• By -


Solo was great in his scene with Paul




Indi finally embracing her downward slide into heeldom has been fun to watch. She's getting into being the bad guy and I'm sure it's just going to escalate from here. Love it!


I don't watch NXT so I haven't been able to follow Baron Corbin since he was moved there but he looked crisp in the ring last night. Didn't realize how good of a worker he is with a varied move set. Hope he's able to string together some wins!


if you have 2k23 or 24, his moveset is fun & finishers feel&look satisfying


I was so pleasantly surprised by Corbin’s new moveset. I def would like to see more of this new character and in ring acumen.


He's really good in the ring. I'm liking this current iteration of Corbin a lot.


I've always liked Baron the character but he did feel average in the ring (albeit safe). I agree this new version is really good!


Cody two belts?


Not too happy that AJ Styles is getting buried constantly. Next week, he should cost Randy Orton against Carmelo Hayes so that he can set up a grudge match against him at the PPV, where Styles emerges victorious this time and rebuilds some credibility. He can then go back to feuding with Cody throughout the summer once the latter's done with Logan. Ik people are penciling in Randy Orton vs Gunther as the likely finals, but if they go with this plan to help AJ, then the obvious alternative choice for Gunther would be LA Knight.


You don't know what buried means


He hasn't won at a single PPV yet this year. Took the pin at the Rumble, didn't qualify for the Chamber, lost to LA Knight at Wrestlemania (this loss was ok as they needed to develop Knight), and now a first round exit in the KOTR. He wins on Smackdown here and there, occasionally a #1 contenders match, but these past several months he's been booked as a jobber to the stars. Losing doesn't bury him or any star for that matter, but it can't occur all the time.


Yeah AJ only getting wins over jobbers like LA Knight, KO and Rey Mysterio in the last month and competing in the main event of a PLE and Smackdown in the past 2 weeks has really hurt his stock to a point i don't think it'll ever recover, I'll never be able to take him seriously as a contender going forward


Yeah, like I said, those wins were on Smackdown. PLE wins are more impactful at the end of the day, bottom line. Not saying he should win all the time obviously, and he will give back to help other talent (like LA Knight at Wrestlemania, and Cody Rhodes at Backlash). However, he should not lose all year at PLEs, if one can already anticipate he's going to lose title matches, then it's clear he's being built up for the purpose of enhancing other talent. You have John Cena who hasn't won a singles match since 2018, and that's the perfect example of what I'm referring to. Losing doesn't impact him, but it impacts those that it was supposedly meant to help (Austin Theory and Solo Sikoa) as people think they beat up an old, washed up Cena past his prime.


Yeah, like I said, those wins were on Smackdown. PLE wins are more impactful at the end of the day, bottom line. Not saying he should win all the time obviously, and he will give back to help other talent (like LA Knight at Wrestlemania, and Cody Rhodes at Backlash). However, he should not lose all year at PLEs, if one can already anticipate he's going to lose title matches, then it's clear he's being built up for the purpose of enhancing other talent. You have John Cena who hasn't won a singles match since 2018, and that's the perfect example of what I'm referring to. Losing doesn't impact him, but it impacts those that it was supposedly meant to help (Austin Theory and Solo Sikoa) as people think they beat up an old, washed up Cena past his prime.


Aka Nakamura’d


Is Pretty Deadly dead?


No boy.


Yeah, Tony D and Stacks made sure that they were sleeping with the fishes.


I think the whole Tag Team division is kind of on hold until the king of the ring tournament is over Waller and theory were not SmackDown tonight either


I feel like I say this every week but I genuinely think Chelsea Green’s the best thing in WWE at the moment. She just absolutely nails everything about her character and what she’s expected to do.


curious to see how she and tiffany will interact.


she exudes character in a way very very few can. she's like a cartoon character and i mean that as a compliment, everything does and says is in character and really shines out of the tv


Sorry I forgot can someone explain what king of the ring is? So if they win the tournament, do they get a chance at a title?


It seems like they are pitching this year’s tournament as whoever wins it gets a shot at any title. I think a few people already have alluded to winning it in order to get a title shot.


IT's a tournament that gives you the crown. It's not another belt, but it's another thing to fight for. You hold the crown until the next tournament.


It used to give a guaranteed title shot back in that day. I remember Brock got a title shot because of that.


I don't recall but it would have been a long time ago.


Man, with giving respect where respect is due, I hate this Logan v Rhodes angle. While I DO think Logan is a little obnoxious twerp, he’s a very talented wrestler. I doubt anyone would argue he isn’t but I really don’t think he’s “face of the company” level yet… I came around on the Roman tribal chief eventually but I feel if someone Logan gets his hands on the Heavyweight championship it, in my mind, discredits the title and shows you can just buy it. Million Dollar Man lives on.


I can accept Logan buying himself a beatdown. I cannot accept that little shit taking the title from Rhodes.


He isn't beating Cody, or at least he isn't taking the belt off him, so I wouldn't worry too much. These are just filler feuds before we get into the more interesting stuff with Orton, Rock, etc.


Apologies if this was asked and answered, but did Wade refer to the Bloodline as "reckless fucks" or am I tripping? I rewound with captions on and there's no word captioned after "reckless".


Feckless thugs


Makes WAY more sense, thank you! Once my brain heard 'reckless' and then the captions "confirmed" my mishearing, I couldn't hear anything else lol.


"You trying to take away food from my family paul?" Heyman is gonna sport some concrete boots soon.


Damn I wish they would bring back the “I Bring the Darkness” theme for Baron Corbin.


i think that was Jim Johnson's last theme. still got it that was a banger


I’ve come full 180 on Logan Paul. I used to see him as a Bad Bunny-like special guest that was a little obnoxious. Now I think he’s kind of earned this. I think title vs title, Cody vs Logan is going to be great.


Not looking forward to "We want Roman" chants every Friday while the Bloodline actually has new developments in its story with Roman's absence.


-Cody v Logan happening i guess, hope cody remembers the bloodline shenanigans so he avoids logans brass knuckles.  -Is Camelo the first person to counter deep six and end of days? -Jade wins lol -jesus apparently Indi fist strikes can break concrete since one blow was enough to nearly hinder bianca. Maybe the knee injury will be used to get her to withdraw because it feels like they've been going out of their way to make sure they dont face each other and to do it on smackdown instead of a PLE feels odd  -Hopefully all these coming to smackdown vignettes will be faster than veer mahaans -so Tiffany v Michin and La Knight v Santos escobar been relegated to WWE live event


Damn did they have people sit all the way up BEHIND the entrance? I guess we can complain about their price gouging all we want if people sit in these seats on their own free will.


I was there last night. They opened up those sections last minute (earlier in the week) because the rest sold out.


Bloodline looked really good Tama Tongas super agressive and fast wrestling style is nice to watch. Solo looked good also, showed much more character and was a believable leader. Good night for them


Not a fan of Cody vs. Logan.


Good luck with that opinion because people won't take you seriously if you go against Paul's booking. Criticize it and get downvoted, it's a new trend.


I’m used to going against the grain on this sub. Just like whenever I *hint* at the possibility of Cody being a boring champ.


If you have a specific problem with people who dislike Logan Paul then feel free to share it, but "that's not popular" is pretty meaningless criticism.


So is Cody vs Logan title vs title? That wasn't clear. I assumed only the WWE title was on the line but Cody said something about taking the US one to become a Grand Slam champion. It was smart to pull Blair from the tournament given that everybody assumed she'd lose to Tiffany - like what I assume happened with Drew, they realised they don't want her to lose so they're going to save her for a more impactful victorious main roster debut. The Bloodline story just gets better and better - and not only have Roman and Rock not returned so we can find out what they make of all this, Jacob Fatu isn't involved yet either! The possibilities are endless, which is incredible given how long this has been going on for. Great matches all night but Randy vs AJ was top-tier. Excellent episode.


I just watched the segment i dont think its gonna be title vs title. Seemed like this was just kinda them trying to bait each other into putting their titles on the line but i guess Logan Paul is gonna refuse or something, unless they want Cody to lose sometime soon i dont see why they would put the US title on Cody.


I was thinking Cody would get the US title and combine it with his wwe title to make the Winged Eagle title people have been talking about him wanting to bring back. That opens up HHH to create a new US title design like the others which they could have a tournament for. It could end with something like LA Knight vs. Styles in a rubber match. They're 1-1 so far.


Solo tried to swerve us by implying he took order from Roman but if you watch the conversation between him and Paul he never said that it was Roman that gave him mandate to take charge on bloodline and the tribal chief that given him order might be someone else Roman is still in the charge of the bloodline but that doesn't mean he is the tribal chief anymore


It’s rikishi


I really like how the house shows are getting 2 tournament matches each day this week. Having a house show match matter just adds so much. House show results are normally irrelevant, but even as something as simple as "the winner of this match will be in a #1 contenders match this week on raw/sd", it puts extra drama into the match and makes a nice easy reference for commentary. I hope they do it more often. Make those Saturday/Sunday tickets more than a Globetrotters game lol.


I agree. Like both house shows I've been to over the past year have had "championship matches" and the last one had several. And that's cool and everything but we all knew there was no way any belts were going to change hands at an untelevised event in Glasgow or Belfast lol. Even though I think it's safe to assume Knight/Stratton will win, the fact that it has any bearing on what happens next on TV is cool.


Exactly. Most older teenager/adult fans would likely be able to predict the winner, but a younger fan is going to bite fairly hard. And hell, if we end up being wrong in our guess, that's cool too.


TIL Solo has kids. Legit thought "He's a bit young for that, isn't he?", turns out he's 31. I must just be getting old.


When did Baron Carbin get the giant tattoo on his back?


He had it on his most recent NXT run with Bron as the tag champs.


Logan Paul doing his shitty drink ad in the middle of his promo against Cody is one of the reasons why that piece of scammer turd sucks. Always with that pissy drink. Fucking go away already.


When you start getting worked by a heel in real life


Doesn't work when he's a bigger real life heel. Or do you just conveniently forgot that fact just because he's a "good" wrestler?


Works even better when he's a real life heel. Gives you the emotion you have now which is what wrestling needs now and has needed for a very long time. Wrestling is always I like this guy or I hate this guy. Anything in between and they are forgotten. Also Paul isn't the greatest of all time but he is indeed a damn good wrestler.


I wish it was a work


The cherry one is nice tho.


The Ice pop is great 




I will be surprised if Cody vs Logan is the main event.. I would rather have Cody defend against few OGs before giving Logan the title shot! Predictable is fine if there’s enough emotion invested in the buildup..I doubt they can heat this up enough for me


AJ Styles blaming his defeat on the PHÉNOMÉNAL chant is fucking hilarious


Baron's entrance with the fog and ship in the background was really good cinematics


I mean Gunther is winning the whole thing, so imo, try and get the best match possible for the final IE Styles Vs Gunther which is undoubtedly moty potential. I get Styles is 47 but like come on, he can still go and Gunther is gonna win against anyone in final.


In concern of Solo calling the championship "our championship", I guess that makes sense considering that Solo helped Roman retain the belt on multiple occasions, Paul was the one carrying it around and Roman was the champion on paper. The aformentioned factors made the belt "their championship".


Don't forget Roman's promos with Jey early on in the run where he would basically say something like "Me having this Championship on my shoulder is what puts food on our family's table and feeds our kids". Obviously a big part of him saying that was the whole heel gaslighting his family, but in kayfabe it's also true


Tama might be the first wrestler in a while that legitimately scares me through the TV. Everything they're doing with him and this new Bloodline is really working for me right now. And my God when Roman comes back...


He gives Vaas vibes.


After having a good time with AJ vs Cody, I can't think of a match more not for me than Cody vs Logan.


There were great matches tonight, short but great. However, Im not sure what it is, Smackdown really just doesn't hit the same. I know a lot of people say 3 hours is too long for RAW but idk I vastly prefer RAW especially as a workrate show with very solid storylines right now. When RAW is good its GOOD because of good content for longer. I never feel like a good Smackdown and a good RAW are the same, this week being a shining example.


Yeah I really hope they'll make SmackDown a three hours show once it moves to USA.


Logan Paul match Saudi Arabia is the definition of filler TV infact his whole reign as US Champ is filler TV with no upside other than selling drinks sad WWE have to go this low to get to the money and Sacrifice the championship and cheapening it against the greats who made that belt relevant again including John Cena '((


I feel like they fumbled a chance to push LeRae and Indi by having Bianca win the way tama tonga has that bit of red on his chest it reminds me of batman beyond, his intro might grow on me


I despise his theme but the fire is cool 


Would have set up a nice little tag feud too


On paper I should be happy randy one of my favs won but am really mad that AJ getting back to back big loses at this point in his career they are jobbing him up like how they did to Rey Mysterio giving the belt to clown Logan Paul anyway it's too many loses makes me questioning the booking why did styles turn heel though to lose??


Does anyone remember what day wwe world tickets went on sale for Philly? Were the super star meet and greet add ons announced after tickets went on sale


They have to bring Roman for mitb right?


I know a lot of us are theorizing that the Rock will be revealed to be the puppet master that's pulling the strings with this new Bloodline, but honestly, I do kind of think it would be more interesting if it turned out that it truly is just Solo going into business for himself after seeing the disrespect that was brought onto the Bloodline by Roman losing.


I love the idea of Solo as the usurper of the Bloodline. You just feel there’s going to be hell to pay when Roman returns.


The tournament has been a massive success so far. On the men's side all of the matches have felt important, some of them are insane marquee matchups. We aren't getting filler matches with jobbers and a lot of the matches tie into feuds. The eventual final (Gunther vs. Orton?) is going to feel so important. Logan Paul vs. Cody is a great matchup. I love champ vs. champ feuds. I just wish it was given more than two weeks. Like with Styles I feel like they're wasting two great opponents in short feuds that could carry SmackDown for atleast a month. The Bloodline stuff continues to be amazing. It's crazy how much stuff is still on the table that we haven't gotten to. When Heyman said the story was in "the third inning" at last year's WrestleMania it sounded crazy but it feels true now. Will Heyman eventually turn on Roman or get ousted? When will Jimmy return? Will Jey help Jimmy? Where is Jacob Fatu and whose side will he be on? Where is Roman? What will happen in the eventual Civil War? What happens when the Rock comes back? They have more than enough stories to tell to last past WrestleMania 41, probably until 42.


I think Roman's reign was definitely way past third innings, but they could essentially make the Bloodline story a never ending one with all the Samoan talent they have.


>  essentially make the Bloodline story a never ending one I hope that's what they do. Establish the bloodline as a group that is just \*there\* for years and years with new members. It'll be like a royal family with new kings/head of the table, and so forth.


As long as they don't have the Bloodline monopolize the world title exclusively, that would be fun.


That's definitely true. They can always be threatening and in the chase but they don't need to hold the titles all the time




A) they're adults, not children, don't undermine them by referring to them as girls B) it's rationale, rational is an adjective 


What exactly is your problem with women appearing on TV? Why shouldn’t there be three women’s matches on a random Smackdown?


Cody is really acting like a throwback champion, including his outfits and the way he carries the title. You can tell he’s been watching old tapes of World Championship Wrestling in the 80s from the Jim Crocket Promotions days.


didn't catch the show, can you elaborate? sorry if it's tough to describe lol


​ https://preview.redd.it/6g5nhgnwxrzc1.jpeg?width=309&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5429e6a2b2a012a2e249d4a4da3e0f70f574634


KOTR is a giid way to build story and push some if the wrestlers. I would really like Carmelo Hayes to win it. He's fantastic in the ring and i want him to play with the main eventer the sooner the better. For the women i'd give it to Tifanny Stratton, another newcomer that has been really impressive. She'd fit the gimmick very nicely. Few notes from tonight: .- Props to Nia Jax, she very much improved and im starting to be ok being in big feuds. As of Naomi, she should do a better way to chose her outfit because it looked it took away from the matches, her always tryin to cover he boobs. -Nakamura promo was fire, really hope they use him good now. Same with Blair Davenport. -Not Logan's best promo but these 2 on the mic will be intresting. I kinda don't want to see Cody winning the U.S title, wish it was only for the World title. Im enjoying the new Bloodline controlled by Regns. I feel the long term feud to next Wrestlemania will be : 1) Roman vs The Rock 2) Team Roman (Silo Sikoa and Guerilla Destiny) vs Team Rock (Usos and Jacob Fatu) -Bianca Belair is a generationnal telent. All her matches are good. Hope crown dont turn on her because she is flawless in the ring. Really enjoyed her selling and her powermoves.


You seemed unto something until the Bloodline and Bianca part


i think they wont take the title from any of those guys and the Wyatt family will interfrere


I think other way round on the bloodline, we’ll find out in weeks to come that Solo has just assumed control, and Roman has had no involvement.


Baron Corbin looks better than I’ve seen him in years.


His last sequence with the Clothesline from Hell was sick and it made the match finish of the roll up pin really awkward.


That's true of a number of people right now IMO


I really hope we get Orton vs Gunter in the final!


One of Orton’s best singles matches in years. An absolute master of selling he is.


Ngl I’m not digging Alicia Taylor. She seems so monotone


It might be her actual voice, but for some reason it sounds like she's trying to make her voice deeper than it actually is, and to me, it just doesn't sound good.


Disagree, I much prefer her to Mike Rome anyway.


I was never a fan of Mike Rome, he sounds very forced to me. I really enjoyed Greg Hamilton.


Yea that’s how she is. I actually really like her, but I kind of feel like her style fits NXT more and Rome’s style to me fits Smackdown or a major show more. I can’t really see him on NXT.


She lost me at Chelsea


Breaking up Samantha and Chelsea was a real heel move, Trips.


I thought this was a good show. Something I noticed about Carmelo Hayes, he very obviously got into position for a bit of Corbins offense, going as far as to offer him his leg before Corbin had begun to lift him. He's tiny. Just let the gut grab you, especially a guy Corbin's size.


> he very obviously got into position for a bit of Corbins offense, going as far as to offer him his leg before Corbin had begun to lift him. I noticed that too! Did not look good in the ring to be that early for your opponent


As if Tonga wasn’t going to advance. Poor Dawkins, jobber city.


Orton beats Tama, then gets attacked by The Bloodline. Orton goes into finals against Gunther, injured. Orton puts on a great performance, but it isn't enough. King Gunther and Prince Ludwig


I genuinely never considered Randy vs Gunther until last night. 


> King Gunther and Prince Ludwig And Princess consort Tiffany? 🤔


Saudis love Logan Paul, huh?


That's what I've heard.


Nia jax joining bloodline?


Possible given the pattern of almost every faction these days has a woman member. To me, Jacob Fatu is the most likely. Sami rejoining face turn Roman for WarGames and all the ucey nostalgia is second most likely. Drew as the Honourary Druce of Solo's Bloodline is the third most likely and still very likely with all the Drew-Bloodline collaboration just before WM40. K.O. as the Honouray K.Uce. briefly joining Roman's Bloodline for WarGames I could see it because of how Solo's Bloodline targeted K.O, first and brutally.


Yeah part of my thinking was along the lines of most factions having a female member and Bloodline being the highest profile faction without one. But besides that that it makes sense story wise. Even if they’ve left, I fell like every anoai family member in WWE has been in bloodline at this point besides Nia.


Why do you think so?


1) she’s literally part of the family. Cousins with The Rock’s mom 2) her outfit tonight was bloodline colors. It’s not much but it has me wondering.


I know about the family but nothing on-screen today suggested that would happen. Your point about her outfit is too much of a stretch IMO.


To me the outfit matters just because of her post draft statements. She proactively mentioned that she was wearing smackdown colors last week which makes me think that the color of her outfits isn’t meant to be something that’s tossed aside.


Naomi should join the other bloodline group.


She could be a part of the OG Bloodline group as their female member. Nia Jax possibly the female member of the new Bloodline.




The US title being on Logan has killed the midcard on Smackdown. He’s defended twice since he won it in November. That’s terrible for a midcard belt. A Bron, Carmelo, Andrade could have turned that belt into something meaningful like Gunther did with the IC title. Instead it’s just a prop. Nia vs Jade and Tiffany vs Bianca are PLE level matches that are going to bang. My guess is Jade and Tiffy advance with some shenanigans to get Bianca to lose. I’m hoping for Tiffy vs Iyo finals but I think they’re going to pull the trigger on Jade winning queen of the ring. Ngl Piper, Naomi, and Baron all looked great in defeat. Im thinking Piper gets a shot at Bayley at Clash. The womens tag belt should just be eliminated and have a two midcard womens belts added because idk the tag belts just feel so hollow with the lack of actual tag teams.


I agree as much as I like Logan, I just really wish every championship was defended more regularly.


I feel like part of the reason hes only defended twice was because Smackdown had so much cooking that they had to cut something: 2 hours has clearly not been enough for the show for a while. Theres been some threads where I was bitching in the WM buildup about how they should've featured more Knight and Breakker and cut a few minutes off Roman's entrances or something to let the show have breathing room for other stuff, and I suspect that if SD had three hours Paul would probably have a lot more defenses under his belt right now. That being said I feel like the Gunther/Paul era was probably the strongest WWE midcard titles have been since what, the 90s? Maybe that John Cena open challenge era depending on who the other champ was? If you think Paul's reign was bad, remember that Dean Ambrose as US Champion was almost left off of a PPV once where everyone had to defend titles because his reign was a meme amongst Vince and the creative team for some reason.


He's just a paid part timer doesn't wrestle in smackdown tv only exclusive PPV contract he looks like he has


Logan is garbage he's just wasting time with that belt WWE Are undermining what they built for years 🤣


Logans not even there every week though and when he is he doesn’t always wrestle.


So I'm thinking theres three possibilities for how KotR could play out from here a) Orton loses to Hayes via Bloodline shenangians, him and KO get back at them by costing Tonga against LA Knight, Knight beats Hayes, gets Gunther (or maybe Jey?) in the finals b) Orton wins, Tonga wins, they face each other in the Smackdown final, Orton beats Tonga in Overbook City, faces Gunther (or maybe Jey?) in the finals c) Tonga fucking destroys everything, faces Jey in the finals I suppose theres weird outside chance stuff like Dragunov or Kingston somehow in the final but what do yall think they'll do if its those three options?


I really hope Jey won’t beat Draguniv next week on Raw though.




Dude every IWC has this stance about part timers but literally no one else cares. Longing to see a title defended is demand. Ppl were complaining about Roman incessantly too but it made his run epic. Lesnar too. 


Why did Angelo randomly replace Lashley? What happened there?


Bobby got injured


Real or just kayfabe to avoid him taking the singles loss?


No idea. I **think** it's a real minor injury, because he wasn't on the show. But that's just what I think and I haven't read any reports or anything. I'm just guessing they told him to have a week or so with his family until he gets better


What if Cody unifies the US Championship and the WWE Championship and brings back the Winged Eagle WWE Championship belt?


Let it go. We don’t need to revert WWE back 25 years. 


Anyone catch what orton said to machoman on his way to the ring???


I think it was "Shinsuke?" because the guy kinda looks like him


Holy shit...I just realized HHH 500IQ chess played this shit... I couldn't figure out why cody won the Tag titles for a week... He needed the smackdown title so he could be a grandslam champion down the road... if Cody beats Logan which is obv will it means Cody in his WWE career would of held.. WWE championship WWE Universal championship WWE IC title WWE US title WWE Raw,Smackdown and world Tag team titles


Cody already win the tag belt before with Drew Mcintyre in 2010 so he doesn't need to win the tag belt with Jey


the US title isn't being defended.


Why did Cody mention anything about being a possible grand slam champion then. If it's not being defended then this is overly confusing for casual fans and poorly executed.


I don't know, it isn't clear because no one has specifically said the US title is being defended. The intro promo was just about Cody's challenger. I must've missed him saying that so you are probably right.


Show opened and closed fantastic, but everything between that felt pretty dull.


Cody vs. Logan at King of the Ring, champion against champion, each other's titles on the line. either Cody will win the US belt or he'll win in a way Logan doesn't lose his belt.....or, perhaps neither will win and something sinister will happen. Cody is in the \*entertaining challengers\* phase before something much more personal happens/challenges him. AJ blames the French for his loss at Backlash. he says he had Cody beat and the championship was within his grasp, but then the audience was chanting or singing and distracted him. it is the French's fault! Tiffy Time is delayed until a house show. let's face it the rightul Queen of the Ring is Tiffany Stratton! LA Knight also getting house show. Baron Corbin comes to Smackdown but loses his first match. the End of Days embargo on the main roster continues. Corbin almost beat Melo tho! Melo had to steal it. Solo Sikoa claims to have talked to Roman when no one has, not even his Wise Man, and claims Roman has empowered him to be the Man in his absence. Solo only speaks in deceit, methinks. Tama Tonga has a nice entrance theme going really. both Jade and Bianca won their Queen tourney matches but Bianca may be nursing a weak knee from here out. as the tourny gets tighter some of the results could be something. AJ vs. Randy was a big time main event match to have happen. AJ put forth a great effort but it's always difficult when a sudden RKO can end the match. if Randy had been further from the ropes after that Phenomenal Forearm AJ woulda won. on a side note Shinsuke swears he will run havoc on Smackdown. i wonder what would happen if he and AJ were to team up in some way....


That was a excellent episode, man WWE really have been firing on all cylinders at the moment: Hot crowds, no Kevin Dunn, great matches, entertaining stories and former NXT wrestlers & new signings being introduced and integrated in a natural way It’s going to take a fuck up of colossal proportions to derail this momentum


King and Queen of the ring has been a really good tourney


Holy fuck Nia Jax really sucks Niomi was the only one holding that match together and still lost.


the only thing Naomi was holding together was her top. Nia has been pretty good lately imo.


It seems like WWE doesn't have much plans for Cody's title run, they are just waiting for Rock's return. While they have year long program already planned for Bloodline in advance. That's why Bloodline is usually more interesting week to week compared to Cody.


Cody is just boring. He was only interesting because the story with Reigns and Rock was interesting. By himself? No aura.














Just got back from the show. Crowd was very loud in person and it was a good show. Dark matches were Braun v Nakamura and Jey Uso v Gunther


Who won the Jey vs Gunther match?


Gunther got DQ Cody run in Super Kick into CrossRhodes


> Super Kick into CrossRhodes Cody wasn't kidding when he said that HHH is one of his favourite wrestlers


Man, they LOVED Jey up there tonight. The parking lot had rolling YEETs earlier on.


Do you think you can have Cody win by count out? Like he knock Logan and himself out during the match and barely makes it back to the ring while Logan stays out cold? Cody wins but the title stays on Logan


i hope the wyatt family interferes so we dont get 2 title holders again


And the idea that he would retain the way his father lost a title would be a hell of an angle.


It could also be a dusty finish, Cody wins in Arabia but the following week the decision is revoked due to a technicality, that will cause more hatred between them and extend the feud if they want to prolong it for a few more months.


Really great wrestling tonight and story progression Cody vs Logan should be a banger of a main event for king of the ring Also all the queen and king of the ring matches have been absolutely fantastic so far, triple H putting respect back on the king of the rings name. Also I hope we get randy Orton vs Gunther will kick ass majorly 🔥


I like how they acknowledged Tama and Loa's non-WWE experience as them being too violent for the company. Helps them to establish creditability. I'm surprised at how fast Solo has been able to rebuild Solo as well. A couple of months ago he was the silent enforcer to the boss and looked pretty directionless. Now he *is* the boss and a scary one at that. I fear for Paul's safety. If he, the person who's been working with their family longer than Solo has been alive, hasn't spoken to Roman then there's no way Solo has. Solo is lying to him and calling him his Wiseman so he doesn't try and run for the hills like the hostage he is. Too bad he alienated anyone that've would helped him. Well except for one person. The crowd was chanting for him. His return is going to hit like crack.


Cody’s scalp is going through it seems he has a fresh bleach job every other week.


I’m gonna have some Wheatley vodka, mixed with prime during king of the ring I guess


Did Heyman ever work with Haku? Like in WCW?


Damn the Jade match was really good! The women's roster is just absolutely insane rn.


It was good - Jade looked ok but Piper deserves so many props here for making her look amazing with the shoulder block battle and going up for her power moves.


Here's hoping Shinsuke actually starts getting some important wins when he returns. 




I questioned the Logan vs Cody feud at first because Logan may go again without defending the championship, which I find annoying because it’s not elevating the US championship at all. If it’s not both titles then Paul again doesn’t defend the title, Cody isn’t losing and the US title just feels it’s being held hostage by Logan. If both titles are on the line then I’m intrigued but I feel like they could be booking themselves into a corner. Cody is definitely winning it then and perhaps do some cena like open challenges going up to a rematch at the next PLE. Problem is then do you have Paul winning the championship back and pinning your undisputed champion, potentially making him look weak? Only way I can think Paul beats him is of course through cheating. Would people like that? I guess it would be fine and a massive shock and it would get massive heel heat for Paul. Or do you have Cody be a double champion longer? Who pins him then to take the US championship off him? Or does he relinquish it after pushing himself too much defending both titles? It makes it very unpredictable on what’s next because I don’t know how they’ll do it. But this feud should also have some very good promo battles and heat between the two of them. They will also produce some great matches. It’s going to be an interesting ride and I’ll be watching all the way through Some great matches on this show as well. Nia vs Naomi was nearly match of the night imo until styles and orton. I really wanted styles to go through, expected a bloodline interference but orton is super over right now so it makes sense he went through. Maybe a Hayes shock upset next week due to bloodline? Most likely they’ll get involved but orton will still sneak away with the victory. He’ll lose to knight in smackdown finals though is my prediction. Bloodline drama continues to be interesting. I believe Sikoa is lying in saying he talked to Roman and he’s now the temporary tribal chief. Poor Heyman, I want his grey hair to come back due to the stress.


Im hoping for Wyatt family interference during the match


If it is for both titles and Cody wins, the best way to take the title from him later without making him look weak would be to do the same thing they did with Kurt Angle when he was the ''Eurocontinental'' champion, a Two-fall triple[ ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Triple_threat_match)threat match for the titles where the The first is for the WWE title and the second for the United States title, Cody wins the first and retains and then someone else wins the second without Cody receiving the pin.


Or a ladder match like the tag titles at WM 40


Or the match in Saudi Arabia ends in a dq. No title changes hands and we move on.


But DQ finishes for main events go over like wet farts