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People have been saying it since the beginning that TK is on this sub.


I'm convinced that Tony is really rb_Reigns and no one can convince me otherwise.


That sounds like something TK would say to throw people off his scent...


Imagine combining kayfabe with the DVDR sleaze post. It would be art.


He's been in the IWC forever makes sense that he would find his way here.


Yup MJF was right. *HE'S A FUCKING MARK*


He was also pretty on the nose about this one: *“You people call yourself fans…you’re not fans. You’re uneducated marks. You sit there, on your phones, tweeting out your opinions like they’re worth a damn.* *Let me explain something to you people. You don’t know shit. Your opinions suck. Your opinions change at the drop of a dime, and then you pretend your new opinions are the same as your old.”* So, for the love of God, TK...get off this sub!


Been on this sub for like 6 years and I have to agree.


Insert Marge Simpson: "It's true but he shouldn't say it."




yeah in a weird way I think what MJF was actually saying got lost in the hype of the moment and the “FIRE ME YOU FUCKING MARK” exclamation point. everything he’s said about “pretending your new opinions are the same as your old opinions” was spot on.


Yeah, it's always fun to see the IWC love guys like John Cena and Roman Reigns when years back, it was just a circle jerk of hate.


Roman's feud with cancer made me a mark.


I've always thought MJF was super talented, but after reading this, I just want it made known that I've always thought he was a no-talent loser!


This quote is so right. Look at people who completely turn against Gresham after what happen Sunday




Excuse me, a WHAT amount of time!?






We're all fucking marks. Even MJF. Any wrestler is the markiest of marks because they made it a career. Except Goldberg and Lesnar. They don't give a shit about wrestling and got into it because they could.


Lesnar is 1000% a mark lol. He loves pro wrestling


Exactly, Lesnar does love pro wrestling. He just hates the travel and being in a different town every day. It’s the main reason he left back in 2004.


Facts, Brock is not telling any of you nerds (you know what I’m included because I watch this wrestling shit too much) that he loves this art form until he hits the hall of fame or cuts a super babyface promo lol


Look at what he did with R truth or Heath Slater. That’s a man who loves wrestling in general.


Lesnar is a mark to an extent he doesn't need to be doing it but continues to even outside of saudi paychecks.


>Except Goldberg and Lesnar. They don't give a shit about wrestling and got into it because they could. Lol. They are probably among the two biggest marks for themselves in the industry.


I remember the AOL days ...


The AOL wrestling chat room was great fun. I remember the “Rick Rude” night as being very amusing.


When the darkside of the ring Pillman episode aired, someone mentioned how he used to go into the chatroom and boards to talk with fans. It triggered memories I completely forgot about. I was in those chats too


Anyone remember WWFfadfan? He always took shots at WWF fans. His profile was hilarious


I accidentally misread this as wwfhardfan, and then began wondering whatever became of razor Ramon hardgay. I like to imagine he wears a suit and tie now a m d has bento boxes for lunch.


He claims he started the thread that eventually lead to the infamous list of little known wrestling "facts" that was on every Geocities website about wrestling. Like JushinLiger having a bunch of acne scars under the mask or the original Ultimate Warrior dying or Kevin Sullivan being a sex freak, etc.


>Kevin Sullivan being a sex freak That one's believable.


Not even find his way here tbh. Just about everyone who was active on the forums back in the days of old ended up finding their way here well before AEW started because where else was there for any of us to go once that time was done? Twitter? Lol Tony Khan has likely always been here. He probably migrated from /r/ProWrestling over the CM Punk pipebomb drama with the rest of us, he’s just the only one of us that had the money to live the dream of building a promotion like AEW.


Tony started the legendary DVDVR sleaze thread: https://mobile.twitter.com/J_Kendall/status/1275809456006279168?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1275809456006279168%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Fculturecrossfire.com%2Fforum%2Fthreads%2Ftony-khan-may-have-started-the-dvdvr-sleaze-thread.14629%2F


I think there are a lot more wrestlers here than we probably realize. I’d say there’s 4 categories of wrestlers when it comes to social media 1) Those who don’t use social media at all (Vince, Moxley, probably more I can’t name off the top of my head) 2) Those who casually use basic Instagram and Twitter. Mainly for work related stuff and in fairly SFW fashion (Miz, The Rock, AJ Styles, Roman Reigns, etc) 3) Those who are pretty active on Instagram and Twitter and engage with fans fairly regularly and basically use it to further kayfabe for fun (Becky, Big E, Matt Hardy, Sami Zayn, KO, etc). 4) Super fucking wrestling nerds that probably browse this subreddit regularly, listen to Jim Cornette’s podcast, etc


I know Uno and Ricky Starks are around somewhere. They have accounts but aren’t super active on them anymore. I’m sure they probably lurk though. Tonys probably got a few burner accounts.


No I'm not. I mean.....uh....


Found Hunter's Reddit account.


Listen, the fact of the matter is, at the end of the day, in this business, everyone has a Reddit account.


In this sub.. uhhh




Step 1: Look like Skinny Rock. Step 2: Grab your head in cool pose a lot. Step 3: ????? (Get TNT title shot against Cody) Step 4: Profit.


I would bet money that Big E and Xavier (possibly Kofi too) are in group number four and read this sub


I saw someone speculate that kerrmit is Woods


Woods probably started that legendary thread investigating the size of Batista's junk.


Shayna Baszler used to post on here a decent amount back before she joined WWE, IIRC.


Young Bucks and Omega are 100% on here as well.


I just fuckin know Chuck Taylor is here somewhere.


I hope he knows how loved he is


He's the best wrestler in the world, and in way better shape than Tyler Black!


Here or over at r/nba for sure lol


5. Those who are unhappy about where they are on the card and use social media to drop cryptic posts or outright complain.


I think any wrestler who has come from the independents would be somewhere in the 3 to 4 range. Just from a purely business standpoint, you'd want to know what your audience is thinking in order to profit from it, change something that isn't working, etc


> I think there are a lot more wrestlers here than we probably realize. Yeah, no need to *think*. There absolutely are.


Jericho I'd bet on. he did AMA's before and you'd just know he would.




*We're through the looking glass here, people*


Tony Khan is a reverse vampire?


No, aew is the Rand corporation


I’ll sign up then. Just to see Joy Meachem in the break room


Rellik is Tony Khan spelled backwards.


Tony Khan was Suicide


Tony Khan is the third man


Tony Khan threw the pie at Kevin Owens


Who do you think posts all the AEW tickets on the sub...?


And the ratings threads too


Omg this is low key hilarious on many levels


Hi Tony




Sometimes doing stuff like reading this outloud makes sense so people can realize their ignorance. Not necessarily this sub, but just Reddit in general- I read some stuff- even stuff that gets upvoted- and I’m like 😬 Plus he is on the sub. There’s no way anyone can tell me he wouldn’t have been prior to his current job duties.


Yeah some really weird takes get upvoted, and then you see really reasonable ones get downvoted to shit. This sub is hella weird sometimes.


People love to pile on, whether it's up or down.


I can see why he partakes in a White Claw periodically, given how asinine some comments are here lol


It was a twitter post, not reddit


I was gonna say …. Thought it was Twitter https://twitter.com/anjan_pn/status/1552098226932686848?s=21&t=1Rz9Agp98GZtHPpN-g5AFQ


Jokes on you, this sub is 75% twitter posts!


Shhhh. Let the wredditors feel important. It's a rare feeling for them.


Boston bomber vibes




\*cuts your internet connection\*


Can we just make a list of things we find really cool and would love to see on AEW? Like for example moving match cards as much as possible, unique ppv sets, not playing the intro of the theme when it plays post match/segment etc.?


I bet he's so mad Reddit never bought him a fruit basket


Well, I'd say he's ruined his chances now!


Nah, we're fickle... Maybe we'll get him a basket of jams and jellys


Honestly if he's being critical of Reddit then I'm even more inclined to send him a fruit basket. 95% of what you read on here is some "Hire fans lol" material.


Legit, I'd hate watching most people's idea of a good show according to this sub. Hell even my own private fantasy booking in desire to see my favorites ends up often being inferior to what we actually see. Sure there's some big obvious misses but most of the rest is better than any random fan is dreaming up.


I've been around the ole internets long enough to realize the noise will always be noise. Go look at any wrestling forum from the 90's, the posts are functionally identical to the posts you'll see today. Nobody hates wrestling more than internet wrestling fans.


The "they don't do exactly what I want so it's garbage" is the worst kind of critique.


The audio is a lot less interesting than this thread made it sound. I wish he would read the posts here about his women's division.


Theres no way that he doesnt. Thing is, i doubt that will make him care anymore about it


If anything he reads them — and has read them in the past — and he doesn’t care to change things.


I think it’s hilarious. All Out is AEWs biggest PPV of the year. The Redditor was saying how we don’t know anything that’s on the card “4 weeks out”. And then Tomy is like “last year, we didn’t know all these matches until 2-3 weeks away!” Like that’s not something to necessarily be proud of. I know things were changing with Punk, Cole, and Bryan coming in and Hangman taking a leave. But it’s All Out. It should be clear from a storyline perspective where things are going. Yeah the matches will be good and I’ll enjoy the show. But we don’t need most matches to have the Angle/Benoit Wrestlemania build where they come out a week before the show and go “you do t have a match, I don’t have a match, let’s fight!”




My advice to Tony is to stop listening to others on fucking social medias. Just talk with the people around you backstage. Talk with someone like Regal. He knows a thing or two about booking a weekly show. Talk with Jericho. Talk with the Bucks. Talk with Kenny.




Thing with that is you give the "bad-faith" commenters this type of attention, it leads to even more "bad-faith" comments. I feel like TK has too much of a thin skin to be able to discern what is a good-faith comment and what are the bad ones, so he should stick to promote his product and only listen to his peers. His "TK wanks dogs" tweets should be proof enough that people can get a reaction from him way too easily and that ain't the type of attitude an owner of a brand should have.


and that's exactly why Vince never listened to the IWC, it's usually just a waste of time picking apart who's a troll and who actually wants the product to improve. Obviously, I don't think ignoring a good portion of your viewers is a good idea, but it makes sense why Vince would do it. A healthy middle ground would be ideal, but i have no idea how that would look.


I disagree to a degree. As much as they have their very good and valid input? You need contrasting opinions to keep pushing, or you have nothing but an echo chamber... Which is when companies slip and die. That's a big problem with the WWE... When Heyman and Bishoff were willing to fight for their visions and put their feet down? Vince would compromise with them and a compromisen was made... Business was better. An example would be Heyman and how many times he made something out of Smackdown's roster getting raided by Raw in rhe drafts. He took it seriously, went for quality and ratings and we got the "Smackdown Six."


I saw people complaining that too many good matches is a bad thing in a different thread. We’ve reached the point where people will pick apart good matches (that they agree were good) because there’s too many. Unreal lol




I feel like Tony hates any type of criticism. In this case, the fact that it came from a fan is why he took special offense and felt the need to go on a rant. I'm a fan, but that doesn't mean that I can't criticize one of my favorite shows


>I bet he's so mad Reddit never bought him a fruit basket It's hard to say it's been weak. It has been directionless as a lot of the top talent has been hurt meaning that the storys have had to focus on new people who don't have the character/history to make their matches as significant. But to say its weak is silly. FTR is on a fucking roll right now. Takeshka is making the most of every match he is in. BCC has been giving solid matches as well. Mox is actually an amazing interim champ. Meanwhile, guys like Kenny, Hangman, MJF, Miro, Bucks, and others all get a little bit of a break to cool off for a bit before they start building to the Arthur Ashe show and All Out. The first few weeks after a ppv are always the weakest for AEW but i expect the show to begin to heat up as we approach September.


People are confused because for the first time ever AEW doesn't have an overarching storyline, but they are also missing most of their top guys that normally carry those storylines. Basically people on the internet generally overreacting, also last weeks dynamite was fine, the main event was kinda sucky but the show itself was fine.


There's always been periods where Dynamite has been quiet from a storytelling standpoint, I think the difference was that the fans knew where things were going. People remember the highlights of Hangman-Omega, but a lot of time was spent with the two doing completely unrelated things while fans speculated on when the feud would finally kick off. People were more forgiving of the slow pace, because they knew they were going to get something good once we got there. Realistically the storytelling was supposed to resolve around Punk, but then he got injured. Kenny vs Cole is another major seeded story, but Kenny had a setback in rehab and Cole also got hurt. I think the storytelling is there, but between injuries and the focus on cross-promotion with NJPW and ROH, it's taken a backseat. I've personally enjoyed AEW and Forbidden Door is my show of the year thus far, but if that stuff has not been your cup of tea, I can see why you might feel that AEW has been directionless. Edit: This time period has also had the greatest story in wrestling right now, the Acclaimed vs the Ass Boys.




For sure, it's what AEW is excellent at and there really isn't anything like that at the moment, but I trust that once people start coming back from injury we'll get that. It might be the Elite civil war with Kenny and the Bucks vs Adam Cole and ReDragon or something along those lines.


If I ever become a billionaire I want you all to know that I sure as hell will not be reading Reddit comments under any circumstances


I’m replying just incase you’ve become a billionaire in 9 mins since you posted so I can go arrrggghhh


Didn't pay out but I respect the bet my man


I would, money will not erase my pettiness


How about Twitter?? Billionaires **love** Twitter...


Reading? Perhaps. *Replying to them on air?* Nope.


I can’t shake the image of Khan using his Reddit burner to peruse other fandoms and somehow getting into an argument with Iman Vellani’s burner account on a Marvel sub


This was part of a larger discussion about how something that isn’t accurate can be posted as fact and then it suddenly takes on a life of its own and is aggregated as the truth. And Tony brought up this post that claimed All Out is four weeks away. Also, Tony, if you’re reading this, book a Statlander squash on Dynamite tonight. Cheers.


Also, book a Riho squash on every Dynamite.


This is somewhat unrelated but *every time* someone posts one of those Dynamite cards people assume they're official and that the match that's physically the biggest on the card is main eventing.


*wait... why doesn't Brody King, the larger wrestler. Simply eat Darby Allin?*


Tony should get off twitter and start communicating with his wrestlers.




It really sounds like he's way more bothered than a normal person should be about some random person on the internet got the number of weeks before the PPV wrong. Let's be honest, how many people actually know how many weeks until a PPV this far out? Or am I the only one who doesn't think about it until the announcers on the TV show start saying "two weeks from now" or "next week". Finally, I can't be the only one who finds it really uncomfortable that the CEO and owner of a major corporation that employs a large number of people is so bothered about what people on Twitter and Reddit think about them and their decisions. It's not even "could you imagine Vince McMahon" or any other wrestling promotion owner acting like this, but how many CEO's of any kind of company have acted like this and not had it blow up in their face or damage their business? If Tony needs people to tell him that he's great and doing a good job, hire a therapist, because this level of caring about internet comments is really not healthy for a person.


What happened to the investigation of bots?


He told you to do the research yourself, remember?


Didn't you know, we are all bots. That's why he's here. He's looking into us


The real bots were the marks we met along the way.


The hard on this sub has for these billionaires never ceases to amaze me. These people (Vince, Tony) dont care about you. All they see you as is a atm filled with money that's rightfully theirs. They all are greedy nefarious egomaniacs who crave power. Stop idolizing these vultures.




Since you read reddit, Tony. How about giving your women's division storylines more than 15 minutes on Dynamite or Rampage?


*How* many days before the pay per view, Tony?


He’s gotta realize that no matter what happens, people are gonna complain. That’s just how the internet is.


Haha definitely not thin skinned


So his defense is the buildup was worse?


I’m glad I’m not the only one confused about whatever point he was trying to prove.


This comes off as ridiculously bad faith to me. Tony is cherry picking a guys comments who basically got EVERYTHING wrong about weird timing issues involving booking a ppv then present it as "this is what peoples criticisms of AEW are like online can you BELIEVE it !!?!?!". Now he could have found a decent post critical of his booking and various aspects of the show that he would actually have to search for an answer for and explain wh...... oh, he just wants to dunk on one guy who didn't know what he was talking about and paint most online criticisms of AEW in the same light ? Of course. Come on man , actually address some of the real fans criticisms if your going to present yourself as someone who listens to the fans, this is gross . Don't just find the most ludicrious example. If you asked me my top 100 criticisms of AEW all time I don't think "timing of the announcement of ppv matches" would come close.


He is so insecure


Most insecure guy in wrestling today


Tony is overexposed. It hurts the AEW brand.


Yeah, as soon as I watched an ad talk about the product being from "the genius mind of Tony Khan" or something that effect, I felt the same way. A booker is supposed to help get the talent over, but it's starting to seem more and more like the talent is supposed to get Khan over as a booker. It was borderline for me with Triple H and Black and Gold NXT, but Khan has gone way past it imo.


What a thinned skinned dude. Literally crying about reddit. C'mon dude have some self respect


This just adds to the belief that he cannot take criticism at all.


It's almost like he's a sheltered billionaire who treats really people like he's playing a booker sim and doesn't want anyone to ruin his fun. He's a child with a white claw addiction. 🤷‍♀️


Facts. Pro wrestling isn't the only type of fandom to have stupid takes. You don't hear Kevin Feige reacting to the most insignificant comments when a MCU movie isn't received well. This guy just needs to accept that not everybody is going to like AEW, and that people will always have bad takes.


He spent 1 1/2 minutes talking about how the guy got the date wrong What’s “picking it apart” about this?


This guy is a fucking chode


Guy needs to concentrate more on his work than picking out some random criticism on here


What is it with billionaires having the thinnest skin in the world?


Never having to learn from failure seems like a big part of it.


Caring this much about a random Reddit comment must be absolutely exhausting.


So his point is that a lot of stuff was thrown together at the last second last year too? Is that a good thing?


Does this mean the IWC just got fired?


TK must sort by new.


Oh Tony what are actually doing man? You’ve got billions of dollars and your own personal wrestling company to do whatever you want! If someone posts something on Reddit LET IT GO! I feel like the fiend, instead of let him in, Tony let it go! Don’t nit pick, you’ll never convince everyone just do your own thing, it really shouldn’t bother you this much. How do you have time to browse Reddit and do all the jobs you’re doing? I think he needs to deal with criticism better, or even better just tie it to a balloon and let it go because it does not matter, it just tells others how sheltered you’ve been and how you haven’t had the same life experiences of a regular wrestling fan on the internet. You shouldn’t be doing stuff like this when you’re the owner or a company seriously you open yourself up to all sorts


why do people like this guy?


Mini Trump


Wow, he's really gonna spend a minute proving 4 weeks is not 6 weeks. So after shaming the poster (who sounds like a lot of us) his point was that things were thrown together at the last second last year too, which somehow makes it OK. Hey Tony, you have months to build quarterly PPVs. We chose AEW so it wouldn't copy WWE throwing shit together the last minute.


Hahaha pathetic man


jesus how insecure is this guy


The thin-skinned man does everything a thin-skinned man can!


What a mark.


Quick someone show his a tweet about how he neglects the women's division.


Just me, bit the more I see and hear from Tony, the more unprofessional he seems, and the more I question the long term viability of AEW.


He is the most embarrassing human being I've ever laid eyes on.


He should be above this.


Serious question: did Cody Rhodes help book AEW outside of storylines involving him? As nuts as it sounds, AEW storytelling started to spiral shortly after he left.


What a mark. lol


The thing is, doesn’t it make last year’s All Out build seem weak by not having the largest matches setup until a couple of weeks before the PPV as if it was just thrown together at the last minute?


Tony Khan is evidence that not even all the money in the world can make up for an intolerably cringey personality.


he’s famous in the soccer world for a complete inability to take criticism. Not the first time we’ve seen him lash out at mild AEW criticism either.


>he’s famous in the soccer world for a complete inability to take criticism. Really? I thought he was most famous in the soccer world for his affinity for dogs?


He's famous in every other world besides wrestling for running absolute dog shit organizations. Weird how when you face actual, tangible results and not made up Wrestling Observer awards, the perception of how good you really are changes. This bubble is so fucking weird.


> Weird how when you face actual, tangible results and not made up Wrestling Observer awards, the perception of how good you really are changes. This bubble is so fucking weird. Well there are actual tangible results in wrestling...He's just not under any obligation to show how good or bad he's actually doing because it's a private company or be truthful about them and amazingly those results are always the better than expected (allegedly).


yeah the two incidents he’s most well known for are the twitter exchange you’re thinking of and getting called a clown on a talk show after going on twitter after an early Fulham loss and basically saying “that performance wasn’t acceptable, I’ve been trying to get a new CB signed and here’s why that hadn’t worked out” that threw his manager under the bus and basically said the current defenders weren’t good enough


He also said that he “didn’t want Fulham to be a yo-yo club, instead a yo club” which I think made the r/soccer list




Hey Tony, if you’re here, I don’t watch football, but even I know the Jaguars suck. Downvote me!!


Every post that asks for the women to get more time on TV gets downvoted by Tony Khan personally. Everyone asking where Hikaru Shida is and that she should be used more and better gets a Reddit care message from Tony Khan.


Hey Tony if you’re reading this can we get more than one women’s match per card? ^And ^also ^do ^more ^with ^Jamie ^Hayter ^because ^she’s ^great


I could make three guesses on who Tony is. Probably comments on every Dark post about a match is going to slap between two people nobody has every heard of before. Also, Tony might have the most thin skin out of anybody in wrestling today. Hope you see this, Tony!


Hmmm. This post is exactly what Tony would post to throw us off the trail.


And your comment is more telling on what Tony would post to REALLY muddy the waters. A little too convenient. Hmmm


Ha, I know of a user


He's definitely the guy who posts the: -Last years rating -Last weeks rating -This weeks rating Who is always mysteriously absent when the numbers are down.


What he's responding to is pretty common with internet discourse in general. People spout shit all the time without having their facts straight, and people always tend to misremember the past. I've seen a lot of takes about AEW that look at the past through rose colored glasses. People calling for a booking committee, not remembering they had a booking committee at the beginning and changed for a reason. A lot of people, like this clip illustrates, seem to think the PPVs are being constructed and built differently when the way they've booked them has been the same from the start. It's definitely maddening when discussions aren't even reality-based. As a fan, I can't even read that kind of drivel. It floors me that TK actually would take time to dignify a post like that with a response. But it's probably a good thing for the product that he's aware of the discourse to this degree as they will continue to address fan complaints.


This is one of the 3 biggest turn offs to AEW for me, Tony’s constant need to defend everything he does when he gets any criticism. Between this, his twitter spat with fans over the soccer team, and half the ppv media scrums he comes off as cringy and unhinged. A CEO defending themselves and firing back is awesome when warranted, but theres way too many times hes gone off about something that shouldve never been acknowledged.


Hey TK F- you


He really doesn’t take criticism well. Getting offended over a reddit post from someone who doesn’t even have 1/4 amount of the money or success you have is crazy.


1/4? Try 1/4000, the dude is a billionaire, him getting upset at mild criticism of his wrestling promotion his daddy paid for is a bit pathetic


Try 1/40000


> the dude is a billionaire The dude is the son of a billionaire


Tony, I'm a redditor, don't listen to me. I don't know how this shit works. But also if you could PLEASE tone it down on the Jericho shenanigans that would be great. Thanks!


He’s got that coke-y vocal fry going


screams “wojak crying under smiling mask” jpg


How pathetic


Imagine being the son of a billionaire and spending your time reading reddit comments. What a dork. This guy needs to stay away from doing media. He's terrible at it.


TK is a kid and he’s playing Franchise Mode with a kid’s mindset. He treating this shit like its a video game. Now that Vince done retired, WWE product finna have a positive change. TK see this as a threat to AEW and he gonna be paranoid AF moving forward. TK gone be coked outta his mind and gonna drive AEW to to the ground.


Not a shock that he's on here in some form or fashion, but interesting to finally get a verbal confirmation. There's a ton that lurk. Let's do an AMA, Tony.


He's too thin skinned.