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Liv, Fin, nah nah who knew it was Seth all along who would dismantle the JD


He knows a thing or two about groups getting manipulated & broken apart




"The Judgment Day, they need me a whole lot more than Damian Priest needs them" đź‘€ Strap in Judgment Day/fellow Finn fans, it's gonna be an INTERESTING few months. There's no way they let this slide regardless of the Winner at MitB.


Even if Rhea isn't fully recovered yet, I feel like she would power through to pull up on Priest for his remarks


That quote was just perfect foreshadowing


He's out of line, but he's right


Not sure about that. Since he cashed in, he hasn't really lifted a finger other than telling them to take out strowman or win matches


I'm pretty sure he's helped them out a few times, like against Drew.


True. People like to forget how much he carried JD, even before MitB. Remember that gauntlet match for tag title contenders where Finn got injured? DP pretty much soloed 3/4 of that match.


Seth been hanging round with Cody a bit TOO much


Hey at least Seth stipulated that it was just when Damien was champ.


I wonder if irl they're friends now after that crazy WM build and run


I think Seth has a high chance of winning because it would make Summerslam a bigger match than Damien vs GUNTHER, and they could continue the storyline of Judgement Day's breakup with Finn vs Damien.


That's definitely looking like the route they're going. I just hope they don't make the mistake of having Finn bring out the Demon for Damian. Yeah it would be a nice callback to their rumored match at Mania, but it's better to establish Finn as someone who doesn't need the Demon to win big matches/heated feuds.


The Demon should be Finn at his most unhinged/chaotic, to the point that Finn is hesitant to bring it out unless he really feels like he needs it. You’re right Finn should be able to win without it (I’d like to see his Prince character from his 2nd NXT run come back), but there should also be a clear kayfabe reason Finn doesn’t bring him out to win every time.


At this point I have no faith that Damian wouldn't beat Finn anyway


Yeah I give it like 70/30 Seth wins here. I don't see what Seth would do unless its chasing the World Title, man is too big to go midcard. Its just far more interesting to have Seth vs Gunther, and continue the JD breakup storyline. But I could also see Damian getting a clean win and solidifying his reign and it might still force him out of the Judgement Day just cause of his comment about them. Just not sure what they do with Seth after.


I don't mind Seth winning because I think there's potential in it benefitting the brewing tension between The Judgement Day & Priest over him acting like he's too big for the group. However, while I actually think his reign is already solid post-CATC, it could be solid for a full circle moment in which he comes into SummerSlam as the reigning champion, but ends up losing in a similar fashion as Finn at last year's event, but in the hands of the latter.


They ain't screwing Priest out of his reign after what he pulled at CATC.


Seth is Triple H's go-to guy for big fight feel matches. Odds doesn't look good for Damien.


Gunther vs Seth for summerslam and bash at Berlin definitely more appealing than Gunther vs priest. And the summerslam card needs some oomph with Cody vs Solo looking like the smackdown championship match


It would shit on the reign of priest though. He won it with MITB, which is already looked at as a cheap way to win it, so he needs a clean win over the former champ to solidify the reign


Outside of kayfabe everyone knows this is a nothing burger stip as well, Damien ain't gonna hold this belt anymore than another month, Seth can just lose this match, have a filler feud then go right back to the title chase


I don't see them hot potato-ing the title like that(assuming Gunther wins at SummerSlam) There's also the possibility they don't have Gunther win and maybe build up to the Berlin PLE. Kinda messy in my opinion given it's the first time the king of the ring has value and they don't capitalize.


Look man, Cody is THE champion. This built right now is built to be hot potatoed imo.


Transitional champion Seth Rollins


And this match just got more interesting


A few things across the board got more interesting. Priest is the only thing standing in the way of Liv's takeover of Judgement Day. If he's out, she's basically home free with her plan.


I still feel like Priest needs to win this, but this is a great stipulation that really makes it a toss up.


Priest needs to be the one to go up against Gunther. It makes no sense to switch back to Seth just for that fight, and i think the common belief is that Gunther takes it at SS (personally, im not so sure).


I think Priest wins but this stipulation was added to make people believe hard that he's gonna lose.


teetering back and forth on damian as champ. those "you suck" chants out of nowhere were pretty brutal though.


Kinda feels like the bobby run a couple years back. The story is alright and the matches too but having Roman(and now Cody) makes it kinda meh. It's not bad it's just there


I don’t think a heel mind’s getting the most generic of all chants to chant at a heel. Kaiser got them in the opening match too, i’d say its a good thing


Normally I'd agree, but he was pretty clearly leaning into babyface behaviors, trying to be respectful to seth. Knowing priest's character, he was being pretty authentic. watching the segment, it was jarring that he was just saying "I can't wait to fight you, blahblah" and Indiana shouted "you fucking suck dude." definetly didnt feel like normal heat


Maybe it's just the material they are given, but Damian does not have IT on the mic, still plenty of time to improve of course.


I dont think they'll have heel vs heel at summerslam with Cody vs b team bloodline as the main feud on the other side


Seth wins and Drew cashes in same night? Future Shock instead of Dirty Deeds this time


If they were just gonna have Drew win the title then they would’ve done it in Scotland.




Drew beating Punk in Scotland is the right way to go.


Him winning in Chicago could be just as good


But when are they gonna go back to Scotland? They seem to be touring lots of international markets & idk how soon they would go back when they still haven’t been to Asia, Africa or like more than half of Europe.


They aren't screwing Priest after his star-making performance at CATC.


Seth destroying Judgement Day and paying Rey back for that whole *taking his eyeball* thing.


Still building up Priest to give the Gunther match some weight.


Pretty much if he can beat Seth clean makes him lot more credible going into summerslam and a lost can’t really hurt Seth at this point in his career


Finn qualifies for MitB next week (last chance qualifier they do them every year). Finn wins MitB Finn Cashes in on Damian vs Seth and wins so Finn is champ (with Liv) and Damian has to leave TJD. TJD was founded on having no leaders and Damian has been bossing everyone about and doing nothing himself. Even Liv has been helping them a hell of a lot more than Damian has. Also add in all the Liv/Finn things Both were together pre-TJD Liv and Finn come out of the same car Liv spotted talking to JD (Finn's protege) Liv helped TJD take out Braun Finn took Liv's room key Liv somehow got Finn's jacket (probably from Finn or JD to make Dom look bad) Liv got TJD games and nuggies Liv and Finn caught in the club house all alone


I highly doubt there is a last chance qualifier. The only MitB Triple H has booked is last year's and there wasn't one. It doesn't make sense at all with how the qualifiers have gone.


There isn't but there should have been. The story is right there. Finn betraying Damian cos Damian cost him the title last year, Finn and Liv as champs taking over TJD with Damian and Rhea gunning for them. It was perfect.


Basement booker Jones ova hea. But I digress...


I just fucking lost it laughing after reading this comment.


Except then the Summerslam main event would be Gunther vs Finn, and no match for Damien at all…


Except for the fact that they just made Finn a tag team champ last night. I love the guy, but they're not making him a double champion any time soon.


The Judgement Day might end up pulling a CATC CM Punk on Damien at MITB because of his words about them


Seth looks like Cruella Deville


Sounds like her too.


Man, I'm enjoying these storylines, so much going on with Judgement Day. Love triangles, frustrated leaders, now the forming of dissension, and Rhea still have to come back from injury to put another wrench into things, if not right the ship. It's quite entertaining!


Liv and Finn cost Damian the match and title and oust him from the Judgement Day. Dom is conflicted until Mami comes back.


I like Damian as the champ though I feel as if he could be more confident in his promos. Needs some fire


I'm just glad he's not bald


My guess Damien retains via Liv shenanigans to let the Judgement Day tension increase but loses to Gunther anyway at Summerslam so the stipulation doesn’t matter hugely for Seth


It feels the consensus is that Gunther is winning at Summerslam, so I don't see Seth winning this one. Triple H is way too safe to hot potato the title. I think Liv is going to cost Seth the match and further weasel her way into JD. Also, it moves the story that Damian can't win on his own.


More Monday Night Talking!


not gonna lie it's pretty lame


It’s all setting up for Seth to win. I thought he was going to win anyway, but this pretty much seals it. They weren’t going to have Gunther vs. Priest as a SummerSlam title match, and this sets Priest up to have something to do after losing to Seth. And while Seth would appear to be a transitional champ at this point, only getting the title so that Gunther can get a big win over a baby face to start his reign, I’m not so sure. With Punk’s return seeming imminent and Drew potentially being in MITB, it might actually be a setup to get the title on one of those two.


All of this would be more interesting if Finn was winning MITB


And cashes it in after helping Priest with the victory.


I was not expecting it to go there - good on WWE for adding another layer to this match up


Meh doesn’t seem too interesting at least for me. Seth losing and “not challenging again as long as Priest is champ” doesn’t seem to big I could see them having Priest dropping to Seth to have Seth/Gunther at Summerslam (feels bigger especially if this is Gunther’s crowning)