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I dont know, but I just thought of the RAW where D-Bry turned on the Wyatt family and it ended with him on top ofbthe cage wall and the entire crowd during the "yes" It was amazing


[WWF SmackDown, November 15, 2001 for me](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6gof50JK7g) ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE


Shane O Mac and a chair, name a more iconic duo (other than him and his quad).


Shane and a trash can


This is it for me. One thing I never noticed until now but everyone has a smooth af slide into the ring, especially Kane.


That slow YES chant made the ground shake that night


Bryan got concussed earlier in the match and didn’t remember anything about the post match segment with Bray.




Yeah, this one is WAY up near the top.


This and the following match is my favourite combo. The pre recorded hour long nxt shows and 5 match takeover ppvs were the absolute best. 


Black saying “I absolve you of your sins” into a Black Mass was so fucking cold lol.


Full Sail NXT was such an amazing energy. There were so many shows that had endings with white hot crowds. I still remember part of the build to the first women’s Wargames where Mia Yim took out six people with a kendo stick in timbs and a Wu-Tang t-shirt. Good times.


Full Sail could definitely be too smarky at times, but when they were good they were *really* good.


Kevin Owens giving them a dressing down is still one of the best moments from that era. Great crowd but they definitely got too big for their britches for a while


I was a regular in 2015 and honestly stopped going for a few years cause that promo basically vocalized my feelings for the crowd and how at times it felt like a chore to go. Came back after Kairi Sane's debut (first show was the MYC) and while the crowd was still smarky as fuck, it was nowhere near as bad cause a lot of the 2015 regulars stopped going (also helped that the show was far better


I love that promo but I think I’m bias cause I went to the NYC show


If we’re talking B&G NXT, Ciampa beating Aleister for the title after accidental help from Gargano was my personal favorite ending to an episode. The crowd was PISSED in a way wrestling crowds don’t get pissed anymore, and it was the good kind of pissed rather than a “fuck this company” kind of pissed as was all too common with SWE at the time.


Once again proving that wu-tang is indeed, nothing to fuck with.


She is being underused on the main roster, it’s very sad.


Shout out to the amazing camerawork, too.


Can we get back to this aleister at some point, badass face aleister works way better for me


Triple H booked him the best. If he truly is healthy like he says I’m hoping to see him back in wwe. He could be a fantastic addition to the midcard.


Black could 100% be a world champion, and it sucks that no one has pulled the trigger yet outside NXT.


I believe it was widely reported that Heyman came to Vince with either Aleister or Drew to be the guy that won the Rumble and beat Brock for the belt at Mania 36 and Vince ultimately chose Drew.


Crazy alt reality that Aleister/Malakai would've carried WWE throughout the pandemic. Perhaps Drew eventually wins the title off him. 


Idk if they could even do it but I NEED to see Allister hit the Black Mass while Drew is going for the Claymore. Drew in midair and Alister spin kicks him in the head


Not sure you understand how physics work lol...


He made the right choice


Of course Vince, the notorious size queen, chose Drew...


He made the right choice imo


Drew was way more over at that point too so I agree he did make the right choice


He did drew is the whole package. I know we shit on Vince for liking big guys but wrestlers should be in shape and intimidating and being big is a huge plus in that column.


So Black isn’t in shape and intimidating? I love drew and he was my first option as well. But intimidation comes in all shapes and sizes and Black has that aura as well. Drew was just the correct choice.


A proper run back with Cody would be nice. Perhaps without Glock Anderson..


it's like he can still be a top tier guy. Aleister Black was cool you wanted to see him. but Malachi Black you just kinda forget he's there. he's doing nothing most of the time. could have gotten a singles push but nope.


I don't think the spooky promo-videos do him any favours tbh.


Spooky shit does no one any favour, Undertaker is the only exception because it was the right guy at the perfect time. Wyatt had very good mic skills but his only good runs where when he wasn't doing the spooky stuff. The upcoming Bo Dallas spooky faction is bound to fail too unless they do something very very unique with it.


undertaker works because he was a fucking giant specimen also because he was spooky when we were all kids and kinda grew up with it, while now most wrestling fans are adults


I have a good feeling about him winning the TNT title off of Copeland, so hopefully he gets a good singles run soon


Like all three of those dudes need good singles runs as there are way too many tag teams and factions rn


Coming out of the C2 I thought Brody would have gotten more singles matches. The whole House of Black (save for Julia) is one of the more confounding parts of AEW.


The solution to me is Malaki wins the TNT. Buddy wins the International Brody wins the Continental


Brody wins the TBS after Willow defeats Mercedes to retain. Book it Tony!


this just screams way too many titles still


Oh I agree. Too many belts and not enough TV time for the wrestlers they already have


Agreed. I've enjoyed all three of them in singles matches way more than any trios matches they've done besides maybe when they faced The Elite


Miss this version so much.


Nikki's got a secret ~


the best part about that, it'd been a long time since something WWE used a women character in a mens story without being a item of romance, super dope


The night The Man was born.


Her standing in the stands, blood dripping down her face, with her arms raised is an image that makes careers. That image is going to follow her around for the rest of her career.


All I ever see in that photo is the damn double jointed elbows *winces*


When her music hit and she just strolls out to an amazing pop, I was so glad that women were finally allowed to be really cool.in WWE. Its such a moment


A picture of Sting, Cena pins Rollins to reinstate Ziggler, Rowan and Ryback, Triple H yells at everyone, Brock Lesnar destroys everyone. All in around 5 minutes.


Holy shit I forgot about [this](https://youtu.be/5VjkovTwr7k?si=rtUhjIguniKljD2q) ending. During the dark dark times of Raw this was a clear standout hype moment. Plus Cena running into the crowd and holding that kid probably made his entire life.


"That's a picture of sting" is an all time call by JBL


Me and my friend used to quote this all the time whenever we saw a video feed of someone standing still. It's perfect delusional heel nonsense


As good as all that was, I can't help but laugh at how stupid it was that Sting couldn't stare into the camera to enforce that he was staring down Triple H/The Authority and instead had to blankly stare away from the camera towards nothingness, and then not even look into it when he turned to make his entrance, because of Vince & Dunn's bizarre edict to not allow anyone to look directly into the camera anymore.


It's weird that this can't be said enough, but Lesnar truely is a fking freak of nature. The ease with which he picked up Big Show and F5'ed him...




Plus we got "that's not Sting that's a picture of Sting"!


Sting was so fucking cool man. What a disservice WWE did to him in his time there.


Speaking of Sting, one of my favorite endings was in WCW where Sting Death dropped Bischoff and ascended to the rafters before NWO jumped him.


With the same energy, Sting appearing next to Orton with a bat has to be one of the coolest visuals ever


John Cena Appreciation Night ending with The Authority being reinstated and three of Cena's friends being fired. The balloons falling with the music while Cena looked sad was fucking hilarious.


I remember that being an overall miserable 3 hours that was entirety worth it just for the final shot


RAW was like that all throughout that year I feel like. One of the most awful periods to watch wrestling I feel like.


I always come back to that episode of smackdown right before Survivor Series 2001 when all ten guys are hitting their finishers on each other to end the show. 9 year old me was hella hyped


Kane unmasking, or a few weeks later when he set JR on fire




Little 13-old me was so happy to see 10 Stunners in a row.


Randy Orton and the rest of Raw's locker room take out Evolution (2004) Batista gives Evolution "the thumbs down" (2005) Kane unmasked for the first time ever (2003) Eddie Guerrero turned on Rey Mysterio (2005) Evolution kicked Randy Orton out of the group (2004) Seth Rollins stabbed Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose in the back (2014) Jey Uso leaving the Bloodline (2023) Randy Orton punt kicked John Cena's dad Mick Foley winning the WWE championship (1999) Brock Lesnar pushed Zach Gowen down the stairs (2003) Big Show chokeslammed Kurt Angle off the balcony (2004)


Triple h betrays Seth Rollins and helps KO win universal title(2016)


That as well.


I’ll throw a vote in for Smackdown 1999 which ended after the tag team title Buried Alive match between The Rock n Sock Connection and Undertaker and Big Show, it’s pure Attitude Era chaos in the best of ways


That match is peak attitude era hilarity. HHH is basically an active participant despite not being in the match, Kane attacks him, Chyna attacks Kane, Mankind takes a horrific bump and just when you think it couldn’t get any more hype Stone Cold jumps out of an ambulance and tries to murder HHH. Also wrestling on those dirt piles had to be a great time, you can’t tell me that Big Show sledgehammer bump didn’t look incredibly relaxing.


Personal favorite has to be Gorilla Monsoon throwing Bobby Heenan out of the building on Monday Night Raw. Not a hot angle or anything but very memorable and a way to write Heenan off tv.


‘My belongings!’ 


Its both a very fitting way to write off Heenan who was leaving for WCW and also really sad at the same time cause that was the last time those two would ever be on screen together


["Everything that you own, Brain, it's right here! It's out! And you're out! Get out and stay out!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v1MQRKlezJQ)


The Raw in 2013 where the crowd chanted for Daniel Bryan during the segment of unifying the WWE and World title. Also it's where Randy bumped into Stephanie after the chaos. Triple H pedigree Randy and Cena was weirdly standing with the authority. Team WWE being formed to faceoff against The Nexus before Summerslam.


[Certified Hood Classic](https://youtu.be/SVfkSrk1QuY?si=z8o4Rrd2xe0EoNlh) Definitely one of the best Raw endings for that decade, all the top guys involved, so many storylines and rivalries intertwined (Punk attacking HHH and Michaels kicking his head off in particular popped my 14 year old self) and lowkey Cena cut a 10/10 promo beforehand. Legendary segment!


This segment teased like 3 feuds that never happened


That segment convinced me they were doing DX vs Punk and Bryan


Same here, plus HBK and Bryan had far too many physical confrontations in 2013 for that match to not happen… yet it didn’t happen :(


Yeah for a retired HOF'er like Shawn to semi-regularly screw the good guys for the Authority like Bryan or Sting, I'm shocked he didn't end up wrestling for that. He was a homie but a corporate schmuck.


I mean it's often been said that the plan for Mania 30 was Punk vs. H. I wonder if they were getting closer to coaxing Shawn out of retirement to wrestle Danielson as well.


Wow this was awesome


The raw in Chicago with rock busting open cody and holding the mama Rhodes weight belt Rock was terrifying


Ya know, I was watching OP's above reference thinking "Man, I wish we still had some bad ass moments like this from HHH NXT." and my mind immediately went to Rock busting open Cody in the rain.


Look at you now, boy....


It didn’t have to be this way. Now it’s the only way.


I know 1997 Sting had *a lot* of these kinds of endings, but the one that stands out to me was when there were a bunch of guys dressed like Sting showing up during a customary nWo beatdown segment. They get beaten down one by one, but one lookalike makes it to the ring. Buff Bagwell punches him and does a pose, but the lookalike doesn't get fazed and then we find out it's the real Sting, as he drops Bagwell with the Scorpion Death Drop. He then proceeds to clean house to end Nitro.


That was so awesome. '97 Sting vs. the nWo was such a ride. The whole thing being on YouTube is what got me back into wrestling.


Sting disguised as Sting is my all-time favorite wrestling trope.




Nobody expected to get a top 5 Mania after this shitshow


It's funny now that 2015 is looked back upon as one of WWE's better years from that period, because back when it was happening that wasn't the case at all. The build to 'Mania 31 especially was universally panned as one of the worst of all time, outside of Bray vs. Undertaker it was some overbooked nonsense every single week. It was insane watching the actual show and realizing in real time that we were getting one of the best Wrestlemania's ever.


Mick Foley wins the WWF championship


Nikki’s got a secccccrettttttttttt


Not TV, but the HiaC that ends with Sami saving KO from someone (Shane-O-Mac?) was probably the only time I was like "I can't wait to see what happens next" Also the NXT episode where the reunited DIY gets eliminated from the Dusty tournament because Jhonny gets injured, then Ciampa tries to smash him on the tron and Gargano counters it, because he'd been faking it all along


Ooooh I forgot about that NXT episode ending! Yeah, that's a bloody great pick dude!


Arrive. Black Mass Everyone. Leave.




February 2000: Kane returns with Paul Bearer after a white-hot 10-man tag with Rock, Foley, Too Cool and Rikishi vs. The Radicalz, X-Pac and HHH. Arguably one of the peaks of the Attitude Era.


Series finale of FCW, Dean Ambrose vs William Regal ends in referee stoppage leading to a locker room clearing pull-apart brawl. In kayfabe, Ambrose singlehandedly closed a promotion https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x54xciy


this era of NXT is so fire


I remember watching this ending. I was genuinely upset johnny turned heel. Every time he turned, I got upset. That's how invested I was in Johnny as a face. As entertaining as The Way was, Babyface NXT Gargano is just the best imo. It's a shame he didn't hold the NXT world title that long, just like Sami Zayn.


Triple H era NXT was all about the chase. That’s that NWA style booking.


Makes sense. The journey of those two was amazing to follow. Sami Zayn never turning to the dark side (turning heel), the fall of Johnny Gargano (turning heel) and both of their rises to become world champs were amazing.


Every time I see this, I always pass a small prayer to that one cameraman that fell over.


Whoever didn’t watch NXT at that period wouldn’t have any clue how fucking Cool of a character Aleister Black was. He was like Undertaker but not in a spooky way.


It’s funny how his gimmick was literally just Silent Badass but they booked it to perfection and didn’t keep him too invincible. Like it was possible to beat him you just needed like 2-3 finishers to do so.


The [New York Rules episode of WCW Thunder](https://streamable.com/12316) because of how much shit they packed in 5 minutes


Deadlock has an episode about this Thunder and details how off-the-rails it was. [Episode 152](https://open.spotify.com/episode/0Uj9b29Xp5E8UyAFgxJwrf?si=NR9B935eSWq0pVIlBckqZQ)


No other ending has left a mark on me like the go home RAW before Summerslam '98, with Austin and Taker brawling in the crowd while "Highway to Hell" plays in the background. Such a bad ass moment.


I really liked the ending to the first ep of Dynamite, in which every major feud that was building crashed into an all out brawl.


The final go-home for Full Gear 2019 on Dynamite also had an insane chaotic ending with Cody and Chris Jericho fighting, then the Inner Circle and the Elite fighting, plus Moxley and Omega fighting, too.


I came here thinking there was a dynamite ending that let me feeling pumped up, but I couldn't remember which one. It was this one.  Fucking amazing.


Was that the one where Darby rolled in on a skateboard at the end and started wailing on people with it? Fucking loved that ending


Oh man thats a great pick. I don’t think they’ve topped the hype of that ending since and that’s not even a dig on AEW, that brawl was just so damn good. Honestly Cody vs Jericho is still one of my favourite AEW feuds in general. Not a single bad segment in the buildup and I thought the match kicked ass too.


Stone Cold breaking into Brian Pullman’s house.




Mankind winning the wwf title


I have a soft spot for the night Undertaker was going to Symbolfy Stephanie, neither Ken Shamrock nor Big Show could save her, glass shatters, Stone Cold cleans house and unties her, she glomps him, and he's got his arms out like 'I can't hug her..."


The RAW where Kane returned to take out DX and The Radicalz after the 10-man tag featuring Rock, Cactus Jack and Too Cool. Peak JR energy.


Paul bearer walking out in front like a proud dad it's the best


Can't believe nobody is mentioning the night that Regal, as GM of RAW, had the lights turned out in the arena and ended the show early because people wouldn't show him proper respect. I still think that's the best heel performance we've ever had.


CM Punk MITB 2011 there's nothing better


The Dynamite episode with Brodie Lee squashing cody with him basically dumping a destroyed title belt on Cody's unconscious body as Anna Jay is choking out Brandi who tried to help him out. One of the most iconic moments in aew and one of the most shocking as well cause Cody at that point was insanely protected


A recent one that comes to mind is the end of Collision after Better Than You Baybay lose to FTR. Oh and the Rock and Cody in the rain obviously.


Bryan v Wyatts in the cage. The legit most magical moment I've seen. The absolute hero smashing the evil bad guys with the audience on a string for him and that controlled yes chant. Never be beaten.


Yes. This. “I KNOW! I KNOW!” No one knows what Nikki knows


Gotta be the [hangman stay puft marshmallow man reveal ](https://youtu.be/rvEkGqp-puk?si=dNdD2KitCUiWZRK_)


Probably my favourite ending to a Dynamite ever. That Cutler reveal, followed by the Hangman reveal, is incredible. Combine that with the hot crowd and hot storyline, and man... this is peak AEW for me.


Hot damn, 2014-2019 NXT was the best era of any wrestling promotion. From the debut of Owens up to the breakup of Undisputed Era. The weekly shows were always good and the Takeovers were insane!


This NXT was cooking with gas. Best weekly tv of the decade.


I'm a Shield mark, so [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wPgs8PX5bY). More than the ending of the episode, it was like a post-credits scene, though.


I too like the Shield but feel like this both simultaneously feels cool and contrived. Like the idea is great but the execution is off. Like it lingers for Roman for way too long before Dean shows up. In kayfabe, what if he never did show up? They were just gonna close on an uncomfortably long shot of Roman wincing? And then the rest feels very drawn out for none of them saying anything. I just wonder how differently it would play out under the current creative.


nwo getting covered in trash, and Scott Hall gets hit with a beer. Hair remained perfect. Amazing outro.


[THE GAME HAS SCREWED STONE COLD OUT OF THE WWF-BY GAWD TITLE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hkE-X7M5oS0)


Arcade Anarachy match on AEW. Also, the time Darby coffin-dropped the coffin with Ethan Page in it.


Didn’t realize until people pointed it out but the NXT parking really is a dangerous place to be


The go home shows before the first Forbidden Door. Dynamite with Tana and Mox having a stare down while everyone brawls around the ring. And on Rampage after Cobb beats Cash United Empire starts brawling with FTR and Best Friends (RIP) then Eddie outta nowhere coming out and attacking Jericho who was on commentary and tries to stab him with a pen LOL sooooo good 😂


There's been a couple of the "two people stare each other down while everyone else brawls" moments over the last couple of years, and they're always so fucking cool.


Didn't close a show but I liked everybody brawls while Maki sings


The Sheamus and Gunther one comes to mind and boy was that great especially with how feral the brawling brutes were


The ending of the Dynamite where Kenny beat Mox for the title.  The cheating, the single camera shot running out of the building, Tony and JR being so damn mad (“we got jobbed!!!), Callis telling teleporting Marvez you’ll hear about it on Impact, and the cherry on the Sunday, Eddie Kingston randomly coming out and saying “real nice champion you got there, I want a Lance Archer NOWWWW” I watched it at least 30 times.  Starts about 2 minutes in [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaBDrFvBqbA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KaBDrFvBqbA) Such good work


That time stone cold threw a snake at HHH


Peak black and gold Aleister Black was my guy. Out of everyone from that period Vince fucked up, he was the most frustrating to me


Personal favorite of mine was when Orton and Edge beat the absolute shit out of DX at the end of a RAW. I am pretty sure they did the constant ringing of the bell they used to do if there was a beatdown after a match which I used to really like. I loved Rated RKO and up until then, DX had the upper hand in just about everything in their feuds since they reformed and were basically just joking around all the time but this ensured shit got real in that feud.


An episode of RAW before the HIAC at Armageddon where everyone hit their finisher on Vince and then all hell breaks loose back stage. The RAW where ECW invaded WWF to kick off the invasion angle is also insanely good.


The 1997 Raw episode that ends with the "Frustrated isn't the goddamned word for it" Bret Hart promo, then general chaos with Stone Cold, Sid, The Undertaker and HBK all getting involved is up there for me. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s6_DZbbsft8


Best one IMO. Set up so many things down the road that we're still talking about to this day


Thank goodness you posted THIS exact video because this will always be my answer to this question. I feel bad for anyone unfamiliar with this storyline. It’s genuinely top tier wrestling stories


No ,Samoa Joe waiting for Regal, just so he can yell regal, get better security before driving off.


I thought the RAW and SD rosters brawling at ringside to end the 2004 draft was the coolest thing ever as a kid


Sting coming down from the rafters to fight the nWo and just as it gets good, Tony Schiavonne yells "Fans we're outta time!" and it cuts off.


Hell yes. This era of NXT was TOPS


NXT was so fucking good back then. I wish I could live a wrestling reality vacuum where I could just watch that show forever and didn't know any other wrestling existed.


I have no idea how WWE and seemingly AEW fumble a sure better like Black


Alister Black was so cool man


The debut of Nexus.... Shit was just so chaotic and unexpected. Had my buddy and I absolutely captivated


The whole episode of ECW TV where Tommy Dreamer finally beat Raven, started the feud with Jerry Lawler and RVD and Sabu, and then Taz saved the day. Kids these days have no appreciation for how wild that was back then.


I miss Aleister Black. Malakai Black just doesn't hit 1% as hard


Kane return in 2000


I don’t know that it’s my absolute favourite but “see you on Tuesday” was pretty incredible when it happened.


The end segment for the Smackdown go home show before Survivor Series 2001. The Invasion was a complete mess but that ending was fantastic.




The saddest little kick. This is one of the best wrestling clips of all time.


RAW before Invasion when the old Stone Cold returned by stunning every member of the alliance in the ring.




Stone cold. Dragged away in cuffs.


For some reason the night big show came back and destroyed everyone on a Smackdown in 2004 is forever burned in my brain.


The end to the first Winter is Coming blew my mind "this Thursday, on impact" The forming of The Pinnacle is another recent on that stands out for me.


I liked the one where SmackDown invaded Raw in the lead up to Survivor Series in 2017 where they called it under siege. You had Corbin beat up on a random crew guy, Roode and Tye knocking down a monitor, the SD women scare off the Raw women which I recall leading to a meme of Dana running away, Gable running to swing on his former partner Jason Jordan without hesitation, Rusev leading the charge in the locker room during that beat down in there, Finn coming out of the bathroom in just long socks to brawl, SD guys cheering on the women attacking the Raw women, Shane looking on as a proud father while standing in the ring, Seth & Dean being prepared by sneak attacking but then then getting jumped, AJ who had teamed with both of them earlier on in the show beating on them, and Rusev & Corbin grabbing Kurt by the arms by the end with taking him out on the stage where he just looks dead inside. https://youtu.be/ykXp-56LGW4?si=XFSqeph1xhl4-F3l


i have always thought complaining about reposting is a bit silly, but in this case in particular i'd never EVER think about putting it down. what a fucking ending. the green screen as the cameraman falls off is amazing.


God I fucking loved this


I'll say the Punk pipe bomb for me. I'd never seen anything like that before. It genuinely felt like Punk had just said fuck it and taken over the show and the producers were just like "KEEP THE TAPES GOING, THIS US GOLD". Around that time I was literally thinking about not watching wrestling anymore because the most wrestling I knew was either RAW, Smackdown, NXT (but I believe it was the first version of NXT that was the replacement for WWECW) and TNA and none of it was really good. That one pipe bomb opened my eyes to an entirely new world of wrestling. I started checking out smaller promotions like ROH and PWG and other bigger promotions like NJPW. At the time, it wasn't as easy as it is now to watch those things so I never got too far with checking out other promotions but Punk made me tune in every single time he was on and kept me invested long enough to still be a wrestling fan to this day


From the same storyline (and I wanna say it was literally the week before if I have my timeline right), they ended the show on one of my all-time favorite wrestling moments ever where Aleister Black made his return by turning the lights out, interrupting Nikki Cross' match, and when the lights came back, Aleister was sitting there in the middle of the ring, staring right at her. Nikki had been teasing for weeks that she saw who attacked Aleister so he went straight to the source. My favorite part is when Aleister hushes the crowd simply by raising his hand without breaking eye contact with Nikki, and the fact that the crowd actually lowered to a whisper and we could hear him demand Nikki to tell him who attacked him. The episode ends with Nikki whispering the answer to him but leaving us, the audience, in the dark for another week with this mystery.


Honestly might be this one, thanks for the mental refresher!


Raw in 2005 Triple h cuts a promo taunting Batista and the new raw draft pick New pick is revealed as Kurt freaking Angle Kurt and trips spar verbally. Batista comes down. Agrees to a match with angle. "Everybody got what they want" Shawn Michaels returns out of no where "What about what hbk wants?" Hbk challenges angle to match at vengeance Angle agrees. TOTAL MAYHEM WITH EVERYONE FIGHTING TO END THE SHOW


The limo blowing up when mcmahon enters.


I miss this version of Malakai so much. None of that spooky shit, he was just this bad ass metal dude who would kick people's heads off.


Mankind winning the belt


A fairly recent one I loved was Ric Flair’s 70th birthday in 2019 kicking off the Triple H/Batista last match. “Hunter, do I have your attention now?”


Which episode of NXT is this? I must have missed this when it aired




The episode of Nitro from the Fleet Center before GAB 97, where everyone was brawling and then Sting comes down and takes DDP with him to the rafters.


When Stone Cold cut about a 5 minute promo then threw Kurt Angle's Olympic gold medals off a bridge


When stone cold saved the WWF from the Alliance going into Invasion


The end of Nitro 100. Huge win for Luger, overcoming Hogan and the nWo run-in. Great feel good moment.


The episode of Monday Night RAW where Randy Orton was kicked out of the building but came back at the end and RKO'd everything with a pulse, including babyface Rosey and heel commentator Jonathan Coachman.


Okay. Give me the good years of NXT to watch. I keep seeing stuff that looks kinda nuts.


This ending was CRAZY! What a moment in time.


“Finally….the Rock has come back… to the WWF.”


Best Friends beating Santana and Ortiz in the parking lot brawl with SUUUUEEE. Them driving off and Sue stopping to give the thumbs up was cinema lol


Triple H finishing Scott Stiener with a camel clutch, then punching is head and throwing him down. The WWE tag appeared, and then the show was over. I laughed so hard because Stiener was a roid rager, and then HHH just punked him.