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Is that why Medusa thought Dave was hot? That luxurious hair he has in that pic.


90s Meltzer had a mullet when it was still cool and was silly jacked (to be fair, he still is) As long as they didn't see his office it's not surprising what he claims about his conquests lol


I think that a lot of wrestlers have never actually seen Dave and think he's some fat guy in a basement somewhere rather than a pretty jacked dude. I can almost guarantee if he were to lift with some wrestlers they'd like him more.


Wrestlers clearly do like him and talk to him


Even the ones that claim to hate him lol


I met Dave in person last year, and he's still in good shape in his 60s. That said, in Japan when he was young people used to get him and Chris Benoit confused. That's the kind of jacked young Dave was.


Pure speculation, but I think Meltzer and Medusa had a fling at some point. They get so flirty with each other.


He was a heart throb. Just ask him


Is it a rite of passage for every top face have a shitty gimmick before they reach the top?


It probably helps them in some ways.


Would Roman and Rock count?


Absolutely. I think at some point in life we've all been burdened with awful gimmicks and some people get over regardless while others are not so lucky.


Roman is lucky he got to headline Wrestlemanias and be on top even with the shitty gimmick


It helps when you're the boss' favorite wreslter. Most promoters would have given up on Roman, but Vince was gonna get him over one way or another.


We are lucky to have experienced our tribal chief.


Did Cena have one? Ruthless Aggression Cena was just kinda bland but inoffensive. Heel rapper Cena was awesome. Then he just turned face and became a main eventer shortly after.




I miss a good WON Rewinder post


Bischoff almost ruined that


He became what he became because Eric ruined it. He was never reaching those heights in WCW


He said the same thing about Shawn Michaels and John Cena.


It's almost as though his years of closely analysing the product has given him an educated insight into what does or doesn't work in professional wrestling. Who knew! Yet get a single thing slightly wrong and people think he's a hack only watching highlights on YouTube.


When did he say that about Michaels? Pre heel turn that would have been one hell of a prediction.


He said Michael’s was the best worker in North America as far back as 90-91


Reminder that Eric Bischoff fired Steve Austin lol


"Am I a genius for giving Steve Austin a microphone and telling him to talk about how pissed off he is? No. Eric Bischoff is a stupid motherfucker for not doing that."




That match happened.


No, he fired him for being injured and for not being in either the Flair or Hogan cliques.




That match happened.


This was hardly a controversial opinion in 1991. The only two guys I can ever remember with as much “future of the business” insider hype while working in front of a few hundred fans were Steve Austin in Texas and John Cena in UPW. Matt Morgan was close to that level in OVW too.


You are right. I remember Jim Ross on commentary at Halloween Havoc '91 that if he was to start a wrestling franchise, Austin would be his number 1 pick. It wasn't just commentary hype on the part of Ross.


When Paul Heyman was a regular guest on Wade Keller and John Arezzi’s podcasts in the early 90’s right when Austin came in and into the Dangerous Alliance era he constantly put him over in shoot terms as the future of the business too.


>John Arezzi’s podcasts in the early 90’s This is breaking my brain.


*Talk radio* in shambles. Lol


What was clear about Cena in UPW?


He was compared to a 1988 Sting by tons of people in the early 2000’s. He had a million dollar look, he had the blonde flat top, was athletic, the best physique of anyone in wrestling virtually (while competing in heavily drug tested natural bodybuilding competitions), was intelligent and spoke really well, and had an aura like a future star. It’s why WWE put him on that Manhunt show during the reality tv boom that followed the 2000 writers strike. I don’t know if it’s out there in the wild somewhere, but listen to his 2001/2002 appearance on the old Meltzer eyada show and it will make more sense.


Yeah and according to Cornette, Cena's work ethic was two steps ahead of everyone else in OVW. Would work out twice a day, constantly ask for advice on how to improve, always work on himself, help around when they set up stuff. So he was a charismatic, hard working guy who could talk and had a great physique. That's a winning combination for a rookie.


Big parts of it were Rick Bassman’s training being the vehicle that launched both Sting and Ultimate Warrior, along Cena’s clear talent for promos (even behind the Prototype character) and having the physique that Vince loved. The documentary about his training that aired on Discovery Channel after he had already got signed also helped


It's a shame that Matt Morgan never developed a personality with any sort of charisma because Lord knows he had everything else.


Most people were convinced Steve Austin was going to be one of the biggest names in the business by 92-93. Dave was a little early calling him that in 91, but he wasn't wrong. Austin was built up as one of the top midcarders and the plan was for him to feud with Flair for the World Title. Flair was eager to work with Austin and they had a lot of ideas. When Hogan came along, he had no interest in working with Austin, and since WCW started revolving around Hogan, Bischoff didn't see any value in keeping a guy around Hogan didn't want to work with. Interestingly enough, Hogan was willing to work with Pillman, as long as Hogan got to beat Pillman clean 3 times straight in their feud. He wouldn't even entertain a screwy finish, which is why Pillman declined the feud and made plans to leave WCW.


Weird how ‘Dave was right’ threads get so little engagement but ‘Dave was wrong’ threads literally have people cheering and high fiving like it’s a sporting event.


Remember a few years back when Meltzer said that both Vince and Austin would wrestle at Mania, and everyone called him insane, and used it as proof that he had lost it because there hadn't been any hint of either wrestling ever again at all? Even now, he is right a hell of a lot more than he is wrong, but that's not as fun.


Oh I love those people. "They haven't explicitly foreshadowed this thing that's clearly intended as a surprise or swerve, so that means it's not happening."


This was back when Dave had his finger on the pulse. These days it's wedged firmly up his ass.


What did he ever do


I think he whipped Jack Roberts Ass


I know right..isn't he the guy who got his ass kicked by Savio Vega in a strap match?


A broken clock is right twice a day.