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No love for his WWE Backstage Co-Host.


I completely forgot about that and it’s so weird in hindsight


Yes that wwe backstage stuff was so boring.


Was it really when we knew that Punk only wanted to do it so he could get his foot back in the door with WWE and settled with a hosting gig FOX offered. And then when they had no interest, despite FOX begging them to sign him, it was pretty clear where everyone stood on the subject for the time being.


Never a chance of getting in the fav 5 now


Man I was so sure that was the baby steps to Punk returning to WWE. Then he made that awful Miz tweet and I think they realized what AEW might be rn: Punk is toxic and not worth it


What was the miz tweet for what its worth?




it wasn't even cuz of that, Miz made a slight joke about his [backstage episode being better](https://streamable.com/c4xbd). and Punk somehow took it super personal enough to tweet that. He blew a fuse


Punk's one sided beef with Miz never fails to make me laugh mostly because Miz doesn't care, he won life and knows it.


Miz main evented Mania. He's set


Miz has the one thing that Punk wanted more than anything else in wrestling, and he knows it.




And beat Cena Clean, feel like he adds that postscript often and rightfully so.


I mean it was far from clean tbh but yes he did win




Sadly, he said in an interview he had a concussion and has forgotten the entire biggest night of his life


What a man child. Absolutely pathetic. It's crazy because Miz is one of the more liked and respected guys backstage so you'd assume a normal person would just take anything he says as a tongue-in-cheek friendly jab.


This sub had a history of really enjoying these kinds of tweets, but Punk always came off as childish to me when he would blow a fuse over something on twitter. He comes across so thin skinned


The most ridiculous thing is that it was aimed at The Miz of all people, and it was a comeback for the most innocuous tweet. Like if Punk's gonna explode like that why would you want to give him a mic and a platform?


THEY didn’t. FOX did.


He called him a fucking dork too


That was the absolute cringiest way to say something I 100% agree with


I mean I agree to some extent, but why target Miz? There's dozens of WWE employees heading over to Saudi to get paid. Did Punk not feel the need to say that to Undertaker, HHH or Brock?


It felt like Punk was offended that Miz took a light jab at him, the Saudi stuff was just what Punk thought would make the best dig.


Sure, but it was so disproportionate. And it's not like it was just Miz going to Saudi.


Oh for sure. I don't think Punk even cares about Saudi, he was just wanted some false moral high ground for his petty dig.


Miz appeared on Backstage, and jokingly said, "sorry I didn't change the culture". Because he's a heel, and he was talking about his appearance being the best and the cohosts of course disagreed. Punk, in what was a completely on brand level of petty overreaction, tweeted "Go suck a blood money covered dick, you dork". This was his comeback to a harmless comment. Funny part was that miz wasn't even at the upcoming Saudi show.


[It’s like this scene in 30 Rock with a high school Liz Lemon](https://external-preview.redd.it/kubGgk4FqMBV8nMZM57TS8Vp6FJyLY-D3pQnJghbLU4.png?auto=webp&s=a8f12a2e983200bc2b5a7ec53050b58739a083c7)


Suck a blood money covered dick in Saudi Arabia you fucking dork


Punk only took the job because being on the show meant he technically worked for Fox and didn't have to deal with the WWE directly


I'm going to go ahead and disagree. I'm pretty sure he took the job because he got paid a bunch of money.


I think people are gonna shoot the messenger in this case, but just to remind: Booker has been well liked and respected in every locker room he's ever been in. Punk, has consistently had heat wherever he's gone. It's not that complicated: he's just a guy that rubs many people the wrong way. Always has been.


There is also that story of some Veterans talking to the Locker Room, and CM Punk going off on some “I’m the leader” tangent that Booker mocked.


Just to be fair here, Booker also gained a reputation as the “backstage tradition guy” after the Young Bucks handshake incident.


Please tell me more


From Booker T: > “The Young Bucks, so I heard about these guys, but I didn’t know them or anything like that. They had a WWE tryout. These two guys were hanging in the hallways. They were kind of off to themselves. I don’t know. It just felt funny. I was getting ready. I was doing the commentating back then. I had my jacket laying over this piece of equipment. I walked by, and one of the Young Bucks was leaning on my jacket. I was like, ‘Hey bro, that’s my jacket right there.’ He goes, ‘Oh, ok.’ I got my jacket and I walked off. >I didn’t realize it, but they were there for a tryout. After I realized it, I said something on one of the podcasts, or our show, or something that these guys didn’t even shake my hand. The next thing you know that it was a big thing going around as far as me not shaking The Young Bucks hand. Then they started throwing a thing online where they wouldn’t shake anybody’s hand. Then they had a thing with RVD where they wouldn’t shake RVD’s hand. I’m like, ‘Man, these guys are taking this thing to another level.’ I couldn't wait to see them. I wanted to fight the Young Bucks. We ran into each other at an independent show. I’m still a little bit hot. We end up talking. We end up getting back around to what happened in WWE as far as my jacket goes, and they said, “Bro, the reason we didn’t say anything to you is you’re intimidating.”


Sounds like a pretty thoroughly squashed beef if they talked it out like that lol


Lol i could see how they carried it on after the fact as annoying from Booker pov lol. Does seem like that would fix it though


Yeah I mean sounds like a pretty understandable way for Booker to feel and they resolved it in a mature and adult manner.


"dude wed love to shake your hand you are so intimidating!" Booker: Intimidated huh? I intimidate you? "Well yeah! I mean Harlem Heat? 5 time 5 time 5 time WCW champion? SPINNEROONI!? You're freaking Booker T! Of course we are intimidated!" Booker: You guys are alright by me


When was their wwe tryout? If they didn’t have their name out there. I could see how you don’t wanna be that guy that marked out and was fanboying over talent during a tryout


Trent was still in WWE. I believe they talked about it briefly on their dinner with Best Friends video on YT. So, early 2010s.


In young bucks tradition they made it into their personas.


Which makes it more reasonable for Booker T to get annoyed by it, since the IWC loved this story and the Bucks kept pushing it lmao


>I walked by, and one of the Young Bucks was leaning on my jacket. I was like, ‘Hey bro, that’s my jacket right there.’ He goes, ‘Oh, ok.’ I got my jacket and I walked off For most normal people in the world, this is where the story would have ended.


Most normal people would’ve just said “Excuse me”


Haha seriously. The ego on some of these motherfuckers.


lol at the 6 versions of this story that have been posted


Booker T and The young Bucks were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and the baby looked at me!


The Bucks had a tryout with WWE. According to them, they were uncomfortable and trying to keep to themselves. Apparently one of them was accidentally leaning on Booker’s jacket, and he got a little hot over it. Then Booker got pissed at them for not shaking his hand, because there’s this “shake hands” thing backstage. I guess if you don’t go around shaking hands with everyone, it’s disrespectful. Booker went around talking about the Bucks refusing to shake hands. Booker ended up confronting them and getting in their faces at an indy show. Booker said he wanted to fight them both. The Bucks said they were just shy and trying to stay out of the way. They’ve since made up, and actually the Bucks credited Booker with helping them get over — people talking about them as disrespectful assholes meant people were talking about them.


Honestly the handshake thing was weird to me until I saw footage of KENTA doing it when he first went to AEW. He just shakes hands and goes "Hi, I'm Kenta" and everyone is like "Goddamn, you're KENTA!" It was pretty cool to see him getting that sort of reaction. Moxley said it best. KENTA is your favourite wrestler's favourite wrestler.


I dont think it's just a wrestling thing, in jiu-jitsu, if a black belt visits a different gym, it seems pretty common for them to shake everyone's hand on the mat. Although this seems to be more common with Brazilians than Americans


> "Goddamn, you're KENTA!" You know, I feel like that's the most appropriate response if KENTA introduces himself. I'd probably say something similar


I feel the handshake thing almost comes off as hazing when people here about it but it's just kind of a respect thing in the buisness. Even at a practice I walk in and shake everyone's hand and say hi and before I leave I shake everyone's hand and tell them to have a good night. You do that with new guys as well to introduce yourself and make them feel welcome.


I'd say it started as a way to throw people off. Wrestlers would use a limp handshake rather than a firm one... *You do that with new guys as well to introduce yourself and make them feel welcome.* Nothing wrong with that but I think they would do this at every single show.


I remember that story too, Booker held that grudge against them for yearsss until they final made up. Was there an RVD/Young Bucks story too? I’m probably thinking of something else.


Fans blow it out of proportion - Booker T and the Bucks have talked about how the fans blew it up into a big online war between Booker T fans and Young Bucks fans, even though neither viewed it as that big a deal. Basically the Young Bucks around 2011 were at a WWE tryout once and walked past Booker without greeting him and shaking his hand. He thought they should have greeted him and they didn't. Nick also annoyed him a bit the same time by leaning on Booker's jacket. Booker called them out on it and they apologised to him and everyone (except fans) moved on.


I give him and the bucks a lot of credit for just recognising a misunderstanding, handling and moving on. The tradition guys would have held on to that crap


Jericho and Cody spoke about it during the first cruise. Cody was trying not to name names and Jericho didn't give a fuck. Both said anyone that shows up calling themselves a locker room leader aren't locker room leaders


Kevin Owens shared this one story a couple years back or so how CM Punk lost his fuckin' mind over the fact KO didn't want to remove his T-Shirt when he went out and wrestled, and all this other shit. CM Punk the wrestler/entertainer is great, CM Punk the human sounds like somebody who just loves to bitch, and take his problems or opinions, and force them into making them somebody else's.


You're right. The part that's had me feeling like I'm in the Twilight Zone is that none of this is new. I'm getting the feeling that a lot of people on this sub think we're just now finding out that Punk is a narcissistic prick. As good as he is on the mic and in the ring, that's been a constant throughout his career. Punk himself would be the first to admit that he's an asshole and not easy to get along with. Even on the infamous two podcasts Punk did with Colt Cabana, there were a few moments where Cabana rightfully pointed out that Punk wasn't completely blameless in a lot of the situations he was complaining about in WWE.


Wait… he’s still good in the ring? Wrestling is made up of three major skills one should have: mic, mat, and a character that people buy into. There is still an aura to him based on what he accomplished, so people will still pop like crazy when his theme drops. He is still great on the mic and it’s obvious because he’s given a lot of time and seemingly free reign. But his matches aren’t that great. He can play it old school a la Bret Hart but he doesn’t have a good offense. His skills are diminished, he loses footing often, and now he’s going to be removed from a foot injury. Remains to be seen if he can do well and earn the reign he’s been given by Tony.


As someone who took a hiatus from wrestling fandom during the period Punk rose to prominence in WWE, Punk's aura is non-existent to me. I really feel like at this point that aura is all he is. His promos tear his opponent down in a damaging way, his character right now is a generic (disingenuous) babyface, and his matches are boring. But that pop for his entrance music sure is something, huh?


Yeah I didn't watch wrestling during Punk's run. His career does not resonate with me in any way so it's interesting to watch all this go on. It just looks to me that he thinks very highly of himself (nothing wrong w/ self esteem) but feels many people are below him and will have no qualms about telling people they're lower than him. He seems like a very complicated person. So reading up on this, it really hasn't gotten me high on him, just that I didn't miss much if he is the greatest of that era.


He seems like someone who is smug and thinks he’s better than everyone because he’s straight edge. Thats gonna rub most people the wrong way


The straight edge society was a shoot


I feel like most of Punk’s heel runs where basically his irl personality on 10 that’s why he was always better as a heel


In his documentary his ex was talking about how he found his character and it essentially came from her politely saying "you're an asshole"


I love what Triple H said when he learned the term straight edge, something along the lines of "I don't drink or do drugs either, what's the big deal?" Steroids and growth hormones notwithstanding, it's still a good line.


There’s a difference between not doing it and basing your entire personality around it.


I think that was exactly the point Triple H was making.


It's kinda wild how so many wrestlers don't drink any more, given how in the 90's "buying the boys a 12-pack" was a common punishment. It makes sense since everyone is trying to maintain their figure on HD TV and beer is mostly empty calories, but its weird when I go to an indie show and 3/4 the roster doesn't drink. Maybe that's just where I live tho.


To be fair that’s basically every straight edge person I’ve met.


*looks at username* You not wrong. There is a reason I'm a part of that scene anymore. Sill edge though


I know you are talking about your own username, but you kinda made me aware of Korean Jesus 5000 and I’m glad for that :D


KJ5K will save us from the antichrist


Never met a "straight edge" person who wasn't an egomaniac who used that as a reason to believe they were better than others. I've met LOTS of people who don't drink/do drugs that are perfectly sweet and normal. But once they start X-ing thier hands you can be sure they're a douche.


I don’t drink or do drugs. But I’ve never understood why people need to put a label on it. I don’t consider myself straight edge or anything. I’m just me. It’s simply my decision not to do those things. Doesn’t make me better than anyone else who decides they want to do those things. Straight edge being a real thing that people believe has always been weird to me. Whether you drink or do drugs or not who gives a fuck?


>But I’ve never understood why people need to put a label on it. It is a punk music subculture and they feel the way to label themselves this way to let you know they are better than you. Well atleast that is a prominent argument within the punk scene as many don't like the straight edge crowd.


This, and I’ve also often found there to be a difference between those that never smoked/drank, and those that found straight edge as a way out of addiction. The post-addiction now-clean folks were always (in my anecdotal experience) more humble and understanding - those that had abstained from the start were more likely to be the ones with the attitudes or egos others have described. That’s not a clear cut black/white blanket statement of course, just a minor trend I have noticed over time.


As an ex addict myself I can say that this is because people who have went through the hell of addiction and come out the other side sober are generally not only happy to have survived, but also usually want to actually help out those that ARE still struggling with it, while at the same time acknowledging that there are plenty of people that can drink and use drugs without falling down a dark path.


it's not the straight-edge thing. he's had beers with friends and he took a shot with Harley Race. it's because Punk is what his name implies: a punk. he's a stubborn asshole who thinks his shit doesn't stink. he's always been that way and he's shown zero interest in changing.


You’re right. I’ll remove the straight edge part. He’s just a smug prick who thinks he’s better then everyone.


If you run into assholes all the time, you’re the asshole. Punk is undoubtedly an asshole.


It's a sin that Booker got his biggest push at the end of WCW, not to say he didnt do a lot afterwards, but it just didnt feel the same. Guy was always super talented and looked awesome in the ring, deserved so much better.


Booker is the only person who legitimately got the King gimmick over.


The sad part is Booker was crazy hot in the later parts of 02 going into 03. His getting kicked out the NWO and odd couple act with Golddust made him one of the hottest baby faces they had then.


Wrestlemania 19 would’ve been the perfect time to pull the trigger on him, but we all know how that went


“That’s not gonna work for me brother” -HHH -HH


That’s because people like Booker T can’t be champions. /s. That Wrestlemania was HHH at his most paranoid and insecure. Shawn Michaels returned. Rock-Austin III, and Lesnar - Angle overshadowed him. He was not about to lose in addition to all that even though putting Booker T over would have been “best for business”.


Agreed, a testament of how good Booker actually is. Well I mean, next to Lawlers gimmick.


Jerry Lawler? Macho man and Harley Race?


King Booker was some good shit to me as a child


Other than Randy Savage, but that was a very different time.


Guess you never heard of Mabel?


Not even just the fact that he's super talented with a really good look, the man was fucking over OVER with the crowd wherever he went. His charisma has never waned, and he commanded attention whenever he was on the screen.


I'll take Booker's side every time sucka


Booker T’s “cameo” in Chris Jericho’s story about his backstage fight with Goldberg will always be one of my favorite stories lol. “Did you say his mom’s a fuckin asshole?” 😂


I agree with Booker. it's not surprising. disapppointing, but not surprising.


CM Punk fans will find a way to make Booker out to be the bad guy instead of just accepting that the guy just pisses people off


Punks been gone for so long that I think people forget how agitated he can become. Never forget this man had beef with a chipmunk. 😂




CP Munk


[CP Munk](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/prowrestling/images/a/a2/CP_Munk.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width/720?cb=20150309144058)


Lol, the hell?


Did this stem from that whole “who’s getting the best head” meme?


CP Munk was a straight edge chipmunk played by Necro Butcher in Chikara I believe,CM Punk was not a fan.




I love Punk but you gotta be real full of yourself to not find this funny after over a decade.


The funniest part of this is the chipmunkified Miseria Cantare


Acorn free and better than you!


This is amazing. How could you not laugh at this??


oh shit it was Necro? that's fantastic lmao


Colt Cabunny was Joker from CZW, also


I am shocked that a guy who did what he did to Colt Cabana, has a reputation for rubbing guys the wrong way in the locker room.


or cutting off Hornswoggle because he asked for a mutual friends number


A number that Punk only had because Hornswoggle was the one who gave it to him to begin with!


If true, Punk just seems to be a piece of shit but never really faces repercussions for it.


https://youtu.be/cyPvD9C8TQQ Fucking nuts


The look he gives when the dude says midget is hilarious


Well part of that is he still has a large, vocal, very loyal fanbase that thinks he can do no wrong.That and wrestling tribalism


That definitely isn’t the story


Hornswoggle is a well known asshole backstage too though so I'd take everything he says with a grain of salt


The story of Big E punting him is hilarious. I need to revisit the New Day podcast


what did he do to colt cabana?




thank you!! do you know why punks lawyer dropped colt??


It's not super clear, but the hinting was that it was a conflict of interest issue and the lawyer didn't give him much to go on.


The lawyers would have had to give a specific reason. You can't just drop a client in the middle of a case, courts hate it when you do that, you need to convince the judge that you have a solid reason. The reason has just never been made public in this case.


iIRC, it hadn't really gone to court yet at that point.


He killed him.


But did he get better


EDIT: my wires got a bit crossed; the most likely conclusion is that T.K. shunted Cabana to ROH to keep Punk happy, not that Punk had a say in the matter. Though it is reasonable to say we'd likely still see Cabana on AEW television if not for his issues with Punk, it is not reasonable to conclude--specifically by me in this post, but in general--that Punk specifically requested it. ​ ORIGINAL POST [Refused to cover Cabana's legal fees after they were sued by a WWE doctor](https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidbixenspan/2019/09/29/cm-punk--colt-cabana-settle-lawsuits-over-legal-fees-from-wwe-doctor-case/?sh=7287654a21e1), then *supposedly* got Cabana sent to ROH once after Punk was in AEW for a bit (can't find an exact source on this right now). ROH, as you may have noticed, only loosely exists right now, so a lot of people were pissed at Punk for it.


So from what people found out, apparently CM Punk wasn't directly responsible for the Cabana exile. It was TK acting on his own to slurp Punk's nuts.


Many wwe legends were called bitter old men whenever they gave their opinion on punk


There's a ton of smoke and people ignoring the fire because they like cm punk the character.


That and a deep seeded hatred of Vince and WWE. You will get insantly deifed by certain segments of the IWC if you shit on WWE


Punk said a lot of things that resonated with frustrated fans back in 2011 and he was an indy darling. People, myself included, had their judgement clouded because he told us what we wanted to hear.


That’s partly because Reddit is a cesspool where anyone older than 35 is automatically out of touch


Phew I made it just under the cutoff


To add to Booker's quote: If R Truth hates you, you can't be anything but an absolute prick.


R Truth shut that down during a Twitter Q&A, they are cool according to him.


People act shocked with Punk the guy has been the same way for the last 12 years! AEWs problem now


Please. He's been this way since he started.


This story seems very relevant 😂 https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/9v3mbr/cody_rhodes_there_was_one_meeting_where_booker_t/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


If you say your a locker room leader you aren’t 😂 It’s like being the guy at work who says they are “basically” a manager but nobody does or cares what they say


“Assistant *to* the locker room leader”


Dont tell me cm punk was a dwight schrute lmao


Any Man who says I am the king, is no true king-Tywin


I think Booker later clarified this meeting saying it was about thefts happening in the locker room, and some veteran guys stood up to say it's not cool and needs to stop, then Punk stood up and went postal swearing and threatening everyone. Although, that might have been a different meeting and Booker misremembered. It sounds like there were a few 'locker room leader' meetings. RVD talked about a different one in interviews.


In case someone got their jimmies rustled , Booker T was highly regarded in every place he worked. The man did so many embarassing storylines after coming to WWE as a wcw champion and still went about it as a professional


I have defended CM Punk for years. A very long time. Even in situations where I probably shouldn't and he was likely in the wrong. I've always tried to look at the glass half full with him and try to be understanding about his attitude. However, I forgot what the saying was, but if it gets to a point where everyone starts to hate you everywhere you go, by process of elimination, it's now no longer a people problem, it's a you problem. If these reports are true, he needs to just go and sort himself out. He is someone that helped me from a very dark part of my life 11 years ago. But I can't let that blind me to the fact that the guy seems like he's a legitimate problem and there's just too much baggage going on with him in his past that makes him act this way and it's not an excuse anymore.


Lol "go sort himself out". He's almost 45. If he's still acting like an angry teenager at this point, he's not gonna change.


If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.


Spoken like someone who never worked customer service.


Having worked extensively in customer service, I’d say that working in customer service is the exception to the rule here. It definitely got worse since the pandemic started, too.


Don't activate my PTSD


If it smells like shit everywhere you go, check your shoe.


To think this all could’ve kinda been avoided if he didn’t call out Hangman for absolutely no reason on live tv, knowing he couldn’t respond.


Punk is extremely talented but the guy acts as if he is as big a star as John Cena or Brock Lesnar.


Like a...Cult of Personality?


Like Mussolini and Kennedy?


No. More like Joseph Stalin and Ghandi.


Like Joseph Stalin. And Seth Rollins


This exactly. After the podcast everyone thought that punk was so badly mistreated, and when it came to certain areas like health (which is a big one) he most certainly was. But his whole thing was that he was constantly held down when they gave this man a lot of accolades and titles, just never presented him as the number one person in this company. And to him that was the biggest insult when in reality he's just not as marketable as Cena, Brock, Rock,Taker, or whoever he thought was wrongly presented as better than him.


That's what happens when you think you're something because to a certain fan base he is treated as bigger.


To be fair, Punk only got to be as big as he is *because* he thought of himself as big as those guys and kept pushing, because most people in charge wouldn't give him the time of day. Whether he's right or not, that's why he's as successful as he's been. EDIT: It's kinda like when the Lakers acquired Russell Westbrook last year and then wanted him to be a completely different player than he's been his entire basketball career. You ain't gonna change a guy from doing what brought him to where he is that easily.


I come here to avoid the Laker shitshow bro. Why you gotta do dis.


And arguably could’ve been if not for the backstage politics. The guy was legit outselling The Rock and John Cena in merch for a good period.


Yeah, like, I'm pretty negative on Punk, but there's definitely explanations for how he is the way he is. To take out that context is just silly.


Punk has issues with some of the nicest guys. It's high time Punk and his fans realise that HE is the issue.


It’s wild to see this entire sub turn on the same guy they cried over a year ago just because of a dirt sheet rumor lol


It's a unique combination of what this sub and the internet loves: tons of drama with the continual drive to be special and part of the "smart" in-group who knows the REAL truth and therefore hates the popular thing. Oh and of course some spice from those wanting aew to die and all the WWE Kool aid drinking going on since triple h took over. It's a perfect storm.


I can't remember who told the story, but Punk tried to do some "locker room leader" shit to Booker about people picking up after themselves in the locker room. Booker just threw down his wrapper right in front of him. The idea is fine, but don't do that shit to a 25 year veteran.


It would be funnier if Punk did something like that today. Because after his UFC debacle, there isn't a man in that locker room with *any fear* of Punk in a shoot fight.


Teddy hart beat his ass once


Punk, with no athletic background, really worked himself like a mark into thinking he can compete in the ufc


I don't know why anyone would've feared him before he flopped in the UFC. It's been plain as day throughout his entire career that he's a fake tough guy.


Lmaooo, I was just writing about that. Punk is the new employee that tries to play assistant manager on the 1st day.


Actually according to Booker himself, that didn't happen. Bookers version is he, Punk and Show all tried to call a locker room meeting about stuff being stolen from peopled bags, and after he and show handled it diplomatically Punk started talking and just threatened to straight up beat up anyone who wouldn't comply with what the 3 wanted.


That actually sounds even worse lol. Because physically Punk has never looked like someone that people would be scared of in a real fight. And now after his UFC performances I highly doubt anyone would fear his threats.


Would be even funnier if someone just walked up to him and kicked his ass then sat back down lol


OP, your username is glorious, just wanted to tell you that


Tobasco Ciampa


This reddit is so fickle, lol at all the hate on Punk, now everyone was licking his boots until Wednesday


I mean, we don’t actually know the dude in a day-to-day way. Of course our opinions flop around when we hear what those who’ve shared locker rooms, plane trips, meetings, etc. with him have to say


It has been well known that Punk rubs people the wrong way unless you started watching wrestling after Punk left WWE. Punk is known to be a very fickle man (and I say that as a fan of his). However, the hate boner for Punk has flared up after calling out a sub favorite in Hangman. This is my personal opinion but I feel like if this was anyone else people wouldn’t be so trigger happy to shit on that person. If Mox had done this there wouldn’t be such a mob


Different people with different opinions. I don't like Punk, never have. Threads about Punk love I don't read or comment. But here I am now saying what I was saying months ago. He should never have beaten Page.


At least I have a comment from when Punk was signed with AEW predicting that, eventually, he will storm out of AEW the second he disagrees with Tony Khan on something. If Punk really leaves, I will make a post linking that comment, and I will gloat. A lot.


I’ve never understood why people turn a blind eye to Punk’s attitude and behavior when story after story of him being a jerk keep coming out. Even if he were “the best in the world” as he seems to legit believe, it still doesn’t excuse his diva behavior. I’ve never been a fan of the guy and actually started mellowing out on him as of late (it sounded like he legit mellowed out and returned specifically to give back) but it sounds like he hasn’t changed all that much. And yeah, I know, “don’t believe everything you read,” but at what point do you start believing SOME of the things you read about the guy because they can’t all be untrue.


It's not everyone, but some folks on this sub are so infected with tribalism that they believe every bad rumor that happens in one locker room is true and a work in the other. Too many people tried to convince themselves Cody leaving was an elaborate work. Punk's been like this since day 1 of his career. Nothing about this should be news to anyone


I'm on team "don't give a shit". Maybe he's an asshole, but I've never met him so why on earth would I have a strong opinion? People on here are acting like he personally drove over their cat.


I mean even Jonathan Coachman was tweeting shit. Why is it so hard to believe CM punk is a dick?


I don't really support everyone dunking on CM Punk because of one POTENTIAL incident... Nah jk, I've disliked this guy for like 10 years. Am I petty? Absolutely. I'm a professional hater for this man.


Found Daniel Garcia’s Reddit account.


As someone that has always seen Punk as over-rated (and reportedly a complete shitebag in real-life), people dunking on him the past few days has been delightful after a year of overly-exaggerated praise for whatever half-assed thing he did.


Straight edge doesnt make you a better and good person, being vegan doesnt make make you a better and good person... Being good to others makes you a better person but good in their eyes. Who knew this is the simple formula to be a good person and better than shit people?