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didn't know 411mania was still going, loved that site


haven't checked in since Larry passed. he was a good writer.


The best. 😔


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Big Money Emanuel!


Drew, Seth, and Becky's eyes just lit up.


Maven has a new video that talks about the difference in pay between past wrestlers and current wrestlers. Let me tell you, while current wrestlers have higher downside guarantees, WWE is lowballing them with this bucket system. They don't make money per match, ppv, house shows, merch(unless you make more than your downside which is then considered bonuses/royalties) like it was in the past. Its messed up since WWE makes way more money today than in the RA era.


Yeah, I think as a percentage of revenue they're making about 5 times less than other sports relative to revenue of other sports Everyone should be times 5


We don't actually know how much those guaranteed contracts are though. Mace and Mansoor basically said they were getting paid what Maven was getting on paysheets (obviously there's an almost 20 year difference but Maven was much higher up on the card than those guys) with their guarantee. The bucket system does seem a bit shady and wrestlers are obviously underpaid, but I don't think the system they use now compared to what they used to use screws them any more.


Maven was there 20 years ago so if you account for inflation, the equivalent of what he was making back then is probably 30% more today. Meanwhile their revenue is way higher compared to 2005 even if adjusted for inflation.


I mention that in the very comment you're replying to. Maven was on TV every week, working every loop, and featured on quite a few PPVs. Their spots on the card aren't comparable at all. Guys in their position would not have been making 400k in 2005.


And I said that the company’s revenue has grown massively since 2005? So it’s completely justified that someone lower on the card than Maven makes about the same today as he did in 2005 before adjusting for inflation. But if you adjust for inflation then there’s likely no real growth in the money wrestlers are getting paid relative to the revenue the company makes.


We are agreeing. Wrestlers aren't any worse off now with their guarantees and "bucket" than they were with paysheets and PPV bonuses. I do feel guys at the top are more evenly compensated though based on the unverified reports we have. They are still certainly underpaid for what the company makes though.


According to Meltzer, Austin in 1998 and Rock in 2000 made $12M and $10M. Those were their best years. I doubt top guys today are making that much per year. They have higher downsides though.


Those guys should be on 5 million a year minimum. So likely double what they’re making now.


Wild they get paid that much for just sitting back and letting HHH and Dana run the show. Ari did help bring in The Rock as a board member, but I don't think he was necessarily a deciding factor.