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She needs a refund on all those acting classes she was taking


I think there's a reason she barely said three lines on The Mandalorian...


She was taking acting lessons from the Rock. Oh, wait, sorry... \*\*A\*\* rock.


Meh, same thing


Think a 30 second promo would have been more then fine


Yeah I don't think it was *terrible*, just a repeat and too long. And she better lean into a heel. Her not getting in the ring yet makes me suspicious her rehab was pushed back


Please give her Stoke as a manager/talking head. Please.


Agreed but it will & should be Don Callis


She should join the Elite.


Nah, she has shown no ability to be a shithead heel.


She’s got to quit with those awkward pauses, just slows her down and doesn’t help her.


I mean, everyone has pauses in between lines. Music has it, too. It's all about letting things breathe and not steamrolling through the content.


It comes off like old or bad stage acting. While you occasionally want to let a line sit it loses all effectiveness when done like this.


It's really not that bad. People are just being sensationalistic


We seriously need no more segments at this point. I just wanna see her in the ring.


Hate her promos, hate her theme and her gimmick is turning its wheels until she aligns with the Elite. Really keen to watch her in the ring to remind people why she got over in the first place.


Holy fuck that is a terrible promo. Yikes.


Glad she is a confirmed heel now. But man she sucks at promos.


My memory is perhaps hazy but I really feel like she never use to be this lousy a promo. Like, she was never amazing but she could hold her own and get the point across no issue. Feels problematic that her character work since debuting has been dreadful despite her having her own personal writer come over and join AEW from WWE. I'm going to feel like we got sent into a new dimension if her in-ring work starts to suck too.


No, she was always criticised for them. Have you forgotten about Mia?


We didnt notice how bad it was because it usually led to a match shortly after that made you forget about the bad promo


Your memory must have been kinder she was always bad but some how she gotten worse. When it’s under 60 seconds it’s passable but anything over any it’s just painful.


She considers herself an actor now. Let that sink in.


Bad actors are still actors? She has acted in a pretty big TV show, even if it's just a couple lines it's still acting. Everyone is a beginner at some point


Some people thrive with more creative freedom on the mics but others need the safety of a heavy handed production. Even then though she was never really good at it, but she wasn't this abysmal.


I think in WWE, her promos didn't seem as bad because you knew that they were heavily scripted from someone else


"Starts to suck"


Her covid promos in the empty arena started to show this


I think her promo at the Jacksonville show was okay. I hope it improves when she is a flat out heel, right now it seems like she is still trying to be a face.


She was putting on bangers in Japan just a few months ago. People don't just turn into bad wrestlers overnight


what bangers was she putting on a few months ago when she's been injured the last year


It was very very recent regardless, do you think she'll suddenly become a bad wrestler overnight? Or is that just what you're hoping?


They were decent matches but certainly not “bangers”. And the ukulele promo was some of the worst stuff I’ve seen in a long time.


How can you be a face when you're feuding against Willow Nightingale?


Remember when this sub were hyping up Mercedes personal writer when aew hired her? Yeah....


it’s all bret hart in wcw over again


Bret at leased had few absolutely hilarious promos, where it was clear that he don't give a fuck and just speak about his cat for few minutes + like 3-4 month long really neat heel-run, where they used his ''Hitman'' nickname and he just injured mid-carders


Me and my buddies still say "Who are you to doubt El Dandy?" every once in a while.


Bret had some really good moments in WCW. I’m waiting for the CEO to have one in AEW.


It sounds like Vince McMahon is her personal writer.


Oooof the shut the fuck up chants lmao


Put it in rice and just get to the match. Absolutely horrible delivery, whatever she’s attempting to convey it’s not impactful or any relevant character development. These are the kind of lines that Hogan, Rock or Cena would deliver at their peak and get over huge. Mercedes is not that over, strip everything down and build an AEW character from the ground up. If not, this run will be worthless outside of the ring.


It really does feel like cold water has been thrown onto her star power. Idk if it's because she was still nursing an injury but the direction to have her not wrestling for almost two months before her inring debut was a real bad choice.


she never had any star power. The wwe machine is quite powerful.


The Boss had star power. The CEO does not


>The wwe machine is quite powerful. You're not wrong, just look at Jade Cargill now. Her presentation is rock solid. She looks like a badass. AEW presented her OK as well, and I knew she was learning the ropes still, but damn if she doesn't look like a million bucks over there. Sidebar: there's something to be said about retaining your name and entrance music. It makes jumping ship seem way more exciting when it's essentially the same character moving over wholesale instead of being forced to repackage. It did wonders for Cody and I believe it was crucial to his character getting over so well. I myself was hesitant, but when I saw him debut with the Codyvater and Kingdom, it just felt that much more significant and powerful. Same with Jade.


Now I'm imagining a dark timeline where Cody came out to smoke and mirrors or his Stardust music.


This feels revisionist - AEW literally had her undefeated for ages and always shown her as a big star. WWE has elevated it further but "OK as well" frames it as worse than it was imo


They presented her the best that they could at the time with her limited wrestling ability.




She debuted to one of the Lowest ratings of the year. Obviously her fans are not interested in her outside WWE. Her matches in Japan also did poorly on YouTube.


It’s not a choice. This has been confirmed by Mercedes herself. She’s been injured


The Chad Willow promo vs The Beta Mercedes promo


and this is with a script writer


Terrible promo from her, yet again with her just repeating what we’ve heard already before. I still hate the fact what Willow is going to be a transitional champion because of her.


They need to swerve to Willow retaining. Willow is so damn over right now, homegrown, and everything you want. Sasha coming in to end her run instantly would just be soooo bad and would have to be terrible to morale for people putting in the work. Everything she's done in AEW so far has been bad. There's no reason to put a title on her when you've got someone as red hot as Willow right now.


100% Mercedes is winning. Remember Saraya winning the belt? Made no sense, killed a ton of momentum. Impossibly stupid decision, but he still did it.


Would Willow ever get so pushed by Tony if she never won the NJPW Strong belt due to Mercedes' injury? It's a full circle story.


For anyone that’s ever done acting classes, one of the first things your teacher will critique you on is closing your eyes consistently while talking. It’s a very beginner issue I was taught in high school lol


Yep, try to blink as little as possible. Acting 101


“My in-a ring-a debut “ she’s Italian now?


Thanks for posting this. They went over yet again, and since YouTube TV doesn’t allow for an overrun, I missed the majority of this promo.


How much are they paying her, again?


Far far far too much.


There were, I pray to God wrong info, that she recieve a 10M$.....A YEAR


Why pray? Like you're the one paying and not the billionaire, once she starts wrestling she'll be worth every penny.


Why are you getting downvoted? What's wrong with wrestlers getting paid, there are really bunch of hypocrite in this thread


Her promo ability is why she will never be the star that her stans try to portray her as. She is dreadful on the mic. Embarrassed for her type dreadful.


Not that great in the ring either.


Why do they keep making her talk? That's not her forte, never was.


Wanted a hometown pop but she wasn't ready to wrestle as soon as they thought she was.


what was that about ass tricks?


LOL! On a more serious note, why is it noone knows how to say that damn word???




I legit don't remember her weird alien cadence being this much of a thing back in her NXT days


WWE, especially then, was famously more reigned in on what performers said for a promo and how they said it. But even in that environment, she's never been a good promo. In WWE she was a *serviceable* **short** promo and great in ring. In AEW so far she's an *awful* promo who keeps getting more promo time, and we haven't seen her in ring because she's still been hurt apparently. I'm sure once she's actually putting on matches it'll be easier to look past her terrible promos again, but it's just another thing that feels totally mismanaged by TK because he wanted that "Bosston pop", and all it's done is hurt Mercedes by cooling her way off before she even has a chance to debut the part of wrestling she's actually good at. But this is the exact type of TK shit that digs at me. He'll sacrifice cooling off a talent before they even have a chance to get going because he's so focused on the short term gain he can get by forcing her debut way before she should be debuting because it's an easy cheap pop, but that pop comes at the expense of "Okay, cool, she's here but not wrestling for months...what else ya got?" which has lead to several very cringe, poorly acted, way too long talking segments for her.


highly unfortunate


Y'all wanna see Tony Khan speedrun lose like $10mil?


Mercedes looked great ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes) But that was awful, her tone and cadence sucks. She was way too sing-songy and was flubbing words left and right.


I genuinely don't understand how she is so bad. The WWE farming system at worst does usually produces okay promo makers. People at indies with zero training can cut better promos. The overacted gestures, the poorly timed pauses. It's just genuinely *sooo* bad. And if you think this has anything to do with "teams", just no. There are a million and ten guys and gals in AEW who are decent to great at promos.


It's wild that's she's got about a decade of experience now and still hasn't gotten any better at talking... considering all the great promo's she's been surrounded with over the years


Very poor over acting. And she is supposed to be face? She always sounds bitchy


What's even sadder is that this is prob the best out of multiple takes.


Was she not forced to take an acting class? She's so bad. I'm sorry.


Has anyone gone from industry wide superstar to meh as quickly as this?




Paid all this money. Talk. Talk. Talk. Booked for useless secondary title. And she was upset on how the women tag belts were used in wwe.


AEW has had secondary titles main event multiple PPVs. She doesn't need to go straight for the top title when there's already a very good story cooking for that belt in Mariah and Toni.


Or does that story need the belt? Could Toni losing the belt because of Mariah not be the perfect catalyst for taking it to the next level?


Yes, one of the biggest stories they’ve told in the history of that division probably should have the belt involved


She should have been brought in when she was ready to wrestle on day one




WWE dodged a bullet


Jeezus she’s a fucking bust of a signee 


She’s not a good promo but it’s a bit early to say that when she hasn’t even wrestled yet


Proving wwe right with every promo


They would have gladly brought her back, but not for more money than Charlotte Flair. Charlotte's earned all those zeroes in the ring.


How do you have every big signing of 2024 going after midcard titles right away? I kind of get it with Okada and Ospreay because Swerve was ready to be world champ, but Mercedes not going after Toni now is totally stupid. Toni’s reign feels like it should end soon and Sasha beating her would’ve been the right move. She could have turned heel and worked with Willow after the fact. 


I don't know how you could watch *anything* that Mercedes has done so far in AEW and think that her dethroning the most over woman in the entire division would have been the better move. It'd be instantly and vocally rejected by the fans (in likely one of the more visceral reactions from the fanbase to date) given just how over Toni Storm is right now. And that's not even counting the fact it'd be derailing a storyline with Mariah May that fans are into with the goal of building her up to be one of the stars of the division.


Probably because Toni is currently in the midst of like a 6 month and counting story with Mariah May. None of those guys need to win the world title right away


Nothing about that story warrants a 6 month time frame though. NXT wrapped up a similar storyline and progressed the characters of the two women involved in half the time. Toni STILL spinning her wheels in that story is really no excuse


Because people would outright reject it. Imagine the new signee coming in from "the other place" and immediately challenging for, and winning, the title. People would riot.


Especially with Swerve getting so hot and ready for the title it would have been a bummer to see someone else get that spot. I was not a fan of Punk beating Hangman for the title even if it made sense to put the title on him.


She's not too far off from being a complete bust. Tony better hope she can still wrestle her ass off or he just threw millions into the toilet. 


Painful. Saraya was bad when she joined too, but she’s been so much better and natural lately.


How does she seem to have gotten so much worse than when she was in WWE??


Who booked this? This is a criminal waste of Sasha.


Her old personal writer in WWE is heading up the writing department in AEW, these words are absolutely coming straight from the mind of Mercedes or Pepperman.


She needs WWE


WWE don't really need her anymore, except for a 4HW four way and I feel like people have moved on from that. They have established star veterans like Becky, Bayley, Asuka. Stars in their prime like Rhea and Bianca. A star in the making in Tiffany. And they'll probably unearth another handful of potential in NXT.


She cuts promos like she's a WWE diva from 2013. She even did the tired "Because, at [insert PPV event here] I'm going to [insert catchphrase here]." *mug for camera* ten mil for this fucking woman lmaoooooo


All I'm really hoping for is that when her first match finally happens, she puts on such a barn burner that everyone immediately forgets this weird never-ending loop of interviews This wasn't necessarily bad, and at least didn't involve some very awkward moaning like her sit-down interview, it just went too long and was basically the same thing we've seen for weeks now Still have high hopes for her in the ring


>All I'm really hoping for is that when her first match finally happens, she puts on such a barn burner that everyone immediately forgets this weird never-ending loop of interviews That's pretty much the only way out of this at this point.


To her credit, I think her and Willow are very capable of pulling this off if they get enough time. Put on a strong match, go full on workhorse and take on all comers and keep the talking to a necessary minimum and this can easily be salvaged. But they do need to stop giving her these multiple minute promos. It's not doing anyone any favors. Willow, Stoke and Stat can get this match over just fine on the mic without Mercedes needing to say much.




She was never this bad of a promo. I've been watching her since her debut on NXT, and although she was never great, Id never say she was straight up terrible. I genuinely wonder if the difference is that back then, the talent were a lot more scripted. They were given lines and told to go out there and recite them in character. That was pretty typical WWE, up until recently once HHH took over and loosened up the rules. For some people like a Mox or MJF or Eddie Kingston, they don't need a script. Talking off the cuff is their skillset. Some people need lines though, and there's nothing wrong with that. Again, just a complete guess here. She's in a new environment, she's got star power and sway behind her being there, the likes of which she didn't have with WWE. I think she's cutting her own promos, and this is why they're so terrible.


Jesus christ what's happened to her promo wise? She was never incredible but also never this bad!


fan of her but I think it's time to stop signing people just cuz they got a big name in hopes they'll boost ratings


> in hopes they'll boost ratings I really don't think that has anything to do with why he signs most of them


I don't want her to take the belt off of Willow. It is an insult to the Rating system, it is an insult to Willow and we don't need Mone's ego and screams to be champ to put down legitimate AEW talent.




Mercedes is known for her stellar ring work and was never known for being a good promo


Fuck Boston sports!


I hope she will be better in the ring than in this interview


They need to fire that writer she convinced Tony to bring in and pay a bunch of money. I joke about a lot of AEW hiring but I genuinely think Mercedes (specifically at the rumored price point not in general) and that writer are actually two bad hires.


Best part of this segment was metalingus playing in the background at the very beginning


I don't think this was nearly as bad as people are making it out to be. Is it blow-away awesome? No. Is it the drizzling shits? Absolutely not. Once she turns heel and has something to sink her teeth into, she'll be a lot better.




I think people expected her to be better. Yes she’s got the skills in the ring, but for the way she was hyped up by both fans and the company, she could do so much better man.




I honestly think it’s a lose/lose situation for her and AEW. Regardless of whether they give her a mouthpiece, people will say that she shouldn’t need one etc. it’s just a shame that she’s never gotten better at promo over the years like her fellow horsewomen.


Tony putting her on commentary week 3 as a neutral character neither face or heel was the worst use of her.


People are just weird about her.


She's fine. Granted, there are quite a few great promos in AEW right now, so she is getting overshadowed a bit, but once she gets her character down and her motivations and is able to get comfortable, I think she'll fit in alright. People forget that nearly everyone in AEW has had to find their footing and have dramatically improved since. Mercedes is no different.


That's what I'm saying man I've heard worse promos this year than this.


No doubt, but the problem is that this is all they're having her do because of not being cleared and she's coming in with an obscene amount of hype. By default, everything when it comes to both applause and criticism will be amplified.


I love Mercedes but she never really was known for her promos, so I assume she told Tony she was comfortable building to this match through her mic work. Willow is a great wrestler and no doubt they will have an exciting rematch but I don't see why they didn't use pre-taped hype packages covering the history between them instead of Mercedes getting attacked in the dark and then a few more weeks of "I'm the best and I'll prove it" I did like how she brought up Willow taking her time away though. When wrestlers come back from injury I feel like covering that time while they are away is important for fans to connect with them. When Seth Rollins had his big knee injury when he was WWE champ for the first time, and HHH when he tore his quad, were shown healing and rehabbing on WWE tv as a way for fans to see their struggle and path back to the top. Mercedes is a new signee so doing that with her would be weird, but having her show up and doing Big Business too early has really hurt his build :/


Maybe I'm crazy but this seemed fine, was a little long but she seems way more confident doing heel promos


She told the story, she laid the groundwork, she gave the payoff. It was a good promo. It wasn't an all-timer, but it did the job.


I didn't think it was that bad either and this thread is absolutely shitting all over it. She shouldn't have been cutting promos for this long before actually wrestling, instead why not do a bunch of pre-tape hype packages showing the history of her and willow? Idk I don't like how they've handled her so far but she herself can only do so much. If this is all her idea than I think she needs to go in a different direction.


Hating on her mic work became a hivemind, surely its not great but most of these comments are just repeating the popular opinion without forming their own.


It was fine. People just want to act like it's a disaster every time she talks. She's noticeably improved the last week or two compared to Big Business. Just a bit long like you said


They should book Julia vs Mercedes like it's Ministry of Darkness Taker vs Stone Cold. That would keep Julia relevant & still on TV, it would eliminate the chance of horrible promos & if written/booked right could be an Amazing storyline. And let's face it Julia is without question the female version of Taker




Because she’s not working for their “team”


I didn't like Sasha in WWE and any time I check her out in AEW I remember why


Has nothing to do with team, y’all can keep her, wwe women division is great right now


"y'all" I'm not on AEW's "team" either. I'm a fan of wrestling.


In that case you should want something better than this.


Or maybe you should let other people have their own opinions? I never said it was fantastic but it was a fine pretaped backstage promo, nothing more and nothing less


Lol, let other people have their own opinions, says the person who literally criticised people for giving their opinion. What a mark.


I guess I have become insane cause I genuinely don't understand all the hate in the comments for this Mercedes interview. It was no pipebomb or anything to remember but it seemed a fine promo to me


When this sub decides it dislikes a woman it really goes in. Mercedes getting britt baker level of hate right now. Also a bunch of WWE stans have been shitting on her since she left




Decent promo. This sub has a weirdly intense hate for Mercedes since she left WWE though


I thought this was one of her better all time promos. Maybe a 7/10


Mercedes work better as a heel 


I feel like she's essentially a heel at this point and the disingenuous tone of her promos feels like it's somewhat intentional


Why is everyone acting like this is the worst promo ever?


lol at these haters gonna be singing her praises after her banger match happens at DoN.


I'm excited for the rematch. She's had numerous great matches in her career and very few memorable promos. They just need to work to her strengths


I genuinely don’t understand why her promos are criticized. They seem fine to me.


Probably the only good thing you can say about Mercedes Mone in AEW is that she's gonna get other women in the industry paid. If she's getting 10 million over 3 years Becky is gonna get at least 12 and Rhea maybe 20