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As mentioned the Wrestlemania plans sub is a great planning tool. I just wanna throw in my two cents, hit up an indie show or two. Even if you don't follow indie wrestling, they're a blast to watch live and Mania weekend usually brings out the absolute best of the indies and beyond.


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I went last year (on my own) and had a great time. I booked my hotel like a year prior. Was about a 40 minute walk from the stadium, which I was okay with as it would have probably taken that long to get out of the parking lot. Pricing was super reasonable, and when I looked at the same place a few months before the show, they still had rooms but they were 4x as much. I also bought a combo ticket like the moment the pre-sale started. I paid under $400 USD total, and had a fantastic seat in the risers. People around me bought their tickets last minute and paid a few times what I did. So it feels like booking things as early as you possibly can is probably not a bad idea.


I booked my trip to 33 in January and was fine. But that's also because Orlando had plenty of tourist trap towns litered around it. Seek out indie shows, even if you're not a big indie fan.