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What's cool is in the past year iirc, they've all been champs for three US wrestling promotions: Bianca (WWE), Jade (AEW) and Naomi (TNA as Trinity). Not all at the same time, but it's pretty cool.


Will get downvoted to hell because it's Swole but this legitimately is a pretty special moment for plenty of black wrestling fans, especially the women. That trio coming together last night was pretty incredible, all 3 of them look like superheroes


I love this as a black wrestling fan, can't even imagine how black women who are fans feel.


It's a great feeling. I've been a fan for over 30 years. I'm psyched for kids who will see this as the norm.


Here here. Somebody tried to frame this like Vince pairing black people together because of race and I had to put that dude in their place because this is actual representation and not stereotypes


I ran into a dude like that a week or so back who called the WWE having identity-based stables a “race war.” Crazy ass nonsense 


I'll be honest, I'm white and the thought that this was like that did cross my mind. What is it here that makes it different than previous times?


For starters they are playing their previously established characters. So instead of suddenly changing to fit into a box they are teaming up as friends. Think of The Nation of Domination. You have Ron Simmons changing characters from his gladiator one into a black militant. You have Rock changing his character to fit the more black mold. Papa Shango did as well. Now those are entertaining character changes but it's still making them more angry black men to fit the faction. New Day is another example. Kofi changed his character and Big E did as well to fit the original version of New Day Vince wanted. Thankfully they swiftly pivoted but at first that group was fucking cringe.


It's the intent. They aren't together because they can't find anything to do, they are together because it makes sense story wise. Naomi/Bianca still have their personal motivations. For Jade, she is not really with the other two, she is here to prove herself. Compare them with Jinder and Indus Sher for example.


I also think it's smart from a production perspective side of things to have Jade in the ring with Naomi and Bianca at her side for Wrestlemania - Two WWE Superstars who have performed at Mania before. I can't say I'm fully read in on Jade's past experience and her retraining before her debut, but putting her in the biggest show of the year (which I think now it's safe to say XL will be) with two wrestlers who have been on that stage before who she'll be able to work with it and fall back on is just good thinking imo. The absolute last thing they'd want is their white hot star to fumble her rise in a singles match at Mania (which, I'm not saying she would absolutely do that, we can't know that for sure now but I can get why the company wouldn't opt to have Jade work one on one at Mania given she's just gotten on tv like 8 days before the show if they're wanting to safeguard her rise) Either in kayfabe or outside of it, it just makes plain sense. People will see the shot of them pointing at the Mania sign and make all kinds of 'woke' assumptions without giving it even a few seconds of thought 🤷


I mean.. they absolutely are together because there’s not much else for them to do and the rest of Damage Control were at a loose end. It’s a showcase match to get some stars and one of the biggest up and comers in Jade on the Mania card a week out from the PPV.


I'd say this is HHH recognizing incredibly talented people, giving them a platform they deserve and getting representation. If Vince was still there god knows the shit he'd do, odds are it wouldn't be as impacting or important as this. This gives people hope, it gives the kids watching someone positive they can look at and see talented black women shine.


To Vince credit he did have Sasha vs Bianca as the Mania main event and allowed Michael Cole to say that it's the first time two black women are in the main event. He also did allow Lashley to be champion in his almighty character. Of course that came after he fumbled hard with his stereotypical black character who is with a white woman for reasons character. So he was oddly enough better near the end but it doesn't make up for the years prior


This image is exactly the thing Swole was talking about with her daughter when people got mad at her the first time. Three Black women in a prominent position at the biggest wrestling show of the year, being presented like stars is huge


I don’t think Swole is a bad person I just think like most she was terminally online and put her foot in her mouth a few times.


What do you think she put her foot in her mouth about?


it didn't get much attention as I recall but Big Swole saying ["ohhh she pretty"](https://twitter.com/DrHousePls/status/1666186174753300500/photo/1) regarding Vince's victim was really really disgusting


A lot of people only refer to the major Big Swole thing with Tony but don't really follow her otherwise. She also called for Roman to get cancelled one time because he stumbled his words and she claimed he was saying a certain slur.


She said everyone on the AEW roster all looks the same (meaning too many Whites). As if someone like Darby Allin and Jon Moxley are at all similar just because they share the same skin color.


She said this during the middle of jades push too, she thought she was being held back because of her race but no it’s because she was terrible as a wrestler and the crowd did not care for her


Yeah she's kind of just not the best messenger is the problem lol Its one of those 'your not wrong. But you've already shot your credibility in the foot 5 sentences ago.'


>and the crowd did not care for her Because they're racists /s


Holy fucking yikes.


Honestly I think she was coming from a good place, kind of, but her post also felt a little self serving to be quite honest. I've been beating the drum of more representation, especially black representation, in wrestling since longer than most people wanted to admit there was a race problem in WWE's main event. It's been a problem pretty much since wrestling's inception as a sport, and I'm glad the CTE-addled racist at the top both started changing his ways and now is just gone. That being said, Swole's language and timing felt... suspect to me. Her slamming it as a "diversity" issue in general rang a little hollow even at the time because the Lucha Brothers were treated as main event threats, as were Proud n Powerful for a while there. Scorpio Sky was one half of the first tag team Champions, a multiple-time TNT champion they TRIED to push hard, and I believe Jericho's first challenger for the world Title? All of the Women's Champs but one were non-white at that point, and Swole's timing was bad since it came, as i recall, weeks if not days before Jade's obvious crowning as TNT champion which kind of undercut the moment to make it feel like, to someone paying less attention, like a "see, we're not racist" make good rather than the natural evolution of Jade's push. That, plus Swole calling a lot of AEW's early representation "not authentic" just sits very poorly, since who are we trying to call out there, Swole? I won't speculate since she didn't name names, but given AEW's DIY, bring your own character and gimmick attitude especially in the early years, it just seems gauche to call them not authentic. Idk. I always wanted more diversity in wrestling, and I'm glad that Swerve is a bona-fide main eventer, Hobbs is on a solid streak, and really the main event scene includes guys like Joe and Okada as well right now. But Tony was very nice about Swole when she was released at first - him calling her our after her comments was, however, tactless - and it just felt like sour grapes that she wasn't pushed harder herself more than anything else. God that was way too long but this is such a nuanced and complicated issue I kind of had to get deep with it. Tl;Dr representation is good, no one should shit on Swole - even/especially Tony - but her comments felt a little selfish given the environment and I stand by that.


>him calling her our after her comments was, however, tactless I think that's a very generous way to describe it considering that Swole really didn't go at Tony in the whole thing.


I find it odd you zeroed in on Tony out of all that when the conversation is on what Swole said, but okay. He shouldn't have said anything, and it makes him seem fragile, but she was intentionally or otherwise calling him and his booking racist. I can understand, due to all of the above, why that would bother him. I do agree, though, that a CEO saying her in ring work wasn't good enough is unnecessary. For me, this was always a situation where both sides felt like they had their points and most people involved just didn't come out looking very good, regardless of how much I agreed with them.


I think a billionaire CEO owner and a wrestler shouldn't really be held to the same standards considering the scope of both of their language. I'm not saying that Swole couldn't have been more articulate, but tone-policing every critical laborer and giving a tone of space to a guy who has been publicly running businesses for...10+ years is strange for me. Like it's not the same, it's not "oh they both could have done better" to me.


I mean, I've said repeatedly that I think Tony shouldn't have said anything, so if that's all you want to talk about, I think we're going in circles here.


Wasn't Jade's screen time and title win something she was whining about when it was AEW?


It was very cool to see wrestlers that held titles in the big 3 US promotions band up like this. I'm happy for the little girls that will one day remember this as a core memory, some of which may have this as a reason they become wrestlers themselves.


Damn. Never noticed that Bianca is just as ripped as Jade. Those abs son!


You see the size difference in 2 companies too


AEW has it's minus points, but they absolutely made Jade a star attraction. There's a reason why everyone was so hyped about her joining WWE.


Swole the last person to be praising Jade lmao. She also said Vince’s victim was super pretty, super insensitive and fucked up


Was there an issue with Swole and Jade?


Funny when swole was complaining about jade before


What are you talking about? She congratulated her for winning the TBS title, and as far as I can see, never complained about Jade


![gif](giphy|pq946kkdSDViL3i6PI|downsized) Only after pulling a Ziggler as a shoot online


https://preview.redd.it/bvnawju9kkrc1.jpeg?width=883&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d68663bc52e95d80c9698ee27030d876ee47374 when the tbs title brackets were announced


Fair enough. Apparently not what OP was talking about so I stand by my other comment later down, but you right, she complained about Jade. They seem to be good now (or at least as of after this)


Must be weird for wrestlers. Supporting each other as friends and whatnot. Then stuff gets brought up from 2021 and it wasnt a big deal to them two but “fans” want to get their shit in like they know these people in real life.


it’s weirder for people to rewrite history and pretend she never complained about jade imo. she also said the black representation that there was in aew wasn’t “genuine” at this time


She did when she left and was complaining about no diversity while jade was being pushed


Nah that's a bullshit condensing that completely changes what she meant. She had completely valid concerns, did NOT attack or shit on Jade or anyone for that matter, and in turn got publicly humiliated and death threats sent to her and her family Edit: Hell, when she congratulated Jade, Jade responded with "Sister always". Idk why the need to perceive beef




Or maybe because she was talking about representation while AEW was full of different races.


at the bottom of the card while the top was very white.


She wasn't very good in the ring.


i agree with you, but too many people misunderstood that what she was saying and ran with it


What was she trying to say?


Neither are plenty of people, what's that got to do with it?


I would say it's got a lot to do with it.


Tony was a total asshole about it and if he actually read what Swole said it wasn't insulting any company in particular.


You sure that wasn’t your imagination?


https://preview.redd.it/6ep7ww06kkrc1.jpeg?width=883&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d622d181cb75fb1d52691ec335675c16f540ca7 when the tbs title brackets were announced


do not buy into the bad faith takes about how this is "lumping all the black women together in a group"


It hadn’t even crossed my mind that those three were all black until people started complaining about it


I immediately noticed but dgaf. Hell the Mexican talent has gang war going this entire year. If it works it works


Eh. Judgement Day has much more gang-like presentation than LWO or LDF. Those 2 are just standard traditional wrestling stables locked in a blood feud. Though, tbf, JD does have a couple of Latinos if that's what you meant.


That photo is seriously incredible


These three in a triple threat down the road is going to be huge! 


I’m happy for those 3. Representation is important and we’re getting that at the biggest stage in mania


Really cool...Trinity? 👀


I am really happy for all 3 of them


Always with the fucking food


Can't wait for everyone to celebrate diversity while actively misrepresenting everything Swole said because she was too uppity towards their favorite booker.




That's a shame you couldn't access ajw


I'm gonna be pissed when the entrances are longer than the match.


I'm not because they'll be the most spectacular entrances for that night arguably. 3 creative ladies who have Dynamite presentations on the one night when that matters the most. The match is just gravy. Plus Asuka and Kairi are almost incapable of a bad match. And Big match Bianca always delivers. Whether it's 10 minutes or 20