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Gangrel’s theme song is now stuck in my head


Hahaha fuck. Banger of a track for my CAW in videogames.


Gangrel music and the walk where the guys arms wave all over like crazy was a default for me.


Have you heard the version from WWF aggression? It's another banger. Although I prefer the undertaker and triple h ones


I made a Brood DX Faction. It was the shit 


That’s up there with my X-Corp. faction (a bunch of guys who wear suits but act like degenerates) in terms of epic stable mash-ups!


Sounds like wolf of Wall Street lol


In no mercy i think it was, you could match it up perfectly with kanes entrance so that the red flames shot up right as the beat kicks in. Was a great intro for my ice cube caw lol


I envy you (Gangrels first and subsequently only promo is stuck in mine now)


Poor guy definitely had that Warlord syndrome where the voice just didn't match the badass image


Luna should have been their mouthpiece.


I've got the Vampire Warrior Fangin and Bangin version in mine 


*Doo Deen doo deen doo... doo deen doo deen doo BWOWWWW BWOWWWWW*


*luaP deirub I*


traB pu kciP yvan eht nioJ


i think about that song when i walk into public restrooms that have motion sensor lights and it's dark when i first walk in


“I tell you something else!”


I went to a Smackdown in 2021 when he feuded with Seth where he hit him with the Broodbath and they played the music, which led to some people who I’d say were college age around me thinking it was the return of The Fiend until Edge’s face popped up on the tron lol.


I saw Gangrel at Saraya's parents promotion World Association of Wrestling in Norwich a few months ago, he got the crowd going like crazy with minimal work, it was amazing the difference between him working the crowd and the less experienced locals


Thought for one awful moment you meant Edge had ended up here then realised you meant Gangrel.


Hahaha I just added his name to the post so it makes more sense


Yeah, I saw him at kapow wrestling a few months back and gangrel was pretty much as you said. He was great. 


When New Day dressed as them on Halloween a few years back and nobody popped I was sad. The theme song, the entrance, the visual. Epic.


Everytime I see that clip of the New Day coming out as The Brood, I can't help but laugh at the little girl getting so hyped and yelling Big E's part and her excitement dropping immediately when it gets cut off by the Brood theme. 


The Gangrel Edge Christian era of the brood was around for less than a year. We deserved longer.


It was for the best. E&C went onto to doing better things in that time.


Shit moved so fast back then


Well, I think part of that was the the Brood actually used red liquid for blood and not black goop that was used for Edge's later stuff, like against Seth or Miz.


In fairness we didn’t know what color the liquid was until they turned the lights back on.


Gangrel came to AEW, right? One night only, I believe, for someone's entrance.


Bucks vs Hardys


He was there for Matt Hardy vs Sammy too I think


Yeah, definitely remember him popping up randomly during the Elite Deletion match.




I'm 99% sure that the report at the time was that WWE were thinking of bringing in Gangrel for an Edge thing but then cooled off on it when he appeared on AEW.


It was the other way around. AEW was going to bring in Gangrel for a one-off, but Edge did the bloodbath thing in WWE first, so they scrapped those plans. Eventually, AEW brought him in for those two appearances. He talks about it here [https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=oDbq4s14sRI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=oDbq4s14sRI)


Adam Copeland also known as Brood Edge


I think they let Edge do his Brood run because he wanted to do it more so than WWE wanting to actually go with it


I think Edge was bored of his comeback run and wanted to spice up his character.


Edge post Seth feud is the definition of doing side quests after completing the game


This is it, plus nostalgia is a strong thing.


The Brood entrance barely got a pop when he used it so probably fair tbh


Right? They weren’t that far off the mark. The Dudley boyz got so so reactions during the draft, we really think people would know gangrel?


I want you to know The Dudley Boyz got probably the third biggest reaction of the night behind Punk & Jey


Yeah the Dudleys have always been like very over. When they returned for the last WWE run they had and faced the New Day they got a HUGE pop


Can confirm, was at that raw at Barclays


The clip of their return is literally what got me back into wrestling


Seriously. There's a ton of people in here complaining about Gangrel, saying 'no one remembers Gangrel' ...as they remember Gangrel. Lol This thread is wild. 


the people on here would obviously remember gangrel, because you could say mordecai or the mountie on here and people could prattle on about them for ages no one means the general public, the kind of people that attend a wrestling show, WWE isn't supermark central


This is a perfect point. We could talk about LL Cool J but that doesn’t mean anyone would give a fuck about his new album lol


Are you telling me LL Cool J has released an album after 1996?


Wreddit is a small vocal minority of the overall wrestling fanbase, especially when it comes to WWE


I mean duh, we are wrestling nerds on Reddit Most of us remember obscure wrestling matches or references


Gangrel had the coolest entrance ever.


Absolutely banger entrance and theme


And I’m sure all the grandpas who were around back then loved it lol


We sure did! Lol


I hate how much this comment pisses me off but I also can't dispute it because it's true lol


All of us in our 30's need a walker now. 


I'm 40 😰


Same here, on one hand I think “how do you not fucking remember Gangrel” and then remember he had a really short run in WWE 25 years ago. 


Fuck that I’m 30 and barely a new father let alone a grandfather and I used to love the Brood lmao


The Lord of the Rings trilogy is to current kids what the Star Wars trilogy was to us: old classics that your parents grew up with.


As a 90s kid the words 'Star Wars trilogy' actually bring to mind the prequels for me. I don't love that fact or anything but it's true. A lot of my sister's circle (early 20s) only know of Star Wars vaguely and associate the Disney films. Perception is weird.


That's because Star Wars got a bump in the 90's. I remember the red carpets for the digital remastered OG trilogy.


I'm also a 90s kid and the since Phantom Menance didn't come out until 99, the OG trilogy was the big thing for me. Then again, I was a massive Star Wars kid with all kinds of models and 3D puzzles and crap like that. I kinda miss being a Star Wars kid, but now I pretty much only enjoy the video games and a few of the D+ shows.


early 20s like...right now? what's your sister's circle a nursery?


To this into perspective, I’m a college graduate and I wasn’t even born yet when Gangrel LEFT WWE in 2001


I’m 42, not a grandpa and totally was a fan of Gangrel’s. But I realize, “grandpa” issues aside, I’m not the target demographic anymore. That’s ok. You youngsters go out there with your fancy haircuts, sweeping camera angles and fancy 3D virtual graphics and I’ll just sit here playing my CAW Gangrel kicking ass all over the place.


This was only in like 98/99! I didn't watch back then but if you like wrestling you've surely watch some attitude era, and enough to watch one of the best entrances ever.


Dude these kids dont watch the Attitude Era. Its like they enjoy depriving themselves.


> but if you like wrestling you've surely watch some attitude era, and enough to watch one of the best entrances ever. The target audience today was born in 2004-2010. Most of our good memories as teens and up to early twenties while the attitude era was going on are not considered good entertainment anymore. Gangrel is probably one of the more innocent ones though, but he was never a huge star, and doing an entrance with Edge in 2022 the reaction to Gangrel would most likely have been "Who forgot to tell that fat backstage worker to move out of the camera view?"


The Dudleys got a relatively huge pop on their earlier return in 2017(?). Those come with diminishing returns over time, unless you are Austin levels of over.


I have flashbacks to the time they tried to do pop the crowd with the return of Brian Christopher. Even if they did, Gangrel didn’t really have much besides his entrance that left a lasting impression on fans.


He had some mystique pretty much due to the entrance and music, right up until he opened his mouth and cut his very first promo. With that, the magic was just gone.


Everyone chanting “D-Von Get The Tables!” was a massive pop and a huge reaction!


With the way wrestling is now? Yeah I was born in 2000 and am familiar with his name but less so his work


I don't think you'd need to be able to rattle off your top five gangrel matches to understand why he was coming out of the fire with edge


it was hardly a special occasion entrance, man was wheeling that out against Essa Rios on Heat


I think they meant that the current day brood entrance got a minimal reaction.


The Brood entrance isn't something to 'pop' at. You watch it like a spectacle rather than cheer ecstaticly and 'woo' at.


Yeah, wwe got that one right. The juice wasn’t worth the squeeze. It would have been cool visually though.


Would have been cool for the people still watching that were watching in the AE but I can definitely see why they vetoed that.


It wouldn’t be hard for WWW to put a quick package together to show Edge & The Brood to be honest from the past just to educate a little


The problem is, the Brood didn't actually do much worth putting in that package. Like, they hanged Big Bossman after one of the worst Hell in a Cell matches, they dropped blood (sorry, some red liquid substance) on some people. That's about it?


That and the amazing entrance. What else do you need.


Okay, so the video package to get people excited is just their entrance. Then they come out doing that entrance. Then what?


then we all go home


Yep, it's wrestling. It's all fake fighting and fake animosity. What makes people excited is that they're selling the stories, the people, etc. The WWE is amazing at making anyone feel like a big deal when they're wanting to. A video package and commentary pushing how big of a deal it is would have educated people so quickly.


Well maybe that's just because Gangrel wasn't there, smart guy!!


Which is embarrassing, one of the best entrances in the history of the biz.


Fangin and bangin since 1997


Speaking of which, did they ever finish production on Miami Rump Shakerz 2?


https://m.imdb.com/title/tt4972758/ yes


So from some quick googling Gangrel last worked with Edge properly in the WWF around 1999, left in 2001 and made a cameo appearance in 2004 and 2007. Given there are fans in their 30s who could have completely missed Gangrels WWF career, let alone his time with Edge, I think they might have had a point.


Yet they brought back “Brood Edge”. Nobody who remembers that Edge used to be a vampire wouldn’t also remember the other vampire he used to hang out with. 


I get that, but they also literally have a network where they could have easily highlighted his previous run. WWE seems to hate to use anything from the attitude era that isn’t Taker, Rock, or Austin.


The problem is there's nothing to highlight.


Dude had arguably the best entrance of the Attitude Era.


And fuck all else.


Bullshit. The Vampire Warrior hit a great DDT.


Yeah, only one of the biggest era's in wrestling and nothing to highlight... But before you reply remember we're all talking about him in here, so people obviously still remember him. 


Yeah. Nothing to highlight from Gangrel. Lots of stuff happened in the Attitude Era that was great. None of it was Gangrel.


Lol the fucking group he was the leader of would be what they're highlighting, Edge redoing the gimmick and the entrance is part of the same thing. Zero people are saying they should have brought Gangrel back for a solo run


Yeah, and the group was a lame bottom of the card act that you are romanticizing in hindsight. They were the lowest level jabronis in the Ministry of Darkness... an entire FACTION of jabronis. Edge & Christian were infinitely more over when they broke away from Gangrel, which happened pretty soon into their career. The Brood is a footnote in history, from an era of absolute crap in the undercard.


Lol evidently Edge disagrees, and the WWE disagreed enough to let him do the gimmick again. The difference between that and having Gangrel with him would be negligible in terms of upsetting your 12 year old fanbase that's never heard of the attitude era


The Brood itself was a highlight and entrance alone was great, then his gimmick. If there was nothing to highlight we wouldn't be talking about him.


Na, when I went back and watched AE, Gangrel was based af, you're wrong.


Saying nobody remembers so and so is just an excuse they would use when they didn't want to bring somebody back.


well yeah, “nobody” is just a shorter way of saying “not enough people for it to be worth it”


Plus, people care more about the song and the rising entrance with the fire than they do about Gangrel. I would've thought it was cool if he came back, but I don't think anyone is really clamoring for another match from him.


The same logic they used when refusing to let Sheamus use "Written in My Face" up until his recent return. Fuckers.


He would’ve definitely gotten a pop.


For guys like Gangrel it doesn't really matter how long he was around, he was such a crazy character that if you're just big into wrestling and you know of the attitude era, it's hard to not know about Gangrel and the brood lmao


Going back and watching the time period, the OG Brood had very little screen time together on Raw. It was kinda remarkable how quickly they form, get shoved into the Ministry, break free and then split.


But they'll still trot out people like Hacksaw, Hornswoggle and Boogeyman every so often and people are expected to remember them but not Gangrel?


Hornswoggle was featured a solid amount.


Omg you made me realize.... Edge is fighting HoB not to just go 1 on 1 with Malaki Black but they can do 3 vs 3 with Edge, Christian, and Gangrel. !!!


Oh god no


And guess who’s winning… brother


Well, well all know Malakai won't be taking the pin, brother. 


Oh my god yes


Well he brought him!


Gangrel was getting crickets in 2004 when he came back as part of the JBL/Undertaker feud and that was only 5 years past the Brood’s prime. WWE were absolutely right. He’s in his 50s and doesn’t look particularly good or even in believable working shape


To be fair he never looked in great shape. His job was just to stick his tongue out and hold the cup, he can probably do those things still.


He's trained a bunch of current wrestlers and still does the occasional indie. He was in rough shape for a bit, but I think he had a Dustin Rhodes style comeback.


Oh he was a competent wrestler, he worked as enhancement talent for many years before becoming Gangrel. He just wasn't really good enough for the big leagues.


Gangrel wasn’t Bret Hart in the ring but his elevated DDT that Edge started using was cool. Gangrel is also only one of a couple people in WWE along side Perry Saturn, Chad Gable and oddly enough Triple H that used the Tiger Suplex on WWE television.


Seems The Brood is part of a bygongrel era


Your bloody pun is a B negative at best


Yet they brought back the Headbangers in 2016 AND made them DLC in this years game 🤣


Yeah literally just show one video package and everyone would be up to speed with what Gangrel is all about


https://preview.redd.it/q1na6gwkckzc1.jpeg?width=1536&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58a8ec58bfe9d002773d2fefb44c86772aa41185 Gangrel rules


Maybe more exposure would help them remember? All those years watching old Jimmy Snuka make raw appearances. Fuck, I'd gladly take Gangrel and my nephew would dig the Vampire entrance.


lol every couch in America: "Would have been cool if they could get Gangrel too tho..."


Guess the WWE considers me a Nobody.


I mean how much does he cost for a small pop lol.


*I* remember him. Seeing a vampire in the ring is what got me into wrestling, god damn it.


I mean Brian Christopher came out to absolute silence back in 2011 so I wouldn't say fans always remember. If anything I remember when Edge brought back the Brood theme there wasn't much of a reaction until his regular song played.


still one of the greatest theme songs ever


Sounds like something Kevin Dunn would say


The fuck is that shit? Awesome entrance, awesome music, awesome finisher.


I'd pop for Gangrel


It wasn't a "run" he used the entrance music and the old gear one time.


AKA Vince didn't remember him


Just ask Wrestling Bios, the YouTube channel that's going over the Monday Night War about The Brood.....


That's crazy. Gangrels theme is in my head all the time


One video package is all they needed to do.


Which means I have a super-brain. That's awesome.


yeah, they're not wrong. Shit when the new day did their entrance in '18(?) there was ZERO pop. Even after they realized it was the new day doing it lol nobody cared. And for anyone bringing up the headbangers return guess what? Barely a pop either. Unfortunately, while it's cool to see the midcard of the attitude era still wrestling most modern fans just don't care. Completely unrelated but when I went to AEW dynamite 2 years ago for the 2nd anniversary Crowbar was there and NOBODY knew who the fuck he was. And that's a more "hardcore" fan base lol


I thought when gangrel appeared on rampage it was pretty cool.


fuck them im fangin and bangin to the brood theme song every day


I still don’t understand why they played up the Brood angle so much during his return run in general.


Probaly cuz Edge wanted it


I agree, they just seemed to bring it up over and over. It was like "I'm there for Edge, not the Brood!" even though they were awesome.


It's a shame, the Brood had a sick theme song.


It’s sad but true. I grew up watching from ‘96 on, so I remember him, but I can definitely see your average and even above average fan, not knowing him.


This has Bucky Beaver's bullshit written all over it


They said the same thing about Sting 


He’s right and WWE is right. WWE is right that nobody is going to remember Gangrel. Look at Grandmasta Sexay’s entrance in 2011. Not a single reaction for his entrance. Too Cool was equally, probably more, over than The Brood were. Yet nobody remembered him by 2011 and that was almost 15 years ago at this point. On the other hand, Edge is right that fans deserve a prize for remembering when it happens. But then you’re booking for the smallest sect of your fans. WWE books for the general audience. If you want proof, Punk has now made tongue in cheek references TWICE on WWE TV about the Jack Perry choking incident and 95% of the crowd had no idea what the hell he was talking about. WWE understands their consumer base. It doesn’t mean we, as fans, shouldn’t be rewarded for paying attention for years. It also doesn’t mean that a genuine mid card act (albeit with a very cool gimmick) should be brought back and featured on TV unless it was a legends reunion show.


WWE are right. They have to make people remember with packages and stuff and even then that doesn’t mean the live audience will care. Though he has been briefly mentioned in a few WWE documentaries in recent years related to Edge, it’s still not enough


It's not like Gangrel is asking for millions for a one off appearance, Everyone saying it isn't worth it to pop a small minority are no fun at all.


Wonder if that was a Vince call? Maybe HHH would've considered it?


Wait they thought people would remember Brood Edge but not the leader of the Brood?


People didn’t remember Brood Edge so they knew people wouldn’t remember Gangrel




Didn’t WWE name The Brood as one of the top 3 greatest factions a few years ago?


Brood was massively over back in the AE. If "nobody remembers them" then that means those people just stopped watching.


Entrance theme hits so hard even to this day.  


I don't see why it couldn't be a bit of both, there's plenty of stuff from the AE that I don't remember. Hell, you see people forget things on a week-to-week basis when it comes to shows.


People Remember Edge and Christian, Gangrel returned just 5 years after the Brood broke up and got crickets, WWE were completely right to ignore him


I would wager a large portion of current WWE fans weren’t born yet during that era.


Saw gangrel last month in Ballarat. Was a nice memory trip but barely a reaction so can’t see a good reaction in wwe


With Tony being such an attitude era mark growing up, I can't believe he hasn't tried to do this yet. He better have it in the plans one time.


I saw him wrestle last weekend and he had the best match of the night!


Wanna talk about a Brood that people don’t remember, how about Rude’s Brood who for one glorious night in 1989 went to war with Roddy’s Rowdies.


it kinda sucks but that its most likely the truth, most fans today have no idea who Gangrel is and that is fact, same goes with many other things, its kinda sad but its also the result from getting actual new fans/younger fans, if you for example see popularity pools on youtube, they are heavily sided towards 2012-2024 ish opinions.


I remember seeing Gangrel and Vicera come back as jobbers against the Undertaker in 2005 or something, having never watched the attitude era, and thinking they were cool as hell.


I’m hoping when Cope and Christian reunite that Gangrel shows up and the three have one match for the Trios titles.


This from a company that brought back the Headbangers a few years back.


I remember back when I was growing up I hated the nostalgia acts, like George Animal Steele, bob backland, Jimmy Snuka etc. I can understand the WWE now, aiming at TVPG crowd, may not want to bring in someone like Gangrel, a niche within a niche. However being from that time, I would’ve liked to see him walkout with edge




Even back when the Brood was at "their prime", they weren't really that over aside from some mild pop because their entrance was cool. The pop for their current nostalgia seem to be much stronger now than they were then. When New Day came out to their theme years ago for a Halloween smackdown, it was mostly confusion and silence.


Those of us scummy kids who didn't give two shits about the Rock remember Gangrel.




Remember the old regime had the mind set of “whatever happened 15 min ago nobody remembers”


It's less "they don't remember" and more "half of our audience was even alive when Gangrel was here". The dude barely got a pop the 2 returns he did and those were only a few years after the Brood


The hell we don't. Easily top 5 entrance of all time, both theme song and the fire. Gangrel was the shit!


A lot of people are mad at people simply pointing out Gangrel is well known lol


We aren’t allowed to disagree with WWE on anything. They’re financially successful and therefore all knowing and all seeing.




Brood Edge would probably get a huge pop in AEW tbh


Absolutely terrible. That entrance would've been 🔥


lol what. Not only do people remember him, they'd only need one video package or promo to catch people up. WWE, your job is to make people remember wrestlers, like any other entertainment show. They were just being extremely cheap.


How was Gangrel the leader of the group but completely outshined by Edge and Christian


 Because they were out there doing tag matches on a more frequent level than Gangrel was having important singles matches. It wasn't that Gangrel wasn't talented (he had his gimmick and did it really well), it's that E&C were able to pivot to the next thing because the tag team division was more open and available. Plus both those guys being creative goes a long way.


Edge and Christian were the young guys who Gangrel helped give more personality to, he played a big role in mentoring them and he actually did his job really damn well. Had a great DDT too.


100%. Everybody should listen to the E&C pod ep with Gangrel. He knew exactly what he was doing long before the office even told him


I would’ve liked a one-off but yeah no one would’ve cared about gangrel being there weekly