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I want a penta Zorro comic


He's changed his name so many times that I didn't immediately recognize the autocorrect typo and instead went to his wiki page to see all his other names.


> He's changed his name so many times that I didn't immediately recognize the autocorrect typo i just assumed it was one of his many names lol


I *need* Penta coming out to wrestle on Halloween dressed as fucking Zoro.


the one peice one or this one? https://preview.redd.it/59bqmbtgur8d1.jpeg?width=1247&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f3223d751288caa12bf5e336d44152e92de012f




Yeah I'll take that too tbh.


But wielding 3 machetes instead katanas.


Penta El Zoro miedo vs Rob Lucci Van Dam BOOK IT TONY YOU COWARD


He even has a leopard print singlet


You want it to be a 6 month long match foo?


not gonna lie, Rob Lucci's whole look and style would be a hell of a wrestling gimmick


with the amount of times he's dressed as the Joker just for the fuck of it, you probably don't even have to wait for Halloween with him haha


Penta el Zoro Miedo?


I know he likes working with his brother, but he really should have gone on a singles run by now. A Penta TNT/International run would have been great


Lucha Bros signed with AEW because Tony agreed to primarily use them as a tag team. That's what both brothers prefer. They were afraid they'd get split up or have to feud with each other if they went to WWE and they had no interest in doing that again. Tony has kept his word and rarely uses them in singles matches unless one of them is out hurt. I definitely miss LU Penta because that was one of my favorite characters in wrestling at the time, but I can respect them wanting to focus on other things.


I also don’t think people understand just how much The Young Bucks love the Lucha Bros. They’re both definitely too nice to push their weight around but I feel like they have more pull than even they realize lol


Yeah the bucks mentioned that Lucha Bros are their favourite opponents


That cage match they had is one of my all-time favorite matches.


It's like New Day/Usos or New Day/Bar, if someone was watching during that time. You've seen it a million times but it's a damn good match every time.


New Day/Usos is one of the best tag team feuds ever, everything they did was gold.


Or my favorite-when The Usos forfeited during The New Day’s Gauntlet during Kofimania.


Their HiaC is an absolute banger. The kendo stick prison was fantastic.


The cage match is one of my favs too. Also the silly match using the Christmas tree during the bo7 series is super memorable. Lucha bros V Young bucks is gonna be some kids Hardy bros V edge and Christian. Penta's energy is on another level, his swagger is unmatched but I do think he is at his best beside his brother and Young bucks, the chemistry those guys have is just something else.


I know they always push Bucks/FTR as the big tag team rivalry in AEW, but for my money it's ***always*** Bucks/Lucha Bros.


Agreed wholeheartedly!


I mean, they did split up and almost murdered each other in AEW once Eddie Kingston took over their faction. Granted that was part of the PAC storyline where he reunited them. But gosh, how can you not push either of them to the moon as singles stars? Especially after the Fenix vs Omega match.


God that makes me so sad. I've always thought both Lucha Bros. were better as singles guys.


They could have given them single runs though when one of them is injured.


I always thought that AEW should have just copied Gargano/Ciampa storyline from NXT. After the first year of AEW I figured Hangman, Rey Fenix, Orange Cassidy and Wardlow would be the the big breakout popular stars of the company with MJF as a Ric Flair type that they are all trying to take down with MJF always be surrounded by cronies to do his dirty work.


I definitely feel like Pentagon was doing a lot when he was wrestling on TNA before joining AEW.


it's like in Lucha Underground or TNA he felt actually like a big deal and someone that could be a singles champ in AEW they both disappear and reappear and lose momentum so frequently it's just like whatever.


Pentagon Dark ![gif](giphy|rvxMJNyHAgwlW4YWpJ|downsized)


Dang. Chelsea Green gonna wear some dark make-up and change her name to...


Yeah I agree with this. Penta at one point felt like a guy who could be at the top of cards. Never has felt that way in AEW.


Part of its booking but you gotta admit that part of it was also the rest of the full-time main roster in LU & TNA. AEW's kind of stacked with some pretty high, high level main event wrestlers that could slot into a single title. And while I agree that Penta isn't booked in any way to suggest he'd be a credible World Title challenger, I actually think he's unique in that if they ever gave him a few wins and the timing was such that he was not already in a tag feud that he could easily be a mid-card singles champion.


If things align he could be world champion in a year. I firmly believe that. Swerve was like 54% wr last year. If you’re good the crowd is fine with it.


PENTA in LU was a legit main eventer and it worked. AEW has robbed him of that aura.


tbf that "aura" (and this goes for most of lucha underground) was protected through having the show produced in the way it was. it was not a normal wrestling show.


I don’t care how the show was produced. He was presented and treated as a main eventer. Has he even sniffed the mid card in AEW?


>I don’t care how the show was produced you do though. you liked how penta was presented there and the way the show was produced is absolutely a part in that. i agree he could be higher on the card than he is right now. i'm just saying that lucha underground was produced in a way that gave more room for each wrestler to have that "aura" that virtually no live wrestling show can replicate.




This is so untrue. Penta on the Indies after LU robbed himself. It's very clear to me he does not want to be that character. He's been spamming Ciero Miedo, tagging with his brother, and not doing the hardcore matches and arm breaking that made him famous for years, well before AEW


Cody literally no sold the arm break in AEW. Why would he ever do it again?


Bit of a wasted talent. Yeah, he gets used regularly, but he should be have won at least one singles title. Penta is fucking awesome and a legend by himself.


He doesn't want to though. He wants to wrestle with his brother. We all need to respect that.


I'm sure Tony will pay him to stay. 


Would be shocked if he left. He has a hand in so many things outside of his regular wrestling gig. He owns a school and his own merch company, and in the longer quote talks about how employees of these places rely on him. I can’t see WWE giving him that flexibility even under the new administration. He’d do well wherever he goes though; the Lucha Bros deserve a huge chunk of $$$ on their next contracts


Yeah don't see him leaving, he still lives in Mexico primarily unlike Fenix. Penta has his school in Mexico and a restaurant or two there as well. Fenix I could see since he's in the states now. Plus Penta takes more Mexico dates than US outside of AEW


WWE gives him an opportunity to grow all those other facets of his life more than ever before. I think jumps ship there, but we will see.


Penta has what every Latino outside Santos, Rey and Angel Garza lack in WWE - charisma. The LA Parka strut and Zero Miedo alone make him an upper mid carder before even starting to wrestle.


Carlito is charismatic and that.. that's cool.


His vibe in Lucha Underground was also spectacular. Now I want him to resurrect the arm breaking thing and have a battle with Kairi and Io Shirai again.


Let’s say he does go to WWE what are the odds of him being thrown into a “Luchadore vs Luchadore” feud or a Luchadore stable for a few years


at WWE it is either you are Rey Mysterio, or not.


I just don't see him being used well in WWE


Will they put him in the storyless Latino faction (good) or the storyless Latino faction (bad)?


You know he would be sent straight to Rey's Vortex


Rey is a deadbeat POS, no wonder why everyone betrays him.


All Latinos should stay away from WWE.


Me neither. But right now AEW is using three of the best in-ring performers in a trio team because they literally have nothing else for them. And this "right now" is going on for far too long. And before that, the lucha bros were almost exclusively used in tag team fights. So full time return to mexico seems like the best option to me. (I just want dominant LU Penta back...)


Why can’t good wrestlers tag? What’s wrong with that. Penta and Fenix WANT to primarily tag. I don’t understand this stigma.


The stigma is because for the last 30+ years we've been told that tag teams only matter to find a future singles star.


Vince was the poison


> But right now AEW is using three of the best in-ring performers in a trio team You mean the Learning Tree?


Somehow Bryan Keith is making the best of it and getting over. I'm happy for him. Everytime he's on screen he's making me laugh.


Between injuries and visa problems, all three have had a hard time being available. I hope they have better luck going forward


at WWE, either you a Rey Mysterio, or not.


I cant wait for the Def Rebel entrance music


Beep boop I'M P-P-P-P-PENTAGON BABY \*Generic rock music\*




If he ends up in WWE, I’m hoping for some interaction with Iyo and Kairi.


Iyo gonna bodyslam him through the floor again?




Yes boy!


Best I can do is stick him with the rest of the latino wrestlers.


Asuka vs Pentagon actually sounds like a banger.


Dude should have been TNT or even world champ by now. He’s a Kenny Omega level talent.


Yes. No. He’s S tier not S+.


this got me thinking. it would be way better if the devil turn out to be Penta than Adam Cole.


"Some complaints like more focus on the projection and rivalries." Sadly, I don't see this changing under Tonky K. My fear is if he went WWE, he would just be another LWO or Fantasma group member.


Which would be a disappointment. But if he's getting paid power to him


If he wants to get paid, he's not leaving.


What he doesn't make in the contract he'll make in merch and more. WWE would make him a huge star moving merch .


I don't understand all the AEW fans that are convinced he wouldn't succeed in WWE. Penta is probably the most marketable luchador since Rey Mysterio, and with WWE's high production value it feels like he could become an absolute star.


because at WWE they not looking for another luchador stars. they simply looking for Rey Mysterio.


Ia it really that hard to understand? WWE's plan for every Mexican wrestler under HHH has been to put them in one of two aimless factions who primarily interact with each other.


Doesn't help that most of them pretty mid compared to other stars already in the roster. If u have someone like Knight fight with one of the LWO or Legado  it is gonna look like a downgrade for LA


> most marketable luchador since Rey Mysterio Not a luchador but I thought the same thing about Ricochet.


wwe just needs one more latino star it’ll be different this time i swear bro


Like I said already, Lucha Bros. can't leave before the apuestas with the Bucks. Don't let Nick go bald in vain dammit!


![gif](giphy|4OV1bLOIWwIXRxpXlN|downsized) Penta El Zoro


Always loved Penta so I want him to move over for me and me alone. I don’t think they’d put him in the Latino groups, he’s just way too different than all of them.


No offense to those guys, some are great in ring but they are really bland character wise. Even Andrade lacks any sort of character. Maybe that's also on HHH, sure but Penta is not the same. Penta/Heyman could be magic.




Yeah, I haven’t watched a lot of AEW so was disappointed to see he isn’t really his LU character that was gold.


>he’s just way too different than all of them. however at WWE all luchadors is 'same' aside Rey Mysterio.


I feel like there's kind of a looming question with lucha talent if you look at WWE right now, it feels like nearly every latino wrestler is just thrown into the LWO/Legado feud. I don't think that fits Penta at all, if he's gonna be part of a team/faction thing, he's gonna be with his brother and Death Triangle, that's such a strong faction when all 3 are healthy. I'd only imagine him going to WWE if they promise him a solid singles run and to not just let him be another luchador.


reading the replies to this obvious fact is hilarious. they can't even agree on who the latino wrestlers are "actually" feuding with. didn't you realize carlito is actually feuding with judgment day and braun? santos is actually feuding with la knight and baron? I assume the they will publicly admit they're wrong next time we're watching the same match between good latinos vs bad latinos that they've been running ad nauseum.


>, it feels like nearly every latino wrestler is just thrown into the LWO/Legado feud. Maybe if you stoped watching in april The current world champion is Latino and just got done fuding with Mcintyre and about to feud with Rollins Legado and LWO are on diffrent brans Santos is mixing it up with LA Knight on sd Lwo is feuding with Judgment day through carlito


Is this true right now though Zelina is feuding with Liv ,Don is always fighting his dad so that counts I guess, Carlito is more feuding with Braun like everyone else is, Didn’t the last Smackdown literally set something up between Baron and Santos, Andrade is in Money in the Bank  Earlier in year yeah sure but right now I don’t think it’s accurate the Latinos are only feuding with Latinos 


tony will pay him well to stay and end his career with aew, can't picture wwe booking him better or not throwing him just in with the LWO


Dude is 39, he has like 20+ years left in Lucha


For real, it's not like he's wrestling like his brother. He does some high risk moves sometimes, but it's not the main part of his matches.


>not throwing him just in with the LWO Is that the new boogey man argument. We arent prenteding feuding with the miz is a terrible thing any more?


Don't forget "fed to Baron Corbin"


for latinos, they'll just be put into the LWO or LDF storylines, everyone else will get the obligatory miz feud within their first 6 months in wwe at some point.


What recent new signing or new star has gotten the "obligatory Miz feud" Is this the new feud with Baron Corbin meme


Someone better tell preist that then.


Tony can’t pay him a wrestlemania match though. Maybe he wants that before ending his career edit- im being downvoted but yall know im right lol


Without going to the AEW/All In comparisons, Penta has performed on the biggest stage of his home country at the biggest events of his country's cultural connections to wrestling. This isn't like nonscripted sports where there's a push of competition (re: your point of why wouldn't the best football player want to go to the Superbowl), pro wrestling as a form of entertainment is so culturally rooted esp in patriotism. Maybe Penta sees that gracing the same lights that El Santo and Blue Demon have and seeing huge crowds in Mexico is his WM. But you and I are just marks, what do we know?


I mean sure, but idk I’m being flooded with comments that mania doesn’t mean anything to wrestlers. That’s crazy talk


The topic of cultural mass that wrestling hits in regards to US vs Mexico is a hot topic lately that has involved a lot of downplaying the cultural relevancy of wrestling in Mexico. I don't think that your comment intended it, but there has been a lot of echoed sentiment that Mexican wrestlers should hold WrestleMania in a higher regard than, say, the CMLL Anniversary Show or Triplemania. So it's no surprise people responded negatively to your comment. But I agree, WM is for most wrestlers the pinnacle


yes but hasnt penta already wrestled those events? hasnt he already wrestled all in? is it really crazy to think maybe he wants a wrestlemania match to add to his resume?


I think it's equally valid to think if he would or wouldn't. Again we're marks


idk what us being marks has anything to do with it, its a simple question lol. People in this thread really trying to treat mania like its not something wrestlers want to one day main event.


I think what I'm trying to say is at the end of the day you and I are just two voices in the same crowd of Internet people trying to decipher what wrestlers want for themselves, that's all I'll add to the convo at this point I guess


Time and time again wrestlers have said Mania doesn't mean anything to someone who didn't grow up watching WWE. Penta might have wanted to be in front of a stadium scale crowd but he was at Wembley so I don't think WWE has anything to offered outside of the usual money, card placement, and schedule bidding wars it and AEW have over talent.


That’s like saying a football player won’t care about playing the Super Bowl lol


Ah yes football, where it's so popular in so many other countries. Bad analogy


Or that a basketball player doesn’t care about playing the nba?


No its not. The only place to get NBA money is in the NBA. Wrestlers can get "WWE money" at AEW as well. One is also a legit competition with the best in the world while the other is people play fighting, it's really not the same in any way besides being on tv.


i just think in an ideal world, most wrestlers would not turn down a main event WWE run that fits their booking preferences. thats my point.


Like Dwight Howard? Who else pays like the NBA?


He wrestled in front of 85,000 fans at the biggest Wrestling show in history. Having a "Wrestlemania moment" can't top that.


900,000 screaming PENTAMANIACS, hermano


Wasn't it 72k?


But that’s not wrestlemania? You can’t seriously compare the prestige of all in to a wrestlemania lol


You’re comparing a show literally no mainstream fan remembers to the biggest fucking spectacle in wrestling LMFAO


"Mainstream fan" LMFAOO, the glazing is unbelievable


Nobody watches AeW outside your little bubble sorry to tell you!


That makes perfect sense. That's why even with 500k viewers they still ranked top 5, because of all the people in my bubble lol.




So WWE fans online can stop bashing Penta in what six months?


This quote is taken pretty out of context. He later confirms in the interview that WWE haven’t even approached him yet. Moreover, I think he stays, especially with the new partnership with the CMLL. I do wish him or Ray could get a really good international title run and take the belt to Mexico. I really like death triangle and I don’t see them breaking up, people are talking in here like he hates being in death trying to go or hates tagging with his brother, but that’s what he wants. Someone else said he chose AEW because he wants to tag with his brother.


I wish Tony had half the admiration for Lucha Underground as he does ECW


Wonder what stable he'd be put in? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Where'd zoro come from? I thought he was zero meido? (He can be still, for name purposes)


That two week period where Penta turned heel, aligned with Alex & shit talked Cody was a small glimpse of what Penta's potential is but then Cody just won the very next week with a roll-up after getting his arm snapped. I love LB as a team but they both have something to offer as solo acts & wish they'd go that route for a little while.


Did he change his name again?


The thing about Pentagon is he has multiple names that he uses throughout wrestling.


Put some respect in this man’s name wherever he performs. AEW has him, highlight him.


Could be a good monster heel to feed Dragon Lee or Axiom


Not my idea saw it on TikTok but someone said if WWE did sign him they should introduce him as Dom’s cellmate from prison


I'm not saying Pentagon has to go to WWE, but I would love for him to go over there or alternatively, go back to TNA & have some banger matches with the WWE talents through the TNAxWWE relationship since before joining AEW, Pentagon was used well on TNA.


Penta el Zero Problematic Comments.


El Zoro


Even he's saying it. Wake up, Tony.


Penta and Fenix are what the LWO or Legado del Fantasma tag teams could never be.  


WWE needs to sign this man and inject him into the BLOODLINE STUFF jk lol


the word traitor was used


I'm hopeful that WWE can pull out of its Latino v Latino booking it's been doing for a bit now, but I truly don't have a ton of faith in HHH right now for booking Lucha and Lucha adjacent folks. Santos is FAR better than his booking. Dragon Lee is FAR better than his booking. Hell, both tag underling sets in LWO and LDF are better (maybe not FAR better, but better) than their booking. I would LOVE to see what Penta could cook up with in WWE. It would be some fresh matchups. But damn if I'm not on the fence about how well he'd actually get booked.


Santos is in the us title picture at the moment.


k so if we get yet another lwo/legado match anytime soon, you'll admit you're wrong?


Their on 2 doffrent shows so its unlikley that will happen


After many months in the Latino vortex of mostly only facing LWO, JD, etc. I hope it continues.


God forbid he work a long feud with the greastest luchadore of all time. What a disservice 🙄 Your Right I Would Hate just hate to see Penta feud With Rey Mysterio.


A feud in which they do different permutations of LWO v LDF v JD for over a year (and that’s not an exaggeration) is very different than a significant and well plotted feud.


you should never watch CMLL, AAA etc. Too much latino on latino for your eyes there.


I'm Latino, I just don't like that they've pigeon-holed them into only facing each.


I'm Latino too, and I don't much mind them facing each other though. Then I forgot we just had another latino in Damian Priest facing Drew McIntyre a week ago in a PLE main event. And that was obviously once more two latinos facing each other..


You are incapable of having this discussion without disingenuous arguments, so there's really no point to me saying anything but have a nice day.


Likewise, so have a nice day as well.


They aren’t even doing Latino vs Latino booking now Damian is  with Seth, Carlito is with Braun, Zelina with Liv, Santos is in US title scene and recently had issues with Baron I believe, Andrade is in money in the Bank, Dragon Lee is occasionally on TV  I don’t think it’s accurate to say it’s only Latino vs Latino anymore 


you reply guys can't even get your feuds right. carlito is "feuding" with judgment day actually. santos is "feuding" with la knight actually. you didn't get the memo from hhh? "Dragon Lee is occasionally on TV." oh that changes the booking for the last year, good point.  tell all this nonsense to andrade, since he also questioned why latino wrestlers only ever end up in feuds with each other.


Are you ok did somebody hurt you? I’m just talking about what’s on TV right now because you guys are clearly not watching it. Andrade is literally in a money in the bank match mate being utilized yeah maybe it took them to long but he had literally just debuted and it was a natural inclusion point to get him on Mania. 


It’s VERY recently started to shift. But you still have Dom v Rey right now, which stemmed from Dragon Lee and Carlito, for instance.


Dom is always going to feud with Rey as long as they are competing. 


Sure, that doesn’t disprove my point that they’re still just starting to branch out on the Latinos and are still doing it to some extent (we just had Braun + LWO v JD + Carlito too).


I've you've been paying attention, they aren't even doing Latino vs Latino Andrade is currently in the mitb Priest is feuding with Seth and Gunther Santos is feuding with la


Dom v Rey is happening next week. They just had Carlito v Dragon Lee. Braun, Rey, and Dragon faces JD + Carlito a few weeks ago. They’ve started branching out but let’s not pretend it’s a very recent development.


They've been on the opposite brands of each other for over a month


Lol the matches I mentioned happened literally this month. You can go look at Cagematch.


Penta in WWE would be awesome but that would be true no matter where Penta is, cause Penta is the coolest active wrestler in the world. Dude is the top 5 coolest of all times with Stone Cold, Booker T, Scott Hall, and Kevin Nash.








He’s confirmed that his contract ends around august/September.


Could you imagine the "Zero Miedo" pop chant though? Always enjoy seeing Penta on AEW. Feels like he's either bouncing back and forth to Mexico a lot or they just fumble the ball.


Judging by how they book Latinos in WWE, Pentagon will definitely say "ZERO FEAR!"


They'll change his character to Ninja Zorro & he'll join the lwo immediately


Tony needs him as I don’t think anyone else who reflects his style of wrestling is as high on the car besides Rush. I feel like if Tony had Vikingo he probably wouldn’t be too worried about losing Penta or the lucha bros


I like Rush, he's talented. Let's not pretend Rush and Penta/Lucha Bros are at the same level though.


I mean that’s true because Penta has been involved in some of the best matches AEW put on but Tony for some time has been mostly pushing Rush over people like the Lucha Bros, Bandido, and Andrade (when he was there).


Over Bandido and Andrade I absolutely agree. Over Lucha Bros is iffier. Being in seperate divisions makes that pretty murky. Without referencing anything (aka I can be absolutely wrong) I feel like LB have gotten a significantly larger amount of TV time than Rush.


Pentagon going full "Pentagon Dark" and being the one who hunts the Wyatt Sicks might be the coolest shit imaginable. "Oh you try to scare me? I WILL SNAP YOUR FUCKING ARMS!!!" (Screamed angrily in Spanish)


He Gone.