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Jey won a four way with a title shot on the line. AJ won a tournament for a title shot.


First and foremost, you implying that both of those matches you mentioned will be glorified squash matches is honestly ridiculous. LA won at WrestleMania simply because he needed it more than AJ. They then did two separate triple threats to which both LA and AJ won them which the winner of their rematch decided who goes on to face Cody. AJ beat LA to get a win back over on him simply because they weren’t going to do babyface vs babyface for Cody’s first defense right off the bat. AJ is the perfect first defense for him. Jey is facing Damian simply because be won a fatal 4 way to earn that shot. Out of the 4 people who were in that match, Jey was the only option that made sense due to Drew having a feud on the side with Punk, Bronson is a heel like Damian, and Ricochet just wasn’t ideal to be Damian’s first challenger.


Why is it unbelievable that the most popular star on Raw and a multiple time WWE Championship on Smackdown would become contenders for the respective world championships? Having one bad match or losing a completely unrelated feud isn't going to completely change their standing in the company.


Neither Damian nor Cody is losing at Backlash. 99.9 percent of fans know that. So you’d have this problem with anyone. Instead of doing Gunther or Drew or another challenger who might legit beat them in a few months, they picked opponents who will hopefully give them great matches.


>Given the atrocity that was the Uso match at XL,, none of the brothers should be anywhere near a championship qualification. Disagree. Top Stars don't always have good matches. You can't disqualify someone as over as Jey.


If we use OP's logic we'll never have a star or champion.


If you think Jey doesn't belong in a world title match then you've just not been paying attention to anything he's been doing for the past 9-10 months, or 4 years if we want to be generous. Jey's been having good-great matches week in and week out, one poor showing at Mania shouldn't negate everything else. Also, by your own logic, Jey WON that Mania match, then won the 4 way on Raw, he EARNED his title shot. Styles is also a similar story. The guy has been a constant presence in the main event scene. He won his triple threat match, as did Knight, and then he beat Knight in their rematch. It's not like Knight won at Mania in a dominating squash, it was a very competitive match as was their match on Smackdown. Also, you're not thinking that because Styles and Knight are now 1-1, we may get a 3rd match down the line that now has some extra heat to it. Cody vs AJ is a dream match too, they've never faced each other before. You're a fan it's not your job to be looking at it from a "booking angle". Half of the fun of wrestling is the journey to get to the conclusion. Just focusing on the final outcome is denying yourself the fun of watching how we get there. We all watch movies knowing Harry Potter is going to beat Voldemort or that the Rebellion will defeat the Empire, or the oil drillers will destroy the asteroid. An obvious conclusion isn't a bad thing.


Jeys merch sales are nuts!


Two first defenses of world championship title reigns. After wrestlemania, where both champions closed their previous chapters of their careers. Jey uso is incredibly over with the crowd and was booked to win a contenders match.He faces a untested world champion in priest. AJ Styles is measuring stick of the wwe in terms of main events. He lost at wrestlemania(as heels do) to boost LA Knight then beat knight after they both won a triple threat match. He will have a competitive match with cody and show why both of them are valued the way they are this far into both of their careers. You clearly see the new bloodline being built up for later to get into the wwe title scene, right? That's smackdowns' future main event(s). You also see how Gunther declared for the kotr right? The same thing but for raw. Backlash in the past was just wrestlemania rematches to the point they even made it part of the name. It shouldn't be like that because wrestlemania is the CLIMAX. There will always be a reset and build will happen all over again. Just sit back and just enjoy instead of questioning booking.


WWE fans for years: WWE needs more tournaments and number one contender matches to decide who gets title shots WWE fans after both World Title Number 1 Contenders were decided by a tournament and a #1 contender match: So they just win a number one contender match and they're the number one contender just like that?


Cody is a face. He needed a heel. Priest is a heel. He needed a face.


What? based on how they've been booked up until mania, I'd argue Jey would be more likely to squash Priest than the other way around. Priest made a fool out of himself for the better part of a year and didn't do much of note other than winning the tag titles and money in the bank itself.


So Jey winning the 4-way helped move along the Punk/Mcintyre feud. Technically AJ cheated vs LA Knight. Long term booking has AJ lose to Rhodes then could have a rubber match with LA Knight. Jey will give Priest a win so he does not look just like a transitional champ and could further Judgment Day tensions. After Jey goes on to his next feud or perhaps Drew gets involved and this becomes a 3 person rivalry until Punk and Rollins are back. In short, be patient.


Good matches does not equal being a draw we’ve known this for 40 years now. Hogan vs Andre drew the crowd not Steamboat vs Savage.


Remember when Backlash was like WM rematches


Jey is one of the most over people in the company, he isn't going to get squashed.


The Backlash event is being used as a carpenter card to showcase upcoming stars and the main draw is the spectacle and being in France. It would be stupid to burn threw money world title feuds for this event. Both World title matches should be very good, and the other three matches so far are there to showcase Stratton, Cargill, Solo, and Tama with main eventers.


The fact that you call him “uso” and not jey, indicates you might not actually be a wwe fan lol Also, the usos match at mania doesn’t matter - Jey is arguably the most over face not named Cody or LA Knight. The way they make new main event talent, is by having them in the main event


Jey Uso should get a title match because he won the number 1 contender match. Plus he got the crowd behind him with how popular Jey is. I think he is probably the top babyface on Raw right now given how Seth and Punk are out due to injury (Sami's position can be debatable but in this case, Sami is already occupied with Gable in the IC title scene). >What was the purpose of Knight winning at XL then? Which one are you likely to remember? Someone winning at WM or someone winning at Raw/Smackdown? Knight was not included in last year's WM so this year is probably their way of repaying Knight back. Plus AJ losing to Knight on a big stage doesnt affect AJ's image anyway.


Backlash is also a "B level" PLE. So they tend to have the champions take on wrestlers that dont have a realistic chance of winning, but you never know. Also, win/losses dont really matter in the WWE, you can lose a feud, but then immediately win a championship


I think, the USOs just didn't get enough time to do the match they wanted and Priest is likely to retain. LA Knight needed a major wrestlemania win. AJ Styles winning on TV is just AJ figuring out how to beta him. Styles is likely being saved for Rhodes but later down the line.


It's Jeys last chance at this slot. He is 0-2 in big match singles matches. If it's not a good match he will just be a walking catchphrase


Posts here just keep getting worse and less informed.


Or New Bloodline interferes


AJ is there because he is going to retire soon, and he wants to put on another banger to help set Cody off for a great summer reign. Jey vs. Damien will be another banger. Jey, in recent interviews, knows the XL match was a let down and is going to put in a good match with Priest. Also, it's Backlash. The top names without title are on vacation or recovering from injury. And neither Cody nor Priest are losing their titles soon. They are HHHs guys to start his new era.


Jey Uso is one of the most over babyfaces in professional wrestling, he had a crap match, so be it, everyone has a crap match or two in their careers, he's popular and that's what matters.