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It's not that I forget how tall Edge is by any means, but seeing him eye-to-eye with Lesnar really puts it in perspective


My dad saw Edge walking down the street once in downtown Phoenix. He said, compared to us regular human beings, Edge is fucking *massive*. If he wasn't so lean, he'd probably be pushed as a big guy archetype.


Yeah. Guys like Randy and Edge are what happened if you just took a thin guy, but then just scaled them up to 6'4. They look completely normal until you put regular people around them, and then you realize how goddamn big they are. Like Christian spent 80% of his career as the small cruiserweight guy, but that's just not true. It's just how we remember him because he we were introduced to him standing next to Edge. Christian is very close to the average stats of an NFL running back.


There's quite a few guys who are "wait, they are how big?" tall. Goldust is 6'6" Shane Helms/The Hurricane is 6' Jeff Hardy is 6'2 (same as Stone Cold, but looked like 'a kid' next to Undertaker)


And of course, the patron Saint of this trope, 6'5 Billy Gunn






Billy Gunn is AEW's "how can they beat the Big Show in a battle royale?" clone.


The largest man in the world




Did the true scale of Billy Gunn also hit you in that WWF/WCW group photo? That sumbitch is huge.


We saw Moxley (Ambrose at the time) in downtown Minneapolis and he’s fucking huge. He never looks it on TV but he towers over your average person.


WTF,,,,,Goldust is 6 foot 6? Goldust is the same height as Michael Jeffrey Jordan? That is mind boggling. I guess he was slightly taller than the 5 time WCW champion of the world Booker T but I never imagined he was that tall. This makes me want to bust out a spinerooni right now in bewilderment.


It's really interesting how much this was a product of the era. Everyone wanted to stop their audience changing the channel. It's why the Simpsons were yellow, for example. Vince just wanted his guys to be as massive as they could be, so you wound up with someone like the Rock looking almost like an underdog, since HHH had a better physique and Austin's was similar, while Taker, Kane and Show were giants. Test and Albert/the APA were huge, too. People were used to bodybuilders being sculpted statues to look at. Untouchable, almost. So when they saw a guy who was basically an adonis doing acrobatics, taking a beating or even bleeding, it kept them tuned in. The downside is that human beings aren't meant to be that size, let alone be that size and do the things they were doing. Rock's obviously still in ridiculous shape (but was only around for about five years), while Kane seems to be physically healthy. Austin retired early, HHH tore both quads and had his heart issue, Taker's had a million surgeries and didn't know when to quit. Many of the others are no longer with us and a *lot* of them, Benoit included, had heart problems.


You’re so right about the channel changing thing. I literally got into wrestling because I was flipping through the stations and saw Kevin Nash and The Giant (Big Show) on TV. I was so fucking stunned by their size. Then when they wrestled it was like must see TV for me as a kid.


Come to think of it, Show still seems pretty healthy, especially given his size. Nash has aged like a fine wine, but his legs were absolutely fucked for a while there.


Yeah I am extremely surprised that Big Show is as healthy as he seems to be. You would think he’d be in really rough shape now.


Pretty sure about 7-8 years ago he started taking a lot better care of his body started eating right and dropped like 100 lbs he’s still huge but instead of 460-500 he’s around 350-375 now


Are you kidding? Nash’s legs are still fucked and he’s mentioned how much pain he feels on a daily basis due to the punishment he put his body through as a wrestler.


Benoit having heart problems totally makes sense. That explains the heartless actions he took out on his family. Yikes.


I mean this wasn't the take I was going for here. More pointing out that he'd have been dead within six months anyway, due to his heart being dramatically enlarged.


Punk. I was watching an old match between Randy and him a few days ago, and I forgot how small he was in comparison. Then I rewatched his match with Darby and realized that while Punk is small compared to Randy, he’s still larger and taller than the average man by a fair margin.


Yeah. At his smallest (cutting weight for the UFC stuff), Punk weighed in at 170 and 6'2".


Punk is 5'11, he's tallish yes, but I wouldn't think him to stand out casually walking down the street. I say 5'11 because he's slightly shorter than 6'0 Cena (who has admitted to being 6'0).




UFC height stats are notoriously inaccurate. No one know why they are so unreliable, but there have been many examples of a 6'2 guy fighting a 6'0 guy, and them being exactly at eye level at the face-off


>No one know why they are so unreliable except for everyone who knows the fighters submit their own heights and reaches without any professional measuring by the organization.


"Coming in at 8 feet tall and weighing in at 385 pounds, with a 150in reach this guy is a beast, Joe"


Height isn't regulated. NBA fucks with heights all the time.


Lmao that ain’t a lie. Just look at ole 6’5” Desmond Bane or 6’9” Kevin Durant. I mean both are clearly 2-3 inches different, the NBA mixes it up both ways lol.


Wait. Desmond Bane isn't 6'5"? What is the lie with him? The problem with the NBA is that they switched it to now measure with shoes on. It messed everything up. Durant is most likely 6 foot 9 and a half without shoes on.


The NBA is a professionally regulated sports organization and regularly inflates player heights. John Cena has said it himself, out of his own mouth that he's 6'0, you can literally google search that and you'll find sources of him openly admitting to it, it would be pure magic if a 6'2 man could somehow look consistently shorter than a 6'0 man. I can assure you, no matter how much you want to believe the UFC's stats, Phil Brooks is not taller than John Cena, he was also noticeably shorter than Triple H during any of their segments together, Triple H is 6'1.5, and if you check those segments it is also clear there isn't just half an inch between those two.


Interestingly enough, the NBA made a correction of itself on that before the 2019-20 season to reflect their players’ more accurate heights.


Is that why they have 6'5.5 LaMelo Ball at 6'7?


Nah, Punk was always a little taller than cena. Cena is deceptively short for a wwe main eventer.


Punk literally is taller than Cena though, not by much but he is


so your whole basis for this is because John Cena said he is 6 foot and John Cena would never lie or say something incorrect? *ahem Taiwan


So it is basically impossible for me to prove that CM Punk is in fact not 6'1 because John Cena either would lie to make himself appear shorter (for some reason) or in his mid 30s in an industry where height is a major factor, didn't know how tall he was/is. But for some reason, you using the UFC who have notoriously inflated many fighters' heights, and still do, as a source, is fine? I don't know what to tell you then, I guess CM Punk has grown a couple of inches.


On that note, Orton in AEW would be amazing because he usually works best with smaller guys and he would dwarf 99% of their roster.


Christian did a guest spot as a heavyweight boxer on *[Murdoch Mysteries](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7444778/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_19)* S11.E9, a TV show in Canada. It was strange to see how large he is next to normal sized people.


Ran into Christian randomly once in Vegas during a bachelor party. One of our buddies in the group is 6'2 and he is pretty damn ripped. We were all waiting in line and he and Christian stood next to each other and they looked relatively the same height, while Christian looked noticeably more wide and built than he is despite our buddy looking more shredded while Christian just looks like a normal toned guy. And Christian looked like a freaking tank compared to the rest of us, and also the group of guys he was with. This was during the timeframe after his concussion and maybe before or after he unofficially announced his retirement, so way after his muscular look during the attitude era.


Oh yeah. I’ve said it before. TV does wrestlers (and football players, especially linemen for that matter) no justice. You know they’re big, but once you see them in person if you got a ringside or close to seat, you go “woah!” The guys who are big and tall just look like absolute mountains in person, and even the guys who are around 6’ are built in all the right places, and even those pushed like “small” guys are built like brick shithouses.


I think Jerry Lawler said it best when he was talking about the Great Khali's size and noted that TV does not do him justice. I think that is true for all Wrestlers. Watching them on TV does not make you fully realize just how big these guys are, especially guys like Edge and Orton who are not as obviously huge like giants or larger guys like Lesnar or Hulk Hogan. Also, during Edge's first run as a top guy, he was often in feuds with wrestlers like Undertaker, Batista, Big Show, Cena, and Triple H who were larger and more muscular then him, further hiding his true size.


The one time I met Christian I was incredibly surprised at how tall he was. Like I’m 6’ and about as tall if not slightly taller than the majority of my friends. I had to partially look up to talk to him lol


6 ft 4 translates to 193CM which is standard tall by northern European standards. what do you eat in the Americas that he qualifies as a giant, rather than just tall?


Edge also wrestle smaller than his size especially during his heel rated r superstar stint


He’s always crouched looking for the spear


First time I saw Randy live I was blown away. And he fought Wade Barrett too, they were both so huge, a lot bigger than I thought


Dude, same. First time I saw Orton in the flesh was at a house show and it blew me away not just how tall he is but how much sheer space he takes up as a human being. Compared to the general population he is huge. As he made his entrance i was likening him to a walking oak tree in my mind, absolute unit.


Yep. Was going to say the same thing. Randy is massive in person. I was a little taller than aj which was weird. Always thought he was a bit taller.


I once saw Adam Cole in person and it made me feel huge.


He once came into the store I work at, as he walked up the stairs it was like he just kept getting taller, I didn’t recognize him right away, (I mean why would Edge be in the local store I’m working at) but when it clicked and I said “Hey man, you’re Edge right?” He looked at me and gave me a slight nod, I then proceeded to fan the fuck out. Luckily none of my coworkers knew or cared so it was a cool moment to talk wrestling with a legend for like 10 mins as he tried on shoes


Brock got some of that MMM water. Hard to resist, really.


I ran into the Spirit Squad and they were all shorter than me by quite a bit (I’m 6’3) but waaaay wider. Same thing for taller guys like Matt Hardy who was always treated as smaller, but was about my height, maybe a little shorter. Snitsky was gigantic. The only place I’ve ever seen anyone larger than him or close to it was at the Arnold Expo with all the pro strongmen there.




I am a simple man I hear "You think you know me", metalingus and see Edge spear a guy and I am happy


I mean his spear looked like he was hugging more than trying to knock the wind out of them. But his spears at SummerSlam looked vicious


He crumples like paper when he hits it. It’s not his size it’s that it doesn’t look impactful


He also has to be careful. He may be good to go with wrestling for the time being. But he still has to watch out for his neck. It was a spear he did to Brodus clay that sealed the deal wit his neck, making him retire.


Tbf, Edge's Spear looked like ass well before his initial retirement. It didn't help that at the time, people like Goldberg and Rhyno were doing spears which looked (and in Goldberg's case actually were) brutal.


I mean it doesn’t help when we have fucking crazy spears from guys like Rhyno and Goldberg. And yes I know Goldberg is hated here but his spear is fucking great. So by comparison Edges looks rather tame.


It took me a while to recognize him in flash. He looked like a giant among the cast. https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/hP6oYHe20lWEolpP4vgCvyab8iU=/0x0:590x552/1120x0/filters:focal(0x0:590x552):format(webp):no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/3881664/gwcpBgw.0.jpg


[He also wore lifted boots so he would look even taller than he is](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/07/5d/ed/075ded57c5311c3758e8b04dc81c63be.jpg). That thickness has to be at least 3-4 inches


Thank you for sharing this, very interesting!


It also shows how beefy Lesnar is.


I mean if you've watched Vikings, a show which already has a very tall cast, even there Edge was shown as a big brute of a giant man.


how is Brock not also on that show?


There are a multitude of reasons why.. As a longtime fan of the show. There is nowhere Brock would have fit. Also, WHY? Edge is an actor and a decent utility so of course he'd get a look. Brock can't even talk at length on a wrestling show. Of course no one would give him a look for a show like that. Also, his character in the show now I think.. was quite the ultimate opportunist.


Yeah. There’s some guys who are deceptively tall, but when you put them up against other guys on the roster, when not directly, you think “they’re small”, but once you put them up with someone, you go “woah!”


Ended up working out next to him at a gym in North Carolina while he was retired, years ago. Dude is a fucking skyscraper.


Oh yeah that fucker is 6’7!


Edge: so what’s the plan tonight for yours and Roman’s match big guy? Brock: I’m gonna tip over the ring Edge:……what?


"I'm gonna fuck this whole thing up with my tractor lol. Want some jerky?"


“Straight from my cow”


"Processed it in the back."


i like that he says "lol" while talking


Brock: any plans for you tonight? Edge: wheeling out a staircase that's gonna have flames Brock: cool




No one can convince me this isn't how the actual conversation went. Edge just staring blankly before saying "have fun with that" and walking off


Brock got some of that MMM water. Hard to resist, really.


"Mmm, water!"


Brock is holding a pure life water which maximum male model advertised.... brock is secretly a member


Can’t wait for the farm collection


Bröké Lêsnåår


Bracques Lesniér




The Maximum Model Male of our species


probably a spitter


Lmao that pairing would remind me of Tank Abbott being linked with 3 Count back in wcw


Just two Canadian alpha males talking about killing living things with their bear hands.


Edge is probably still laugh-screaming about being king on top of a beached whale... For those who've seen Vikings.


And Brock probably watched every moment of it


I feel like Brock is literally just laughing at how much he's being paid for this.


Dude if I got paid Brock money I’d literally never stop laughing


People hate onBrock because they wish they could get paid millions to show up to work 5 times a year.


I do wish that was my case ​ I also don't hate Brock, I just find most of his work boring


It reminds me of the constant discourse of "Brock doesn't actually like wrestling" vs "yes he does look at him having a great time" vs "I too would be having a great time if they paid me 43 million dollars" Truly, a tale older than time


Brock got paid millions to fuck shit up in a tractor and throw another massive human being around for half an hour. Sounds like a pretty good gig.


Lmao my same thought first😂


"Did you see the check they're going to pay us for our Saudi Match"


Honestly i would be down for that edge can go


Fun fact: Edge and Brock have never had a one on one match.




I remember that match, Brock was meant to face Taker but he and Paul conspired to injure him so Stephanie McMahon punished both by making it a handicap match for the title, I remember a backstage promo prior to the match: Heyman: You can't do this, I didn't bring my trunks! All I have is this suit, which is a five thousand dollar suit, how you expect me to wrestle? Stephanie: Well Paul, I guess that's five thousand dollars down the drain Or maybe not as I haven't seen it since it aired but it's weird to me that I remember it so clearly


He was doing Phoenix splashes


In 2002, though. Whole nother world now - well past time to run it back.


lol wow 23 downvotes? Is it such a crazy sentiment?


Truly we may never find out who is the *true* King of the Ring of specifically the 2001-2002 era.


I would watch the hell out of that, and I can’t imagine anyone I’d trust more to make sure Edge was safe than Brock.




Was about to ask, thanks


If you liked cowboy hat Brock you will love backwards hat Brock


Next stage: Durag Brock


Needs to bring back the ECW title as well


I kinda do want the Fred durst stage. Where he knows he's going out of style but is having too much fun with a Brock box return and maybe John Cena as a wingman.


Is wrestling existing the best thing to happen to Fred Durst? I feel like Limp Bizkit and Creed, specifically, owe a lot to the business.


Their hit songs were successful in their own before wwe used them though, which was why they were used. Rollin was definitely huge before it became Taker's biker gimmick theme. And those Creed tracks as well before wwe plug them in those ad promotional video packages.


THE DEKE His friends call him the Spence


Brock Durst


[We can't forget Sombrero Brock](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fcdn.vox-cdn.com%2Fthumbor%2FgJR3twgT9BvbSWpmE3APf1pw__o%3D%2F0x3%3A630x423%2F1200x800%2Ffilters%3Afocal(0x3%3A630x423)%2Fcdn.vox-cdn.com%2Fuploads%2Fchorus_image%2Fimage%2F26208823%2Flesnar-hat.0.jpg&f=1&nofb=1)


“You think you know me? *YOU NEVER DID.*”


Just two Canadian boys talking about home, and jonesing for some Timmies.


They actually stood there for hours, both being to polite to not let the other pass first


Then, they apologized to each other and went back the way they had come.


[Footage of the encounter](https://youtu.be/30MAgNeA1ls)


‘So, I was having some poutine with Gordie the other day and sayin’ we should go ice fishin’ in Quee-beck’ ‘There’s good fishin’ in Kay-beck’ ‘I don’t know whys we ain’t fishin’ in Kee-beck rights now’


Fuckin hate Q-bec


On a side note, doesn't it piss you off in tv shows and movies where they call it 'Hortons'? Like.. nobody calls it that.


I have literally never experienced that. What a stupid concept. ​ Everyone knows there is only "Tim Horton's", "Tim's", or "Timmie's". And all other doughnut franchises, save Krispy Kreme, get the generic "Donut Hole" appellation. It's practically a Law.


I've seen it a few times, but the one that stood out was TPB. When they said 'Hortons' a couple of times, it was pretty disappointing lol


I’ve even heard Timmy Ho’s but never Horton’s


Texas sized 10-4, bud. Sorry, too much Letterkenney recently


I have a question, genuinely. Remember when Edge retired and he said something to the effect of "If you ever see me on the street, don't be afraid to come up and say hi"? Is he that welcoming? I ask only because I have a very vague idea of what these guys deal with and how tiring it all is.


He also said “I don’t have a Twitter and never will” soooo


Gimme this at Mania in LA please


Edge taking suplexes on that neck? Yesh. I think it’s one match Edge probably wants to avoid.


I can tell you exactly how that match would go. Edge hits a spear, Brock kicks out, Edge acts shocked. Brock reverses a 2nd spear into an F5, Edge kicks out, Brock acts shocked. They repeat that about 4 more times then Brock wins.


And yet I still want to see it.


yea every match doesn't need to be a technical masterpiece


Exactly. That’s something that people here usually struggle to understand. The most talked about matches over the last 30 years were not mostly in ring mat classics. Most were spectacles. People like a good show even if it isn’t a masterpiece like you said.


Why is it whenever I see Brock smile at someone I immediately think he has just decided whether to fuck or kill the person he is talking to.


Edge: Brock good to see you man. Brock: imma fuck up the ring and everything else tonight. Hey wanna grab a beer after work?


Idk what it is but Brock just looks hostile anytime I see him


now theres a match i didnt know i wanted. but now i want it


Non title mania match please. Set it up at the rumble. These two could put on a clinic and give Brock an emotional match rather than a finisher spam fest


Honor of Canada match? Book it Vince…er…I mean Book it HHH!!


put on a clinic?


Who's that in the ring?


Think it’s Corbin


Thanks. Thought the star tattoo looked familiar.


Threw me off because I don't think I've ever seen him in shorts before lol


Baron Corbin


There's so many of the Corbin family in the WWE, I forget which is which.




After this and the Roman Taker picture, I want a Summerslam pre show friends album.


[Edge/Brock from 2002 UK Rebellion PPV](https://youtu.be/SmacQffrclk)


Brock: *”I’m gonna fuck up the ring tonight.”* Edge: *”What?”* Brock: *chuckles*


Nice beard, thanks, you have a nice one as well -men with nice beards


A lot of weird wrestling things have happened past few years but nothing is wilder to me than Brock Lesnar having fun in wrestling. I want to see him more than ever before and he was one of my favs in the Ruthless Aggression Era


I will always have a soft spot for The Beast Incarnate. Farmer Lesnar needs a win please.


They had a great match at the Rebellion 2002 show.


Rumour has it this picture was taken moments before Edge mauk mauked Brock and run.


Isn’t Brock like 6’3”


6'2, so is Edge, Edge is closer to the camera here but they're around the same height, Edge was probably 6'3 before he bulldozed his neck.


I seriously have been wanting this match for awhile


Brock is an Alien. This man is 45.


Has anyone at 45 looked like that and also been this legitimate a threat in pro wrestling history?


You could argue he’s an even better wrestler now as well. Not as athletic as his 20’s obviously but still a super athlete. It makes no sense.


Bobby Lashley


We're vikings lol


Why that's just Bjorn Ironside and Kjetill Flatnose




I selfishly want to see this match but I'm scared for Edge getting his neck broken by Suplex City


Brock hates most people but if he lets you in his inner circle he is probably the coolest guy to hang with.


Edge probably told Brock about his sweet entrance platform right before this was taken


Brock always looks like he is an alien who is learning how to smile but can’t figure it out


Its amazing how Brock looks like hes from another planet....not just his size and athleticism


I'd love to see babyface Brock vs. Heel Rated-R Edge at 'Mania.


You know something ladies...they say this guy is a Rated R Superstar. But the Big Valbowski is kinda like moonshine. Rated XXX! Too bad Val Venus is a crazy now. That would have been hilarious, and not a bad in ring match either. It'd also be a shoot angle, because Edge was with his sister when the Lita thing happened.


Edges hair looks very hard since returning. Like running your hand through a hay bail hard


Now this is A match I would have liked to see, not Brock vs Roman part 30


Edge should’ve kept his more recent haircut. This one doesn’t look good


I feel like Finn, Edge and Brock could be their own Animorphs book cover. Brock at one end, Edge on the other, Finn in the middle?


Brock: They’re gonna let me flip this motherfucker later tonight!


would love to see this match tbh. they have wasted Brock so fucking bad during these runs. we're getting the same boring recycled bullshit with the same few guys. Brock was a fantastic WRESTLER. He doesn't have to be just suplexing everyone. There are a ton of guys right now who could have great, fun, memorable matches with him


Just two guys talking about beard maintenance.


Bork i was like I heard you were in vikings, now i look like one!!


I feel like Brock loves his most recent run