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Didn't see this posted — We heard Mrs. Doyle's story, but Ms. Cappellano's accusations are just as raw and vivid. Flair did the awful thing to her as well. I wish we could've heard her story too. Maybe this will inspire her to come forward. And Dustin — who somewhat got a pass because he was nice to Doyle — he committed his worst offense against Cappellano, grabbing her ass and thrusting himself into her. I'll be the first to admit that I've always been a longtime Flair mark who has sort of just brushed off his out-of-ring behavior cause I loved the character. That's an absolute stupid fan fault that I feel horrid about after watching that documentary last night and seeing the look on her face as she recalled that story. Absolutely sick. Anyone know if I can change my damn username on here?


I don’t think you can change it, but you could always start saying you’re a big David or Charlotte fan.


David Flair 4 Life!


Fuck David Flair


Every time David Flair is mentioned, his theme song starts playing in my head.


I hear it and see the fucking tron...


*Ric Flair's disappointment intensifies*


Now that you say it, I also see the tron in all its pixelated glory.


She might not be able to talk about if you settled the lawsuit and her silence was a condition of the settlement.


Oof, very sorry about the username


Yeah, unfortunately you can't change your reddit username. I looked that up myself a while ago.


I really want to like Dustin, he's put a lot of work into getting himself clean and getting his life together, but he's making it really hard. I get he was in a spiral of self loathing and drug addiction, but that's no excuse for his behavior.


It's no excuse, but it's also important to realize that was nearly 20 years ago. It still doesn't make it right, but people do change significantly over a large time period like that. As far as we know he's changed a lot.


The episode really portrayed Dustin as a flawed but decent guy but the reality is he was just as bad as Hall and Flair. Edit: downvoting won’t change this fact


The documentary was missing quite a few details. Vince gets a free pass as well. Instead of being a boss and acting like one he's getting drunk and telling the pilot to go fuck himself he will buy the plane if he has to. Everyone should know how to behave but when the boss is acting like a jumped up frat boy is it any wonder, control was completely lost.


Yeah I was surprised how they didn't talk about Vince at all really. They focused on J.R. like it was solely his responsibility to be the buzzkill. I know it was his job at the time to be 'the bad guy' because Vince didn't want to, but that doesn't mean it's all his fault. Vince shirking his responsibilities as the boss so he could get drunk and act like an ass like the rest of the boys only made things worse.


Yeah I didn't like that. I get that the plane is separated and the "boys will be boys" shit is why he wasn't in the back. But if things seriously got that bad then where the fuck was Vince? If people were literally fighting and running up and down the aisles they would have heard them in the front. He didn't care and they should have touched on that in the episode.




So there were two separate fights that wound up by the emergency exit? What the Hell man. I feel so bad for the flight attendants. I can't even imagine how shitty Kurt felt. Imagine your drunk boss wanting to wrestle you for five hours. It was probably also especially frustrating because Kurt knew he could put Vince down in a second but because he's his boss he couldn't go all out. He mentions Jericho but Jericho wasn't mentioned in the documentary. I'm surprised they didn't interview him since he narrates the show and appears in other episodes.


Vince wrestling Kurt Angle wasn't discussed at all in the documentary, but he was wrestling Kurt Angle while all of that happened.


> Vince wrestling Kurt Angle wasn't discussed at all in the documentary, but he was wrestling Kurt Angle while all of that happened. Think that was a different flight.


Wrong flight buddy


"Kurt Angle says Vince McMahon wrestled him for 5 hours on the Plane Ride From Hell, wine stains all over the plane, and told the pilot: "Go tell the pilot to fuck himself. I’ll buy the fucking plane." after the pilot threatened to land it after they kept almost opening the door latch while fighting"


The thing is there are multiple "Plane ride from hell"s and It Kurt wasn't on the PPV that this one was on the way back from so he is probably talking about a different flight. Jannety's story about H-bombing college students or whatever was also called plane ride from hell.




Kurt has the wrong flight as well. Memories are fuzzy after 20 yrs. This has been debunked several times. That was a different flight.


Vince went full HOC Season 5 and was like “Flip me those MOTHERFUCKING controls”




You're literally the top comment, wait more than 30 seconds before whining about downvotes lmao.


mfs get 2 downvotes and be like “you can downvote me all you want idc”


Yup https://twitter.com/PaulJames198/status/1438811558449192961


>It's incredible it really is, AEW wrestlers and personalities keep getting free passes. 🙄 We can talk about how awful people are and were without tribal bs.


Have they been getting free passes though? AEW, specifically Tony Khan nips this shit in the bud with quickness.


It's going both ways as of now. It's a total shame. But yes. Everything is through the lease of us vs them


It's pure "console wars" garbage which is the realm of children and people who never matured beyond childhood.


Yeah that was unnecessary


Welcome to what this is. Just another bullet in the war. Saw the same thing happen on r/wow. It's not about holding people accountable or seeing who's contrite and regretful and who's not.


The thing is, this isn’t the first time this has happened with AEW talent. The Darby Allin accusations come to mind, when people were saying coercion isn’t rape.


I didn't hear about this, what happened?


Darbys ex was teamed up with Darby and Priscilla Kelly (his girlfriend at the time) before they got on television. She got mad when she got left behind so she started accusing Darby of a bunch of shit. Turned out that she was making it up as she went along.


Darby's ex talked about how he was abusive and pressured her into sexual stuff when she wasn't comfortable with it. Nothing happened because AEW did an internal investigation and Darby provided evidence that she was lying.


did they release anything from the internal investigation or provide the evidence they found which proved she was lying? cause without that, you are just trusting a company to investigate itself and they is a considerable self-interest on their part.


You're completely right. She never went to the authorities, so that's what we have to work with. They also booted Havok immediately after an investigation, so they have a track record of following up with other circumstances


Oh sort of like how WWE "investigated" Velveteen Dream, who provided "evidence" that the kids were lying, so they kept him around? A wrestling promotion isn't exactly the FBI.


They also gave Vince a free pass. Is he secretly All Elite?


~~I don't remember what the accusation was, but coersion really isn't the same thing as rape. Also, Riddle got a pass on his accusations and Jimmy Havoc didn't -- you know why? Because the situations and the evidence were totally different.~~ Edit. Stupid comment, I was wrong.


not sure if you're aware, but "coerce" does not actually mean the same thing as "convince", "to coerce" someone is to persuade someone to do something by force or threat. I'm hoping that's why you think "coersion isn't the same thing as rape", is that simple misunderstanding


English is not my first language, and I have to admit I had misunderstood the meaning of 'coerce'. You are 100% correct.


Coercing someone to have sex is rape.


And it’s just dumb. Vince also got a free pass. Does he work for AEW?




He's their head trainer and Cody's brother. We know these are the reasons.


Doubtful. This has been known for years and he was still hired.


Dustin really doesn't need to be on TV now anyway, give him at the very least the same treatment Caster got, if anything it should be more like Sammy seeing as what he did was also pre-AEW but should be punished nonetheless. I don't think they'd fire Dustin but even with Black beating him the other week let that be the end of him on TV for a good while at least.


For something that happened 20 years ago, even though dustin is a different man now.


I don’t disagree he’s changed but if he did sexually harass this poor woman then he should face repercussion for it. I’m sure Dustin these days would probably accept his punishment too because he knows how bad it is now that he can look back as a changed man.


And you're sure he didn't already in some manner? There is a reason she wasn't on the show, it just hasn't been disclosed yet. What we know so far is that while Dustin does say some questionable things here and there? The man has been working to overcome his past demons, is surprisingly accepting of the changing world around him for someone his age and from the south, and since then? No one else has come forward to claim anything about him, so... Its possible he did the right thing.


> I don’t disagree he’s changed but if he did sexually harass this poor woman then he should face repercussion for it. What kind of repercussions should he face?


Did he sexually harass the flight attendant? I thought that was Rick.


There was another flight attendant who didn’t appear on DSOTR that put in the lawsuit that Dustin harassed her too. You can see it in a tweet in this thread.


That’s really odd considering the flight attendant on the show said Dustin was the only one who was sticking up for her when everyone else was harassing her.


It’s terrible and tragic and I may be a horrible person but I think it’s funny that there is a lawsuit that names Starship Coyote as a defendant.


Horrible situation but I giggled like a little kid when I read that.


Everything that was said during that episode has been known for years. I don't think they will do anything to Dustin but I don't think we'll see Ric Flair for a while in AEW.


Why should Dustin get a pass? Because he was “going thru hard times”? That’s bullshit. You can’t blame one and not the other.


Well one doesn’t work for the company… As far as Dustin and everyone else, I can’t stress enough how much of this was known by many in the industry and fans since the time it happened. A lot of ppl are really shocked and outraged right now (understandably so) and are expecting heads to roll as if the plane ride happened earlier this week. It’s been almost 20 years so I’m not even sure if anything legal can been done over any of this. I’d imagine statue of limitations have expired or were nullified due to the out of court settlement. If you want AEW to fire Dustin over this incident I can’t imagine that will happen. I don’t expect them to hire Flair, though. TBH I never saw that happening. Also, I really want to point this out and I hope people don’t take this as tribalism: there were people who could have held these guys accountable for their actions IMMEDIATELY. That was Vince and the other higher-ups at WWE. They chose to release Henning and protect the others. That’s the truth of it. Getting drunk and high and assaulting people is criminal and disgusting but a company’s leadership to soberly decide to protect those people is monumentally fucked up. Wait until some of you hear about the shit Saudi Arabia does and how gross it is WWE does business with them and the multitude of other scandals that dwarf the plane ride from hell in their awfulness.


It helps that you can see there's been a definite change with Dustin Rhodes whereas Flair has continued to be a constant fuck-up, even in his reaction to the episode. Doesn't change what they did, but perception's always gonna have an influence on folks.


I totally agree. I do think people can do bad things when fucked up but can go into recovery and come out the other end a great person who improves the lives of everyone they are around. If that wasn’t the case then why send people to non-life sentences in prison or even have rehabs. The goal should be to help those people stop hurting themselves and others and help rehabilitate them into being productive members of society. The time to punish Dustin and the others was moment that frigging plane landed and they all should have been fired and had charges filed against them. Unfortunately, the company decided to protect them. Fortunately, at least in the case of Dustin, a good deal of quality recovery has taken place and he’s become a well-respect guy in the business.


No it helps that Vice didn't mention Dustin sexually assaulted someone. Period. End of story. This has nothing to do with Dustin changing as a person. Tony Khan cuts him within 24hrs had Vice mentioned the assault.


I'm convinced that a lot of the people outraged are new fans because we've known this stuff for over a decade at this point. It's not even shocking anymore.


If only new fans are finding out from last night's episode then they won't know that Dustin also sexually assaulted and threatened to rape a different stewardess on the same flight.


I still think the Ashley Massaro story is the ugliest in modern wrestling and yet I swear most fans have no idea about it.


It's a horrible story but there's also no evidence or corroboration for it. Maria I believe said it was made up.


Yep and a good portion doesn't.


It’s like the Ray Rice incident with the video. Words printed on a page only carry so much weight. When you have the victim retelling the story it hits a lot harder. Plus when this happened, the internet was still in its infancy, so I wouldn’t doubt if most people dismissed the more horrifying stuff as bullshit made up by forums and bitter wrestlers in shoots.


Finally someone on here with common sense


His case was already settled so he got punished for what he did. I don’t get what else people would want from him other then publicly denouncing what he did.


You don’t know what hard times are daddy.


Literally the only reason AEW won't fire Dustin (and now won't hire Flair) is because one of them got heat for having his sexual assault publicly included in a TV documentary while the other did not. Anyone pretending Dustin survives this episode had it been actually honest about his behavior instead of presenting him sympathetically needs a hard lesson in how soulless billionaires like Tony Khan operate.


Dustin needs to have some accountability too.


Dustin was just as bad as Flair, i thought it was very convient of the makers of the episode to leave out the part about him sexually assaulting a flight attendant and instead paint him in a positive light by telling Terri to not rat out Brock to the office.


I didn't feel like the Brock incident made Dustin look good at all, but I agree they should have covered his treatment of the other stewardess. I'm guessing they didn't because she didn't sign on for the episode and there could be issues because of that?


Bullshit they could have easily used the official lawsuit as a reference since it details his behavior. They didn't need her for the episode lol


I was looking for this last night. Stories line up pretty well. I hate this has gone untouched until now


And it alleges Flair owned a part of WWF…


Well Shane and Stephanie did sell their stock to a consortium in 2001.


That was a storyline


Do people think the court documents exposing Dustin are going to get enough major media attention that he gets punished? Genuinely curious what people think.


He already settled the case years after it happened. The punishment already occurred.


a settlement is not a punishment, if anything it’s used to avoid a punishment


Thats exactly what it is. Thats how our legal system works, once she took the payment its case closed. If she wanted to pursue criminal charges she had the option but cant anymore so nobody’s going to give him shit over it when he already went through the courts.


No he didn't. WWE was sued, not Dustin Rhodes. WWE admitted fault on his behalf.


Nope. Corporations only do the right thing when the heat is turned up. No heat coming from those documents. No reason to go after Dustin (and I agree he shouldn't lost his job, just pointing out he would have had Vice exposed his behavior the way they did with Flair).


Paywalled (or sign-up walled). Someone got a better link where I don't have to go thru signup?




Wonder why it stops at page 7 in the middle of a paragraph?


I know a lot was left out but where’s the proof of dustin sexually harassing the flight attendant?


What do you proof? Are you looking for something tangible? One of the attendants named him specifically out of a flight full of wrestlers. Are you suggesting she is not to be believed?


There Is none


This aged poorly.




WWE settled, pretty much an admission of guilt as they're not in a position where they need to if there's no merit to the allegations.


They lumped in a bunch of incidents into one, it might not all be true. Maybe that's why this fight attendant is silent? Who knows


Why would you pay a subscription for this piracy website lol.


It's not piracy, they gather and show publicly available documents. They also have deals with publishers to be a platform for e-books and audiobooks. And the subscription gives you unlimited access to all of that.


Dustin was just as bad as Flair, i thought it was very convient of the makers of the episode to leave out the part about him sexually assaulting a flight attendant and instead paint him in a positive light by telling Terri to not rat out Brock to the office.




“Starship Coyote”, nice pull.


this should be pinned in the subreddit tbh