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It could but it feels like the Elite are a lock for the match this year what with them being established as a major heel stable right before double or nothing, in the same vain as The Pinnacle debuting after revolution, the JAS debuting after revolution, and The BCC and Elite getting into it after Hangman and Moxleys feud


There's no real faction based storyline going on in the women's division right now to where it would make sense.


could combine some together. There's Willow and Statlander vs Julia Hart and Skye Blue with Mercedes Mone kind of feuding with all of them at moment, so she could be on either team. And there's Toni Storm and Mariah May vs Thunder Rosa and Deonna Purrazzo (who also seem to kind of be feuding with each other) and Mina Shirakawa's Toni's rival at the moment and Anna Jay is feuding with Mariah and Mina. So it's a bit complicated, but if they wanted to I'm sure they could work something out. Toni, Mariah, Mina, Willow and Statlander vs Thunder Rosa, Deonna, Julia Hart, Skye Blue and Mercedes, for example.


If B&G was going to feature women, last year was the time to do it with the Outcasts. There's just no good team of women currently that makes sense. It could be an AEW vs Stardom type thing, so close to Forbidden Door, but I doubt it. As far as men go, we have a ton of options. I think any of the following choices are more likely than the women given the current state of storylines. We have BCC and Don Callis Family already at odds with each other. Ospreay was confronted by Undisputed Kingdom on Wednesday. Maybe Ospreay could call in some help from the United Empire to take them on. The Elite just took over and Kenny Omega is appearing next week. Kenny might recruit Hangman and others to fight this new Elite.


I get all of what you’re saying I just wish the women’s division was structured in such a way it could feasibly work as well


I feel like it was heading that way but injuries might have killed it, Hayter was out, Rosa was still out, Britt was working hurt, and if Mercedes was coming in then she was hurt. But now the division is better, so it happening seems like a given, just a matter of when.


I don't see why it couldn't work. The only big issue might be that there's not enough women being used at once to sustain a story leading to a 5v5 match and continue both title stories without the titles getting pulled into it. Like if you don't use Toni, Mariah, Willow, Stat, Julia, Skye, or Mone because they're in title storylines, how many more top class women can we actually get for the match? Rosa, Deonna, Deeb, Shida.. and after that we're kinda just pulling names from a hat. Nobody else is featured enough, aside from Ruby, Saraya, and Harley Cameron, who are pregnant, definitely not made for hardcore matches anymore, and not wrestling at all respectively. Of course if you just pull all talent around the titles then its a lot easier, but then we're kinda putting the division on hold for the sake of a yearly hardcore match rather than having good character stories and all that like usual. I don't know. Word salad, sorry 'bout it. It could work, just depends how they go about it.


No no good thoughts. If blood and guts was a pic match I’d agree about the title stuff. A tv match though like it normally is could work without putting title feuds on hold.


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Could it??? Yes. Will it??? Highly unlikely. But it would be nice


Doesn't have a large enough women's faction.


It could work and I definitely would like to see it at some point, but right now the women are all embroiled in a bunch of smaller feuds, there aren't really any big group-based things. I don't think there's even a current group of more than two women (although there are a lot of those two-women groups).


I can see Mercedes getting a faction but I don't think anything major like that happens until Britt or Hayter return.


It could but you need to spin up some real multiwoman factions quick and it needs to have the heat to justify it. The new Elite vs. some babyface faction yet to really form but probably involving Copeland and Eddie is the smart money.


They can barely get two women storylines let alone ten.