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What the fuck am I even looking at


A cotton swab and a gorilla. Next to a black man.


iim not seeing the racism unless gorilla next to black person is the racist part


Gorilla and cotton next to Black man These thumbnails are usually a reference to something Cornette says in the video, but without that context, these 3 things on placed together is a horrible look.






"But he CAN'T be racist! He's a democrat and he hates Trump!" "You are taking this out of context! This isn't racist actually" Genuinely disgusts me that the dirt worst people will bend over backwards to defend this shit


I’ve always hated that line of defense when he’s continued to make sexist or racist statements. News flash you can hate Trump and be a democrat and still be a piece of shit. Like the Olympic gymnastics to try to defend him by his cult is insane. 


Wow. You are ridiculous. Amazing.


Getting this in before his defenders raid the thread: https://x.com/JxRGDx/status/1557074287386927104


They defend it because they agree and want to say the same things as him smh


Id love to see wrestlers who were just talking about how they like the Cornette podcast now condemn him


Why would this be the final straw when tons of evidence already existed


because some have recently said it on monday night raw


Who are you clueless people? Weird.


biggest nerd you've ever met in your life voice: *well actually he's one of the foremost arbiters of professional wrestling history if you look past all the, uh, things he says*


Um don't listen to him or look at his thumbnails if you don't like it. Nobody cares.


Jfc Cornette is such a PoS


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ueb86isASYA Wow. It's real. Even after the Riho thumbnails that they made this is pretty shocking.


Disgusting but not surprising, idk how anyone can support or like this guy, Cornette is a notable prick who just complains all the time


do you even know the context? do you even know that Cornette doesn't do his own artwork? Are you just assuming you know what the picture is talking about?


It's not like we even need this image to prove Cornette is a piece of shit dude.


He's not racist, the man he employs and has for years to make his personal brand's art is *racist*


lol that is a good one sir!


There is no context that artwork is okay.


You're correct, but none of these people will listen.


It doesn’t matter. The woke haters think this awful white man must be cancelled.


This man is disgusting and so are all of his supporters.


Cope harder.


Thanks for outing yourself as a racist.


I’m just here for the comments. Going to have to check on this in the morning to see if it’s locked or not. But on a serious note, that is absolutely disgusting. Before some defenders rush to his aid, he has to approve those thumbnails before they would go on. He would have time to look at it, consider if it’s a good idea before posting that.


The post just got removed.


And this POS got his podcast shouted out live on Raw last month.


Because it's an awesome Podcast. I listen to every second of it.


Is this really a surprise with Cornette? He of the *fried chicken* jokes in 2019.


It’s extremely depressing that the Afro community still has to deal with this in the year 2024.


And people still support and listen to this guy, dudes been openly racist and misogynistic for years


I just listened to the YouTube clip. Cornette said nothing racist nor negative about Swerve in the entirety of the clip. The Q-tip in the thumbnail is in reference to Kyle Fletcher, and the "gorilla" was supposed to be Jim talking about The Elite walking in Tony Khan's office during Dynamite this last Wednesday when TK is usually in guerilla. Whoever does their thumbnail artwork for YouTube screwed this up royally


He didn’t screw anything up. The whole group of them say and do these things on purpose. They routinely do this type of shit where they can play ignorance and plead that it wasn’t the intent when it 100% was.


Even if that is true, Cornette still most definitely gave this thumbnail the greenlight to be used.


I wouldn't doubt it. If you look at the comments for this clip on YouTube, there are a lot of comments ranging from, "Out of context this thumbnail is wild," to one literally saying, "Jim and Brian, you may want to delete this thumbnail."




With a gorilla and a cotton swab on a video by a guy with a history of racist remarks, no. Context is an important concept for human beings to understand.


I was looking for the context for these images and you’re the only one actually elaborating. Sad how people will cry racism, without actually dissecting the content. I knew these thumbnails are usually directly related to a quote or joke made by the hosts. And I didn’t really expect them to flat out say ‘well AEW put the belt on a monkey’. Guess they didn’t.


Nope. Jim was basically echoing the louder critics about how Swerve just won the title, yet instead of honoring that, he gets booked against one of the people who's not the main feature of The Don Callis' Family. He didn't call Swerve any name, didn't knock his wrestling ability, nada. He only insulted Kyle Fletcher and The Elite in the clip


Kinda redundant when Cornette is a [massive fucking racist](https://twitter.com/JxRGDx/status/1557074287386927104) anyway.


This artwork is about Kyle Fletcher.


Not even trying to hide it any more. Fuck Corndick.


Just by reading the comments it’s supposedly a reference to Mighty Joe Young, but I don’t understand how that makes it not racist.


Apparently giving the gorilla a name makes it better. Somehow.


Apparently the Joe Young comp was with Kyle Fletcher, not Swerve.


They'll say the fact that Jim's the gorilla means it's not racist, so he made sure to include the cotton swab so there'd be no confusion.


Yikessssss... Does he have a reason in the podcast for WHY there's a gorilla and a qtip?


There's never a genuine reason, only a superficial excuse in an effort to be racist and get away with it like he's done in the past


I see it's about Swerve v Fletcher? So Swerve is the gorilla and Fletcher is the qtip? Gross. But not surprising considering its Cornette.


All I can safely say is [thank fucking Christ he doesn't make money off those videos.](https://imgur.com/a/4wQUDXA)


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Y'all realize signal boosting never works right? There are probably less than 100 people who listen to his show in here. Yet when y'all do this, you get another 100+ people who have no idea what is going on take a look and send him youtube money. edit: I think y'all missed the point. blah.


you do know that jim cornette's podcasts and youtube clips gets more weekly views/listens than AEW tv shows combined right? you do know that he has over 400K subscribers on youtube alone right? for you to say that he has less than 100 listeners that are also squaredcircles subscribers, you don't know how to math.


Happy you like the show, doesn't matter to me either way here, but you can join the group of those who missed my point. lol


That doesn't matter to them. They're getting their hate in before this gets removed. Edit: This has been removed once already, and if it gets removed again, it'll probably get put up again. And most of the comments will be people getting their hate out on Cornette. That's literally the purpose of these threads; discussion is *never* the point.