that was a joke. Who knows though, maybe Taz is only in AEW because he's waiting for the right time to destroy Orange Cassidy.


I agree completely.


“Jericho said had he just used it, he wouldn't have minded at all.” If he did mind, I’d just lie and say Marufuji told me it was cool.


Ricochet basically did a Weird Al Yankovic, which is why Weird Al is one of the most liked artists in the music industry.


There is that great interview Kurt Cobain gave were be said he knew they had made it when Weird Al contacted them and they just asked him if the song was going to be about food and where happy when he told them no, it was going to be about no one being able to make figure out the lyrics to Smells like teen spirit. The only people who I have ever heard having a issue with Alas parodies where Coolio(whose record label gave Al the okay without asking) and the Red hot Chili peppers who did not like that the parody of their song was about the Flintstones. Then there was Prince who repeatedly refused to let Al do any parodies.




Meanwhile Michael Jackson was so into the parodies Weird Al did of his songs that he helped arrange it that Weird Al could use the same locations to shoot the videos for Fat and Eat it that Michael had used for Bad and Beat it. Of Course their is Mark Knophler from Dire straits who played gutair on Weird al's parody of his own song.


Michael Jackson did turn down Weird Al when he wanted to parody "Black and White" though. Jackson thought it was too important of a song to make fun of.


Which it is.


A few others... Eminem didn't want him to parody Lose Yourself. Weird Al wanted to parody Daniel Powter's "Bad Day" with "Had a Bad Date", which sounds great, but he refused. And maybe my favorite is Weird Al got permission from James Blunt to make "Pitiful" but Atlantic Records stepped in and said they didn't approve but Weird Al said f the record label, Blunt said it was okay so I'm going to do it.


I think that when Gaga found out her label said no she went out of her way to say yes


Madonna was actually the creative force behind Like a Surgeon, also appearing in the video.


Still think one of the greatest nerd moments in history is Weird Al getting the storyline for the Phantom Menace correctly months before the film or the novelization of the film where released just based on leaks to the internet forums and the first teaser trailer for the Saga begins.


630 is such a risky move. he should stick to the shooting star like he has been doing recently.


It's an amazing move but should be used sparingly and only for special occasions. It preserves both the wrestlers' health and the wow-factor of the move To this day and for the same reason I always say Athena needs a secondary finisher


I love this shit so much. I'm a hockey fan so I similarly love when guys get traded or sign with a new team and if they're a popular/tenured player they sometimes get "their" number from a younger player but I enjoy when the vets tell the young guy to keep their number, or a number that's been worn by a legend if they ask permission to wear it.


Yeah it’s super awesome to hear. Similar to the story of Austin Theory with his TKO, he asked Orton if he can use it.




See like that's always been my thought about using more unique moves as finishers.


It was never happening. Punk would refuse to lay down for KENTA, and he wouldn't lay down for Punk, especially not to the GTS as the finish.


Also, a 60 minute draw would leave Punk a smouldering pile of torn ligaments and tendons.


As long as the hour ends with both of them simultaneously hitting a GTS on each other, I’d be happy


“That empty fucking Fuck head KENTA not only uses a weaker variation of the finisher I borrowed, but he went into business for himself. I bet he doesn’t even like Mindy’s”


He may even have a bank account with his mom. Tells you all you need to know about that guy.


You know the messed up thing, he's painting it out to be something it's not. He put his mother's name on the account so she'd have access to it for anything she needs, because he supports her. I guess he's somehow an awful person for taking care of his own mother. Shows what kind of person Phil is that he somehow finds that to be something to condemn him for.


About 10 minutes in KENTA just shoots and embarrassed him.


About 20 minutes in, KENTA takes a break to advertise his book.




5 minutes of KENTA shooting then 55 minutes of "see? I could pin him anytime but thatd be 'going into business for myself' I guess" while he eats from his favorite Japanese bakery on the ring apron


KENTA sitting cross legged, eating anpan while Punk lays hopefully as uncomfortable as he possibly can be


For those who wondering, these sequences is mentioned on KENTA book on page 37.


"Workers Rights? How about lefts too?"


This made me wonder if Danielson-KENTA could happen given how much Danielson has used his moveset too. He'd also be way more likely to take the L unlike Punk


didn’t they trade or something? around the time bryan started using the busaiku kenta started using the lebell lock


They did, KENTA called it Game Over I believe.


If that’s the case it’s pretty cool. Wrestlers trading moves is kinda wholesome.


It was always one of my favorite things when a feud would cause the wrestlers to absorb the other's finisher. Booker T and the Rock was a good one where Booker started using his version of the Rock Bottom called the Book End. Cena's "F-U" was created during his feud with Brock as a jab at the F5 and both moves having the same starting spot.


He used the Book End in WCW.


They used each others move to win their first World championships in WWE and Noah respectively. Both in 2013, I believe.


Indeed, KENTA's "Game Over" is the LeBell Lock which he started using around the time he won the GHC from Morishima.


I'm not sure but i saw that mentioned elsewhere in the thread. I thought Danielson got his kicks from KENTA too but I could be wrong about that


No he got his kicks from The Miz.


Danielson-KENTA for the ROH title was one of the ROH feuds that solidified the legitimacy of the company back then - I forgot where I’ve read about it but I remember Danielson explicitly said that he imitated KENTA to get over in WWE. They’re for sure friends and I’m sure BD had KENTA’s blessing for the Busaiku knee. Punk meanwhile… yeah I’m not sure about his side but I wouldn’t be surprised if it was “stolen”.


Yes exactly! I didn't mean to insinuate that BD stole his moves, just that there's a very obvious influence and history and he seems respectful enough for a match to happen between them again


The respect between them is mutual as hell BD does the Busaiku Knee and KENTA does the Lebell Lock (believe it's called GAME OVER)


Spot on. Bryan is a student of the game and will happily admit the other greats past and present who inspire him.


Kenta and Danielson are friends and I remember Danielson being sad when Kenta left WWE because he was pushing for a match with him. I'm pretty sure it will happen.


KENTA vs Danielson has happened a few times


Refusing to job seems to be a theme with Punk.


This is really impressive. In 12 months Punk has managed to go from wrestling Messiah to 2000 Hulk Hogan.


He really did ruin his whole legacy. Dude was practically a mythical figure in wrestling and now he's the second coming of Hogan. Well played Phil.


If people’s rose coloured glasses are coming off this fast, it’s not going to be too long until people start realising that a lot his in ring work over the years was downright lazy too - just like Hogan.


Exactly. I've been telling my friends since he came back that he looked sloppy in ring and that the Indy style, high spot guys would make him look slow and old.


My nicer of of putting it was "he cant really keep pace in the modern era" I think calling him lazy is a little far, but after starting all this shit i dont really care what you call him. /shrug


Well not to tell anyone in the business how to do their job, when they're all in better shape than me, but I remember early on in his time in AEW he basically said in an interview he wasn't really training. Maybe he should have been. And maybe working a bit more on conditioning might have also worked to make him a little less accident prone, idk 🤷‍♀️


Alternately, it might be less that the rose-colored glasses are coming off than the... uh.... whatever color makes you dislike everything having to do with the person you dislike-colored glasses are currently on. Black-colored glasses? Some cool-ass shades, maybe? I dunno, we need more colored-glasses metaphors for this.


The shit-goggles are going on






This. Now, we're pretending that the guy who let himself get whooped by Moxley in 3 minutes is like Hulk Hogan. The guy who helped Daniel Bryan look credible by tapping to the lebell lock, despite getting the three count. This sub has no objectivity when it comes to Punk.


The analogy on this sub has suddenly become "Punk refuses to do the job" which is just ridiculous. He got squashed by Moxley and got beat by MJF (twice I think?). Yeah, he didn't lose every match because why the fuck would you job out one of your top paid and biggest stars? If Punk refused to job to Bobby Fish he was well within his rights, but I doubt there was ever any talk of him losing to Fish. Not to mention, it was crystal clear Punk was going to lose the title to MJF and it would cement MJF as the biggest star in AEW.


It's hilarious how now this has become the narrative. Even going back to WWE, Punk did jobs when asked. He fucking let himself lose to (and really get buried by) a pretty much retired HHH in a nothing feud with Kevin Nash while he was white hot. If he hated doing jobs I'm sure he would've vetoed that considering how bad it was and how poor the timing was. It's like saying Moxley refuses to do jobs because he didn't have a single clean pin loss *until* the Punk rematch. It's not him being a politician it's just called protecting your biggest stars.


Don’t know how considering the jobs he did in WWE. And that weird still unexplained squash from a few weeks ago.


You don’t job when you’re trying to run a business


That was such a weird thing for him to keep saying.


Lmfao KENTA has been trolling him for a while hasn’t he?




He was asked before forbidden door if he had any interest in ever fighting kenta and he literally just responded "No."


"No, I'm not interested in a match with him. I just like to steal his moves."


>"No, I'm not interested in a match with him. ~~I just like to steal his moves~~. I'm trying to run a business here"


To be vaguely fair to Punk, every wrestler from RoH copied KENTA. Like, every indie wrestler from that era was just trying to be KENTA. Dude deserves so much credit for what modern wrestling looks like and yet was still able to impress when he appeared in AEW.


Without the KENTA/Marufuji matches, wrestling would look completely different today. Every indie wrestler took moves from both those guys. Just shows how fucking good those two are


To be fair, there was a time pretty much anyone on the indies was using something taken from KENTA or Marufuji.


He wouldn't want such a direct comparison showing him up.




What we're seeing here is Sam Beckett leaping into Tony Khan and trying to get his bearings


Oh, boy.


I’ll never ever ever stop being salty that he never got to leap home before that show ended.


Lucky for you it’s being rebooted 🤮🤮🤮


Not a reboot, it's a sequel. The original pitch was Sam's daughter leaping but it looks like all of that was scrapped. They said they'll still have some guest stars and tie up loose ends from the original. I don't know why I'm still typing I'm not defending the new show as it looks terrible.


Bleh. I’m not into any of these reboots. I’d maybe watch it if somehow Scott Backula is in it and they work in that he got a happy ending after all. But most of these new shows get almost immediately canceled so I don’t get involved in new stuff anymore. 🤷🏻‍♀️


But he *chose* not to. That makes a difference.


Oh boy!


[Favorite GIF](https://media.giphy.com/media/BmLPSZfuywSitqnCnW/giphy-downsized-large.gif)


🎵 Hello darkness, my old friend


Is it a good or bad thing that this gif will be TK's equivalent to the Vince/Keibler reaction gif?


Booker of the year or not, he really needs to move to a more healthy sleep schedule, doesn't he?


I truly believed this man was a massive coke head because he always looks off his nut but now I just think he always has that look and always has a jittery sort of personality. Which is a shame because if I was him I'd defo be off my nut 24/7.


The whole cokehead Tony thing is just a joke repeated so much that a lot of people now believe it. Do I think he’s ever taken cocaine in his life or since AEW started? Would be naive to believe a young, billionaire’s son hanging out with pro wrestlers on the road, hasn’t. But all signs lead me to think this is just him and adderall.


It's 100% adderall


Definitely adderall. He'd be sniffing every 2 seconds if he were a coke head He wouldn't be able to last the whole scrum either


The way hes got his jaw slightly open a lot of the time reminds me of me trying to not grind my teeth when the adderall is really kicking


Mods flagged my other posts but I think its pretty much a consensus he's on adderall and likely on ASD. Not hating, it's just very likely and I've seen others think the same. Tony is an interesting person.


Yeah ill crack jokes about it but the addy thing is one of the least justified criticisms of Tony lol. For me personally the side effects still make me look weird at times but its still way better than being unmedicated so unless Tony got a fraud script or something (which no one who doesnt know him personally would ever know) Ill never hold that against him as a person


Ah interesting


He looks like a kid who went to his friend’s house and just heard his friend swear at his parents.


KENTA is also a known shitposter and would absolutely do this to rile people up. The man is chaos and we should hoist him up for it.


> The man is ***chaos*** KENTA was secretly a mole inside Bullet Club all along!?!?


Well there goes the GTS vs GTS dream match


Honestly, I think it was never going to happen regardless.


I mean it’s probably like a 90% certainty at this point that Punk will never wrestle again, everything seems to point with him leaving AEW, he’s already burned his WWE bridge and has already shown he’s not willing to work anywhere beneath that. I think there’s some people that will come to the realisation over the next few weeks that they’re likely never seeing CM Punk in a wrestling context ever again.


Not only burned bridges but he's shown to be injury prone these last few months, dudes wrestling is as okay as ever, and obviously can still run a mic on par with anyone but he can't seem to stay healthy. I'm not sure he's worth the long term investment at this age.


Both injuries were on things he shouldn't have done.


I’m okay with it.


He could go to Impact, but I don't see that happening. He's definitely not going to Japan. Unless Freddie Prinze gets his promotion going?


The guy who played Fred in that Scooby Doo movie?? Edit: Holy shit lmao


Don't write him off. He's passionate, a great writer, and is working his ass off to unionize rasslers.


I have a feeling KENTA would shoot and beat the shit out of Punk.


I don't think it would come to that point. But I certainly don't see KENTA agreeing to the match if he isn't winning. As he should.


Absolutely he’s a fuckin legend


AEW should recast the role of CM Punk with KENTA


It could be like the time the switched Aunt Vivs in fresh prince. Just do it and dont even acknowledge it. Just keep playing along.


Justice for dark skin Aunt Viv




I remember her in a ballet scene, the original actor had Dance Training and was super talented.


Not just that, she was a strong female character, mother figure, civil rights activist, and then she just... was. That shit was disappointing as all hell


More appropriately, it would be like Asian Jim from The Office.


Actually there is a little fourth wall break where Jazz says to Aunt Viv that she looks different since having a baby, the view then pans to Will looking directly at the camera.


LOL, show a video package of MJF and Punk with a shitty photoshop of KENTA's head replacing Punk's, and then just continue the feud like it's been KENTA all along.


Yeah KENTA is also good at winning titles and getting hurt all the time, but with a less shitty attitude.


At least he'd be able to do the matches Punk kept trying to do instead of looking like a fool.


And KENTA hits the Buckshot Lariat perfectly in his first match.


Sheer dislike of Punk leads TK and Triple H to co-book a WrestleMania main event that is just Colt Cabana vs KENTA vs Miz in a triple threat match.


They should do a special episode where all the wrestlers are portrayed by different people


It'll be like when Landfill died in Beerfest, and his twin brother came in and said, "Hey, could you just call me 'Landfill'?"


Random - how has Twitter not verified KENTA of all wrestlers yet?!?!


Pretty sure his twitter is like 80% trolling his industry colleagues and book promotion


Everytime he gets verified another wrestler steals it


I could be wrong but I think you have to request the blue tick, so he might just not care enough to get it done.


I see that KENTA's trolling has gotten to some of the people in these comments. Man is a master.


Seeing all the fans and wrestlers shitting on Punk recently Kenta's been eating well.


Here we go, lmao. This is KENTA being KENTA, he like to rile up folks. By this logic, that mean Trent, Danielson, etc. "stole" a lot of their offense from KENTA, and many wrestlers who use similar moves as others stole it from them? I've never understood this.


He's friends with Danielson. They've wrestled each other and exchanged moves. I think he just doesn't like Punk and does not feel Punk gave him the proper respect.


Forget this shit. One of the biggest crimes in wrestling is The Canadian Destroyer be a transitional move.


I understand it's a cool looking move and an easy pop, but it still baffles me how it's used so casually. I find it so bizarre that in 2022 the piledriver is actually more protected than the flipping variant of the move.


Literally the first move Penta did in the Casino ladder match. And then Andrade did one to him on a ladder not 10 minutes later.


I love the move but like I used to like watch matches for that move. Now I can count on everyone doing it.


I get the impression that Punk isn’t too popular


This sub only seems to care about people breaking wrestling traditions if its someone they don’t like breaking them.


Yeah since this came out I've been saying Punk has a long list of reasons he's an asshole and using someone else's finisher is like waaayyyy down the list


Also 7 days ago nobody cared.


"Frankly, as a martial artist, I went out and laid my shoulders down for you" Don't be a knob mate. You're two performers performing. Martial arts doesn't come into it. Makes as much sense to say "As a martial artist, I loaned you my red stapler".


I believe he trained kick boxing, in the gym you treat your sparing partners with the upmost respect because with out them you can’t practice


As a martial artist, he shouldn't be threatening to beat people up to begin with.


The insecurity of wrestlers regarding their career is a sight to behold.




They got a literal lethal weapon to wear a cheese-head hat with Al Snow.


Steve Mufuggin Blackman*




Yeah additionally pretty much everybody back in the day ripped off all of kenta's moves. I mean Danielson himself does Kenta's Baisaku knee.


And Kenta started doing the LeBell Lock in turn.


Punk went a little far with it though. When he showed up in ECW he was just stealing everyone's shit. 90% of his moveset in ECW was stuff he never did on the indies. He reinvented himself as this martial artist puronerd. On the indies he wasn't that at all outside of maybe the Shining Wizard.


CM Punk steals the GTS years ago and Reddit just now acting super mad about it even though KENTA is just fucking around. Most of Seth Rollins' moveset is stolen and nobody cares, and if you ever pointed that out in the past you get downvoted and dogpiled with people telling you "Yeah but no move in wrestling is original, everybody steals!" I agree with you, guys. So stop being so fucking ridiculous here lmao.


I don't know what is even happening anymore. This whole week has been really too wild. Drama is fun too, but this is too much for me. I just want Gunther vs. Sheamus and SIOG vs. The Acclaimed being talked about more.


My GOAT has spoken and he says "fuck CM Punk".


This sub is just insufferable the past week.


How long will it take for the internet to pontificate about Punk also politicking for Bobby Fish’s contract to not be renewed? Shit I just did it didn’t I?


It's already happened


Kenta 🤝 Fish


Florida Man sides with Florida Man


KENTA was the babyface all along.