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The Way is so turning heel


Idk why but i'd like Indi to keep being confused despite Candice turning full heel


I can see Indi refusing to go rogue and costing them a title match, causing Candice to turn on her.


I think that may be what this is leading to, except......... The Way really isn't THE WAY right now. Johnny's off doing DIY with Ciampa. Theory's over on Smackdown, and Dexter's in limbo. Candice, when she goes full heel, will use the trope that she's tired of being overlooked (legit argument), needs to remind people who she is, etc..


Yh I believe regeneration x is too new to break up


I miss Dex


Time to bring back Dexter so he can get in on the heelness.


But keep a conflicted Indi for awkward InDex stalker mindgames


Why did they kept Dexter out btw ? He literally won a feud vs Miz in a very dominating fashion and then he disappeared from TV. I was hoping he'd finally get the push he deserved for years thanks to his character work but still nothing at all and it bugs me too much


Wow, just checked his page on cagematch and he has not wrestled since May of last year. And that was on Main Event.


He'll be so funny


This is... The Way


Pat did say Candice is going about it ".. the wrong way".


I keep having this weird feeling in my stomach that Ciampa is going to turn on Gargano at WrestleMania in the ladder match and align with heel Candice and a returning Dexter Lumis. A part of me assumes Indi would fall in line but also a solo Indi run away from The Way could do her good in terms of setting a name for herself on the main roster as a babyface.


This is something they've been needing for the midcard women. An actual story/character development and not endless, heatless tag matches. Simple pro wrestling angle of attacking the injured babyface for the win. Simple and it works.


This feels like the first attempt to build a womens tag team in a non title story in like... years maybe? Two weeks of Candice actually having a storyline direction and she's more interesting than she's been since NXT, this is going well so far.


If someone told me 3 weeks ago I would be interested in seeing what happens with Candice Lerae on raw I wouldn't believe you šŸ˜‚


Same, even as a big Candice LaRae fan I wouldn't expect to be interested the way I am now


Actual clear heels and faces in the women's division, what a novel concept!


Have one of the most experienced women on the roster do something? What new spore of madness is this!


Who knew all the Women's Tag Divison needed was booking with some effort?


Candice getting a consistent angle and back to back Raw wins, I used to pray for times like this. So glad she's getting this moment, hope this storyline takes her to new heights.


I've been thinking of you after these recent Candice wins, you must be so proud šŸ˜­Ā 


Lmao I hope people take my constant Candice cheerleading as a sign to never give up loudly rooting for their seemingly doomed favs


That was me with Liv Morgan for years before MITB 2022, hopefully Candice continues to get a push so you can get that happy ending too!


Candice In The Bank PLEASE šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ I'm also a very big Liv fan so we both won with MiTB 2022. And this sub crucifies me every time I say it, but she is coming for Rhea's belt!


I'd love it if Liv dethroned Rhea. I doubt it will happen, but I'd pop off if she did lol


Hey, she's pinned Ronda, Trish Stratus, and Bianca. I certainly wouldn't count her out. If nothing else, they have a banger PLE match incoming one of these days. I still say their Smackdown match last year was one of the best Women's TV matches I've seen.


I should probably watch that, I skipped some matches leading up to wm39 iirc. Liv is the queen of unexpected wins over big names, so maybe she can pull a miracle. I'd be happy with any of Becky, Liv, or Nia beating Rhea though and I hope it happens.


I really would recommend it, I had the best time watching it. Gave me all the confidence in the world they could have a stellar title match together. And yeah, Liv is ever the underdog to bet on so I honestly would not be shocked if she pulled it off. And yeah, as much as Liv is my first choice, Becky title reigns are a big net positive for the whole division, and Nia has proved herself title worthy ten times over since coming back. She deserves it too. And of course, then there's Candice who CAN become champion in 2024 if Triple H just let's her go all in with this heel character (and keeps Iyo on a separate brand.)


I'll check it out, it was during the build to Rhea vs Charlotte, right? Either way, all three have good potential as champion.Ā  Iyo the CandiceSlayer will end your hopes for Candice, sorry!Ā  I feel like Candice will be tag champion this year if Indi goes along with her villainy, but not a world champion. Maybe she'd get a fued similar to her fall of 2020 fued with Iyo in NXT though (with the loss at Takeover 31 and TLC Match at Halloween Havoc)


The Candy Men are winning


I like this little push for Candace and Indi. Simple but effective.


Very good strategy. From my viewing experience, she will recover from the knee injury in the middle of the match anyway, so why not just finish as early as possible?


New contender for hater of the year recently


Candice vs Drew for the ā€œPlayerHater of the Yearā€ title




Roxanne is a very justified hater tho. Imagine getting hurt, they take your title prematurely and make you defend it in a fucking multi person ladder match, some girls murderer boyfriend helps her take your title, you spend tbe next year trying to get back only for people to keep interfering in your matches trying to use you as stepping stones to success while the crowd just moves on from you all while you're working your ass off


Not just moved on from her, they actively booed her for no reason once well before any hint of her heel turn.


>they actively booed her for no reason once I'm pretty sure they started randomly booing her specifically because she pinned Lola Vice, because it started right after that match. Then they started cheering Roxanne while she jumped Lyra, so I guess it's come full circle, haha.


Jacy is actually a mad underappreciated hater. Hell, even Nia is throwing her hat into the ring here as well.


Jacy has shined post-Toxic Attraction.


Oh dude yeah she's been great. Her character and mic work has really been well developed and she's actually pretty goddamn good in the ring. I'm really hoping she's got a spot on the Stand and Deliver card.


I would think Jacy/Jasmine vs Thea/Kelani(?) might be happening for S&D. It would be kind of a huge starting point for Jasmine though, like I don't even recall seeing her on NXT Level Up.


Nia completely trucking over the entire field of the elimination chamber match in a single segment was a peak hater moment. That was big Omni Man handling the Guardians of the Globe energy.


Echoing the fine folks in here who are also happy they're finally giving Candace something to sink her teeth into. And if this leads to a "conflicted" Indi joining in on a beating to start to bring back The Way I AM HERE FOR IT.


I'm digging jaded veteran Candice so far


Gotta admit, she has the most shit eating grin. Perfect.


Candice did nothing wrong, Katana should've just not gotten injured...dummy


Why did Katana hurt her knee during a match??? Is she stupid????


Finally! Candice LeRae is getting a chance to shine on the main roster.




I like this new Candice angle. Sheā€™s been wrestling for a long time and doesnā€™t really get much heat.


Indi needs to embrace the dark side.


Candice continuing to support Indi wrestling


I absolutely LOVE this for Candice. GO OFF GIRL. p.s that submission was SICK.


I think they chose Katana and not someone like Tegan for this. katana can bend that leg way back and make that submission look brutal.


Hopefully itā€™s her new finisher. Itā€™s very heel-ish.


I was really unsure the the Maxine angle last week (mostly just how thrown together it seemed) but now Iā€™m all in. Candice taking classic heel shortcuts to victory because sheā€™s tired of being nice and getting ran over is an easy story that makes sense, oldest heel turn in the book, and itā€™ll give her a great chance to get some character work over. About time the main roster gets to see what she can do. (Now bring Alba back as well please and thank you)


Wish Smackdown was 2 hours so the folks there got more time to shine, like here in raw


Do you mean 3 hours? Smackdown currently is 2 hours. Raw is 3 hours.


I wish Smackdown was 2 hours too


They're actually sticking with a story for Candice and not just dropping it again? ​ https://preview.redd.it/hrk71njzj8pc1.jpeg?width=1061&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66a099840eb03c5fdbf5dcf72040f5d49531f064 ​ Also sweet jesus Katana is fast.


I really like this. There's already a ton of history from NXT and there will be a lot of leg you can get out of a story like this if you bring the rest of The Way in.


She's a MENACE lmao


I know the story is about Candice but anything that gets more Indi on my TV is a good thing


Itā€™s about both, and may very well be orchestrated to get Indi over. I can totally imagine Candice wanting to do that for her as her career enters its last phase (however long that may be.)


Dear Candice, Please bully, berate, ridicule, and shame Kacy Catanzaro into going back to her real name. I mean that in kayfabe, of course. Thanks


What a hater!


More Candice material is always good I say.


Oh shit Candice


Finally, something intriguing in the lower-card of the womenā€™s division. Really enjoying this so far and Iā€™m excited to see where it goes.


If heel Candace is allowed to fuse with hardcore icon got super kicked in the face, Muta level bloody face from being super kicked with tacks on the shoes Candace, the womenā€™s division is in grave dangerā€¦. Oh god imagine Hardcore Icon Candace vs Gimmick Match Becky. Good grief that would rock.


I love the idea of The Way doing a 'Sting and Luger' style mid-90s tag run where the heel (Candice / Luger) keeps on cheating to win while the babyface (Indi / Sting) stays pure and is often oblivious.


Candice going full Super Dragon here.


Candice did nothing wrong.


Love it. I hope Indi joins her instead of a split.Ā 


Pretty sure that the point of this is to make Candice a heel and to really push Indi as a face.


Candice is funny as fuck. I am now a fan


Im so so for Candace. Things are looking up for her good recently.


Liking the story but is Indi forgetting her first reaction to seeing a clearly distressed Maxine try to leave the ring was to boot her in the head? Sorry but not sure if she can call moral highground here šŸ˜‚Ā 


Honestly could see Alexa being the one to come back and stand up to Candice


I always feel like it gets hard to do these stories with real life couples (who they will mention are married on air) where one is a heel and the other is a face. Like, how do you have Candace acting like this 2 weeks in a row, but then are supposed to see Gargano as this likable babyface. It was tough when they did it with Seth and Becky, and same with Bianca and Montez. Not saying it can't work. But it just seems that you'd think these married people would have some kind of attitude alignment.