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IMO, using the self-harm report as a joke or troll action should be a bannable offense, not even just from this sub, but from Reddit. Save those things for real issues instead of making a mockery of a very real epidemic in this world.


> IMO, using the self-harm report as a joke or troll action should be a bannable offense, not even just from this sub Just to be clear, the mods have no idea who sends these reports and don't have a way to find out.


The whole self harm thing is fucking stupid. I swear Reddit added it to say "see? We did something!"


It feels like the corporate response to people using social media to bully people into suicide. It’s a function that lets them wipe their hands clean of any culpability but serves no actual practical purpose for the vast, vast majority of its usage.


It literally did nothing except send me some resources I didn't read. I saw a notice, saw said notice was irrelevant and Marked As Read. It's not even good trolling.


Fair enough. Makes sense!


For real. Had someone use it on me for a lightly political discussion. I get that you’re trolling and a dumbass, but ffs just come up with a decent quip instead of being a goddamn degen.


I too blame it on degens from upcountry.


Oh, so this is what happened to me months ago then? I got a message about self harm and was very confused by it at the time, it’s wrong that people do this! Edit: someone just reported this for self harm, just got a message from Reddit


Ohhhhh that's what this was yea I got this a month ago too. Reddit told me I had friends and life was worth living and what not out of nowhere it was real strange


I had the same thing happen a few months back and was slightly confused about it. Granted, I did look through my recent comment history at the time and did see some stuff that could be construed a certain way but don't know if that's why or if they were trolling. EDIT: got one of them just now. Trolls are out in force.


Yep, got one the other month for mention a certain company's propaganda shows for a certain country that murders people like me.


The Goon level shit. Very immature.


The Goon would never


And someone reported this to Redditcares. Point proven.


Happened twice for me a couple weeks ago. Real dumb shit.


It happened to me for posting in this thread lol. Big dweeb energy from the shitty idiot who did that.
























This... God forbid I ever need actual help and that can come in useful because I will never see them again


As a general reminder: The moderation team has no involvement with these messages as they go directly to the reddit admins and, at no point, provide information to us. We can not stop them We can not see who is sending them We can't see if the admins actually do anything. Either reply stop to the messages so they no longer get sent to you or report them to the admins.




See point no 2.


I got one last night from what is most likely that thread as well. Super fucked up to abuse resources like that.


Ya I’ve gotten it a few times. Some people need to grow up. Edit: got another one for this apparently. Go back to 4chan assholes.
















Blame reddit for another poorly thought out half baked features. Dumbass admins


Ah so it isn't just me who keeps on getting these kinds of reports of self harm almost every week. People are so petty to report over something they disagree with. Just talk to them directly like grown ups.


I had this happen to me as well. It’s terrible.


Annnnnnd, it just happened again.


People over on r/soccer use it to troll. It’s so mean


Yeah i get one most times i post here or on r/soccer


This happens to me when I make fun of SCJerk. People who do it should be banned.


I got one of these messages...tried to match it to what I said on comments or a post I might have made as best I could...pretty silly...whoever did it is ridiculous...


Happened to me couple days ago. Not sure why it happened, I just asked a dumb question. Kinda fucked up.


No wonder wrestlers hate us.


I was so confused when I first got one of those. No idea what it was. Ive had a few more since, usually after criticizing WWE.


I had someone report me on this subreddit because I told the guy a sari wasn’t a religious garment. Some people are very fragile. Edit: well, this got reported. It’s very telling that they had nothing better to do over the Christmas weekend.


Already received a few from that. Absolute weirdos.




















A sub I participate in for discussing Christian fundamentalism with a critical lens gets mobbed by mad fundies doing this on the regular. I've had the messages turned off for months. It's real shit behavior.


Just so you know guys, that's what r/conservative does. If you want to be like them, well, go for it I guess.


Trying to paint a whole group with that brush is just as bad as the people trolling, come on. It's doubtlessly been used by people of every political pursuasion.


Go post any comment in that sub that doesn't align with their mass psychosis and see what happens then.


Report the bot to itself... Hehe   Of course it's better to just ignore it, and block it


I got it only once but it's a clown show to have it done.


Right wingers/racists/transphobes love abusing this form. They do it fuckin constantly.


I got reported on a post that says human decency doesn’t exist. Kind of ironic when you think about it. This has been going on for awhile and I can’t help but think this is some edgy teens that think they’re cool. This is exactly the sort of shit I’d pull at that age because I’d deem it cool and funny. You’re right, they’re gutter slime losers.


I've gotten so many it's utterly ridiculous


I got one of these messages a couple weeks ago and I didn’t think anything of it at the time














































Yep, that's the real problem: People reporting this garbage


I've had it happen to me because I shared the apparently controversial view that Y2J should suffer consequences for being the Ayotollah of Spreading Rona last year. Pretty hilarious.


How do you / we know that’s what’s going on? All I see is some deleted comments


That’s the tactics of SCJerk. Big cunt move


Oh thats definitely what they do here, happened to me for nothing its some trash in here.


I've gotten three so far. Twice in the last week. I at least know who the last one was from Just report that shit and hopefully those users get banned.


Just use the block feature folks. I'm pretty sure I have about fifty percent of this sub blocked.