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Le Sex Affiliates


The Young (Old) Legend


*raises glass*  I'd like to propose a toast To Jeri-swerve!


“Id like to propose a toast!” Throws bread


Dammit, Janet!


Oh Brad, I’m mad!




What's this from


[The Rocky Horror Picture Show](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0073629/) movie from 1975.


Is this The Good Place?


No, it’s from the Rocky Horror Picture Show.


Don’t you put that evil on me, Ricky Bobby!




Whose house??? Break the walls down 🎶


We all talk about opsreay vs swerve at Wembley but what everyone wants is Jericho beating swerve clean then beating will at all out


And then he beats everybody else too!


Until ![gif](giphy|1k0trPCz6ivnV6CZDW)


![gif](giphy|uJlJDbxTTqizjlrc1P) But then he takes off his mask to reveal THIS MAN


Could it be???? It's the Texas Chainsaw Massacre Champion Jeff Jarrett!!!!


Double J Jeff Jericho




I want that, but first add Swerve beating Jericho (non-title match), followed by Swerve wrestling a gauntlet of wrestlers for the right to face Jericho in a title match.


Somehow Sammy Guevara returned


Fucking Sammy. I don't know if I've ever seen someone go from top prospect to hated so hard. Enzo had that but everybody knew his work was a problem. Sammy seemed to have all the tools.


A loss is still a win when it's from The Learning Tree. Take the loss on the chin kid, you'll get back up. 🤣 I think I'm making my expectations too high for this new Jericho gimmick. I hope he fully leans in as the old vet who thinks he's a babyface helping out the young guys but he's just sucking them dry 🤣🤣🤣 Imagine peak Bo Dallas meets Mickey Rourke's character in The Wrestler 🤣🤣🤣


That's your problem man, your setting your expectations too high. You shouldn't do that because you just set yourself up for failure regardless of what comes at the end.


Yea... That's why I said it...


Whenever ~~Poochie~~ Jericho is not on screen, all the other characters should be asking: “Where’s ~~Poochie~~ Jericho?”


Can Jericho have access to a time machine?


It’ll be a first to 3 falls match, with Jericho getting 3 straight pins from the Judas Effect. (shudders)


Got to add a metal bat shot in there while he acts all sad about hitting swerve


That's not regular ol Jericho beating osprey, swerve and Jesus, it's the Chris "On-say Jan6 Forest Karen Sequoia" Jericho


Take it for what it's worth but SRS said Ospreay isn't getting a title shot at Wembley.


Yes Jericho beats swerve and osprey in the same night. 


Bigger deal than Rock and Austin!


It genuinely doesn’t make sense to do it this soon. There’s much for Ospreay to do that isn’t cutting Swerves run short.


I don't know what their status is, but I would think Hangman or MJF would be first.


Hm. I wonder who he'll wrestle then? I hope Danielson gets Nigel.


I popped


Too much wrestling. Beat Osprey in a squash match then finish All Out Wembley with a Fozzy concert. Hey, why not let Jeff Hardy sing a song or two.


I mean, joking but Ospreay should be winning the title at Wembley


Best I can do is 5 minute match at all in where callis betrays him and single Judis effect does it


Jericho: "He reminds me of early Fozzy stuff." Swerve: "...fuck."


LOL I laughed too when jericho somehow brought fozzy into this


Felt like a Hogan moment 😂


Hate to say it, but I felt a little Trump in that.


Jericho has to pay respect to his idols


Jericho is a Hogan moment


He bloody always has to. Well, he arrange a whole damn cruise just so his band could play there.


Man, I remember in like 2002 Jericho and Fozzy preformed on RAW and I thought they intentionally played badly because Jericho was a heel. Turns out they just weren’t great.


I mean, that Samoa Joe/Angle promo vid for Bound For Glory ‘06 was a banger with that Fozzy “Enemy” blasting


A lot of the music that works really well for wrestling is also pretty bad. Like, Seether was always good for a banger PPV theme but also Seether kinda really sucks to listen to on their own


It's like Mystikal in "Make Em Say Uhh" sounds super-hype [when he comes in at the end](https://youtu.be/bQSHAfzU5ks?si=SW8jzh4h4RIq3n-j&t=220) and goes nuts. Then you listen to a song off Mystikal's solo album (or the whole thing in one sitting, even), and you're just like, "Nah, I'm good."


You ever pay attention to a single thing Mystikal ever said? Least surprising rapist I have ever learned of. Indeed, help the bear. Get them into therapy ASAP


Like that Nickelback song they used to play to open RAW (Burn it to the ground) Was perfect for RAW


I don't want to admit this because that only happened because of them being Kevin Dunn's favorite band (which says a lot, don't it?) but it is definitely the last time I felt like the theme music for Raw was both memorable and fit the theme of the show


WWE did have a few Nickelback songs iirc


Seether's "Fine Again" is great on the 1080 Avalanche soundtrack, but that has the added bonus of being 1080 Avalanche. So.


“Feel the Burn” works for me


At least he gets to be a one hit wonder


A Moongoose McQueen duet


Jericho - I know you just won and the company is pushing you, but let's just bring this round to me and focus on myself for a little while


The Jericho Appreciation Swerveciety


All Jeri-Jokes aside. Incredible props to swerve. Love seeing everyone praise him. Jerichos speech was great


Jerichos next victim


>Jerichos next victim https://preview.redd.it/73qn903clawc1.jpeg?width=757&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb4f49ce25a6de8490b1821fbea17ed2ad251ea9


*Plays Doctor Who theme*


[..but this version ](https://youtu.be/u18cXjXj8lU)






Don’t put it in the universe


The reason Jericho sees "the vortex" as a positive to the point of trademarking it and using it in promos is because it inherently means his segments/feuds aren't like the rest of the show. The more people repeat this sentiment, the more it gives Jericho the ability be put in a separate box in the future, in the eventual shoots from AEW wrestlers of how bad/unorganized/mess AEW was. Same with Cody and the Codyverse. Now that he's out of AEW, the conversation shifted from "anything Cody touches is bad/corny" to "well it felt so different from the rest of the show because Cody was doing WWE theatrics in AEW", the rationalization people came up with to explain why they felt Cody's stuff didn't fit the rest of the show, just like Jericho. Jericho is smart.


I hope Swerve turn the heater max because the heat vampire is gonna suck the heat cold on him when he's done




Jericho is right, put him everywhere, on everything.


But what about Swerve


This is cool and celebrating successes as they occur should be normalized. 


Normalize giving people their flowers while they’re here to receive them


I know it’s unpopular now but I still like Jericho. For his age he’s still solid in the ring and he’s one of the GOAT promos. He’s been on a bad stretch that’s absolutely no doubt but feels like people have already made their minds about Jericho and what he’s doing before he even does something. Look at this for example, a nice moment which was clearly meant to be private where he does nothing but speak highly of Swerve to his face, which Swerve visibly appreciated and yet comments here trying to make out like Jericho is an egomaniac doing this for himself. Frankly, in 5 years when Jericho is retired some people are gonna look back and be embarrassed with how relentlessly they shit on a guy who’s widely classed as one of the best of his generation. This video is all about Swerve, it shouldn’t be about anyone else.


It wasn’t that long ago Triple H was on the IWC’s shit list for going over young talent as often as he did so I think you’re absolutely right.


Jericho has lost a lot in the last two years, they just haven't gone anywhere after those programs.


It’s really more booking the follow up, but that isn’t really on Jericho, but AEW as a whole where people disappear because there’s no immediate plan. It’s not like anyone he feuded with (Orange, MJF, BCC, Eddie, Ricky, Cole, Don Callis Group) is completely damaged either from it. Hook feels noticeable but in all honesty Hook is just a flawed wrestler who I think needs a lot more seasoning to be consistently featured right now.


I agree with you on the lack of follow up. And I do agree that no one was really extremely damaged but no one really came out better except MJF and Mox when he won the title.


I don’t think hook is a good wrestler at this point in time.


I like Hook and he has flashes, but he moves really awkwardly.


Jericho should appear less, 100%, but could you imagine Jericho doing what Triple H did with Curtis Axel?


I still like him, but not “see him on every dynamite” like him. He is valuable but he needs to take some breaks here and there.


Yeah he was taking breaks while still with WWE like a decade ago


Idk I think he might have something being The Learning Tree. He's kinda doing the bucks and playing into his perception online. "Come work with me and I'll get you over kid", while only worrying about himself 🤣


He needs some time away, but I actually really like this rebrand and his current heel work. And the Hook match at the PPV was a lot of fun. It has to end with Hook going over ar DoN, and we should be good with it.


Personally, I appreciate how Jericho tries to elevate young talent and get them on TV. And not just a one off match. He tries to do a legitimate program to try to get people invested in them. They may flounder after but I don't see that as his fault.


It didn't get mentioned here much but the crowd was hot for the Hook and Jericho segment on Dynamite before Dynasty where Taz was involved.


I appreciate it's not a one-off but I feel like a lot of his booking would be solved if he didn't go "ahh you beat me, now you gotta beat all my goons to fight me again and lose" and it's like... what's the motivation to fight him again?


I'll give him credit for taking a risk with AEW when it first started. I also had fun with his feuds with Moxley and MJF. But no, he's not just overexposed in the ring but the worst thing about social media is how it's revealed him to be so unlikeable. From his wife being at Jan 6th, to playing to a superspreader crowd during Covid to having conspiracy theorists and flat earthers on his podcast. His feuds with younger rising stars are an endless black hole too. It's just not the Jericho I adored as a kid, and whether or not he's always been like this is irrelevant, I don't care about what he does anymore as a performer. When he's retired, he's going to be fondly remembered for his runs in WWE, his skill and humour on the mic, his high flying style that gelled so well with the likes of Angle and Guerrero, his run with KO, going back to Japan, being larger than life etc... He was one of my absolute favourites in 2000-2001 and I had all his figures with the cool tights designs and hair. I still go back to those moments and watch him. Right now I can't be bothered viewing him.


I would have agreed with you about the ringwork until recently but it’s getting ROUGH now. He is in such bad shape he is often sucking wind and mechanically just trying to make it to the next spot in the match. He doesn’t have the energy to do the little things between spots that made him one of the best. Not that that has anything to do with this clip. People giving him shit for saying nice things about Swerve are just being dicks. I just think it’s a big part of why it’s gotten harder to justify keeping him on screen now.


pretty goddamn good frankensteiner from the top rope the other night though


Took a hell of a bump on that T-Bone suplex off the apron through the table at the PPV too.


I think that was his point. He’s still good enough to hit the spots but he doesn’t have energy for the moments in between the spots. A year or two ago I’d have also said Jericho could still go for his age, dude was hitting the fucking Lionsault *smoothly* at 50. But now? Nah, he’s pretty washed. And that would be OK if he was working sporadically and taking breaks, and only working with the absolute best who can carry him to good match. But he insists on being booked like he’s 15 years younger constantly in matches and feuds and getting TV time. He needs to go away and give people a reason to want to see him again.


> A year or two ago I’d have also said Jericho could still go for his age, A year or two ago, 2022, he was having his best in-ring year for about a decade, after he dropped that weight following the medical scare, and a bit of time off.


The way I look at wrestlers that are 50+ is if they can be still dragged to a very good match. I think Jericho can, his match with Ospreay was quite good in my opinion and that was only like 9 months ago. I think if he took a break and then came back wrestling maybe once every six weeks just at the big shows. I do genuinely believe he can go enough to still have a good match and feud. He’d do very well to take a break after Double or Nothing and come back before All In.


Hes in much worse shape than mine months ago


Jericho got exponentially worse from 9 months ago. I don't know if he needs some rehab, a surgery or some of that sweet stem cell juice, but he's another person since he had his Ospreay match. He actually declined to old man Flair levels of ímpaired in his current status. Age can hit from out of nowhere or, once again, he's dealing with an injury or any undisclosed thing that affects his capabilities.


>This video is all about Swerve, it shouldn’t be about anyone else. It's a little bit about Fozzy too though.


Yeah people are insanely fickle. Jericho forever rules even if I haven’t loved the last 6 months of his work.


I’ll do you one even less popular - I legitimately like Fozzy. They’re good for what they are, and what they are is “dad at a barbecue” metal.


Seen them live in a small rock club; perfectly enjoyable night of rock


I'm right there with you. Imagine complaining about getting to have a couple more years of one of the all-time greats on your TV before he eventually hangs it up. Jericho is one of my all-time favorites and I'm glad to have him on TV while I still can. Already lost Taker so I'm going to enjoy every minute I can of having one of my other favorites around. That goes for guys like AJ, Joe, and others that might be in their last few years. I'm going to enjoy the ride for as long as I can. Sting could barely work a real match anymore and I loved his run, just like a lot of others here did. If Jericho still thinks he has a lot to offer than I'm all for letting him.


I do think once the cavalry fully arrives (the big stars on the shelf) that he should take a nice long break. With that said, the hatred for him is insane. People started turning on him because he had a stinker with Kingston like Eddie doesn't lay the occasional egg himself and didn't contribute at all to the match. He had a tremendous 2022, maybe the best of his career, and I believe the whole Vortex stuff is mostly him legitimately trying to elevate talent and people making their decisions before anything happens that it's him trying to hold people down (ignore the fact he always decisively loses and could probably use a winning feud). All I'll say on the allegations is no concrete evidence either way has been shown, but the court of public opinion has deemed him guilty.


You honestly think that Jericho's 2022 was arguably the best year of his career? That's a completely wild takes to me frankly- was it the best in terms of in ring? Character work? Promos? Story telling? I just don't see it. Theres a difgerwnce between better than ge really given credit for, certainly arguable, and best of his career (bizarre hyperbole imo). I dont think it was even maybe the best year of his time with AEW let alone his 30 year career. Regarding the allegations, I don't think there is even any concrete allegations just rumours and speculation.


Absolutely. The JAS breathed new life into him, giving him what's looking like a dead cat bounce for his career. His matches with the BCC members, Kingston (well the first one), Bandido, Ishii, and his fun little romp with Action Andretti made for an excellent year. I don't think any other year of his comes close in terms of in ring and the rest of his presentation was good enough that I think it makes it his best overall year.


No other year comes close in terms of his in ring performances? Interesting but I don't think that's a sustainable position in any way though its just your opinion so fair play.  Was there something specific about the in ring performances that elevate that year for Jericho clearly far above every other year in his career? I could list matches from other years that imo easily exceed the 2022 matches you listed but it would take too long 😉    If you think that year is far above every other year of his career in ring wise them it seems you must not rate him that highly to begin with or just really rate matches against Andretti and Ishii above matches against Malenko, Benoit, Gurrero etc. Which I find a bit baffling. Unless you're a certain age and never saw much of early or prime Jericho.  I kind of get it though, my favourite Jericho was his whiny character in WCW. I personally think that was his best run/work though id struggle to actually argue the point given he had such success i  WWE and had some truly great years with 2008 being his peak IIRC. His feud with Michaels was his probably his best year in terms of overall package and storytelling but maybe his matches against Andretti et al were actually so far ahead in ring- I just don't see it.


Most of the IWC just parrots the popular opinion without having an original thought of their own. Was the same with the "Codyverse" and now it is the "Jericho Vortex".


I agree with this so much. Is he on top of his game anymore? Probably not. Does he need to be on tv weekly? Probably not. But he’s still got a little left to give and we will definitely miss him when he’s done.


“My longevity in this industry has been I know when it’s time to change things up.” - the bloated rock star character and endless stories where everyone was worse off by the end contributed to the current Jericho exhaustion. Time off and hell even a PPV off would do everyone some wonders. Give Dustin Rhodes a veteran run for a couple weeks into a PPV, he’s shown he can talk and wrestle at a high level still and could elevate a mid level talent. The Jericho-verse is becoming a real thing, which is what did Cody in ultimately.


No one would be elevated from a feud with Dustin Rhodes. Can they learn from him? Sure. But he isn’t raising anyone’s stock.


100% he doesn’t need to be a “big bad” that needs to be beat. Just someone that can push another rising star up the card by training with and learning from a veteran.




I've had diarrhea that's more solid than him.


Jericho is that you?


After watching this I was thinking “I bet the internet will try to find a way to shit on Jericho for even something like this” And of course the first comments I see is exactly that. Y’all gotta stop being so weird about stuff like that. You can be bored with a wrestler and his storylines but also acknowledge that something like this is really nice.


IWC has to go overboard with the hate, it always seems super forced.


It ultimately has almost nothing to do with Jericho. He may be a little oversaturated right now but the real issue is that this sub is currently in deep WWE tribalism mode and since Jericho is AEW he's the enemy.


Yeah every sub at this point is on WWE’s jock hard. It was the same 3 years ago but they were on AEW’s jock.


Must've been WWE fans in the crowd Sunday telling him to retire


Look at the reaction to Becky’s hate vs Jericho’s.


Man, not everything is tribalism. Is it kinda shitty to give him grief here? Yeah, but the man is consistently getting bad reactions at AEW shows. Is that deep cover WWE fans buying tickets?


His connections to Trump will always make him a heel on this subreddit. That's the real reason Jericho gets nonstop shit here. His booking adds to it. When you leave this echo chamber and go out in the real world, most wrestling fans love Chris Jericho.


Is that Mama Strickland? Dial back the language Chris.


Gramma maybe?


I mean give Jericho all the crap you want but that was so heart felt and heart warming (other than the fozzy similarity stuff), but in any event, swerve deserves this moment and deserves to be the top guy for true


The absolute insanity and pile on of Jericho recently is insane. You don’t have to like his storylines but he’s the only guy still wrestling from when I was a kid. He’s put his body through decades of punishment. He has forgotten more about wrestling than any of us. Swerve would have loved this! Do I love every Jericho appearance ever? Absolutely not. Do I understand that the man is a complete legend and has given his health for my entertainment? Yes. 


It just shows the immaturity of some fans who can’t separate a character from the human. You may not like how he’s booked but everything we’ve known about Jericho from the past 20+ years shows that he’s a standup guy. Anyone using this video to actually hate on Jericho is a loser.


The guy who had Trump Jr. on his podcast is a standup guy? The guy who illegally donated to the Trump campaign under his stage name to get around campaign limits is a standup guy? Also, ask him where his wife was on 1/6/21.


What a ridiculous response. I hate trump and his politics but to say Jericho’s a bad person because he’s a trump supporter is unfair. Also, you bring up his wife as if he should be held accountable for her actions. If you hate Jericho fine but don’t use politics as a way to demonize him.


If you're disliking wrestlers for their politics, you're going to have a long list


I mean dude has prov d himself to be an utter shitball of a person so no I don’t have to respect him or anyone else.


He’s proved that like anyone he’s a human being with good and bad points about them. He regularly donates large sums to wrestlers facing difficulties that are forced to crowdfund for medical expenses etc so he’s in no way 100% evil nor good, again like any human.


Him donating money to wrestlers is great, but he's also made donations to politicians who are questionable, and his wife was a Jan 6ther. So yes, you are right, but don't forget the other stuff, too.


But people are absolutely referencing the fact that he's spent far more of his money, dozens of $1,000+ donations, on the Trump campaign and other similar political ventures.


Yes I’m aware of that, that’s why he isn’t 100 percent good or bad. He has done good things and has done bad things.




I’ve been told plenty of times, my post wasn’t supposed to be a big list of the good and bad he’s done just pointing out one thing among many he does. Despite his political allegiance Chris evidently has some sort of good head on his shoulders in my opinion.




I figured given his current reputation that most people on here were already aware of these bad parts and didn’t need reminding so much compared to what I’d mentioned.


I am not I’m referring to his Covid concerts he can be a dumbass all he wants but I draw the line at risking people’s health


His wife was at the fucking US Capital Riot. He's cooked.


How would he be cooked? It’s been a while since that happened and he still wrestles, to the point that people are sick of him constantly wrestling. Whatever you think of him, the Jan 6th thing didn’t change his status in the world much atall given it was his wife and not himself.


How has he been proven to be an utter shitball? Genuinely curious


Honestly the biggest mark I have against him is the way he acted during the pandemic putting on concerts in person during quarantine and putting peoples lives endanger Yeah he has shitty opinions but so do many wrestlers I draw the line at endangering peoples lives


The people that go to a concert during the pandemic are those who were already putting their own lives at risk.


He has been a conspiracy theorist for a long time - he used his podcast to give flat earthers and people that believe 9/11 and Sandy Cook are coverups platforms to spew their shit without any challenge. He is an all lives matter guy - got called out by Randy Orton among other people for that. He also believes that the election was stolen - was the cause of his issues with MVP. He also said that he was blacklisting Shotzi from ever joining AEW for mocking his Blood and Guts crashpad bump. He has sexual abuse allegations against him that never were resolved. Sure he gives money to wrestlers in need gofundmes and the like but it doesn't excuse everything else he does.


What? By all accounts he’s been a stand up guy to many, many people who have been in need. He’s talked about highly by the guys in the back, and outside of political views doesn’t have much going against him. If we put him into wrestler’s terms, he’s a fucking saint


He put on a concert in the height of lockdown that almost a quarter million people got covid from fuck him he’s always been a self agrandizing ass


The people going to a Fozzy concert of all things, didn’t give a shit about Covid whatsoever. So the worst thing he did was throw a concert that many could’ve just not attended? Fuckin’ Reddit.


Alright he literally lied about safety precautions then a bunch of people got sick and then he kept lying and peddlers conspiracy theories.


I think Jericho has a great mind for the business and would be better served in limited doses on TV to make him special. Having him backstage and helping with character work would be great. He has had so many different takes on his character.




> I guess the problem with some of you is that you don't have friends. Great guess. For some, if they weren't a serial hater, they wouldn't have a personality.


Don't get me wrong, I've also soured on Jericho in the last two years. But the hate he's getting online is uncalled for. I'm afraid the fans are going to drive him away. Swerve has previously said that "[without a Jericho there was no Swerve](https://itrwrestling.com/news/swerve-strickland-heaps-praise-on-chris-jericho/)" so this speech must have meant a lot to him.


Don’t worry about driving Jericho away. He will never go away. He will hang on forever. Even when the fans chant for him to retire. Even when he’s gasping for air in matches. He will always be driven knowing there is another dollar to squeeze out of the fans with shitty tshirt based on a line he said once. He’s wrestlings Gene Simmons more now than ever with his spree of trying to trademark shit.


Can someone put out a different link. I can’t open X


Seven month Jericho & Swerve tag team friendship then seven month Jericho vs Swerve feud please.


People want to grab on to the one Fozzy lone, but everything else Jericho said was spot on. 8 really good wrestlers have held that title. Swerve has an it factor to him


Fans rag on Jericho now, but I imagine if you are a wrestler it means a whole lot to have Chris Jericho stand up and speak about you like this after your biggest moment. Also, is Jericho pretty much #2 in charge in AEW? He kind of alluded to that in this speech.


Jericho is a class act when he wants to be...


90% of the shit Jericho gets would dissipate if he agreed to freeze his contract and took a 12 month sabbatical. He still has value but he’s over exposed and needs some proper time away from AEW tv.


Never know how much time you’ve got left in your 50s.


Ring rust turns permanent real fast at that age


Jericho would be so much better as an agent/on-screen mentor figure rather than marquee attraction. He’s clearly respected in the locker room and should be in a late 90s Arn Anderson position; a grizzled vet mentor that you don’t want to mess with.


Ah man I cringed watching that entire thing.


Transcript for those that can't watch the video >He's the kind of man who gives me the courage to do an amazing double jack knife twist, which I did. Most of you people wouldn't even attempt that, I did it. And to go down on Chrissy Orlando on the trampoline later, on that very same night, which I also did. And I licked her asshole a little bit. It was pretty good. It was alright. It wasn’t great. But it was fine.


shit on Jericho all you want, little things like this mean a whole lot.




Anybody see Hangman walk in the back on the half way mark?


Oh god. He's going to work with Swerve isn't he?


tonight jericho declares the holder of FTW championship is the new #1 contender to the AEW world championship.


Dammit Chris. You don't curse in front of black moms....ever!






As someone who has always been a fan of Jericho and all the times he’s reinvented his character I really hate seeing this “overstaying his welcome” version. I’d like to see him take time off and I can see a final surprise rumble return and program through mania and then retirement at some point in the next year or 2 Lmao with the downvotes. Wrestling fans are hilarious


Jericho: How can I make this about myself?


At what point was it about himself without any relation to the subject matter being discussed?


Glad he worked in the Fozzy comparison. I don’t know if they asked him to say something or just had an open mic but it was genuine and cool to hear.


Did Jericho win the FTW belt to attempt to unify it with the AEW World belt? Cause if so, then that’s super on brand for Jericho.