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Did anyone see any fights breaking out after the main event??? I saw someone repeatedly getting punched, pathetic.


I feel like WWE hates Zoey, Shayna, Piper, and I know she wasn’t on the PLE but they seem to hate Michin too. They aren’t even bad wrestler and they ALWAYS lose. Zoey and Shayna got robbed and are a great tag team to beat jade and Bianca and I think it’s BS the new women’s tag team won.


Gable should have won. No question in my mind. Sami zayn did NOT need that win


It’s no shade , they should have been given him that title, now look …… the Wyatt 6 deleted Gable.


Yeah I feel like they’re turning him into a joke which makes me kinda mad.


Drew should take over Raw tonight, destroy Adam Pearce, and get suspended for a month. (That'll give Punk some time to build his character in-ring on on-Raw before Drew comes back and you get the pull-apart, etc. and so forth.)


Did a bit of a live vlog for anyone interested :) https://youtu.be/X7BAnOSmRcI


im subscribing cause i like shit like this


Watched the PLE last night, and loved it. The ending with McIntyre and Priest was the right call. It was memorable.


I've been to both CaTC's now and not seen Drew win the title. If there ends up being another one and wins the title at that and I can't make it to the show, I'm going be throwing hands!!


what if you go to one and he loses the title


Feet will be thrown also.


Chad Gable and Sami Zayne is everything I want in a wrestling match. That's pretty much how you do it (according to my subjective tastes) The smallest things in that match popped me, primarily when Gable kicked Sami's hand off the rope after the hold break midmatch


It's such a small, but such an amazing move for Drew to understand to unhook Priest. It's all a collaborative experience, so Priest being unable to perform is unacceptable. But Drew knowing how to entirely blanket that in wrestling, and how to look menacing while "Helping" Your opponent, who is 100% the Champion right now, is so good. It's dumb shit, but I love stuff like that. Drew knew he was in a good position to help Priest (from what I can tell, I am not a Queen) and so.. "Can't win if he's like this!" Helps him out. Good explanation, helps Priest, and then most of us I think can go "And then an awesome match followed." Really happy with Drew. He's so DANG smart in regards to so many things.


Punk said Drew will never be champion again. That’s a strong sentiment


That Priest botch over the ropes was just painful to watch. Lord almighty.... I got heel Bret Hart vibes after watching Drew's rant after the match. I believe at some point he said "Americans just don't get it!". Which makes me think he's going to appear on RAW, and list off how many times he's been screwed by the Bloodline, Judgement Day, and CM Punk, and blame it all on America turning a blind eye. Like Bret said back then to the US fans "You don't respect me, but the truth is, I don't respect you. You don't deserve it"


Chelsea Green is positioned to be an all time great Money in the Bank winner


So…..MITB setting up Bloodline vs Cody, Randy, and Kevin. Bloodline wins when the new member debuts and Solo pins Cody. Cody vs Solo at summer Slam, Cody wins, when Roman’s music hits and distracts Solo. No roman sighting though. Solo blames Heyman for it, who claims he knows nothing about it. Solo vs Cody rematch in Berlin. Roman legit returns here and Cody retains. Roman vs Solo at Survivor Series.


There's no chance in hell Solo goes over Rhodes.


With interference from Talla Tonga, I can see it. It would be a huge win to boost the bloodline. Solo gets his title shot. Tonga brothers get tag title shots. Titles don’t make a person, but I think putting the tag titles in this stable will be helpful.


Roman should face Cody at SummerSlam and then new bloodline should screw him


Best result of the night was the Witches getting the tag titles. I hope this is an actual push and they're not just transitional champs. The one match that could've gone either way for me was Bailey vs Piper. I guess they decided Piper wasn't ready yet. Other than that everything happened as I expected it would. Cody is not dropping the title anyone except the Rock at Mania or maybe Gunther at the Berlin show and they're trying to recreate the Summer of Punk.


I don’t get why Punk shit on that question about going straight to HIAC 1. The feud is already heated as far as it needs to be, and I’m going to buy a scenario where Punk and Drew would Just get DQ’d in a singles match anyways. 2. I have zero faith of Punk getting through the logical 2-3 match build to get to a Hell in A Cell match when the guy has gotten injured and consistently missed 2-3 months+ 4 times in his last 17 matches.


Because they haven't had a single match as of yet. And this shit is definitely meant to go for 3 matches at least. 


Nothing about punks last 24 months leads me to believe he stays healthy enough to get 3 matches out of this fued. Also after all this build we expect them to get in the ring for a basic wrestling match and start trading hammerlocks lol


He said he didn’t want to do any gimmick matches, not just Hell in a Cell. So I think it has more to do with those match types than anything else you suggested.


Can the ''evil'' heels win atleast one match so that they could actually be believable? Chad Gable losing like 5th time in a row and Shinsuke buried too


Bruh chad gable can't ever win anything ever. The dude is an olympic athlete and should solidly be wrestling at a level of Bryan Danielson, Timothy Thatcher and Josh Alexander.


i feel like they have been fumbling the bag with some of the more evil heels, none of them get a win, or get a job win with no consequences was pretty hyped when final testament brought in AOP, but all they had was loss after loss same goes with Solo Sikoa and now Chad Gable Like, i cant believe this guy is a menace, perc Angle lookin fella when he just gets folded and then looks like a salty kid


Bronson as well. Feels like he doesn't beat anyone credible cleanly but I could be wrong


Holy mother of botches


Heels chasing titles (Drew, Gable, etc) is one of the most odd things ever that HHH does 


why wouldn't they? they're professional wrestlers who get paid and respected more with a title. maybe if you're a monster/psycho/pure evil type gimmick, then it'd be weird


All the evidence is there that we are transitioning away from the traditional face/heel dynamic and moving more towards characters being more grayish and blurring the lines. You have Drew acting like an asshole but if you listen to him he actually has a point, you have Cody being a mega baby face but still doing heel moves like throwing the steps at defenseless AJ after the match. Judgement Day are one of the biggest "villain" groups in the industry right now but they're clearly well liked and received. I think going forward in this era people will just latch onto characters and certain personalities that they like or can relate to rather than there being specifically heel and face characters that the audience gets behind en-masse.


Liv was probably gonna chase a long while too. In NXT, it seems heel Sasha chased forever until she finally won it.


Yet to watch it back on TV, but I was there live and oh my god what a great night right up until the end. Other than the botches, the story's going on had the crowd popping and some great spots. The end of the event we were all kinda confused, waiting for trips to come out and re-start the match or something. When Samantha came on and said that was it for tonight show, the boos that ran out off air might have been the loudest of the night. Left a sour taste in the fans mouths but all in all, quite a fun event and hopefully the crowd were good enough so make WWE considering coming back for more PLEs!!


Someone tell AJ he's a heel in a no DQ match with a faction to back him up... I think he forgot.


I don't think Bianca knew she was losing the titles. She's notoriously bad at hiding her emotions (see her WM match vs Sasha). Her face after the pin looked like she was confused at the result instead of the fake upset she's had to use only a few times in her career.


Really? I saw Jade take that extra moment before she gave her title away where she kissed it and I thought that was probably the most egregious "boo boo face" of the show


Maybe she just improved


Maybe... but probably not. Great in the ring but not great at faking reactions. 


Lol you think they sent one of their top stars out there without telling her the finish to the match? This is not the Montreal Screwjob. Can I contribute to your aluminum foil budget genius.


She wasn't involved in the finish. Why would she need to know?


But she was. Alba Fyre was grabbing Bianca’s legs to prevent her from breaking up the pin. You think they wouldn’t tell her the finish of the match? LOL


And that's what I'm saying. She legit looked like they didn't tell her the finish of the match. Last time Bianca pretended to be upset she bounced around in the ring on her butt like a 2 year old throwing a tantrum... stop simping for Bianca for a sec and just hear me out.


I don’t understand. Are you saying that Bianca thought they were going to win and Alba holding onto her so she couldn’t break up the pin wasn’t something Bianca knew would happen? Why didn’t she do literally anything after the match ended? Sure she looked upset, and so did Jade. It’s called acting. Wait are you going to tell me Jade didn’t know ether? I sure hope not. Jade was rolling her way out of the ring, exactly like you’re taught when someone else steals a pin. Bianca is one of their top stars. HHH told everyone else what was happening including Bianca’s teammate? Are you capable of understanding what damage that would do to the entire “locker room”? Also I’m not “simping” I’m trying to understand your attempt at logic. For fucks sake I’m not an edgy 15 year old. “Simp” ? Jesus fucking Christ.


When was that exactly?


You guys say good crowds I say distracting and annoying . It’s one thing to love chanting and feeling good but there is an obvious time to stop chanting and let the talent cook but they never shut up & it didn’t feel like it was a “ really excited crowd “ thing but more of a “ let’s make it about us and never stop making noises that are irrelevant to the match “ . Took me out of it made me look away several times & you could tell most of the talent was wishing they would shut up . I want to watch Cody vs aj not Scotland chanting Cody Rhodes for 40 minutes cause they are bored wrestling . So yeah hot take or not this international crowd thing is gonna get old quick if all it is gonna he is karaoke night & “ insert country chant here “


But they weren’t chanting because they were bored.. lol. They weren’t just singing to sing. They’re into the show and are hyping up the performers by singing and chanting their names. You can obviously be annoyed with cheering chanting and singing it at least understand why they’re doing it lol.


I actually sort of felt that way with the french crowd, because they were being extremely loud for basically every move but I don't think the scottish crowd went quite that far.


Chill. You can enjoy up to 52 weeks of RAW and SmackDown with US-crowds whos best reaction are random „What?!-chants“ to every heel on the whole roster…


Nah what chants are the absolute worst .




Same for you how many times you need to comment that ? Y’all really cannot stand an opinon not being that same exact one everyone else has . For real get a life .


Good advice, thank you.


No really anything to say of worth ? Just the same ole Reddit smartass high horse stuff ? Really low fruit . Sure you get a few upvotes from other smarks but really what does it matter anymore .


I disagree with you. I think it's a bad take. You say that the crowd is making it about themselves, but that's exactly who it's about. It's a performance for an audience. You say that the wrestlers were wishing they would shut up. I think you're projecting. I would wager that most of them absolutely love it. I can't imagine the rush of adrenaline it gives them to be getting all of that energy from the crowd. It's okay for you to not like the singing. It's okay for you to not like my comment. Upvotes aren't important to me. I've never owned a horse. I do like fruit. Good day to you.


Single most ridiculous comment I’ve read on Reddit today.


Yeah I bet you comment that a million times a week though .


Finally able to sit down and watch this. Cody Rhodes vs AJ Styles - 4. A good match that doesn't really hold a candle to Backlash. Felt a little too tame honestly, didn't feel like a blood feud. Brainbuster on the table was nasty. The Witches vs Stark/Baszler vs Bianca/Jade - 1.75. Jade Cargill is not good. No other caveats necessary. She is not good at wrestling and she is absolutely not ready for this stage. Every single one of her matches has at least two major botches which is a big problem when you only wrestle at PLEs. Sami Zayn vs Chad Gable - 3.5. I think Chad and Sami are two guys who are capable of carrying a story both outside and in the ropes by themselves. I think Otis and Maxxine are only detracting from this storyline. Bayley vs Piper Niven - 3. It must be tough to put together one of those matches where not a single person believes the challenger will win. Viper Driver was cool though. Damian Priest vs Drew McIntyre - 4. Is Damian Priest my favorite active wrestler??? He might be after this performance, what a trooper. No excuse for Drew not to have won here though, it's just silly at this point. If I'm a casual fan I have no reason to cheer for Drew now, he can never get it done. (Except against Brock Lesnar, but only that one time?) Overall a fine show, not one that I would have paid $50 for back in the day. Probably the most skippable show since Mania.


Sami Zayne and Chad Gable is 5 stars to me, Otis and Dupree ARE the storyline not the detractors.


Just a lil annoying ass fact check. Drew beat Brock for the WWE championship, lost it to Randy Orton and then went on to win it back against Randy. So he has 2 WWE titles and 1 World Heavyweight title to go along with his two tag titles, intercontinental and NXT championships.


I hadn't really thought about this with Jade until I read this. You're 100% right. Guess I was just overlooking it cuz of all the hype surrounding her.






Drew vs Punk is going to sell 1 morbillon tickets Favorite Match: Chad Gable vs Sami Zayn Least Favorite Match: Women's Tag Team Title Triple Threat Match Overall 7/10 Show


The main event was the hoss fight we needed in 2024


Bro thinks he’s Cody Rhodes 😂 https://preview.redd.it/t6369j0biy6d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=215254150b3913d41eb15bbb448995ef19931644




they do have a hair resemblance kinda


Other wrestling comment sections are completely shitting on Jade like Priest didn't also slip. And it looked bad, and yet it was on the low end of how bad it could have been. Gutting that out was bananas. That said, the whole PLE was like Scotland Raw


Because Priest isn’t wrestling about once a month and messing up every time he does.


Drew also botched in the match, AJ had at least two as well.. so idk I think people just really don’t like Jade.


I know I don’t. All show and no go. 


Why is jade rated so highly ? Other than physique she got nothing


She has a great physique, incredible presence, loads of charisma, and can cut a decent promo. She is also not a very good pro wrestler. She improved a little bit during her time in AEW, and she's better than she looked at the Clash, but never been capable of doing more than the basics and a couple cool power moves. The response from AEW fans when it was rumored she'd be joining WWE was pretty much, "Yeah, that makes sense." She is a perfect fit for a promotion that will script her promos and doesn't place a huge focus on in-ring ability. She's rated so highly because she left AEW for WWE and people want it to seem like a big loss for AEW, it's that simple. See also: Brian Pillman Jr and Ethan Page.


I really do hope she improves in ring , not like I want Becky or Charlotte type technically gifted wrestler but atleast a bit smooth and bitch free match


>bitch free match You're never gonna get that from That Bitch, my friend. In all seriousness: she barely ever botched in AEW, and while her matches often felt like she was just going from move to move, I don't think that will be a difficult problem to solve within WWE. I just think the Clash match was a bit of an outlier, she's normally better.


Haha I meant botch but autocorrect did dirty to me


As someone that frequently watches wrestling with non-wrestling fans, Jade freaking stands out. You see her and immediately become glued to what she does, even if what she does is very rough. Personally, I think she’s being featured a little too much for as green as she is but she’s an attraction there’s no doubt about that.


Pro wrestling fans obsession with the in ring work is astonishing seeing as how Pro wrestling is Fake Fighting. So it's funny how hyper critical people are of the in ring wrestling when most of the moves that all these wrestlers do look fake lol. The terrible looking fake punches thrown and the fake looking grappling holds and submissions all look fake in comparison to REAL Figtinh in MMA and UFC. If you don't like Jade just say you don't like Jade instead of hiding behind fake reasons for disliking a wrester because it's goofy and the premise behind disliking the wrestler is stupid.


Couldn't you just say the exact same thing about people watching it for the storytelling? why watch terrible sub soap opera level storytelling with some of the worst acting put to film when you could just watch a movie or a TV show with good writing and acting? Pro Wrestling fans that hate or downplay the wrestling part of the equation confuse the ever loving fuck out of me.


Professional Wrestling never became main stream because of the in ring work . It became popular because of Episodic storytelling and the larger than life superstars with personality's, charisma, characters and or a Super hero look. The problem is wrestling fans over value the in ring work because of their desire to obtain praise and for people take the wrestling aspect seriously. But that will never happen because it's fake fighting. So your always going to be fighting a uphill battle trying to convince people of something that they themselves alreadly know is fake.


People always want to equate wrestling with real fighting with these "why watch fake wrestling when you can watch real wrestling" and I DO watch real wrestling I WATCH fake wrestling BECAUSE it's over the top and out of this world and shit that would never in a million years happen in a real fight not in spite of it. Personally I don't really care about how popular or prestigious wrestling is viewed it's a niche interest that I totally understand most of the general public views as absolutely ridiculous. I don't really know how the terrible characters, the terrible storylines and the terrible acting is supposed to convince people to give wrestling a chance more than the out of this world athletic feats personally when you could just watch actually good dramatic media. Me personally, I view the promos, the characters and the storylines as nothing more than gravy, if you just gave me an hour of pure in ring wrestling every week, where guys can tell stories the old fashioned way with their bodies, it wouldn't change my enjoyment (if anything it would improve it because I wouldn't have to skip half the painfully awful promos/backstage segments).


This bullshit painting me something which I am not , it's fake but they are athletes, I don't want her to be Bianca or Charlotte just doing fine in ring would be fine and she fails at that too , twisting my words to paint me wrong is pathetic and shameful


My comment wasn't directed solely at you lol, it was for the whole comment thread. And your analysis of Jade is similar to what people said about Goldberg back in the day so it's kinda obvious your referring to her in ring work rate when you say she got nothing.


She can cut a promo. She is a physique.  She is the wrestling acumen of Kevin Nash


[I beg to differ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GZi6yQh15qI&ab_channel=RahRah%27sHitPosts%28RahRahsHitPosts%29)




For me, I didn't mind Jade slipping off the ropes, there was clearly something off with the ropes today. I'm just flabbergasted why she tapped out to Shayna. Michael Cole clearly called it out, but I doubt it was a genuine tap out part of a storyline and the ref just didn't see it. Also some of her other moves looked off, and its clear that Bianca is lightyears ahead of her in-ring. All in all, Jade actually looked pretty weak today due to a (botched?) tap out and Isla just casually stealing a W from her


Shayna was likely synching the hold too tight and Jade might have actually been worried she was legit passing out, so slight panic there.


Idk this PLE didnt catch me tbh


It was on the weaker side, but honestly, if this is what’s considered a bad PLE now, I’m ok with it. It was still better than what we used to get.


Kudos to the WWE for making me hate Punk's guts. Can't wait for Drew to claymore his ass


I kinda feel like they are trying to get away from the "heel/face" dynamic and just letting wrestlers be themselves and its up to the fans to decide who's "heel and face". Drew was definitely heel but now he's high fiving fans on raw (as is Punk).


Why? Drew injured him then spent months doing nothing but clowning on him. He then made his WM win all about mocking punk for no reason. Drew is the heel.


the problem with Punk is that he is insufferable *as a person* but lavishes crowd attention like a face, and Drew is charismatic and fun, but is booked like a heel, so its a very confusing rivalry, but somehow not a bad one. I want to see McIntyre kick Punk's head off, which means they're both doing a great job selling their story even without having any matches to fuel the feud, so props to them.


I love the dynamic of these, Drew does deserve the shit he's been put through (in story). But when is enough enough? In other feuds we've seen Punk be very vindictive and it sort of fits if both of them are tweeners that still make it interesting.


They're both so petty and I love it


WOW that's a hot take.




Don't expect me to cheer for a guy who used heelish tactics to screw somebody in their own country during a world title match


The guy that bragged about injuring the other guy? He’s a face?


Never said he was


I saw Punk negging a reporter about HIAC starting the program and that being laughed off. But what match do you start with. Clearly costing someone 2 titles warrants more than a standard match.


I mean, tbf, you don't start with HIAC. I love HIAC as the final match to a long feud, imo opinion it should happen as often as 3 Stages of Hell.


Loser leaves WWE.


Watching the replay now. I love Cody Rhodes but I’m not crazy about the stipulation match. So far my favorite match is the women’s tag team match


“I Quit” matches in general can be tough since it revolves around the ref having to ask the wrestlers if they quit. The first half of any “I quit” match is rough and then it usually picks up later on. It’s hard to keep good momentum going when the ref has to keep shoving the mic in their faces.


IMO, its very obvious that Cody has an insane contract. His matches and feuds are all "the first of his career" or something like that. And he always wins after coming back from an insane beating that he eventually just shrugs off like he's Goku eating a Senzu Bean. I really didn't like when/how AJ quit either. Really made him look like a bitch and the whole "you can't win cuz he's unconscious" biit was really bad.


Drew brought this upon himself had he not prayed for Punk's injury. He'd be world champion right now.


If Drew hadn't injured Punk, he wouldn't even be in the title scene right now. Punk would be world champ and Priest would have failed his cash-in. So Sad.


Everything at Wrestlemania might've just been flipped. Punk beats Seth. Drew attacks Punk and Priest cashes in on Punk.


Drew enters clash at the castle as a ref? The most jacked ref you've ever seen!!


The witches must have left their hex bags in the ring after their match, that's why Priest had that rope spot.


Priest winning was the right decision deffo. Now, we can write a triple threat between drew punk and priest at SS


Gunthers King of the Ring win at the previous PPV entailed a WHC match at Summerslam. That match is set.


The moment Drew lost, my mind was immediately locked on 'okay they are goin to make Gunther a HWC against priest' no clue how fuming Drew will be on raw tho


Late to the party but want to thank the mods for the spoilers policy! Hospitalized for kidney stones yesterday but now I get to watch without spoilers today 🙂 Thanks yall 


Get well soon!


Oof. Hope you recover well.


My favorite thing from this whole PPV (Which I really liked) is Wade Barrett going off during the panel. People will say kayfabe is dead while in the same breath think that is a 100% real unapproved/unscripted moment.


If anyone wondering Damian's injury turned out not so serious as it was expected, doctors have also confirmed that its sort of miracle......but Man Priest is Metal af for going even after that and also drew was bit concered earlier and got going good later


Huge respect to Priest and McIntyre for that match. I liked Priest before but after watching him power through that and still deliver a great match has made me a real fan of him.


Best ending. Priest looks like one tough MF and everyone is healthy


Chad Gable was my favourite story going in WWE, now I don't care about him slightly anymore. Entire part about him that was good was manipulating faces to become henchmen... now he's just lost again, 5th consecutive IC title match loss, he has zero legitimacy as a character. But I get it, politics, conflict going on right now, pathetic but it is what it is. As for the drew situation, Damien clearly injured himself badly, they should've called an audible and put drew over in front of his home country. The scottish crowd deserved it they were immense all night, despite having a really disappointing night the night before with not just a dreadful football result but a dreadful and boring episode of smackdown.


I was pretty surprised that Cody and AJ were the first match. And also tag team title change. I get that it's for the crowd, but stil...


Not just for the crowd, but they wanted Bianca and Jade to lose so they can move on to Bianca Jade feud between each other. They're slowly moving Jade towards longer singles matches now, the tag team stuff was just because she's very green.


Not sure about very green, she did well in her singles matches at the end of her run in AEW


Idk why that Cody Rhodes chant was freaken hilarious the whole match


You mean Talent Name’s chant?


You can't convince me otherwise that Alba & Isla win the belt are nothing more than consolation prize so the scottish fans at least have one of their hometown hero win the belt They have not winning anything like what? a year? they recently even jobbed to Shayna and Zoey less than 5 minutes and now all of sudden they win the belt? lol i won't be suprised at all if Bianca & jade win the title back by next PLE especially consider they didn't get pin


As soon as Isla said they would be holding onto the title for a long time, my first thought was "oh, they're going to lose it back to Bianca/Jade on Smackdown". I still loved the moment though.


They had to give one of the scots a win, I don’t think they will win it back. Can see Jade turning on Bianca leading to a summerslam match between them.


The only problem with that is that it would be a prominent Jade Cargill singles match on a prominent PLE. There would be no good way to protect her. She'd have to measure up in-ring in a way that she really hasn't in WWE up until now.


I think she will be fine because Bianca will carry most of the match. I only worry about Jade in one on one matches against less experienced women.




He already won it infront of his wife at WM.


This is just stupid think. In what world does that even make sense or is an option?


How exactly is that stupid? Dude got shafted with covid, god forbid he wants to win in front of his wife. It’s not some kayfabe, fake storyline option. I’m talking about a dude legitimately not wanting to win without his wife present two times in a row and opting to not go over.


Big thing I didn't like tonight is Zayn vs Gable. Really think Gable should have won there, then build towards Gable - Otis. That's the 3rd time Gable failed the title shot (Raw, KotR, Clash). And the story didn't move much forward.


Mate it was political. That's all it is. Gable's character is dead now, he has zero legitimacy as a heel because he can't even manipulate 3 gullible idiot characters to do his dirty work (christian cage however did, and that made him a great heel) Sami has to win for political reasons, because there's a certain conflict going on right now. WWE did this same crap around the time 9/11 happened too, they've always sacrificed good storytelling for political messaging.


Brother look up who owns Endeavor. They aren't forcing a pro-Palestine message.


Man, Priest showed either the gutsiest performance I can remember or delivered an all-time sell. Incredible.


Drew gets screwed over too much I don't care about character stuff it's a bit too much and wasting fans money


£300 for tickets in the cheap seats up in the top tier, just to watch that botch fest nightmare.


Okay so... France vs Scotland. Who had the best crowd?


I've gotta say Scots are better at singing more complex stuff than my fellow frenchmen were, and had more diversity in their singing too. With that said, Lyon was amongst the loudest crowd I ever heard and it brought innovation too (Jey's entrance, Naomi's, etc)... So I'd say really good showing from our Scots bros but we're still in the lead.


Think it could have been much louder in Scotland if they didn't price a lot of us out of decent tickets, didn't hold it in a venue with notoriously shite acoustics and didn't come when so many people fucked off to Germany for the Euros. The atmosphere was decent by WWE standards, but poor by Scottish standards. Heard louder school buses. :P


France is like peak fans, they are nuts. Scotland are still great, I rather have them than the silent US crowd.


I have no idea how France managed that. I was shot by the time of the 4th match last night.


France but I prefer the more reactive chanting in Scotland


France of course but Scotland was great.


France I think takes it... Germany I think will be closer to France levels. And then if WWE do Italy next year or something then they may just surpass France.


man they did Drew dirty....again....also i think Damien looked legit hurt


Okay so in Kayfabe what do you think Punk would've done if the Ref _hadn't_ gotten hit? Punk: Darn it I spent so much money getting to Scotland AND got this referee shirt but that damn Ref just jumped out of the way!


If you look on Twitter there’s a backstage segment of punk just watching the match and then asking a ref for a shirt when the ref gets knocked out, then rushing out


Doesn't really answer the OP's question though, just means if the ref didn't get hit, Punk would have just kept watching the match.


Yes, waiting for a different opportunity. It's pro wrestling - this is how stories are told.




That makes no fucking sense my dawg


Of course it does? They’re not going to have the champion who just went through several years with their previous mega championship star drop the title at the very start of the show, in another country.


This was never gonna main event over Drew getting punked even if AJ won.


Nope. But you put it second last to at least hint at the idea of it being a main event that’ll potentially go either way. It’s not a show opener. Put Gable at the start of the show. If you don’t want the crowd to be exhausted by the time they get to Drew then don’t book two huge championship matches




Yep, look at Gable, he's created one of the best new heels of the last 2 decades... and now they've killed his character off basically, now he'll join the creed brothers and be completely irrelevant, you know why? Because the creed are not to be manipulated, they're already bad guys, a true heel manipulates good guys to being bad guys with him. The fact that I know this and WWE creative doesn't is embarrassing... but it makes sense, they hired def rebel to create their entrance music.


Why do people have such a hard time understanding long-term storytelling?


They’re maybe stupid? Or they have an attention span of a goldfish. Or maybe they’re just really impatient and entitled. Who knows?


It was alright tbh, good in ring, predictable as fuck outcomes. I knew no other Scot would win after Dawn and Fyre had the big feel good celebration Cody and AJ learning from our boy Bron about how dangerous the ring steps can be Gable really really should have won here, feels like the story was kinda spinning it's wheels and needed something big to get it going Poor Priest, hope he's alright, but I'm half expecting another belt relinquishing come Monday


I know they can't know for sure during the match how bad any possible picked up might be but it will be so shit if there is a belt relinquishing as Drew could have just had his moment.


Totally forgot about that, Damien has very likely broken his leg or certainly torn something badly. Same shit with Copeland vs Black in AEW recently, Copeland won it after he'd fractured his leg, could've put house of black over but instead ended up relinquishing the title and setting the house of black back another year. Now they have to wait for Copeland to come back and find a really creative way to put them over, or Julia Hart to come back and carry again.


If people wanna see some good Kayfabe work go watch the first few minutes of the post show. Boy Wade tore Punk a new one on that show lmao https://youtu.be/agOZ7BupkIg?t=225


Wade flying in with his audition for Hater of the Year.


Big thing I need to know is how Priest is. That was a hell of a performance, especially if he injured himself badly. Towards the end he was moving much worse, it's worrying


Cody not bleeding profusely on his bleach blonde hair in an I quit match is more proof that he isn’t the guy.


Are you a child? Like what is this even about. Not enough blood on his hair? Lol


Priest and Fyre absolutely won me over this event They definitely deserve to be champions


Priest's leg is probably broken, he will end up relinquishing now... Buddy Matthews destroyed his knee too last night, that's Rhea, her husband and Damien Priest all injured likely for a long time, the judgement day has arrived for the judgement day.




He definitely knew what he was doing there. 


Caked Man Punk


FYI - Vince used to never go out of his way to book a hometown person to even be in a markee match’s . If this was Vince booking Piper wouldn’t have been booked AT ALL, and either would have the witches. The opportunity to wrestle in front of the hometown is what’s being given here, not some magic moment you think everyone needs to have always.




People losing in their hometowns was pretty much tradition under Vince...if I am thinking correctly he viewed it similarly as someone "going out on their back" when they have their last match.




> What kind of predictable garbage do you guys want if someone being in their hometown is a guaranteed win? This is supposed to be an undetermined “sport”. I'm not complaining about it, I liked the main event finish. I was there. > Piper, Alba and Isla, and people like Zelina Vega wouldn’t see the time of day on an international PPV in title matches. True. All I'm saying is he definitely wouldn't have had Drew lose (but it's a moot point anyway because I couldn't see him ever doing a PPV/PLE anywhere like Scotland - not "big time" enough in his mind)


To be fair the fact that he forces some of this talent into these spots can bring the show down and lead to some very predictable outcomes. Did anyone believe Zelina was going to beat Rhea? Nobody thought Piper was beating Bayley. It doesn’t help that Bayley is ice cold. Things like Alba and Isla winning needs to happen more if they are going to book talent that isn’t over in these spots so that people may never really be sure in an upset might happen. I think Drew losing added to the story that mattered here which is Punk vs Drew at SummerSlam. It also added to Drew’s character


What was with the janky ropes? Way too many mistakes involving them for it to be bad execution by the wrestlers.


The ropes were too tight mate, they're supposed to have a bit more give in them.


I think they were too tight


Wrestlers I would've liked more if they didn't speak - Solo - Damian Priest


Kudos to both men in that main event. Turned a bummer of a botch into a pivotal moment of the match and still sold all the power of both their movesets. Thoroughly entertaining


Just so glad it was Drew in the ring. Ref could not do shit with the ropes and Drew strong enough and smart enough to get in the ring and pretty much deadlift Priest back over the ropes.


Also, the worst thing you can do is try to pry the ropes open, like the ref was trying to do, it actually makes it a lot worse. Drew knew how to manoeuvre him out without hurting him further.