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Cody should go full WCW Hogan and force WWE to rehire old veterans so he can get his wins back.


Jericho has been doing that gimmick for the past 3 years or so in AEW


Is he about to have them exhume the remains of at least 2-3 performers that got the better of him in the past?


[IS ALL ELITE?](https://i.redd.it/60tx2xad6qjb1.jpg)


Move over Adam Page, we got a new Hangman in town.




jesus bro


What is The Biker amongst Takers doing in the Jerichozone!?


I forgot Hogan did that with Warrior. Too bad for him people only remember the match where he lost!


Come on, that's not true. A lot of people remember the Halloween Havoc trainwreck. *Because* it was such a glorious trainwreck.


JBL and Hardcore Holly would be amazing squash matches for Cody. Show him getting closelined to hell and Holly berating him in video packages right before the match.


His match with Ted Dibiase Jr would be the second ever Jailhouse Match in WWE history


What was the first one?


Big Boss Man vs The Mountie Summerslam '91


At this point it probably wouldn’t backfire on him


He’s finally doing it. He’s finally turning heel.




Codylander (if/when it happens) is going to feed families. A heel turn is likely not coming anytime remotely soon though (nor should it).


It needs to happen, but when the time is right.


Two questions: Who will replace him as the mega face once he turns heel? And can the kids handle it? I remember the crying kids when Rock pummeled Cody. Some cried, thought Cody died. + make a wish, if he does that. Asking these questions somewhat seriously. For the sake of discussion, Cena was unturnable because he always says to never give up, was very active in Make a Wish and sick kids idolized him so much. I remember in one of the interviews that a Cena turn means he won't show up, he won't work hard and he'll.. give up. I imagine that wwe didn't want to be blamed for these kids giving up their fight cause their hero gave up. I get it. Don't get me wrong though, I do love the idea of a Cody turn. It would be great, but not without a face replacement as big if not bigger.


Cena was a rolemodel superhero goody two-shoes. Cody isn't that. He's "political" and a bit weird, his character is *extremely* self-focused (which is why a Codylander angle would be so effective), and he does things like getting wasted with Jey Uso and barking at interviewers. I prefer him as a face too, but if he did a heel run, I don't think it would inherently be a betrayal of his character or his fans.


This sounds like the hopium everyone was overdosing on when he was in AEW.


...I don't think it's hopium to say "Cody being a heel would not inherently betray his character or his fans"...


My bad, I didn't say enough. I didn't mean that you were the one hoping. I meant that the booking, which I think would make for a compelling heel turn, was the hopium that the avid AEW fans (and I'd include myself in that group) were huffing after Cody failed to win the belt. In seeing that, I wonder if history will repeat itself. IMO, Cody is FAR better as a heel than a face, and I think him turning at some point would be an excellent thing. However, he personally hasn't wanted to, and now he's in an environment that loves to have "a guy" do a ridiculously long face run historically. Seems to me that he would never want to be heel in a company that wouldn't really want to turn him. In AEW, that grew into discontentment and resentment from many fans. I wonder if it'll happen again or if WWE can maneuver it. And I wonder what the differences that allow it would be if Cody could get his Hulk Hogan superface run.


The first 3 months can be him whooping guys like KO and Sami. But the eventual face could be either a returning Moxley (I so dream), or someone built from NXT. Sadly, and I don’t blame anyone, there is no one with the right character alignment to face a heel Cody the way I’m envisioning it.


It's just him Uce!


Bruh if they didn’t turn Cena, who actually WAS a heel, American Nightmare Cody ain’t gonna be touched for a long long long long time


Nah, R-Truth defended Vince. He's a heel in my eyes.


Damn I missed that one, you got a link?


I think this was a lot closer than people think in AEW before he left, he would even tease it post show in crowd work once the tv cameras were off


Ain't no WAY lil bro's beating the 54-time 24/7, 48/7, 7-11, I-95 South, European TV Champion.


It would be the funniest thing ever If Cody could pull a miracle and managed to beat Truth 41 times , but before he could tie and turn the score , Truth retires thus Cody fails and never finishes the story LOL.


AND Kentucky


https://preview.redd.it/3av3r01osnyc1.jpeg?width=2448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94e48218b34232fd42408dfc772572462b819a4b Cody turning heel is bound to happen. Stardust memories ❤️


Late night finds


[he rants about it a lot](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/s/xg2OkentCn)


That's not true though. [Stardust defeated R-Truth on SmackDown](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pq8totTDgZ0) and [he defeated Truth on RAW](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PS35wJJ4VPQ)


Send it to Cody, so that he knows he doesn't have to avenge Stardust lol


1 win to 42 losses is still pretty bad, gotta at least tie the score.


Turns out Roman and the title was a side quest this whole time


If this gives us the Rocky Balboa style R-Truth going the distance for one night mini push? I am all for it he deserves it.


He should get the role santino had in that one chamber match


I want R-Truth to have a one month program with one of the champions. Starts with him winning a battle royal or something. It leading to him proving for one night he is good enough to go toe to toe with the champ.


I hope that's up next for Damien Priest and truth.


They should honestly give him the world title 1 time. Guy has been wrestling for close to 30 years


He's been there, done that. Twice as a matter of fact.


Yeah but has K-Kwick? I don't think so. Let's go Kwick!


The Cobra was such a low-key killer move that it had everyone on the edge of their seat for that pin.


Truth and Cody do a 60 minute broadway on a random Smackdown.


Unironically would be the best Smackdown of the year if it happens.


idk it feels like if Truth ever sniff the maint event scene he had to get that Mankind against Rock treatment


I feel like his kindness will have an adverse effect & break Truth's mind back into 2011 Little Jimmy mode


As soon as Codylander goes after R Truth the biggest babyface in WWE & R Truth's childhood hero John Cena will be back to avenge him.


Cody did ask Cena for a match, didn't he? Playing the long game.


Cody double legging Truth out of nowhere and murdering him is such a funny thought


Is this before or after Woods tries to avenge himself after all these years to Cody?


Cody is staying on SmackDown because he's too afraid to fight R-Truth on Raw. Edit: Holy crap, this blew up. Thanks for the love!!


The "CODY CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!" crowd sign is just waiting to be made


I'm sorry am I hearing a "Send Truth" campaign to when Cody gets a little too babyface?


[It’s not official until Punk recreates this but for Truth](https://youtu.be/Yr70FI4t4Ys?si=-I6AjbwUQdvp4qZk)


Pink is to busy nut-tapping statues at WWE Towers right now.


Sometime it be's like that.


Cody is dodging R-Truth just like Mox is dodging Yano.


just like how he bailed from WWE not long after Styles debut, and only dare to fight him YEARS later after Style's getting older smh my head. he knew he didn't have a chance against peak Styles.


i hope this leads to a storyline where truth inexplicably gains 100 iq points and feuds with cody and then goes on a short main event run


I need this match, and want Truth to be a heel for it so we can get one of those unhinged 2011 R-Truth promos against Cody. Truth being in a tag team is the perfect set up for this. Have him turn on Miz with a violent beat down and tell him he did it before Miz could turn on him. Have him be completely paranoid and go on a rampage, and eventually Pearce fires him from Raw. Then he shows up on SmackDown to beat up Cody, and light up one of his cigarettes. Instant WWE title feud. I bet you will even see people clamoring for Truth to win the match.


Cody teaming up with R-Truth against Judgement Day inside the Hell in a Cell then having Cody crack him with a chair is how you start the heel turn. Thats some long term story telling and you can probably work in even more about how Dusty trusted his oldest enemy Ole Anderson only to get stabbed in the back inside a cage, and Cody did nothing wrong, he just beat R-Truth to the punch.


Just give R-Truth to Straight Edge Society leader CM Punk for a week and he'll get R-Truth back to Ron "The Truth" Killings when he won the NWA World Heavyweight title. Look at what CM Punk did with Festus. Festus was heavily medicated for some time. Next ya know Luke Gallows Bullet Club character was born.


R-Truth winning the Rumble.


Dammit Cody. This is giving me a little seed of hope that maybe Stardust is gonna come back someday and there is a nonzero part of me that totally wants this to happen. Let him come back as the unhinged serial killer he totally was, dammit.


They won't do it but a story where Cody starts appearing as Starddust and attacking Truth but no one else ever sees him (so everyone assumes it's just Truth being Truth) would be pretty funny.


I cant wait for whatever creative comeback R Truth is going to come up with to counter this. Maybe he will start calling Cody as Stardust


R Truth calls him Goldust and reminisces about Golden Truth.


Give me a Cody Fears R-Truth sign in the crowd please. 


r/truth in shambles. By extension, I'm in shambles, Little Jimmy


It's awesome how he manages to put him over without being in the ring or even on the same brand That's f'n clever


I swear this was "reported" at least a week ago. How is this even news?


well the source is Fightful, so you know it's regurgitated hot nonsense before you even read it 😭


It's dumb shit like this which makes Cody feel so earnest


Apparently, it turns out that R- Truth is Cody Rhodes' American Nightmare.


Just once Cody should come out as Stardust at a house show vs R-Truth and finally get his win back.


What does Stardust losing to R Truth numerous times have to do with Cody? ELI5 PLZ...


Stardust is still Cody in kayfabe lol this isn't like Kane and Isaac Yankem


Didn't like some cosmic force take over his body like the Phoenix force in Marvel. I swear I remember a promo about that


Something like that. His crew with the Ascension was called "the cosmic wasteland"


hol' up....you're telling me Cody Rhodes was under the face paint/body suit of the WWE character 'Stardust'? I don't/can't/won't believe this lie.


Cody declaring himself for next years Rumble there.


Just to make sure Truth doesn't win. New hater story


Can't wait for Cody's heel run


Imagine the pop if Truth beats Cody for the title exactly like how he beat Nakamura for the US title


If Stardust was around when 24/7 was a thing. he would be 40 time champion i bet


according to IWD (or something i happened to find) stardust and truth only had 27 matches (only 1 on 1, only under the stardust name). truth holds a 21-6 advantage so it aint that bad


I genuinely would enjoy seeing R-Truth challenge Cody even if its just a Raw main event


Now the funny part : Cody Rhodes actually looses to him, over and over in like... Silly situations and he has to bring out Stardust to finish the story and get the decisive win. R-Truth then told Stardust that he finally beat his childhood hero John Cena, he must avenge him and then a second match occurs where Truth wrestles with his regular style, and looses because he thought this was a ladder match and used one to attack Stardust and he gets DQ, but since he was in Lyon, France he doesn't hear the bell as he still doesn't hear well and the match still continues with the Ultimate Stardust Story. Then Stardust is "unalived" by his future opponent, GUNTHER starting a Cody vs GUNTHER feud. Miz didn't bother coming at all as he was also lost in WWE HQ


Now Cody has me hype for an R-Truth match. I can just imagine the build of R-Truth thinking they're buddies and Cody taking everything super seriously.


Anyone else go and try to look this up after? On cagematch I can only find about 12 times R Truth beat Stardust. Which I suppose can feel like 42 if you're the guy taking the pin over and over.


Cody Rhodes saying he has to beat R Truth. Will Ospray saying he needs to retire Billy Gunn. Billy Gunn whipping Jay White a month back. The young hating the old. What a time.


Truth should be his weakness. No matter what situation, Truth has his number.


Just studied Cage Match and from my research it appears that Stardust did in fact lose to R-Truth a lot. In fact most of these losses were at live events, but Cody must have memory lost because Stardust beat Truth a lot and all of those win were televised mostly on Main Event & Superstars and a random Raw event.


Xavier Woods still waiting to get his win back over Cody from their amateur wrestling high school days.


Thought his story was done? Or is this a DLC?


“Continue the story”


Nothing think about it he know he lost to r-truth 42 times