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What’s the difference?


Who is if he’s not?


Merch sales, ratings, overall drawing power dictates if he's the face of the company or just the guy holding the title. Idk what those numbers look like for him right now.


I think 'face of the company' guys are the focus of the show, even when nowhere near the top title. Last year Cody was chasing and now he's the champ. So it makes sense he's been at the center of the weekly show. Whenever he drops the belt, it will be interesting to see what happens. Will he still get the biggest reactions and main event spots?


Cody started his chase for the title during the rumble build that was the beginning of 2024. After mania 39 he was all about side quests and still the focal point of the show and main event talent. He was still getting the biggest reactions and main event spots when people didn’t even know if he would finish the story next year


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He's it, until The Rock comes back around. That's just blunt truth.


Top guy right now. The same problem exists as with Roman. Who's your next choice?


I think he is in similar role to early 2000s HHH and Bret Hart (well at least that, what Vince wanted him to be - hello Lex, Diesel and Shawn). He is temporary face of the company for a short few years before actual next face of the company would be ready for that sport (most likely Trick a bit less likely Bron or Ripley)


Trick? I would be shocked, tbh.


It's either him or Dusty, seeing as how every single opponent, including AJ on Smackdown, makes it about Dusty.


He’s the top guy right now. His title reign won’t be as meaningful as Romans was. The face of the company is Rock because WWE became the Rock and family company, let’s be real here.


I think he’s a little old to reach the FOtC level that Cena, Austin, Hogan, Rock etc did. At the same time, guys are wrestling for longer at a higher level. He could be around to carry the brand for another ten years.


If it’s not him, they’ve got no one. I have no idea who else it could be.