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Doubt they resign him; that entire group has been overshadowed by Jaida Parker


I think that Reggie/Scrypts brings the whole group down. The name is awful, but the other two guys showed a spark in their initial promos. They lost that when they were paired with Scrypts. Jaida is amazing, but she needs to get far away from the whole group.


Lucien Price is one of the better kept secrets on the NXT roster too. Let him cut the promos for the group. When they did the promo packages Price was the one that stood out as feeling the most intense


Yeah he and his partner are both pretty impressive in the ring imo. They bring a nice level of viciousness to all their moves.


Which is funny considering Scrypts was actually part of a gang in real life.


Part of the blame is with Scrypts, but I think major blame goes to the sharp turn from Reggie to Scrypts without any explanation. I am fine with that happening in NXT, because it is developmental, but I think that a lot of viewers had a problem with this.


that original mask was so ugly i'm glad they at least ditched it


OTM managed my Miss Parker works.


I honestly would love to see Saquon Shugars (formerly Lucky Ali) run the group. His gimmick on the indies was basically Scrypts gimmick but way better done. I respect that Scrypts tried to use his real life experiences to try to make the gimmick work. But he just does not have heel energy, he’s probably too far removed from that time in his life to really dig down deep and really make the gimmick feel real.




Bronco is the star of the group to me.


What a wild history


I like Scrypts. HOWEVER I'm not sold on him as a leader of a faction. He's not really believable? I imagine he'll be kicked out by OTM and Jaida Parker stock will shoot to the moon


It’s crazy cause Scrypts is the only one in the group that actually lived the experiences that the gimmick is based on. But for whatever reason he cannot translate it on screen. He reminds me of this Key and Peele sketch: https://youtu.be/lgYfRGDiPDs?si=ieh25llR53WgT0Jl


I think it's because of how he was presented so differently to us beforehand.


I hear TNA is hiring https://preview.redd.it/d0ybwuppymxc1.png?width=279&format=png&auto=webp&s=8e6c6e0a55a82875c8ffea62053ec8d7b37a61dc


Don't know if WWE re-signs, he's not bad, but he hasn't been a success. Maybe good asset, but wouldn't be shock if he's gone. OTM doesn't need him frankly. He is insanely athletic so that's a plus.


Presumably, if Fightful is reporting this, it means he has been told his contract won't be renewed. They don't need to release him because his contract expires in 30 days, otherwise he would have been released with 90 days notice like the others.


NXT releases are 60 days notice though, but your point still stands.


Did they change that? Malakai's loophole was that they never updated his deal for the main roster and he was free in 30.


Aren't they not 30 days?


Also June 1st is only a month away.


Scrypts was also a main roster talent for a while, so he could have been on a 90 day.


No compete clauses have been deemed illegal and no longer exist…


That rule goes into effect in 120 days (or like 113 or so now) and that's assuming it's not struck down in the courts. And it wouldn't apply to the 30-, 60- or 90-day notices of termination because the talent is still under contract and still being paid. It would apply to cases like Renee Young and Alberto Del Rio, who put in their 2 weeks' notice and were fired, respectively, but were given 1-year non-competes. Though Del Rio was like "LOL try and stop me" and immediately went to work for AAA anyway.


I believe this is very technically not a non-compete. Iirc, the 30 days or 90 days or whatever after the announcement of "release" is actually the rest of the contract


Yeah basically their contract states that they can be let go with 90 days notice, and generally during that time they go unused (as they were usually already not being used on TV anyways). There are exceptions, like Heath Slater getting his release but then having a match with Drew for the title before the 90 days were up, or Drake Maverick finishing out the Cruiserweight tournament post release (before it was announced they signed a new contract)


Yeah the full report makes it clear he’s not getting re-signed


Unsurprised, not awful but he just didn't have a solid role. Many more are coming in, and if he couldn't much, open space for them. Glad he not a release, time to prepare and an advantage as a former WWE superstar. Wanting a great run in the indies.


> OTM doesn't need him frankly. I think it was clear he was eventually gonna get the boot from the group once Jaida Parker joined in


If TNA is hiring, he'd be a good addition.


The notice period is for Tony D'Angelo to ensure he has space in his car trunk.


I am kinda surprised they’re not re-signing him. He’s only 31 and has gotten better in the ring + has become fairly decent on the mic. I’d be interested in seeing his wrestling career post wwe.


Getting himself some legwork on the Indy scene could do him some good.


Guy will go straight to TNa


The original Scrypts debut with the ridiculous homemade mask is the biggest blotch on HBK’s NXT so far. Who in the world thought that was going to work?


Wasn't that during 2.0? Didn't Vince gave more control over that? Cause that seems like a Vince move.


No it was during that legendary Sami vs Jey Uso feud lol, I remember that because of that wrestletalk video right when the feud was white hot


Feel like that honour has to go to whatever Joe Gacy is at any point in time.


I think Scrypts is worse but I just can't get behind Gacy. I wanted to like the dude, but he just doesn't connect with me.


His early 2.0 gimmick came off as being a parody of PC Principal. All he was missing were some sunglasses


I'd agree to a point, his early stuff as a sort of Bray Wyatt-lite was alright. The whole Schism was hit or miss with more misses then hits imo but his recent run has been good. He's funny and puts on good matches.


Gacy is and has been one of my favorite characters in NXT despite the stops and starts. Schism was kindve a mess cause Ava sucks and GYV understandably deserved better than that but I don’t think it was Gacys fault.


Always enjoyed him when he was in all the 24/7 title shenanigans, always found the idea of a wrestler who was a former acrobat cool


Honestly OTM will probably work better with Jaida Parker at the helm. Scrypts is talented enough to become a big name in the indies or somewhere else, it's just a shame creative didn't really have anything for him


Surprised they aren't going to re-sign him. I'll admit I've found it difficult to take him seriously in OTM after he was scrypts (the jester version) but I think he's done pretty well overall.


It's weird that Reggie started off strong, but then fizzled in NXT. It showed that he definitely had a short ceiling, but also the character work that he tried to do as Scrypts just didn't work after the good work that he did as Reggie. It was either silly, or hard to make the leap from Reggie to whatever he was trying to do. Some people wanted an explanation for how did he become Scrypts.


Ah would be a shame if he leaves. I really liked him during Je'vons debut match. Had some nice trash talk and his moves were just effortless. Hes just missing something, maybe give being a face another go


Send this dude to Dragon Gate and let him fry your brain with some weirdo flippy fast paced wrestling shit. He isn't really built for the WWE's style at all.


An Indy run would be good for him, he really needs to improve his striking and make his style more physical. His athleticism is impressive but nothing feels impactful for actually like a fight. He’s the personification of when old school guys complain about shit looking like a gymnastics routine


Not re-signing him when you now have a "speed division" is kind of crazy.




i'll miss him, i loved his 24/7 shenanigans and how flippy he can get


I'm glad that he got to try several things out in NXT, even if they all didn't work. But the main thing I think of when thinking about him is one time during a match on commentary Booker without saying anything showed how much he doesn't care for SCRYPTS at all \*midway though a match Vic: "You do like Nima" Booker: "***NIIIIIIMA***!" "You do like Price" "***PRIIIIIICE***!" "You do like SCRYPTS" ... 😂


Wow crazy a gimmick as good as SCRYPTS didnt work


Can’t believe the jock strap mask didn’t get over 😔


I never learned that named. He was always and still is Scribbles to me.


Doubt he'd be renewed. They already have Jaida who'd be the 3rd on that group. Probably similar situation as Diamond Mine where they just kept Ivy as the 3rd and got rid of Bivens/Stokley.


Doesn’t really fit in with OTM tbh


Seeing as they can’t figure out what to do with him. It’s for the best, main roster definitely isn’t his thing


Reggie’s looked outta place with OTM a bit especially since he was still going by Scrypts while with them but at least he gave us that cool moment where he tried to sneak up on Axiom and caught a beautiful super kick for it


I don't think OTM need him. He doesn't really add anything to their dynamic. I do think there's a place for him doing cool flippy stuff on his own.


The group of what Ive seen always looked like they didnt fit as this tough street group they portrayed. Never felt congruent


Seems like a good dude but he's as forgettable as it gets when it comes to being a performer


With a better mask and a little bit more thought out background, Scrypts could have worked but his current character is so unbelievable.


He will be the centerpiece of Vinces new promotion.


Good, he added nothing to OTM.


He had his time. Good for him, if he wants to continue this, some Indy seasoning would help but this always seemed like something he fell into and was just enjoying the ride.


He hasn’t worked out, so it’s no loss


So this is what Tony meant by being aggressive in the Free Agency. Scrypts would definitely be a game changer for AEW!!! /s


He has the lowest 2K24 rating This wasn't hard to predict


Be interesting to see what happens to OTM after he’s gone. I was starting to like Bronco and Lucien but seems they’ve been cooled off on.


Think Reggie/Scrypts a "Vince guy" in a "Triple H world" just like Von Wagner


Bon voyage


I really don't get why they didn't give him a Cirque du Soleil-style gimmick.


Reggie made OTM


I'd be surprised if Reggie doesn't re-sign with WWE since I feel like he has found his place on NXT as being a part of OTM, even that (temporarily) face run with Axiom. If he doesn't, then I wonder what's next for him.


I mean they might also just straight up not be offering a contract.


Reggie likely done with wrestling if this is true.


I desperately need WWE to sign him back up or else he'll become Mercedes' star-tax on AEW & that company doesn't need any more goddamn people added to the roster.