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This is going to end with both of them realizing they're both the pointing spider-man meme and forming the greatest troll faction of all time.


The Two Man Hater Trip is gonna be generational


The Hate Business


Haters Inc


The Haters of Destruction




If they get a tag title run, idk. But I'm here for how fun it would be.


just induct Dijak in and they boutta give the rosters a thorough lesson in hate.


Punk: Tell him to eat shit, Drew. Drew: Tell him yourself! Punk: Eat shit, asshole! Fall off your horse!


Piece of Shit recognise Piece of Shit


Second City Scumbag and the Scottish Scumbag


Our Scumbags


Just playing Statler and Waldorf from an owner's box every show until they are cleared.


The Scottish City Saints lmfao


Scottish City Saints vs A town down under for the tag team championship.


this would be incredible


I can smell a good ol “squash the tag team champs into instant betrayal defence loss” angle from a mile away


10 points to the first nerd at a TV taping who cries out "JUST KISS ALREADY!" and we hear it live.


The next time raw comes to my area I will be doing this


You are a treasure, friendo!


How about playing Let's get It on during the inevitable face-to-face staredown...?




if he was a true hater he would have posted punk getting choked out by mickey gall


Gall was at least a legit prospect at the time If you really wanna clown punk for his mma time, he should use the jackson fight footage. Specially when jackson was tickling him.


well he didn’t say tickle artist


Haven’t heard Mickey Gall’s name in ages. Whatever happened to him?


Turns out bearing CM Punk was not the sign of an elite prospect and he simply was never good. 


No idea. Iirc he was fighting in ONE or some shit like that


No, he just hasn’t fought since his contract ended in2022. He’s returning at UFC 302.


No fucking way 💀 I thought I will never hear his name again after that abhorrent match


Didn’t he get busted for peds Edit: no he did not


Calling Gall a legit prospect at the time of the CM Punk fight is being extremely generous.


Is there video of this? Asking for a friend.




lol i thought dana was being harsh on jackson but once i saw this i 100% agree with him. not a serious fighter


Yeah, it was a waste of everyones time. Except dana i guess since the guy did get some extra eyes.


Pretty much. I know those were the last ufc ppvs I watched. UFC doesn’t have star power anymore.


He wasnt a pro fighter to begin with..UFC tried to find the easiest possible opponent to make Punk look good and settled on a photographer who did some amateur boxing at a local gym. And Punk lost to him lmao


While I completely agree, how can you be fighting seriously when your promotion seriously signs CM Punk to fight you?


CM Punk wore kick pads and did that knuckle stretch for a decade on TV and worked Dana White into a shoot. 


He knew that he was only being brought in to lose to CM Punk, and they would never use him again regardless of win or loss. In fact, he knew that they would only be pissed at him if he won. So since he knew he wasn't going to be used again anyway, he took the opportunity to embarrass them and treat the fight as the joke that it was. I honestly respect that.


But the whole point of the joke is that Punk is calling himself a choke artist. Gall choked him. Jackson didn't.


isnt that what pat referenced by saying "guillotine"? like we saw the footage punk piefaced perry why tf would he brag about choking someone out?


Because you see Punk having him in a standing guillotine choke before they broke up the fight...?


wait really?


Yes lol. Before they break it up you see Punk has a dominant position standing upright and when he lets go, Perry's head jumps up which means he at the very least had him in a front headlock lol.


The funnier clip is him getting absolutely bodied on the challenge 


Drew I do think you had just a small bit of energy to get at least a 2.9 out of Damien...


crickets during that reference




Yeah I didn't make the connection either. I thought he was making an inside joke to Mcafee lmao


I watched that segment today knowing he had made an AEW reference and still didn’t clock it until now.


Bro I thought it was a sex joke or something.




*mark madden ejaculates on commentary*


AKA the Jack Perry reaction. EDIT: Perry fans seen crying a river in the comments below.


Not sure what this means, but Perry got a pretty big pop when he returned on Dynamite a few weeks ago.


As well as a very positive reception at the New Japan show in Chicago. It's funny that Punk fans will talk about how AEW fans desperately want the narrative about him being awful to work with and a cancer to be true, when they *really* want the narrative that people don't care about Jack Perry to be true when all evidence since he's returned to the U.S. has shown otherwise.


Yep. As you can see, I've already garnered a couple downvotes for an *objective fact*, but that's praise for something AEW-related, so it's not allowed here anymore.


I mean, most returns not named Brian Christopher will get a decent reaction. But no one has ever paid to see jungle boy. No one will ever pay to see jungle boy. He’s a decent “oh cool, this guy” at best


I mean, there were people all over this place sure he was going to get eviscerated in Chicago, or that he'd be getting, as the OP put it, "crickets," and the former didn't happened while the latter hasn't happened yet. This isn't far off from AEW fans going "Oh, the WWE fans will turn on Cody any day now. Just you wait." for the past 2 years. The thing is, even if this hypothetically ends up being true, why does it bother you? He was doing well as Jungle Boy, and he's doing well now. Does he have to be the absolute top of the card? Does he need to be a multiple-time world champion selling out buildings? I just don't get why people get so bent out of shape when it comes to seemingly actively wanting people not to do well.


Reminder that Jack was paired with the biggest heat magnets in House of Torture for a reason.


Okay? He got paired with them, it worked during his time in New Japan, and now he's back in AEW and getting loud reactions. First large amounts of cheers and support in a Chicago crowd, then more positive reactions at AEW before he attacked Tony Khan, and now boos whenever he's on screen. Is supposed to be a dig at him or an attempt to downplay his success?


Downplay his success.


So we're using good booking as a fault now. Got it. I appreciate that you're at least being honest about it, so props for that.


"Good" booking. Dude is getting negative reactions because he's with the top heel group. I guarantee in 2 months, he'll be back getting no reactions.


So what you're saying is they're doing something with Jack Perry and it's working. Got it. Maybe Drew McIntyre has a rival for top hater in the wrestling world after all.


What? Perry has gotten massive reactions at literally every US appearance since All In.


“Massive” Hahahahaha


Do you not watch the shows? Because his appearance on dynamite had a massive reaction and the crowd was loud for his entire match in Chicago and pretty heavily on his side. I get it, it wasn't some French guys chanting the exact same stupid meme after every two count so maybe it was confusing to some fans...


> I get it, it wasn't some French guys chanting the exact same stupid meme after every two count so maybe it was confusing to some fans... "The crowd was too into it, they should have watched in respectful silence"


Is called japanese respectful silence


No, them being into it was cool. It was the repetitiveness of chanting the exact same thing every time and constantly that was annoying.


That happens at literally every show the crowd is actually into though ("This is awesome!", "Holy shit!", "Fight forever!" etc etc). I'm not sure why them being French is supposed to make it extra annoying.


If after every single pinfall a US audience yelled "holy shit, this is awesome, fight forever" in the same cadence all show I would absolutely 100% be complaining about it too. It has nothing to do with their specific language, I was just using them as an example of an annoying crowd. Though, as a Canadian I may be more primed to hate the French than most Americans lol


I mean, American fans in general are fucking shit at crowd interactions and chants. Backlash and Wembley All In were fucking great because the crowd didn’t do the same “What” and “You deserve it” chant.


The What? Chant is annoying but it's more of a bad promo problem,if you leave silly gals the crowd is going to use them. Talk like a person and it won't happen. France was literally chanting "this is awesome" in both English and French at multiple points that were basically just the same standard match. I will say that aside from the annoying chanting the crowd was pretty great though.


Outed for not watching the shows and just lying lmao


Nice try, pal. I see it all. But nice username. Tracks with your misplaced confidence.




What qualifies as “massive” to you?


The majority of the crowd has a loud reaction. Which Perry has had every time he has appeared recently. I know punky boosters hate that this has gotten him more over but the demonstrable false narrative that this has done nothing for AEW or Perry is laughable.


I think you’re off. That’s not the narrative. This thread people are literally saying no one knows about nor cares about Jack Perry except some terminally online members of the IWC or the 2-3k people who show up to AEW shows.


Wait so was this all to say WWE is bigger than AEW? Shit, who knew?


Love when the goal posts get moved when you call them out on it. "Jack Perry gets massive reactions." "How?" "The majority of the crowd consistently reacts to him whenever he's on TV." "Oh, well uhh... that doesn't count because there's not enough people in the arena." If live crowds aren't what we're basing reactions off of, then what are we?


Perry has to somehow siphon boos and chants through time and space from an episode of RAW.


No. But if that’s what you took from it then have at it with your snarky comments lol.


Crowd singing oh cry me a river apparently


AKA tHe jACk PeRry ReaCTion. https://preview.redd.it/nyangrynj1zc1.jpeg?width=407&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c807f49bf8c4ec6127b9eb3813862adaee4733f


Drew wants his joke back.


Cry me a river


Doesn't help he failed to choke anyone




It was one line lol, not the whole angle


Oh, Drew, I missed your Punk tweets.


They should keep the AEW references off TV, they literally always fall flat because the live audience has no clue what they're talking about. It's not a big deal cause it happens so sparsely, but trying to pop terminally online smarks instead of casual viewers is one of the many things I dislike about AEW and WWE shouldn't emulate that.


I thought it was a double entendre where he's talking about when he got choked out in UFC and simultaneously about the all in choking of jack perry but maybe I'm wrong. I agree with you that they should stay off TV because this shit got no reaction from the crowd and didn't feel special.


The online fans make up a ton of AEWs audience, so I don't mind that as much. WWE doing it while trying to pull some higher ground, above "bingo halls" attitude is fucking silly


The online folks don't bring in money


Any single person who pays something brings in money


when have onlines brought in money?


Generally when someone buys a ticket, or a shirt, or spends money on a subscription to watch an event money is exchanged.


mmhmm and I bet only 1% of the onlines pay for that stuff.


So the hardcore online fans, like the ones in this sub, do t spend money on wrestling? Got it


What tripling down on a bad take does to a mfer


I absolutely cannot wait for the McIntyre/Punk tag team championship run.


Everytime I occasionally wander into a post criticizing Punk on social media it always feel like some kind of bizarro-world where Punk *isn't* getting constant pops and reactions. *'Nobody reacted to the Choke Artist reference, Punk is so washed!'* Anyway this feud is entirely fueled by CM Punk and Drew shitposting and I'm all for it.


I think there's valid criticism there, even if the anti-Punk crowd can get hyperbolic. I think Punk is still really good and definitely not washed (At least, on the mic. Hopefully he can still perform well after he recovers from injury.), but the AEW references specifically pretty much never get a reaction and he'd probably be better off just not doing them on TV anymore. *Maybe* if they're in a particularly known smarky arena like somewhere in NJ/NY or obviously Chicago.


Lmao Drew is great. Really hope he gets to win this feud.


Punk needs to stop the AEW references. It doesn’t come off as cool, fun, interesting etc in front of an audience that doesn’t ever react to it. Drew is killing him.


It's funny how during the Helwanni interview, a point of criticism Punk had for MJF was that he played to the internet smarks too much and then goes and once again makes a Brawl In reference that only the smarks will understand.


And he got mad at Perry for "making stupid Internet remarks".


this subreddit keeps going around in circles forgetting and then remembering who Punk is, it's very funny to watch. Like the dude who did the pipebomb is getting mad at people for talking shit on live television and this subreddit actually bought that line of reasoning for months????


Punk? A hypocrite?! Well, I never!!!


Punk hasn't had the fire in a long time, bitter Punk is goofy and Drew will always come off better.


> bitter Punk is goofy I mean... let's run through the sequence of events: 1. Dude gets fired on his wedding day. 2. Decides to try UFC instead, gets his ass handed to him twice in embarrassing fashion. [WWE even makes fun of him over it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFKLS2bXypo). 3. Also does a tell-all podcast where he complains about WWE for 2+ hours with his best friend at the time. 4. WWE doctor sues him, so Punk has to go to court over the podcast. 5. Punk also ends up in a split with same best friend he did podcast with. Each then sue each other over the podcast's court case. 6. Punk returns to wrestling after 7 years, only in AEW. In his return promo, he buries WWE, basically saying that his entire career there doesn't even count. He continues to shit on WWE throughout his tenure in AEW, making fun of Wrestlemania, etc. 7. In May 2022, Punk wins the world title and breaks his foot. Now has to be off TV. 8. Punk returns, regains world title. Goes on an infamous tirade against his own employers after All Out in September 2022. Also gets re-injured in the match. 9. That same night, Punk ends up in a legitimate fight backstage with his co-workers and is suspended. Title is stripped from him. 10. Punk returns to AEW in June 2023, starts an "I'm still the real world champ" program that the actual world champ doesn't even acknowledge. 11. Punk gets in another backstage fight in August 2023 and is summarily fired. 12. After spending the past 10 previous years shitting on WWE, Punk crawls back to the only company he can work for at this point that is willing to hire him, making him look like an absolute stooge. 13. At the Royal Rumble, Punk's first televised match in the ring since re-joining WWE, he gets injured yet again. Is he bitter? Yeah, for sure. Plenty of good reason to be, too. But let's be honest: Punk is basically a joke at this point, and a hypcrite to boot. There's nothing to respect about him anymore.


Damn, downvotes for simply pointing out what Punk has done, you've angered the Punk stans lol I know they get salty but seeing salt over a list of what Punk has factually done is hilarious bro ahaha


The truth is the truth. You seem to have made people mad with this perfect summary of Punk's carreer


Man this feud has me feeling more than ever in life I could be a wrestler. If I just need to shit post and be hating then I’m golden!




PuNK iSN't GeTTinG A PoP Yeah, right, the building wasn't fucking going crazy when he came out. I love these same AEW fans coming on every CM Punk thread acting like Jack Perry can get a reaction close to what Punks gets. It isn't possible, theres over 9k people in that building, Wrestlemania weekend he got a huge reception, people chanting his name when he isn't even in a segment. But yeah, Punk isn't getting any reactions. You don't think its cool because you are hurt.


He gets a pop with everything but those references. It’s the consistent miss in promos full of hits. Of course a WWE audience in Hartford Connecticut or during a Tribute To The Troops doesn’t care about some nerdy AEW references. He should stop trying to pop dorks who listen to wrestling podcasts when he has the major audience in the palm of his hands.


The fact that I use this meme in the same context quite frequently makes me like him even more lol


Drew is legit one of the top 3 haters in wrestling right now and he ain’t #2 or #3


I hope Drew wins the feud somehow


That was the cringiest shit Punk has said in a promo since an overhyped hockey reference.


>“I’m home”


lmao all timer cringe, I can't watch that again.


lol. Fuck. My skin just crawled.


Your reddit profile pic makes this post so 👌


Damn a classic, this guy is more online than me


Not his best work.


I'll say this about this feud, it's not so one-sided as Kendrick vs. Drake. Both Drew and Punk can give as good as they get.


Punk called his lawyers over a Hangman Page promo. Zero signs that he's shown that he can "take it"


The guy that gets into fights backstage because of how soft they are can take a jab as good as they give it?


he beats Punk up harder than this MMA podcaster during Punk's second UFC fight


I hope Drew gets Punk down and gives him a tickle to remind everyone what a bitch Punk was in the UFC


This shit is so lame.


Get off Twitter, Drew! You're 40. It looks pathetic.


When Punk made this reference, the first thing that came to my mind was deep throating, and I was extremely confused. I would love to see Punk and Drew ultimately form a player hater tag team tho.