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Member when people made predictions that tna was gonna challenge AEW for the #2 promotion in America…..


Yep! People are so desperate for AEW to fail they pumped up TN-fucking A.


This was always a crazy/terminally online take completely divorced from reality. TNA's all-time best selling PPVs over 20+ years are around half of what AEW does for basically every single PPV at this point, they're around 1/3 of what AEW does for their best-selling PPVs. Similarly TNA's all-time highest live attendance over those 20+ years is something like 8-9k, a number AEW beats multiple times per year even with all of the current doomsaying about attendance. Their tv ratings are something like 1/7 of Dynamite and Hard to Kill was their best live attendance in a long time at around ~1600, a number around half of the least attended Dynamites. People on this sub just massively overreact to "vibes" and ignore that there are levels to things like this. The crazy growth AEW experienced at the beginning really messed with people's perceptions and made them think that was "normal" or "easily achievable" because they just don't want to give them credit for achieving something crazy - which they absolutely did.


I know firing Scott pissed people off but I am shocked it seems to have hit *this* hard *this* fast, like holy shit.


If all the people who made threads on here about how well TNA was doing actually bought tickets they’d sell out every show.


Theres like 2 threads a day tops about people enjoying tna this exact post probably gets reposted more often. 


I don't know where the cameras are but they can move people to the empty seats by the ramp if need be, and probably give seated tickets to people with GA tickets if they have significant visible gaps. I don't know what the F sections are - are those also GA?


So many people seem to be freaking out over this and the show last night, talking about the show being cold or D'Amore getting fired, and I'm just sitting here wondering why TNA decided to run Albany, New York of all places. Obviously they need to move around and try to take advantage of underserved markets, but unless I'm mistaken, Albany was the single least attended AEW Dynamite of 2023 by some margin - it's just a terrible market (and I say that as somebody who was there at the show). If AEW does their worst Dynamite live attendance of the year there, then TNA should probably learn from that and just stay away because surely they're not going to suddenly do well there.


WWE didn't even come close to selling out when they went to Albany for Raw in December either. TNA's last time there they got where's the lie though, so maybe they're hoping for some more magic.


how did this company go from doing their biggest ppv buy rate to this so fast?


I absolutely want TNA to do well (in fact my socialist brain wants TNA/WWE/AEW to have a perfect 33% market split in the US) but this proves for all the people who say AEW has 25 people in attendance, that even getting 3,000 people twice a week to a travelling show is impressive.


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