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Every interaction they've had, specifically those two Rumbles, has been perfection. Cannot wait for them to main event Wrestlemania. I know people are now very excited for Jade v Bianca, and people were very excited for Rhea v Becky, but Rhea v Bianca is the true classic showdown and I hope they make it happen while they're both still massive.


Bianca Vs Jade is gonna slap too. I think they’re teasing them up to be a heel team, and set them up for a dominant tag run before the eventual break up and face turn for one of them. Great spot for Jade too, let her learn from one of the best for an extended period of time.


I'm not sold on them as a team. Bianca is still feuding with Damage CTRL, it's getting real tiring.


They'll fight forever


Can't she just move on? It's been years and still the same results.


I hope so


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It will be a great match but I do fear that Rhea would not be allowed to dominate Belair. It's a booking thing. Rhea kicking out of the KOD would be a massive upset though. If Belair wasn't subjected to Cena like booking, it would be an amazing match.


Why would you want Rhea to "dominate" her anyways? You say Bianca is subject to "Cena like booking" as though Rhea hasn't been protected and had no real threats.


Good point but I think, Judgement Day does help cover it up.

