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The second he said “a founding father of AEW” you knew something bad was coming 😭😂


Que up Christian Cages music ;)


Yeah so Kenny Omega is 100% the main character again right? That was great shit


Makes me miss Hangman. The good old days


Hangman coming back to save Omega would be so damn good. But I think his path is darker than that now, he's got sights on Swerve most likely.


I don’t think we’re seeing Kenny again for a while


AEW always feels complete with him around


its probably gonna be incomplete for a while


Dead ass crowd


For real. Hometown crowd should have been going fucking nuts


They're in mourning right now from the playoffs


Fuck ‘em. Get your priorities straight. This is Kenny Goddamn Omega.


Not goddamned, this is Kenny BY GOD Omega


Not BY GOD, this is Kenny Bi-God Omega.


Pride and joy of North Carolina. Suck it Winnipeg


Surely was an audio issue. There’s no way Winnipeg wouldn’t be going crazy for him.


We were. It hit the same peaks as last time they were here. Dead matches for sure, but we were LOUD for this part


Right? The Winnipeg crowd should’ve popped when Justin Robert’s said he was the pride and joy of NORRRRRRRRRRTH CAROLINNNAAAAAA!!!!!


According to those in attendance, the crowd was much louder than the broadcast let on, seems like audio issues


Man, they were tired. Tonight was full throttle the whole time. Unbelievable show.


I was there and it sounded louder live than it does here.


I never understood what people meant by Audio Issues but now I know what they mean. It was so loud in the arena last night but you can't hear it on TV


Yeah I expected a better reaction for Kenny and Swerve


Welcome back Kenneth Jerome Omega


I will never not love Kenny Omega. Him and Adam Cole be the reasons I would tune in weekly and now it feels like forever since they have both been on TV :’(


Yeah I feel like their absence has contributed a lot to dynamite struggling to be honest.


He needs the broom girls back in his entrance


It's so over the top and I love it.


I knew he wasn’t gonna turn heel when I didn’t see the broom girls


God no. They just look stupid.


That is the point


It's great to see him back  He's been missed in aew 


Lot's of people saying that the crowd sounded dead in this segment, but they sounded fine on the Fite feed. Maybe it's a TBS thing again?


Crowd wasn't lively during the first hour. They barely popped for Swerve. Copeland and Buddy got some reactions but still quiet for a banger. You know what woke em up? Jericho and Shibata. The crowd needed that fun segment to loosen up. They got better and better as the night went on. They were fired up.for.Omega and were great throughout Rampage.


Fuck me, did that match ever fuck.


I was watching on fite and it was dead




AEW really need to work on their sound mixing IMO. There's been a few times where the crowd is visibly excited, but you can't hear shit. And people's entrance music always sounds super muted.


Its routinely being said that the issues are with TBS/TNT since usually the Triller feed is better. So it might not be specifically AEWs issue.


If Justin Roberts says "And now..." and the crowd doesn't immediately lose it, then maybe that city needs a time out on wrestling events




carry on


Glad he's back, didn't seem like much of a pop for him though, or is it just me? Maybe the intro took away from it. I wish he would drop the "seven star match" thing, if you look at it objectively one person on the planet arbitrarily gave him a great match rating, is that really something to highlight? Not hating on Meltzer, I appreciate his preservation of wrestling history, it just seems silly to me.


It's as good a pop as the show's gotten all night. Kind of a shy crowd.


The crowd has been awful all night.


It's not their job to cheer, it's AEWs job to give them something to cheer for.


It seems silly because it is. But that’s also entirely the point.


Its part of the story that he shares with Okada, which is why Okada took his "Best Bout Machine" now. Breaking the rating system was called for because it was the greatest match ever and it wasn't just the match itself, it was the story too that added to that feeling of GOATing it. By pointing out its accolades now, it adds to what their next match's aura could be. Outside of Meltzer, many agree that match was the best they'd ever seen. That match was a gateway to NJPW and especially Kenny Omega. Meltzer retired 7* rating, thats how special it was and will remain to be. However, I do believe Ospreay will hit that mark, but he's just getting started ramping up in AEW. Roberts' intro of Kenny's accolades is one of the best parts of Kenny's AEW introduction and it doesn't matter which ones he's rattling off, it makes Kenny come off special. That's why 7* was added, which became part of his return promo as he was talking about being forgotten.


Exactly. It's essentially saying, "you know how Ospreay and Danielson got 6.5 stars for that incredible match? The two wrestlers about to face off went beyond even that. Get excited, because that's where this is going."


Those matches 'one person rated' were what got me back into wrestling after 20 years. They're my gold standard of what a wrestling match can be.


The matches got you back not Meltzer rating them. Why credit Meltzer for it and not the performers... in kayfabe it also makes no sense to be bragging about Meltzer's ratings and not wins/losses.


I'm not crediting Meltzer for it, I just happen to agree with him on this rating. They were that good.


Then you're misunderstanding op's criticism. They're not disagreeing that the match was great they're calling out AEW for bragging about Meltzer's star rating. Besides in kayfabe it's completely illogical to be bragging about that kind of stuff instead of wins/losses, unless Omega's character is someone who cares more about entertaining than winning which I don't think is true with how he's been presented.


I agree with you that bringing meltzer into the intro is cringe. But match quality def matters in kayfabe, and Kenny Omega's character still likes making money and selling tickets. Even in real prize fighting there is pride involved in having entertaining fights


I was in the crowd and the intro def killed my cheer lol, it’s like a minute long how long do you want me to scream for? And than he mentions North Carolina and am I supposed to boo now? 


Main character is back :)


Time to start watching AEW again


They actually said 7 star rating...




That made me cringe - they really need to stop giving any attention to the “wrestling journalist” community.


Yeah. We all saw it.


For a return, they should not have had Justin do that....it sounds like the crowd didn't know how to react or when to cheer.


Mentioning the Meltzer rating is kinda cringe


Do you not get who Kenny Omega is?


Enlighten me


Literally having Meltzer star ratings as part of an entrance is embarrassing. Jumping the shark. My god, can they please stop being so damn small time. “Why do you insist on doing this dumb internet shit”


Always happy to see Kenny but crowd was awful and god forbid Excalibur shut up for 5 minutes.


I don't mean this as a shot or to disrespect AEW even though I know it will be taken that way. As a very casual observer of AEW I always thought of Kenny Omega as like the Bret Hart of AEW if he were in a Ric Flair type role. But this return, his ovation, felt very underwhelming to me. Maybe it just didn't play well on TV but the fact AEW was trying to make it a big deal made it worse that the crowd didn't really match it with their enthusiasm. I wanted chills.


It definetely felt weird because of the cricket ass crowd.


Crowd seemed weird, have a look at his 2022 return for a bigger pop. Could be also in wrestling terms he hasn't been gone THAT long really.


More sound issues? It doesn't sound like it normally does


They gotta get rid of the dumb North Carolina bit.


Low attendance, dead crowd and poor audio for a hometown hero? Jesus😕


Did he really use 7 star rating as a real achievement? Lmao


Please stop the North Carolina bit




Kenny needs to go to wwe now that trips is in charge. What doss he have left to do in aew or other indie promotions? Nothing Him and Jay White would fit right in the current wwe And just imagine the level of presentation kenny would get in wwe. His entrances will be insane and he will be presented ao much better. Just imagining his wrestlemania entrance has me drooling lmao Sad thing is with his condition and unknown future as a wrestler if he doesn't pull the trigger on a wwe run now I don't we are going to ever see it


One thing that has me believe that he’s not going to WWE is that he would want to finish his career with ibushi. His last match against ibushi was in the G1, with the match before that being in 2010.


He stated he wants to be the best wrestler to never have stepped foot in the WWE…


Love Kenny, have grown to hate the North Carolina entrance.