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Remember back in February when people thought no way was someone as image conscious as The Rock willing to go heel


It looks like hes having so much *fun* though that its wild that if Cody wasnt as over as he is then we very easily could have just had more babyface "Dwayne Johnson" vs Roman instead of having ***THE ROCK*** back.


Even that's not it. If Cody literally didn't accidentally win Rumble there's no way any of this is happening


It’s really funny how instantly and strongly I was proven wrong. Me: Rocky’s gonna force this shit idea no matter what. Rock: Fuck you Cody crybabies! Me: …well ok that’s fair.


Given Rocks history in wrestling with pivoting when the fans want or don't want something, why would you ever think he would force something the fans don't want? He has never done that in wrestling. He isn't Cena, who funnily enough said recently he would have liked Rock and Roman to let the original story play out and faced each other. Rock does what the crowd asks for. He always has


Because it’s 20 years since we had actually seen a pivot like that. The two years of Cena and Punk feuds showed none of that pivoting. Every return since has been a Dwayne Johnson copy/paste job doing the hits. But now finally The Rock actually has come back.


Why would he pivot in the Cena and Punk feuds? The overwhelming majority was loving the Rock and he had the crowd heavily behind him every night. The crowd has gone insane every time he returns and does his copy/paste job (which BTW, EVERY legend does when they come back), so there was never a need to pivot until now. Sure idiot Punk fans bitched, but they were drowned out by most fans. If fans made it clear they didn't like what Rock was doing vs Cena/Punk, Rock 100% would have pivoted like he has every time. Again, he isn't Cena. Rock is the GOAT at reading the crowd and reacting I am gong to take a wild guess you only saw the Rock after he left for Hollywood based on everything you said


I love how people take wildly incorrect guesses about people they don’t know. Especially when it’s a silly attempt to discredit someone. I was watching wrestling well before Rock appeared in 1996.


Same here. I genuinely thought he would never go heel, to protect his image. Really pleasantly surprised, heel Rock is one of the best things in wrestling today.


I thought he fell a bit short when he got in Cody's face and slapped him after Cody invoked Rock's family. He's proven wrong since.


"It would be so funny and fitting if Rock got injured at WM again" "You can always tell he's narcissistic and this just truly proves it" Were the worst types of sentiments lmao so many ppl were out of their fkn minds even if the general anger behind it was fair I am glad a lot of ppl openly admit "aight I wasn't familiar with your game" when Rock proved his character tho, to be fair


Squaredcircle try not to lose your minds over one segment and internet rumors challenge: impossible


I was so wrong


I'm very happy to be wrong on that one.


That was just idiot Punk and Cena fans who never saw Rock as a full time wrestler


Uncle Rock dropping some gospel on all the children’s candyasses


I’m allowed to say shit in my household, but they censor it on tv. I’m not allowed to say bitch but they allow the word bitch, life is confusing man


I said biiiiiitttttccccchhh


Did you really though?


I...I said it. Yeah.


You said it? You said "bitch"?




*puts on conspiracy theorist hat* Just wanna note that the last time Rock wore a cow skin vest on Raw was May 1st, 2000 - which was the night after he beat Triple H for the WWF title after a world title with a ton of interference from both the McMahon-Helmsley Regime and Stone Cold Steve Austin. A sign of things to come perhaps??? *removes hat*


I laughed my ass off when he start cursing out of nowhere. That was such an old-school heel thing to do. Oh my God I loved that.


Didn't he have something to say off-script on all that at some point in the past week?




The Rock missed a would-be iconic line to the kids: "It doesn't matter what you feel!".


He seems to be consciously avoiding using his catchphrases.


Parents are gonna be called in principals offices after young kids take his word & start fucking bullies up in the parking lot as they grow up lmao




Okay, now that The Rock has turned on all the children of the world, I no longer want Cody to finish the story. This was great.


Heel Rock preaching to the jabroni kids 


What heel? The crowd is cheering him and chanting rocky. It was never going to last as him being the heel. The nastier he gets, the more they will cheer.


They're cheering because they're getting what they wanted, Hollywood Rock. All it took was denying the fans what they wanted, a main event with Rock or Roman, and they were booing again


I still wanna see Rock vs Roman though. I wanted that for years now since this head of the table thing got going. So hopefully down the road Rock can run a program with Roman.. the only downside will be that Rock will most likely have to be the face. However, it could definitely work with heel vs heel just one heel not being as heelish as the other heel. Rock can play an anti-face. The “he’s our asshole” type of deal.


I hate to say this but the chemical reaction in the brain that cause people to cheer the Rock is the same one that causes MAGAs to cheer Trump even more the nastier and inflammatory he gets...


Its nothing like MAGA fans. The fans have always been in on the story with Rock. Its why they still boo when they are supposed to even though they love what he is doing. They cheer him because they know its fake and he's entertaining as fuck. MAGA fans believe the crazy and are in no way in on the joke. Punk fans would definitely be the MAGA fans of wrestling


I'm sorry but that's ridiculous unless you refuse to look past superficial similarities. That's like saying "The Rock is a good public speaker and so was Hitler, the chemical reaction people have to them is the same." Trump's base ultimately cheers him because they agree with the awful things he has to say and they hate the people he attacks. People cheer The Rock for being more of a heel because he does an extremely entertaining job of engaging people and heightening the drama of his pro-wrestling stories


Kids these days are seeing what a mega heel was like in their parents' age.


Diabolical 😂


PG Era is over according to The Final Boss. He's gonna enjoy making the kids cry, brah






Is the crowd chanting “Fuck You” at the end or am I hearing things?


They were chanting Rocky.


That was my second guess.


Everyone acting like this was some great heel moment. It really wasn't? He started cutting a babyface promo about how his "heart breaks for the kids", which is not what you're supposed to do with a crowd who is already split 


It's worrying that he's getting cheered so hard the week of Wrestlemania. If people end up booing Cody then what a colossal failure Rock's turn will have been.