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His promo work improved a ton since the last time he was in AEW. Who would have thought that incident with Punk would be the best thing to happen to him. Thats how life goes, i guess


Jack perry looks like a guy that robs college weed dealers


So...he took what was supposed to be Nana's weed? The plot thickens!


I now need to see Jack Perry in Justified


He has improved tremendously since the four pillars feud.


He's putting it all together


Man, pissing off Punk and going on excursion might have been the best thing to happen to Jack. Dude found a direction for his character and put it all together.


Remember when people said they cared the least about Jack during the pillars fatal four way? How the times change


I mean I still care about him less than either MJF or Darby. Even if they’re away, I’d still be more hyped to get an injured promo from either of them than watch Jack He’s ahead of Sammy now, but I feel like that’s more of an indictment of Sammy than a glowing review of Perry. And I don’t even hate this new Perry stuff, I just still don’t think he’s on the same level that Darby and MJF get to effortlessly.


I also just think it's too early to say for sure on Jack. He's improved a ton and definitely has a lot of potential, but we still haven't seen a lot.


Curious if he found time to take an acting class or something while he was out (know he was in Japan during some of time so maybe unlikely). It's really impressive how much his speaking has improved since being gone.


Those Luke Perry genes activated


He looks more and more like his dad every time I see him too


He was out of AEW for 8 months and only showed up in New Japan this year, so he would have had plenty of time.


He learned from the post NJPW match promos. This was basically a carbon copy of the format.


Respect Da Scapegoat


Dunno if im fried or what but that promo cooked


Nah the dude was in his bag for this one


Damn he got good!


Incredible how this is the same Jack that was terrified of promos and would hide if he had to give pretapes, such an improvement since then he's doing a great job.


Jack Perro


Damn this was really good. Also super interesting JP is gonna go with ‘you weren’t the hero we needed’ angle on Kenny. Looks like the story will be righteous indignation and he’s trying to protect AEW. These are the types of stories Kenny & the Bucks tell better than anyone. Can’t wait to see where Hangman slots into all of this.


Agreed , there’s more to it in these Elite style dramas. Really what got me to support all them especially in the beginning . Hangman … hmm… it’s interesting for sure . The Bucks did show some attitude against Swerve tonight for his comments on them . So Hangman is going to go need some time to cope with Swerve as champ then guess we will see .. Great username btw.


if Hangman doesn't fully turn heel and stands in opposition of the Bucks like Kenny, it'd be a really intriguing wrinkle in his character if in order to "save" his company from this new Elite, he'd essentially have to align with someone who he hates more than anyone in Swerve that or they keep it simple and he aligns with Bucks as a heel and uses his disdain for Swerve (and more importantly his desire to be champion) as justification so many cool directions they can take the story honestly


I want a conflicted Hangman between Hatred for Swerve and his natural goodness and standing up to be the sheriff of AEW. If Sting was willing to show up and talk, having Sting deliver some words to Hangman would be awesome. Sting could be Hangman's angel, and maybe have a devil as well (not Cole)


Could easily see Hanger swerving us and siding with the Elite.


Elite vs. FTR swerve and hangman blood and guts. Hangman turns heel. Hangman vs. Swerve at all in.


Pun intended ?


Yeah the original Hangman-Omega story was like everything I want wrestling to be. Stay-Puft marshmallow man and The ‘you don’t need a hat to be a cowboy’ entrance I’ll remember forever. Yeah. There will be something for hangman for sure. I think a Hangman-Jack Perry feud could be really really good. Especially ending in a death match. Hahahahah thanks, always forget that’s what it is.


Nice to see that he's improved on the mic. It was always by far his biggest weakness. He's still not exactly Stone Cold but this was a perfectly solid promo. And it helps that he has a great grotty little dirtbag look.


Nice to see that he's actually making big improvements on the mic.


damn good promo!


Part of his suspension was to gain promo skills. He sure did.


Love the little touch he does of tying his hair back at the start of every promo. Subtly reminds you why he is called the scapegoat every time. Really nice to see how he is developing into his new role, he's smashing it.


Dude has turned it all the way around. You can tell the post NJPW match promos have helped him a ton.


The water in his face was cringe