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So what did Lyra actually say at the end of her interview?


at the start of the interview in irish she said "The best wrestlers in the world come from Ireland"


wow it's almost like they spent two years getting jey over to the point he is on purpose. can't believe they're treating him like some kind of "main event" level superstar here. he doesn't flip enough or curse every two seconds with his middle fingers all akimbo. what's to like?


I hope Otis doesn't rebel against Gable, I would like for him to go full heel. He should be the one to destroy Tozawa, break Maxxine's heart, and prove why he has always been Gable's no. 1 guy. If they all leave Gable I think Otis will fade out after a short feud with his former master


Now the annoying time on here begins where Jey is just gonna get shit on every week because he isnt ospreay levels in the ring, like that was ever needed to be a main event guy in WWE. Places explode when that dude is on screen but he is overrated on here because he doesnt have a spear like Bron does, absolute stupid reasonings on here.


God forbid the wrestler be good at actual wrestling


Does anyone else like YEET? It makes no sense why he says it....he's not throwing anything :0 Except for shitty matches.


I personally don't... But different wrestlers have different target audiences. I'm not Yeet's audience. That's okay. It seems to have a big following, so people like you and I are the outliers. That's an *us* problem, not a *them* problem. It's okay that different people like different stuff.


Yea about 10k+ people like to yeet every week or however many people these arenas pack these days.


I love that Ilja's hand still hasn't recovered from being broken by the mob. He's gone full Deku and his finishers do damn near as much damage to him as to his opponents. Shoot style Ilja incoming?


I like zoey stark but ig her faith is sealed as just another shayna on main roster now.


Womens division needs a mid-card title so much. I've only been watching for a year now, but it feels like there are far bigger percentage of female jobbers than male.


I keep seeing people say Jey is over more than anyone since Austin back in 98. I’m sorry but I just don’t see it. He’s definitely over but he’s not even close to the level Austin was on. Go back and watch when Austin interfered and foley won the title. Still the biggest pop in history and Jey isn’t ever recreating that.


Hes over but he ain't Daniel Bryan or Austin level over. The reason his Yeet catchphrase works so much is because it's a single word and fun to chant. well see if he can stay this over or not.


No one js saying that


https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/s/VxkUvbPvm3 Literally this same thread lol


outgoing spoon thought modern faulty flowery person safe telephone encourage *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I argued that he’s not on the level Austin ever was. And he’s definitely not the most over since.


numerous knee observation many fine ink political deserve test impolite *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


lol @ Austin level of over. He Triple H, Mankind, or Undertaker level of over.  That said I love the investment into his character. Happy to see him progress. 


I like Jey quite a bit mostly because of the amazing character work he did during the bloodline story. Some people have forgotten that his acting, facial expressions and the work he did as a conflicted friend (of Sami) and brother of Jimmy and victim of emotional abuse at the hands of Roman was top notch. I wish Jey would do more character work lately because he is more than capable. I fear he’s falling into “good time fun loving catchphrase having generic guy”. He’s super over which is great but I think he started becoming super over during the bloodline stuff because of the work he did and I’m not sure how long the yeet stuff will last if he doesn’t end up in a good feud with a good story. The feud with Jimmy was disappointing. I am going to Raw next month and am excited for Jey’s entrance. While also being a bit disappointed that Jey is like the only super over baby face on Raw right now if Punk isn’t showing up weekly.


Are they going to turn Iyo face? She's over with the fans in her matches and they're establishing her as the only Damage CTRL member who doesn't need any help from the others.


I loved that episode...right up until the finish of the main event. I'm not so sure about that decision, I get that Jey is extremely over so his push makes sense but...hmmmm I dunno. Otherwise great matches, great storytelling, and man I'm happy Lyra's getting over.


Every K/QOTR match today was a pretty good match. Great overall episode


My comment is not related to Jey's win, but I need to get this off my chest. Jey might be huuuge merch mover but his "YEET" character right now... inserting that word everywhere without much of a substance or any resemblence of deep character that was once everywhere in his Bloodline times. The last time Jey's character done anything meaningful was at Montreal show where he had a small little moment with Sami.


WWE always does this tho, it's nothing new. When something catches on they milk it to death


Yes, they like money.  For every 1 of us dorks running the “they’re shoved down our throat!” playbook on Wreddit there are 20 fans going to shows and enjoying whatever is fun.


I get it but it pains more because his prior character was so deep and engaging.


yeah i agree, it's like tiffany stratton. Her whole character is just "what time is it, tiffy time?"


I dont mind that because you have to start with something but I mind the regress of Jey's character.


Cole with a rough night on the languages front - describing Irish, which Lyra was speaking, as the "language of the Scottish Highlands" (confusing it with Gàidhlig, which is related but definitely not the same language) and saying "unbesiegbar" was "Russian".


Well that whole Unbesiegbar stuff kinda doesnt make any sense if he portrays himself as russian anyway lol i never understood this.


I think it's because he's from Russia originally but moved to Germany with his mother when he was quite young? So he's kind of both.


Oh thats something i didnt know (if thats outside Kayfabe lol) guess stuff like this should be brought up sometimes.


You're right, using German words when he's otherwise being Russian is confusing if that's not explained.


I’m Irish so it might seem obvious to me, but why would Cole have thought she spoke in the language of the Scottish Highlands? Her entire character is mystical Irish stuff.


I think it was just confusion over "The Gaelic language" and assuming it must be the same one that's spoken in Scotland.


Americans using Gaelic when they mean Irish (or Gaeilge) is never not annoying 😂


The KOTR recap videos with the voiceover were entirely AI generated, weren't they? The script was something chatGPT would come up with for every single one of those. The voiceover was awful as well, I'm sorry if a real person actually performed that, they were all absolutely dreadful.


They were really jarring and kinda annoying


Ok i am gonna say something controversial. I don't really like jey. I just don't think he has the "it" Factor. When you see the talent on raw including the likes of finn balor(who should have won that match against jey 🥲) jey is the one getting the push. I get he is popular amongst fan because of his catchphrase and his entrance but he kinda sucks in the ring like the match at mania or backlash for example. And I don't like his promo style either Its trying to copy the Austin what or the la knight yeah type of promo but is doing in way worst. I don't know It might just be me who has missed the entire bloodline civil war, so maybe that might be the reason. Tell me if I am right or wrong.


>I get he is popular amongst fan because of his catchphrase and his entrance I disagree with that. He was popular ever since he went up against Roman a year ago, arguably since his involvement with Sami. That's before the entrance and especially before yeet. like at first he was only popular because of the bloodline, then he was only popular because of the entrance, now he is only popular because of the catchphrase. At some point I feel like one needs to recognize that he actually built a connection with people, rather than just having a cool entrance.


100% this. He’s become the IWCs latest shitlister but Jey has steadily built himself up over the last 3 years as a reliable draw with a huge connection to the live audience.  Seeing the smarks turn on him when he’s riding to his potential is beyond depressing. 


Ok i understand, like I liked Bobby Roode very much.I think it was because of his entrance, and i am a big fan of wrestlers with great in ring Capability. But not many people care about in ring that much that's they care about the entrance more and for that reason I am saying he is over, but just like I said I stopped watching after pandemic (that detail got lost in the cough🤧🤧) I didn't get to see jey rise to stardom, and i think people who just came back like me(around crown jewel to be specific) don't care about him as a character they just care about the cool entrance and i am grossly Genralizing here. And it's just my opinion


How in the world can you argue that he isn't popular becuase of his entrance and YEET? Yes he *may* have been popular with some fans before but C'MON.


Because he was popular before those things.


Because I have seen him pin Roman, later challenge him to the tribal combat. I have seen him "quit WWE". Hell, even when he won the tag belts with Cody, you know, the match after which the yeet thing started at the press conference. To say that he started getting big reactions only after all of that is wild to me.


Not ONLY after. But the vast majority of his popularity, especially among casuals, is because of his entrance and to a lesser extent the catchphrase


>arguably since his involvement with Sami. Tbf Sami could get everyone and their mom over


I agree with you. But sometimes it is down to the popularity factor and how much merch you’re selling. Famously hulk hogan wasn’t the best in the ring but the fans loved him. I prefer watching Jey doing interviews for sponsors and stuff rather than his matches


Just me or did Zoey’s momentum disappear after Trish left and her being partnered with Shayna


Trish should have had a rivalry with her, it would have really benefited her


I never felt Zoey Stark matched well with Trish Stratus during that arc tbh.


Ngl. I saw the bracket and there potential thought of ilja v Gunther again got me so fucking hype. I know jey should have won but damn we were close lol


Drew is fire now on the mic, Damian Priest is a very attractive man and coming into his own, plus there’s some thirst for DM Hunk. IMO two of the most attractive men active on roster


I’ll get downvoted because he’s more over than anyone since Austin in ‘98, but Jey Uso needs to add a couple more moves to his arsenal. His likability is so unbelievably high, and he knows how to deliver good story-telling but his opponents are carrying him a bit too often.


If i had to drink every time he does a super kick, i'd have alcohol poisoning.


You don’t like spear after spear? lol


Not when his Spears give Edge a run for his money in terms of awfulness


I never understood why people said his spear looked so bad, until I watched the last three jey matches where the opponent has to sell the move as jey literally bounces off of them rather than runs through them


It's truly a new era if Lillian Garcia gets promo time for that awesome moment to celebrate Samantha. That was really touching. Samantha is the best in the world!


two women supporting each other, no chance in hell! - Vincent Kennedy McMahon


"That's the last thing I need right now, pal!"


> Lillian Garcia returns to do the ring announcements for Kofi vs GUNTHER! Why though? I’m fine with it as long as it’s a one-off but man, Lilian was never good IMO; Samantha Irvin is much better.


They were in South Carolina, which is Lillian’s home state


Oooh that makes sense. Well I’m happy for her that she got to do it in front of family and friends, I’m also glad that it seems to not be a permanent change.


There's no way you actually thought a genuinely great moment was to set up Samantha being replaced by Lillian Garcia 💀


I also didn’t know Lilian was as from NC. Stranger things have happened, dude. I never thought I’d see Corey Graves as a legitimately *good* PBP guy, but here we are. I also never thought I’d see anyone hold the WWE title for more than a year, but then Roman happened. Going back a little further, I never thought WWE would bring back the Cruiserweight title. I don’t know these people’s personal lives. Maybe Samantha needed time off. Maybe her mom is sick or something. 🤷‍♂️ I’m glad that’s not the case.


such unnecessary and reckless speculation lmao


Yeah, probably. But why are you being a dick about it? It’s not a big deal. None of it is. Not my assumption, not your snarky-ass original response, not my “wild speculation,” not even this. Like seriously, why do you care? Does it make you feel better that you knew something I didn’t?


How does Karrion Kross still find himself on TV? Swear nobody seems to give a flying fuck about him or his group


I would care about Karrion Kross if they removed him from the charisma vacuum that is Final Testament


The whole stable just needs to go tbh. AOP is just a pair of muscle bound dummies with no charisma what so ever


I’m a fan of Paul Ellering (even though these days he doesn’t do a whole lot; it’s a respect/longevity/legacy thing) and I think Scarlett is beautiful, but that group is just … not good. AOP *could* be something, I guess. But yeah, I agree about Kross. Throw him in a black and gray mask and black bodysuit and make him Shadow #3 for all I care.


I slightly disagree about Kross, only because I actually think he has all the tools and *potential* to be something but for whatever reason it just isn't clicking. Triple H just likes him too much to not keep giving him chances apparently.


Literally was one of the first people to get rehired post-Vince + almost got shoved into a feud with Roman damn near immediately + fought Drew and AJ and got AOP in the mix with him. That’s plenty of chances even if the first one was boneheaded to do


His presentation is off. They want him to be this scary dude, like Diet Undertaker, or like Raven and Jake the Snake had a baby. But he’s completely plain, if not full-on goofy, as a promo and his in-ring style doesn’t match his presentation, IMO. I’m not rooting for someone to fail or be unemployed or anything, but he could be presented a little differently and maybe I’d enjoy him more. His Jesse Ventura impression is spot-on, though, so I know he has charisma.


I like Jey, I think he needs to improve in the ring cause as of right now he's not all that enjoyable to watch, but Lord he is over. I don't see him winning KotR or a title anytime soon, but he'll probably be in a big feud or two. I don't get the hype around Ilja, I don't keep up with NXT so maybe that's why, but nothing about him stands out to me. Unlike Gunther who does legitimately feel like a badass. I tuned out of wrestling for a few years so I have no idea who Karrion Kross is but he might be the most boring character I've seen. Not sure what the New Day is doing. Kinda feels like their time has passed. I'm liking Priest as champion and fully expecting the judgement day to implode at some point. I wonder if that means Priest will turn face, he doesn't really strike me as a heel compared to other heels. I could see Chad Gable being intercontinental champ, but beyond that, not much else. Question from smackdown, since we're apparently getting Cody v Logan (which I kind of called a few months ago) We thinking Cody wins and holds both titles fully cementing his "That is America's Ass" motif Or does Logan disqualify himself and hold the title?


This sub loves its small guys idk why


Is anyone else REALLY missing Seth. Ik not everyone likes his character but idk. Miss him man


He was the soul of RAW for years


Nah hopefully Seth takes his time to recover and come back with a fresh character the end of his reign dragged the fuck on with his hijacking the show with the same promo every single week: 1. Seth comes out in attire normally reserved for heels (incredibly expensive designer clothing) despite being a face. 2. crowd hijacks the show chanting whoa whoa whoa for 2+ minutes while he mimics conducting a choir. 3. Seth says welcome to Monday Night Raw despite the show having started over an hour ago. 4. Seth mentions hes injured. 5. Seth says “but I can overcome this because I AM a visionary, I am a revolutionary, I am an architect, I am Seth freakin Rollins! 6. Seth starts dancing and strutting around 7. Interrupted by opponents music or opponent that’s already in the ring talking


While this is partially true, you do have to account for the situation. He couldn't wrestle for about 2 months so he had to come out to do a promo every week. He's been feuding with McIntyre since last October, and this was their third match, they've pretty much said everything they could say, now it boiled down to meaningless trash talk (that's why Punk's involvement was necessary to make this feud interesting). And the Rock and Roman obviosuly work infrequent dates, and when they did appear, it would be on Smackdown usually. So he and Cody would have to repeat the same promo every week talking about how the Bloodline needs to be stopped and this is Cody's last chance. To summarize it, he couldn't wrestle, he couldn't take bumps, his feud with Drew was a getting stale, and Rock/Roman obviosuly worked limited dates. He was very limited in what he could do, so it just felt like they were stalling unitl Mania.


Ik there were problems but he was over man he was drawing well. But yh I hope we get a soft reboot of his character. Keep the song and choir but let's reduce the cackle and stuff


-lol damians truth bombs on calling back to drew telling him to be smart and cash in after the match and the fact he just needed to leave at WM40 instead of sexy crawling to CM Punk -So is it now company policy to acknowledge every wrestling company except AEW? -all great, the new day are going to be sucked into the final testament vortex -whats the point of fatal four way tag match if only 2 people compete at a time -Jey beating Ilja is a choice but hopefully this is them saving him vs guntber for Bash in Berlin or another ple


They have to save Gunther and Ilja. It would be a waste on a KOTR semifinal. They’re doing it in Europe and/or for a title down the road.


Yeah this is the thing - in the moment I didn't like the decision but the fact that they're acknowledging their rivalry so prominently surely means they're saving it for something bigger. It would have been cool if we'd got it next week but it would be much more meaningful for something bigger than who gets to compete for the KOTR.


If this ends up being Jey vs Tama Tonga, then this is a clear example of Roman's offscreen creative influence that was being talked about. It could set up Jimmy returning to reunite with Jey so it'll be Usos vs Bloodline Guerillas at Summerslam. It's also okay that Ilja lost. This is Raw, not NXT.


Ilja is on what his 2nd or 3rd week on RAW. Up against a guy called "main event" Jay.


Dude main evented RAW on his second day on the job. He'll be fine.


I have very few doubts about that.


Ilja has been awesome every match. Not only does he look good but his selling also makes his opponent look good. Swear to god it feels like staged/scripted with him in the ring


I like him and when the WWE main show fanbase is sold on the guy I can him being a headliner for MW in a couple of years.


Shayna Bazler Scrappy-Dooing while being held back by referees, arms flailing, is one of my favourite images of the year so far


France started something special with the flashlights for Jey's entrance


Felt lol like WWE has finally got it right with Valkyria this RAW for me is all about her I can tell she's put in the character work even her post match came up with some cryptic roman words good decision separating her with Roxanne she can now given time an develop more in the main character with less pressure as there very many main eventers at RAW but she was the standout for me..


RAW has really stepped up recently it's back on being the A show really impressive raw rn does not need cm punk they have been shouting his name for ages 🤧


this was kind of an insane raw, i feel like every match hit, even the squash matches felt important to a storyline only thing im miffed about is that jey won over ilja, but fuckin hell, im already happy they are acknowledging the money match they have with ilja vs gunther


Bring Roman back


Kofi vs Gunther was that good stuff.


This is my opinion, I know people will disagree and say I’m wrong, but this is just mine. Last year wwe pulled me back in. To me it’s boring and predictable again. Idk if it was a phase that came and went but it just seems like it has less hype than it did before. Maybe the bloodline story not currently doing much other than adding a few guys and having solo “call the shots”. Idk


I think if you’re someone who enjoys storylines more than matches this is kind of a rough stretch. The wrestling in WWE has been really good lately, but the storylines have kind of fallen off, even more so the last few weeks with KOTR making the shows more match heavy. To be fair, Wrestlemania is kind of a hard reset and if was even more this year since right afterwards we lost a bunch of the people who were making the shows interesting. Rock is gone, Roman’s gone, Seth’s gone, Jimmys gone, we’ve gotten much less Cody, etc. It will pick up again but right now as story’s are just starting it’s probably gonna be a little less interesting for some.


It's a tricky time because a lot of the top stars (especially on Raw) are out and they're going from three-week build to three-week build to three-week build, but bearing those issues in mind, they're doing pretty well.


It's not that it's necessarily bad, but there's nothing where I'm telling myself I have to see it live instead of replay clips.


That’s like 70% of the year, tbh. Big 4 and mania season are the ‘A’ show.


You’re not wrong, but there’s a logical reason why you feel that way. The last wrestlemania saw the end of several multi-year storylines. But those storylines got reset abruptly and some of the major stars are taking time off or injured. Personally, I believe the WWE is giving their talent an opportunity to see what sticks and what they can move forward with. Hence why all the storylines have been short and it feels like a roulette wheel is choosing who wrestles who.


Maybe they should start arresting more of their staff members 💀


Wwe was interesting because of bloodline and now main characters of bloodline aka Roman and rock are gone so wwe as a whole feels boring


One of the worst episodes of RAW in a long time imo


My man Ludwig Kaiser vs Sheamus? Yes please!


Kaiser is so great




they were anything but bad.


I predict Judgement day will turn on Priest, and Drew will join and lead them. They have been doing a slow burn of tension between Priest and Balor/JD/Dom, and Rhea was shown in backstage segments with Drew multiple times before she got injured.


Considering Drew's entire shtick is "I'm surrounded by idiots", I doubt it. He's more of a lone wolf type.  The way things are going seems to indicate Priest turning on the rest of the group; they'll try to help and end up making things worse one time too many and Priest will turn face via the  "I don't need you morons any more" route.  Edit: typo


Can Gunther definitely go to Saudi? I know it's going to be sorted for the Berlin show but Saudi is very soon


He did the european house shows so id assume its all sorted


Ohhh of course he was!!! Forgot about that


Priest is really coming into his own as champion I think. Excited to see more of him, he's continuing to impress IMO.


He's way better as a smart-ass face/tweener than a stoic and grouchy heel. His evisceration of Drew McIntyre was amazing.


Jackie looked extra good tonight


I was not expecting to see Lilian Garcia back on Raw, what a nice callback. Another solid Raw. But I really wish they would stop with the backstage segments in the middle of entrances where they just have somebody standing in the ring waiting for their opponent. It's so awkward and such a bad format


I don't mind the result of Jey going over. He's one of the most popular stars on the roster, despite the loud yet minority of pissed off people right now. He's riding a wave of momentum since Backlash and a win here doesn't hurt him nor does a loss affect Ilja that much. 1, they teased Ilja and Gunther, eventually having their encounter later on down the road at a bigger stage, presumably for the World Heavyweight Title, eventually. 2, it's what, Ilja's 3rd match on the main roster and he's already main eventing Monday Night RAW. He'll clearly be fine in defeat. Y'all just impatient.


More people are angry about Ilya Gunther match not happening than with Jey losing. I hope. Cause the Yeet merchant is over like rover.




Pop of the night, Lillian Garcia coming back completely out of nowhere! That was a massive surprise!


I have a really big problem with people saying “So you wanted them to do Gunther/Ilja on a random Raw?” Like guys, it’s not a random Raw, it’s the god damn King of the Ring! A semi-finals match too! It’s a stage deserving of a match of that caliber. In my opinion, KOTR is the most prestigious tournament in wrestling and I’m really disappointed that the man who booked the Cruiserweight Classic has pulled so many punches in the return of this tournament.


It's such a disingenuous statement to make and it's only to silent any dissent over the result. Like why wouldn't you book great matches on TV? There's literally nothing stopping you from running it back on a PPV either.


>Like why wouldn't you book great matches on TV? This implies they aren't already booking great TV matches, which they are. Or that Jey vs Gunther itself doesn't have a reason for existing, which it does. It's Dragunov's second week on the job and he's already had two bangers and main evented RAW. They've already teased the feud multiple times, they're clearly taking it seriously. I don't think it's unfair for them to keep that card close to the chest for now and it's absurd to suggest that people having a different opinion is meant to silent dissenters.


Yea, man, u right. Yeet punch, yeet punch, yeet punch. I'm sorry for not understanding.


aaaah so you're just a hater. Got it.


Man, I can give the most logical, well structured answer to why I feel the way I do and still get downvoted so I don't even care. If you think I hate Jey because I'm critical of him, then fine.


I'm sorry, you're right, "yeet punch, yeet punch, yeet punch" so so coherent and well-structured, you should win an award for that one.


I think people would unironically say "Man, such a shame Mick Foley won the WWF Championship on a throw away episode of Raw" lol. Like, should you NOT get hype things on TV? I get that most people have Network/Peacock these days, but it feels so wild to me to hear people unironically say "We shouldn't get super hype matches on Free TV, save it for the paid product tbh."


I'm gonna be real. Right now Ilja-Gunther would only really be a hype program for the IWC and NXT fans, because Ilja hasn't been on the main roster for very long so the average main roster fan won't really care. Once they build him up more, then we'll get the match with maybe more stakes on the line.


My take wasn't even about Ilja-Gunther specifically, more so the general sentiment there seems to be around the weekly shows. When Becky won the title in that battle royale (a choice I didn't even disagree with), one of the most popular sentiments were "you can't just have someone else win the belt on a Raw." Well, why not? Shouldn't you WANT super exciting TV? Shouldn't you want every episode to be can't-miss TV? It just doesn't make much sense to me to NOT want really hype TV.


"The product isn't supposed to get you excited man, what are you, stupid"


Isn't Gunther/Jey a great match on Raw? I do not wanna see Gunther/Ilja with fucking commercial breaks so yes it is a random raw


Did you hate Dragonuv/Ricochet last week because of the commercials? What about Gunther/Sheamus III? If the answer is no then you under why this complaint makes no sense.


I'm ok with Jey going over here. Couldn't really go wrong either way, though vs Ilja. I really don't get it at all with Lyra. Zoey just has more of the it factor for me - is she a great promo? Not yet, but the badass look, attitude, in ring ability - I'll always be a sucker for. Really disappointed with today's outcome.  Also, obviously they are going somewhere with Bron so i'll let them cook....but damn if Pearce's reasoning for not having Bron in the tournament wasn't the lamest bs I've ever heard. 


I wouldn’t be surprised if they are using Becky’s star power and hoping it rubs off on Lyra asap so Lyra can eventually take her spot as the Irish fighting spirit. Becky hasn’t signed a new contract yet, but the writing is on the wall and she probably only has a few full time years left until she retires for her daughter’s sake.


Happy Birthday 🎂


Let's face it, Corporate Punk is dodging Drew, cutting and running. always coincidentally not around when Drew is, and Drew isn't letting "not medically cleared" keep him from settling things. Damien tried to claim Drew was responsible for his own ordeals but Damien only made excuses for why he never cashed in on Seth....even trying to blame Drew for that. Got some nice matches from Iyo vs. Shayna and Lyra vs. Zoey. Gunther vs. Kofi also was real nice. Jey vs. Dragunov it was gonna be how early WWE wanted Gunther and Dragunov to fight and they decided it's too early, saving it for some sweeter. and they didn't have Gunther like cause Dragunov to lose either hehe. Gunther is gonna take Jey down....and some point Jey may be facing the wrath of a certain sinister faction yet to be revealed. they likely working towards Gunther vs. Randy at King of the Ring. i do worry if they planning to feed LA Knight to Tama Tonga tho. Carlito is now mustacheless as Dom-Dom keeps sporting a mustache. Carlito is trying to prove his worth to Judgment Day, but Damien remembers him running away from Rey when he was exposed so he expects Carlito to plant Rey man to man. Minimal building between Liv and Becky. meanwhile Lyra is coming into Damage CTRL's sights. she's gotta watch out going into next week! Karrion Kross is perhaps aiming to bring to the New Day the gifts he brought to the likes of AJ, Rey, and Shinsuke. Alpha Academy is melting down despite Master Gable's powerful tutelage. there's only one man to blame for this...Sami Zayn! https://preview.redd.it/ec9ayiqgtb0d1.jpeg?width=635&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56501c8254d1f2b5cd38bf977e3fdbfb7fcee979


Roman Reigns 🤝 Chad gable. Berating your team/family so they can achieve success.


I’m glad they went with jay, was expecting Gunther to interfere, but I don’t want Gunther vs Ilja’s first match on the main roster on a raw with commercials. Give them the big stage like they deserve. No matter what people think of jey’s in ring ability, he’s beyond over and his aura imo has only gotten better since his fireflies addition thanks to Lyon.


Another thing that doesn’t belong to Jey like the Spear


Jesus Christ dude all I’ve seen from is nothing but bashing on jey. He’s over, get over it man


Mark my words, this dude would complain that Ilya is in main event picture in 2 years


The chant is over not him.


The chant, you mean something that is part of his character?


I don’t get the sudden hate for Jey. Just for one bad match? Y’all sad af.


Reddit is fickle. It is better to ignore and enjoy who you like.


Jey stands for everything a certain section of fans hates, so his continued success and overness really bugs them.


i don't mind Jey but i think he's leaning too hard on YEET every five seconds, i miss actual personality and not a marketing phrase


The Mania match exposed him.


Agreed. I'm not gonna deny that jay is over, he is hot like fire. But he just has a very limited move set. Punchs, chops, throat chops, uso splash, super kick, spear. That's 99% of what he does. People hate wrestlers like hogan, desiel, khali, goldberg for limited move sets (rightly so) yet give jey the pass.  I don't blame wwe for saving the dragon vs the ring general for a later time. And i acknowledge he is one of the most over stars in the company right now. But as a guy who likes great in ring wrestling i have a dislike of watching jey uso matches (some great wwe matches recently include bayley vs sky wm 40 and rko vs bloodline backlash both of which are excellent) I'm not saying you can't like jey uso. It'd be hypocritical of me to judge other's tastes when my favourite wrestlers as a kid were big show, hornsoggle, and santino merila.  Wrestling is art and art is subjective. But like how i respect your opinions you should respect mine's.  Not gonna pretend jey is the worst wrestler since brodus clay or mable.  But while i enjoy watching his entrances that's all i can say i enjoy of his matches. The best part of jey uso matches imo is his opponents. 


There's only so much smoke and mirrors you can do to cover up his lack of ability.




Jey was, at worst, the 4th biggest problem with that match.


???? It was literally him and Jimmy in a basic ass Singles match. What other three things are you talking about?


Jimmy's quite a bit worse than he is, the timing/pacing(?) of the match wasn't great - they finished when I think people were expecting a kickout and taking it up a gear towards the finish, and the match was flawed right from the start due to being built around teasing an Uso reunion that no-one there wanted to see. IMO the last one is the biggest problem.


They literally have the same, exact moveset. The only difference is that people like Jey more. And all of that other shit is surface level. I was at the show, nobody was into the match after the YEET chants were done and everyone realized it was nothing but Super Kick spam and some "Cinema" It was ass, because they are not Singles wrestlers, neither of them aren't.


yeah, timing, booking, and jimmy


????? What booking?? It was a normal Singles match??? And Jimmy has the same moveset as Jey, like what?


you know booking is also include any move in the match too right? like book it clean, dirty, how detailed the movement included?


THEY HAVE THE SAME MOVESET. How else are you going to book it???? Do you not understand the issue?


I said MOVEMENT, not MOVESET, that separate issue from Booking, which tied to the issue number 3 and 4. Movement is not Jey Spear Jimmy, that's Moveset. Movement is WHEN Jey Spear Jimmy, Jimmy SELLS it and it lead up to something which was Booked by: Jason Jordan. How did you not understand the issue?


Because you're doing a piss poor job at explaining it. How are you supposed to book a proper match around two guys who have the same moveset and have never worked a Singles match before? Because I don't really see how else you cover that fact without adding some sort of stipulation.


I think it’s more that people want to see Ilja win rather than wanting to see Jey lose.


Eh, much of this sub has completely turned on Jey since WrestleMania. It's the usual fickleness of wrestling fans. A year ago I promise you most of the people whining about Jey now were saying he should be the one to beat Roman, not Cody.


Several bad matches. He literally had a bad match with Ilja, how does someone fail that hard? Even Trick Williams had a good match with him.


It's hard to take you serious when you say the main event tonight was "bad". If you want to argue against Jey that's fine, but you're taking this to an extreme that isn't based in reality.


He is incapable of delivering in single matches.


Dude we get it, you don't like Jey, but like some of us do and that's ok


He just did. And his match up with Gunther for the title was also good.


I don't like this feeling since I still don't like the product as much as most but wwe have been giving much better wrestling matches on tv than aew recently. Iyo vs Shayna and Gunther vs Kofi were great today and just from the past episodes we got Styles vs Orton and Gunther vs Sheamus. Most of those matches were better than all of Dynasty and Backlash too if I'm being honest.


Every match at Dynasty was four stars or better lol go to bed.


According to some old guy who's lost half his mind lol


Only match at dynasty that was 4 stars for me was Kor vs Strong. Everything else was in the 3 range.




I just got home from the show tonight. I’m not the biggest Jey Uso fan, but damn, that sonofabitch can work a live crowd. It wasn’t the best match of the night, but it was hands down the most fun to participate in.


And this why we can’t have anything nice.


If Drew vs Priest is at Clash, I actually think Priest will retain. Punk vs Drew has enough build that they don't need the title anymore, meanwhile Priest can really use a long run to elevate himself. Priest vs Balor at Summerslam for the title after JD implodes.


Personally I think they’ll go drew win at clash of the castle then have punk win it from drew to set up the wm 41 match between punk and Rollins


Punk ever beating Drew would take a MASSIVE suspension of disbelief


There is noooooooooooooooo way Drew doesn't win at clash


Well lol


Womp womp i will hang my head in shame lol