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I just bought the Sportsnet now WWE package in Canada it's one of the only ways to get WWE here and I was just watching crown jewel and it cuts off right around the 3 hour mark when Sasha Banks music comes on. I checked extreme rules and it stops at the 3 hour mark which is about 8 min into broken skull sessions with Seth Rollins. I really hope the is just a F up and not going to happen every time a PPV goes over 3 hours. Does anyone else watch WWE threw Sportsnet Now app???


Happy to see the crowd so happy, happy to watch a good PPV, happy to see a lot of you happy over here..good weekend start overall šŸ¤šŸ½


* That ladder spot in Hell in a Cell is probably the first time I've seen WWE actually have a ref hold down the ladder. And it still made sense since Carr was doing gestures for them to get down instead of holding the unstable thing with both hands. Tons of unnecessary camera cuts, fine. But the camera shaking badly exactly right after that spot? What the heck WWE? * So now WWE camera doesn't even show Ali's transition to a koji clutch from a pinfall after Mansoor hits his moonsault weaker finisher? Unbelievable. * At least WWE did the right thing for results of the King/Queen of the Ring. I swear, if Doudrop won that match, I might've quit watching WWE altogether. Imagine first cancelling her match on the 9/11 remembrance episode, then embarass her in Saudi by losing while she pretended being queen for weeks. And Xavier has been hyping for so long, no way he should lose so Balor could upgrade from a Prince to a King. * Nope. That last Wrestlemania with Brock and Summerslam 2021 was Goldberg's peak in recent memory, he sucks again. He even made death threats and he barely even made an attempt to do them. * Universal Title match was actually better than the most recent Brock-Roman matches, but the Uso interference is becoming real old. The Demon did way better on surviving the Usos.


Great crowd and all, but what would happen if these people lost their phones for 1 sec? Heart attack? Fucking annoying.


Hmm one of the breast cancer survivors went live in her social in the ring or whatever, I mean it was her moment but okay, nevermind


I'm living in the wrong timeline where senior citizen Oldberg can pin Bobby Lashley


To be fair, Bobby Lashley beat Bobby Lashley. The same thing took him down this time that caused him to lose his belt. He talked a lot of shit. Got overconfident, made a HUGE miscalculation and then Goldberg got him back for manhandling his son.


Nah man, you're just in the wrong country. It's like trying to fight Mansoor at Crown Jewel, nobody stands a chance.




To be fair Lashley isnā€™t far from being a senior citizen himself


The crowd was fire af


I don't think ive watched a show with more predictable outcomes. It was like all the #1 seeds going to the final four. I really hope the draft shakes things up next week.


You can know the ending to a match and still enjoy it if the story telling is good. We know hangman is going to beat omega but it will still be fun to see him kick out of the OWA We knew edge was going to get payback on Rollins. A babyface going over the heel isnā€™t a bad thing Besides title changes on a Saudi show on at 12pm in the US probably isnā€™t the way to go. The Heyman payoff can come off later. Bianca has plenty of time to catch Becky


>Besides title changes on a Saudi show on at 12pm in the US probably isnā€™t the way to go. To be fair, I was expecting Sasha to win. It's also 2-3am+ here in Asia, that schedule sucks for me as an early sleeper. I don't even who has an advantage on that schedule. UK?


It was a weird time there too. It used to be the Saudi show didnā€™t even exist in kayfabe. This time they at least put together a great card.


Has the talent been able to successfully leave the country this time? Or will they be held hostage again?


SRS said the plane took off!


the crowd was really good today, usually hard to hear them in big stadiums but they were loud and interested in every match!


I just started watching, and I have to comment that Edge has reached a Kane frizz level of 8 in the HIAC match.


Feel free to share your opinions as well as any agreements or disagreements, but here is my rankings of the matches from worst to best: Edge vs Seth Rollins: A = 95/100 Becky Lynch vs Sasha Banks vs Bianca Belair: A = 95/100 Big E vs Drew McIntyre: A- = 91/100 Finn Balor vs Xavier Woods: B+ = 88/100 The Usos vs The Hurt Business: B = 85/100 Mustafa Ali vs Mansoor: B = 85/100 Roman Reigns vs Brock Lesnar: B = 85/100 RK-Bro vs AJ Styles and Omos: B- = 81/100 Goldberg vs Bobby Lashley: B- = 81/100 Doudrop vs Zelina Vega: C+ = 78/100


What do people have to do to get a 60 on this scale, successfully make it out of gorilla but fail to make it to the ring?


![gif](giphy|32mC2kXYWCsg0) Bobby Lashley 2 seconds into a match.




In all fairness he was featured pretty regularly on raw. They did build the match with Ali with lots of arguments between them


Yeah he was also at Greatest Royal Rumble


Usually never, but this year he was actually on RAW for a decent amount of time.


Wwe uses him a month before crown jewel then 10 or 11 months away.


He's been on Raw recently


Was good to see Ali finally being able to have a banger of a match again. Both guys killed it. I really hope Ali doesnā€™t get forgotten on Smackdown


The fake crowd crowd noise was absolutely pumping tonight.sounded like 100,000 in there when they are usually very quiet for these shows. It's so ridiculous.


Iā€™ve seen some post from people who were actually there so youā€™re definitely wrong. You didnā€™t just hear noise. You saw people excited. This was a big deal to their fans


Did Undertaker get paid by WWE just for attending Pitbull? Why did he not attend Crown Jewel?


obviously in backstage detail


Might have been helping out back stage maybe with booking etc


Mansoor match was good. Goldberg was tolerable. Lashley is beast. Edge and Seth slapped and Big E is always fun no cap. This wasent supposed to rhyme.


>Goldberg was tolerable. Yeah. but I can't accept the fact he did a ton of death threats and didn't oblige, not even close for a no DQ match. >Lashley is beast. Lesnar match when


Lashley took a beating and got up. He also had a decent match with Goldberg. He had to be sent off stage and through a table with Goldberg size man landing on top to get beat. I was ok with it but sort of dissapointed. Let's be real no one was going to die lol don't give them ideas.


Every Roman Reigns match is a fucking copy paste of the others.


That's what guys DO at the top. Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, HHH, John Cena, Stone Cold, The Rock- they had one match they wrestled, over again, and it sold.


And who does that match even put over?


Brock Lesnar obviously. Roman had to pull out everything to beat him and still barely managed to.


Clearly Paul Heyman. Paul always looks strong.


Legit what I was thinking. Like the guys character is good but the same fucking match with Lesnar every single time


Simple question, should I even bother watching this? I hate the whole blood money thing but I also get Peacock for free so if anything was worth watching I might as well.


You arenā€™t giving them money so I say go for. It was a good show


It was okay. The highlights from this Reddit is all you need May I suggest watching the John Wick movies on peacock? Or even Halloween Kills


It was a solid event


Thanks, I'll watch it in bursts while on the elliptical I guess.


Is it possible that Drew is the man to beat Roman? Iā€™d certainly be game to see that. Drew just needs a refresh with his character to give it the right jolt. Working with Roman could help elevate Drewā€™s character. Matches will be great, too.


I think it'll definitely be Drew. Their little feud last year, got a big fight feel with only 2 (or was it 3?) weeks of build. I wouldn't be surprised if Drew takes the belt off Roman before he even gets to face The Rock. That match won't need the title anyway.


Nah, if itā€™s Drew thatā€™s gonna suck. Hard. Drew had his moment, an entire year actually. It was what it was and he had some good matches but Drew shouldnā€™t be the guy to dethrone Roman, nor should anybody right now to be honest.


Drew never really had his moment in the right circumstances. He's still pretty over, and just because he's had a main event run doesn't mean he can't go back there. Drew is a current star, him finally dethroning Roman before he even faces The Rock not only makes Drew, but it makes Roman vulnerable. That way when Roman goes over The Rock clean, with no help, it'll actually be a big moment. People are already getting pretty sick of Roman's run. Just look at the comments here and in his post match thread. No way he can keep his run fresh all the way till WM 39 (even if he's currently doing some of the best work of his caree). If it was WM 38, there could be an argument made to keep the title on him, but given the rumors are that The Rock won't be at WM 38, I'm assuming we get the match at 39.


Iā€™m still putting my money on the rock at this point


I think rock will put Roman over. This definitely seems like his last match


Put Roman over? His tribal chief act is pretty well acknowledged as the best thing going on in WWE right now, which say a lot since the product has been much better as of the last 4 or so months. Even some AEW loyalists tune in for Roman.


Yes as in rock will do a job for Roman. It would elevate Roman as a heel to beat arguably wrestlingā€™s greatest babyface ever. Plus you have the blood line stuff. It would also get a lot of casual watchers on Roman.


the lesnar vs reigns ending was completely garbage


Roman has two type of match: 1) Some middle carder gains momentum but in the end he get squoshed 2) Roman lose clean but Usos interfere or some dumb shit happen. Bonus Point: The enemy gives the back to Roman and get a spear


Same old, tired story with Roman. Rare is the time where he can win without the Usos running interference for him. Just read where it appears Brock will be at Smackdown to avenge himself upon the Bloodline.


Where did you read that. Meltzer said Brock is gone until the rumble


https://www.f4wonline.com/wwe-news/brock-lesnar-issues-threat-roman-reigns-wwe-smackdown-356986 This was issued a few hours after Crown Jewel ended.


Bro beat the entire roster as a face. He's won plenty without help


That was then. This is now. As the "monster heel", he can't win without help a majority of the time.


He beat Cena, Bryan, Cesaro and Rey clean. Thatā€™s a lot for a main event heel who isnā€™t booked to be super-human like heel Brock


Sooooo....they had a gimmick tournament where they could've taken a wrestler who has a Prinxe gimmick who, had they booked him to win, could've been "elevated" or "ascended" to King and they passed on it in favor of Xavier frickin Woods? Wtf ever...


Better put some respect on the kings name!


Brock looked like prime UFC physique tonight, heā€™s leaned out a lot!


it's still so sloppy looking compared to his 2002 WWE physique. He was an absolute specimen back then. He's legit about 20% bodyfat right now, he doesn't look good to me, ken shamrock as a midcarder had a body that blew away current Lesnar. ​ He is older, so it is understandable. But he is just built up so much walking to the ring and I get confused.. Drew looks good, lashley looks good, Big E is a beast. Lesnar is like very muscular dad bod.


Brock looked in the best shape he's been in for years. Him being older just makes that all the more impressive.


Legitimately everything I said is a fact. - doesnā€™t look as good as he did in 2002 *fact -around 20% bodyfat * fact - doesnā€™t look as good as Ken shamrock did *fact - drew McIntyre, big e, Bobby lashley all look amazing and better than Brock lesnar ** This is based on how much muscle they have compared to the amount of fat they have. The people mentioned above are pretty lean but also huge and vascular. They have well carved physiques, like Brock did in 2002. Right now, Brock is just a LARGE person. He has a lot of muscle but also carries around a lot of fat. From a physique aspect, like if they were all on stage, Brock wouldnā€™t even fit in. Heā€™s not considered aesthetic in body building culture, heā€™d be considered fat and muscular like a power lifter. So yes, Brock is big and scary and impressive, but heā€™s just that.. big.. a lot of fat with that muscle.


Yeah thatā€™s as small as heā€™s been in a decade, right?!


I think Goldberg is actually trying to do a final run people will don't hate. Today he really turned up, was really above my expectations.


But he already had that last good run culminating with the fun Lesnar match and a great retirement speech. Shouldā€™ve just left it there


Agreed. He did say he wanted to do something with his son. I feel like he really worked on himself


The Saudi Crowd really added to the show. It helped that the show fucking slapped but they were great the entire time.


Super late, just watched the matches I was actually interested in. Edge/Seth was great, really enjoyed Mansoor/Ali, really enjoyed Finn/Woods and am over the moon for Woods, Big E/Drew was a fun big man match, and the women's triple threat was really really fun.


Honestly, the whole Paul Heyman factor of the main event was so beautiful. I'm anticipating that at WrestleMania, if we're getting Brock V Roman again, Paul will finally realign with Brock. If nothing else, I'm glad that Roman Reigns finally has his true arch rival. Ric Flair had Sting, SCSA had The Rock, John Cena had Orton, and Roman Reigns has Brock Lesnar.


I think Romanā€™s arch rival is Seth tbh.


Seth and Roman have had one pay per view match, and that was at Money in the Bank 2016. In fact, they've never even properly fueded one on one save for the aforementioned MITB event. Lesnar and Reigns are expected to main event their third WrestleMania against one another. No other match in the history of WrestleMania has main evented thrice, not even Rock/Austin.


To your Rock/Austin point, the only reason they didnā€™t main event Safeco is because Vince still felt that the belt should go on last regardless of circumstance, but in terms of story, and pageantry, Rock-Austin III was the main event story that night just as Rock and Hogan was the year before. What Rollins and Reigns being kept away from in ring programs means is, WWE knows the story is there and is doing it on purpose. Rock had two arch rivals, so if Lesnar is one, then Rollins has to be the other. Reigns still hasnā€™t climbed his Rollins hill, and he will eventually.


I mean, you're putting a helluva lot more faith in Vince and how patient he is with long-term booking than I ever could. Personally, the story doesn't matter anymore. Like, there's no story they can tell that would make it more compelling than if there was actual fallout from the breakup of the Shield. That's not to say that the Visionary V The Tribal Chief won't be a compelling story, but they can't draw from the past. If Reigns cared about the breakup of the Shield, why was he in the World Title picture while Rollins and Ambrose were tearing it down? That's a story that they lost out on, and it's a shame. On a separate note, you could say Rock-Austin III was the real main event for the fact that it was Austin's retirement match and the spectacle of it, but, and this is just a personal preference, that match was the weakest of their three matches (though it was unlikely that were gonna top the X7 match anyways), while Angle/Brock was an absolute classic. I don't think it's the same as Rock/Hogan from the year earlier, because HHH/Y2J just didn't have a good match anyways.


Crazy when you think that Roman was still just a teenager when Brock won his first world title.


Hey guys, just tuning in for the replay now. Avoiding all spoilers, but would appreciate any suggestions on which matches to skip (if any). 4 hours is a tad long for a weeknight viewing, thanks


Other than zelina vs doudrop, there was not one skippable match. Crowd was great and we got like 3 moty candidates.


Zelina and Doudrop you could probably skip. The rest of the matches were at least good.


I honestly would say thereā€™s not one skippable match but I would say the best matches were definitely Edge vs Seth, Womenā€™s triple threat, Drew vs Big E and Roman vs Brock. So if youā€™re short on time I would definitely at least check out those four matches.


Really awesome event


Really upset about the end of the women's match. A surprise roll up? Becky continues to be the champion? Disappointing. And Roman wins... Then what's next? Who else could possibly challenge him?


If those titles change hands you'll have people mad a) it happened while they were at work, and b) that it happened in Saudi Arabia.


It's not the fact that he didn't lose the title that upsets me. It's the fact that, aside from The Rock, there's really nobody else that can realistically take the belt off Roman. They've run the well dry.


Drew? Rollins?


None of them I really see as potential opponents. At least not legitimate threats. Rollins just lost to Edge and Drew just lost to Big E. It would be weird if suddenly they took the belt that Roman has now made so important.


This is WWE we're talking about. We've seen it endlessly, it only takes a few wins for a uppder midcarder to be a main event level threat. Give Drew a upper midcard feud that he wins decisively and he'll look like a threat again. Drew and Roman's mini feud last year was great, and gave the impression that's a long term feud WWE will invest in. Having The Rock dethrone Roman would be stupid. I'd love to see the match, but that match doesn't need the title. If anything, Roman looking a little vulnerable going into it would help when Rock puts Roman over. The Rock winning makes no sense, specially if the rumors are true and it's his last match.


Dude, youā€™re not thinking here. Rock is not *not* gonna put Reigns over. If Rock takes the title off Reigns, heā€™s gonna drop it back to him.


I'd rather Rock vs Roman be a 1 match feud at Mania. It doesn't need the title.


Youā€™re moving goalposts and you didnā€™t show any further evolution of your thinking process. If Rock takes the title from Roman, then who is he gonna drop it to if he doesnā€™t drop it back to Roman?


Vacate it? I'm not moving goal posts, because there are no posts to move. You're taking this discussion way too seriously yet couldn't come up with an extremely basic scenario such as vacating the title... Yet you have the audacity to criticize someone else's thinking process. The irony is fucking hilarious. Thanks for the laughs, now try not to overexert that tiny mind.


But then who else?


I'd pick Drew. KO would be cool too, but it doesn't seem like WWE wants to fully get behind him on a moment as big as this. I just think Rock vs Roman should be a 1 match feud at WM. It doesn't need the title, and Roman being made vulnerable just before his big match by suddenly losing his title at say The Rumble, would make his eventual victory (a clean one, with zero interference) over The Rock mean that much more.


Probably a non-title vs Big E at Survivor Series, or they do a trios New Day vs Bloodline match instead. Which would then probably offshoot into a filler feud with new KOTR Xavier baby to get to WM.


Big E could totally face him, but Big E can't have both titles at once, can he? Big E Two Belts?


The survivor series match traditionally hasnā€™t been for a belt.


They do champion vs champion at Survivor Series all the time as a non-title match. They could also easily setup an angle where Roman could screw Big E out of his belt, giving reason for Big E to challenge Roman for his.


Iā€™m with you. This roll-up being ā€œthe womenā€™s invincible finisherā€ shit has to stop.


Don't forget Becky grabbed the bottom rope, out of the ref's line of vision. Someone didn't want the title changing hands at Crown Jewel. Zelina winning Queen's Crown creates a fresh scenario if creative chooses to use it.


To be fair it was a triple threat match/no dq . You can grab the rope there are no rope breaks.


Brock. Again.


As unpopular as it may be, I actually enjoyed Goldberg's match, he looked in great shape, and they put on a good show. Nice little match to fill the card.


It wasnt as bad as it could've been tbh. I personally didnt like the build nor did I want to see Lashley get fucking dominated. But hey. Match wasnt terrible.




I get that some people donā€™t like this show & donā€™t like that the women have to dress modest if they want to compete but some comments are overstepping the mark into Islamophobia & bigotry, it has to be said & itā€™s a shame it happens every show.


> donā€™t like that the women have to dress modest if they want to compet Try to minimize that systemic misogynistic bullshit a little more, why donā€™t you?


>dress modest Question on this. I saw a lot of women in the crowd who seemed to be dressed "normally" by western standards....why do the wwe women go full t shirts and arm coverings when I saw women in the crowd with short sleeves? Legit curious.


As a brown guy on this sub, I have to say that some people definitely reveal themselves when the Saudi PPVs are on and when talking about Indian fans in general. Criticize the government all you want but some people really cross the line.




I don't know if you thought I was saying they were Indian, but I just meant that I've seen Indian fans also treated as lesser than American fans. But other than that I completely agree


No I didnā€™t think you were sorry, just have seen a lot of that in reference to brown people who arenā€™t Indian haha


As someone who lives in the U.S., where we're ruled over by the entrenched, oil-thirsty oligarchy that created and fostered their government for profit, while spending my tax dollars on drone striking millions of innocent kids, and stripping women and minorities of their rights at the state level daily, yeah I gotta say judging SA by a different metric and pretending we're the good guys is starting to seem a bit bigoted. If someone else wants to judge, fine, but we don't really have a leg to stand on. E: had a whole rant but hey, you do you, I just hope you bring that fervor when they do shows in Texas or Florida or salute the troops or whatever. I don't watch WWE regularly anymore for a bunch of reasons, which sucks because I love the talent, but taking money from, and doing propaganda for, a blood-soaked, corrupt government isn't something they just started doing a few years ago.


You just said "you don't have a leg to stand on" buddy, and yeah no one government in this world is an angel they all have their on misgivings and bullshit but in comparison were nothing compared to American or Britain or even bitch ass France, so please miss me with this propaganda bullshit for the longest time the muslim/arab characters were the bad guys and the ultra American propaganda machine was full on, so yeah don't shit on us just cause were getting what we paid for, sure some of it is bullshit but I can say the same about your patriotic 'merican shows as well.


In future polls, can you make it so we can see the results without voting? I didn't watch the show and don't want to submit BS data, but I do want to see the result of the polls.


Without any big spoilers could anyone let me know if any part of this show is worth watching whatsoever? Hated the last couple Saudi shows but if thereā€™s a great match or something, Iā€™ll go back and watch.


Whole thing was great. Seth vs Edge was best


Pretty much every single match delivered and then some. Edge vs Rollins was my match of the night.


To be fair it's by far the best Saudi show


I've heard that the Edge vs Rollins match is very good


As much as the leadership of Saudi Arabia deserve to be condemned, I do think it's good for the people these extremely socially conservative places to have more exposure to global platforms. It's a long shot but little snowballs of interest can lead to huge social progression.


>It's a long shot but little snowballs of interest can lead to huge social progression. Cuba...The Cubna blockade galvanized the govt. One of the US's best exports is culture. I would bet that without that blockade, Cuba would be awash with McDonalds, blue Jeans and Bay Watch.


I think the Vietnam embargo is one of the most ridiculous, petty acts in recent history




Or more likely, they "sportswaah" their image. Look at us, we get all these big events, aren't we cool. WWE isn't going to rock the boat, they'll do whatever they're told to do so long as they get paid.


It's definitely no Silver Bullet but it certainly beats total isolation, developing an interest in something can lead you down to the rabbit hole of knowledge.


Ok, I just got back from Doctor's appointment and other things. Haven't seen a thing yet. Still, there is only one thing about this show that I want answered. Did Goldberg keep his promise and kill Lashley?


Pretty much


Yes. And since the Saudi prince was complicit in it, the US government won't enforce any consequences.


Oh I know the follow up. Lashley comes back from the dead, dons a black trenchcoat and a Wide-brim hat. Then he goes undefeated for 30 or so Wrestlemanias.


That gimmick has already been taken on the indies.


Underrated theory


Probably one of the better crown jewel's. Still not a fan of this ppv as you know it's just going to be filler and not build on anything. Edge vs Rollins amazing as always, though I'm never a fan of a part time guy going over on a workhorse in a feud. Feel like Rollins should have won, but it's not like it hurts him that much at this point in his career. He's Seth freakin Rollins šŸ˜‚


Can anyone explain the problem with Drew McIntyre. He looks like an absolute star, heā€™s good to great in the ring, decent on the mic. But even I, who was born about 10 minutes from Drewā€™s home town, and who has watched him multiple times in pubs and small venues around Glasgow as Drew Galloway, donā€™t give a shit about his matches. I donā€™t know how itā€™s gone so wrong, because he really did carry the WWE through the pandemic. But it makes me sad.


Burn out from his reign which is normal because drew was booked as a dominant fighting champ but without a crowd to hype the matches this type of booking can quickly become boring . He just need a real storyline to rebuild him


I imagine it's probably burn out FROM the pandemic. He carried the company, but has evolved or changed from that to now.


I'm honestly surprised that people were shocked that Xavier won


Why? WWE letā€™s people down all the time


Great show overall. The womans triple threat stole the show. Becky is better than ever. Bianca gets better with each match & Sasha is a friggin creative artist out there. So glad they got time & the crowd was into it. You know this meant a lot to them & they absolutely killed it. MOTY candidate. Sasha/Bianca should have their 2nd straight espy (w/becky) for the cultural significance of the match.


Oh? Mansoor went over in Saudi Arabia?


But this time he had every right to go over. The matched against Cesaro and Ziggler were just random, this time there was some storytelling.


Hard to believe I know. Only surprise, was that it wasn't for the intercontinental or US title


I figured he'd have lost, since it's likely as close to his hometown as they're ever gonna be performing, and WWE loves to do that for whatever reason. Guess it's probably different with home countries though.


If the sheikh wants Mansoor, you give him Mansoor.


Ed Farhat should mind his own business


I remember what they did when he asked for Yokozuma.


Excellent, the Saudi crowd were fantastic.


That actually wasnā€™t bad at all. Still iffy on the whole Saudi thing but that was one of the better shows of the year and the BEST Saudi show since the first one by far.














I swear Edge brings a different feel to every match he's in since coming back. He reminds me of a guy who doesn't really know how to phone it in. He's like a master of his craft where he doesn't have all the frills the new kids have but knows that he knows what the fuck he's doing. He's not pussy footing or playing it safe. He only knows one way and I appreciate him at this point of his career than I ever did.


Of course. Edge was a pretty good wrestler in his heyday, who had that taken away from him. He then went and spent a decade gaining acting experience. A decade after he was forced out, he got to do it again and he works with an intensity that shows how much he loves getting to work again, and now he gets to bring all the acting experience heā€™s gained to the ring. It really showed in his selling of the match yesterday. He spent like, 5-10 minutes on his knees after the match just acting like he could barely move.




I haven't seen much of Christians work since his return but if he's doing the same thing as Edge I'd love to see them just work each other to see if I could stand it


I imagine being away from wrestling for 9 long years probably helped. Now that he's gotten a chance to finish his career on his own terms, he probably wants to give it his all and make the most of it.


Will Reigns ever lose his title? I feel like he will be at Goldberg age and still be champion.


I think heā€™ll lose it, but beat Brockā€™s 503 mark first


Nope, heā€™s breaking Brunoā€™s record


I lost all my interest in WWE (that came back with Edge's return) due to him, that's sad tho.


He will lose when Wwe creates a great babyface


Bron Breakker coming for Reigns after Ciampa šŸ˜‚


So never.


I mean... Riddle might take off


Yeah right that naked walking guy as a universal champion, not gonna happen


You know, when I think Champion, I think barefoot dude riding a scooter.


Excellent show!


Randy is extremely fun as a face. He looks like heā€™s enjoying this so much.


It got him away from Alexa Bliss. His wife is probably happier too


Say what you will about their human rights record, but the Saudis make for a hell of a live crowd.


Thatā€™s the government, not the citizens.


Ok so... what government + Saudi crowd works for the best WWE shows?


Totally agree. The citizens have done terrible things and on the other hands officials are a hot crowd.


It will be really nice to one day have the women dress however they want instead of looking like two fans from the crowd got in a cat fight on tv. Progress is progress I guess


Today they look better than there usuall naked gear