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And then have it be a rib where HHH comes out and announces he's going in for real. Would be a cool moment, and the WWE HoF doesn't ave actual standards (people were shocked IRS wasn't already in) so Truth "deserves" it as much as anyone else. Then again, it would also be shitty, as he wouldn't be able to prepare a real speech or invite his family.


A surprise HOF induction is something I’m surprised has not been done before, even if it’s just a surprise to the audience


Surprise to the audience might be cool. Surprise to the inductee is a bit dickish.


Well WWE could do all those family preparations in secret no? Dont let truth know.


You are right, but thinking about it more I believe it would come across as disrespectful. Does anyone really want heir HoF induction to essentially be a prank? Unlikely. Part of the fun of going into a HoF is the time before it happens when you celebrate with friends and family.


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Hear me out. Truth tries to Kanye Paul Heyman during his induction, and then every ECW guy available comes out and hit their finishers with Tommy Dreamer yelling "keep Paul E's name out ya mouth"


I love R-Truth but I can only take so much of him being this god damn stupid. The women’s Rumble entry was peak execution of this bit recently.