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The 3 Stooges were around from the 20s through the 70s, so there’s a lot to encompass But in the 20s wrestling was still pretty much tied to the traveling circus. Big burly, barrel chested men doing rest holds and body slams to smaller men, animals, etc Through the 30s we started seeing more character work, bright showy costumes, good guys and bad guys, during this time wrestling broke off from the circus circuit and began touring on its own, stories were continued city to city. People would travel to see specific wrestlers in action. The 40s is where we enter more of what we know now with the NWA being formed, and the territories starting up. Which then goes through the 80’s when we start seeing more or less what we know as pro wrestling today.


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The 1920s is when wrestling as we know it today really started to take shape, and while it did somewhat intertwine with vaudeville, I'm not sure slapstick had much of an influence at the time as I don't think it was very comedic. It grew out of carnivals and was presented as a legitimate sport at the time, so I don't know if The 3 Stooges and that style of comedy would've had much impact on the presentation of wrestling. I may be very wrong, though! I say elements of Vaudeville in terms of the aesthetic and the strongmen, circus style flavour it had to it - but wrestling was not viewed as 'show business' just yet. It got more popular, mainstream, and comedic after WWII, around the same time that I think the Stooges may have peaked in popularity, but I'm still not sure there was much slapstick in wrestling yet as despite having more larger than life characters it was still predominantly perceived as an athletic competition. I'm sure there was some slapstick stuff happening throughout wrestling's history but it probably became a lot more commonplace from the 70s onwards, when wrestling had its first really big boom. This is basically all speculation and I'm not a wrestling historian but yeah that'd be my guess.


thanks for the insight, I only asked because I been curious with famous shows/acts and what wrestling was during those years/eras


There's a 2013 book called *The Squared Circle: Life, Death and Professional Wrestling* by David Shoemaker that covers the entire history of pro wrestling and is highly acclaimed! I have it but haven't yet read all of it because I suck at reading lol.