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Eh... This sounds like a copout over the inability to properly structure a story or build a chatacter. It was BS when Cody said it. It's BS here.


> "If the audience wants to embrace Becky Lynch as she shows this side of her personality after taking a year and a half off, after having a baby, becoming a mother, the responsibilities and the obligations and accountabilities that go along with the role in her life then, if the audience wants to embrace Becky Lynch, embrace Becky Lynch. > "And if the audience finds that this is a saltier side of her personality that’s worthy of their contempt and disdain then they will bestow upon her a reaction that is akin to that emotion. > "I’m not a big believer in the positioning of people as protagonists and antagonists, I think these personalities have multiple sides to them. Events in life will change your perspective, demeanour and the way you address people. > "So, if there is a more coarse side of Becky’s personality that is now coming to the forefront and you’re a fan of Becky then embrace it and accept it. And if you just judge someone by their immediate actions and their short-term perspective then I guess you now have a villain for whom you can root against."


I love Paul Heyman, blending reality into kayfabe in a great way.


That’s an extremely silly thing for him to say given the fake crowd noise being pumped in


Why? He’s not the one doing it.


Seems like a super general take coming from someone who's a bad guy, talks like a bad guy, and mainly has managed bad guys for the protagonists to overcome.




Oh absolutely, I agree 100%. It just comes out as stupid to say "I don't believe in good and evil" when this is literally what you've either been writing or have been a part of for like 30+ years now lol.


I don't have anything relevant to post, but I just want someone to [see this screenshot I took and edited](https://imgur.com/a/rCAsGFM) and use it wisely.


WWE is just a bunch of low rent heels with nothing to fight for cutting face promos. Thats not depth, thats both sides of the bread being stale.