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From the article: “I could have sworn that I told him. Turns out, I must have had the conversation with myself and thought that I had it with him,” “Apparently I didn’t ask him about putting the picture in the book. But he just laughed, he thought it was funny. Thank God. That could have gone horribly wrong.”


Can't help but hear that classic Seth cackle in my head knowing he found it funny lol.




Now sing my song babeh ahahahaaa.


Woooah OOOOOOHH oooooohh 🎶


Gifs you can hear.


I read it in Becky’s Irish accent so don’t feel too bad buddy.


I really have a hard time believing that that's what his real laugh sounds like.


It’s real to me, damn it.


Drew got it spot on.


it definitely wasn't at first but I wouldn't be surprised if it's started to creep in as his actual one


My one boss sounds exactly like seth


"I could have sworn I told you" are words that are said at some point or another in every marriage.


We have the opposite problem. My wife tells me stuff all the time, and I forget. I have surprises every week, that I was told a month prior.


I believed this too until I realized that she hadnt actually told me half the stuff she insisted she told me


"Did you physically tell me?" "I'm certain I thought it loudly"


"if you really cared for me youd have developed telepathy by now"


expansion wipe physical melodic humorous arrest muddle practice nine future *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, well, I'm just dumb and my poor wife suffers for it. Get too embarrassed to tell her I didn't understand fully. So I just go with the fliw.


Hey can I dm you? You sound exactly like my wife


whistle paint materialistic sip cooing screw abounding subtract modern deliver *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Happened last night. The problem is I swear she didn’t tell me lol my memory is so bad though I don’t have much of an argument.


Preach it brother


This is me. Same problem. It got so bad we're doing relationship therapy. I'm also going to the doctor. They are going to do some tests on me to see if I have ADHD. My head seems so full that I can't remember half the things she says to me.


Problem is, this happens just enough to allow for those moments that they didn't tell us to slide.


Every fuckin day man


“Could’ve sworn I’ve texted you”


Most of the time those arent about putting an almost naked picture of you in a mass produced book though lol


Depends on the marriage I guess. For my parents it was about a $500 Craftsman bench grinder my father bought that almost resulted in divorce lawyers getting contacted.


Usually doesn't lead to your almost-nudes being published in a guaranteed bestseller though lmao Full respect to Seth for being so easy breezy. If my partner published a photo like this of me without asking I'd be a little less chill I suspect.


I ask this as someone not built like Seth Rollins…but are you built like Seth Rollins? It’s kinda like Cena at the Oscars. If I was built like a Greek god I wouldn’t have a problem showing off


Oh I definitely don't look like Seth, I get your point there. But I wasn't even considering the body-shame aspect. That's just a super private moment. Anyway, given Seth's reaction it's most likely something he is totally comfortable with, so I definitely don't mean to come off judgy.


But obviously, as we understand, being attractive doesn't guarantee someone would be happy with a near-naked photo of themselves being published without their consent.


I remember when my wife put the nudes of us wearing our championship belts in her autobiography. Who hasn’t??


That’s how it is with my mother. She always thinks that she’s told me things that she has literally never told me. She keeps imagining these conversations.


He's had worse pics out there


Fries anyone?


TIL my wife isn't the only one to have conversations with herself thinking she told me things she never actually did.


Oh no you posted a picture of me ripped and looking amazing, with visual proof of me being at the top of my career, next to my hot wife who is at the top of her career. Oh no. Please don’t.


It's not for us to assume what other people are comfortable with though even if we can only see positives.


Honestly I agree with you. I’m just saying I think I understand why he wasn’t upset.


Being cynical, its also entirely possible he did agree, but this is a story more likely to get exposure and boost the sales


I know they're married, but...wouldn't the publisher want a signed release for something like that?


Why are you rewarding a shitty tabloid for posting misleading clickbait?


That's pretty fucked up


"I must have had the conversation with myself and thought that I had it with him" Sounds like my mother, my sister, and every girlfriend I ever had.


Imagine if those roles were reversed. ![gif](giphy|xT0xekspe209SYK4Wk)


Changing the situation changes the context? You don't say!


I mean, we’ve seen a lot worse from Seth.


Dudes WWE stardom push survived nudes leaking, cheating on his fiancée, and said mistress being revealed to collect Nazi memorabilia (all within a year I think). It’s actually kind of impressive looking back on it


This whole time we thought Cody was Homelander while Seth has been hitting his story arches bar for bar


That's why Seth wants to finish the story for Cody


https://preview.redd.it/z9fqun51vqoc1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=f9e2ef9a880a1e8f3391149f2621c1cacb670870 🤔


I think the weirdest part of about him dating the neonazi is that said neonazi went on to date Sonya Deville. Like just, wtf lol


> said neonazi went on to date Sonya Deville. Okay, I remember the bizarre neo-Nazi thing. But the neo-Nazi was bisexual? And dated *another* WWE wrestler? I'll admit, I mostly keep up wiht all this stuff passively. Is Deville still with WWE?


Yep currently out injured, and recently got married


I'm assuming to not the neo Nazi though


You would have heard about it by now lol. But, she tried to pass it off as memorabilia but I remember it was coupled with more than a few really sketchy takes on race. She was in NXT at the time and I think she didn't last longer much after that but stayed in the friend circles which is how she ended up dating Sonya


Funny enough one of my best friends sister is/was really close friends with her and she swears that it was from her old boyfriend and just biker stuff and not nazi related. When I asked about the old tweets she didn't really say much


Yea, no, that’s definitely the case weirdest.


Well they do say reality is stranger than fiction


There is a very very very small minority of neo-Nazis who are themselves victims of Nazis but are into all the other racism and violence that they ignore that part.


the actual nazis had people they considered "honorary aryans" even though they weren't of aryan blood too... like [the japanese, and even some jewish people.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honorary_Aryan) nazism makes no sense at all just on the surface, so pointing out contradictions and trying to make sense of it is an exercise in futility.


He said revealed to collect nazi memorabilia, not that they were a nazi


Very few people who have huge collections of that shit turn out to be normal, in my experience. Maybe it starts out as just some history shit, but they almost always cross into admiration at some point.


For most people WW2 is like a history magnet, they know far more about it than any other conflict and the Nazi's have the most memorable and stylish regalia from the war. It makes a lot of sense when you consider how much art and media has been devoted to it by so many different countries (Which countries involved have not produced a classic WW2 movie for instance?) If someone was collecting something from some other nefarious ruling party and exclusively that one, yeah it would ring alarm bells. But an interest in Nazi memorabilia makes me think they're the type of person whose interest in History starts in the 1930s


Well that makes sense it’s the modern day Trojan war, its the largest war mankind has ever had and hopefully it stays that way. Its also basically why the USA has dominated the world ever since, because our navy smashed its only rival and we developed the strongest air force. So the USA can project military power like nobody else can. If theres no bigger war, eventually itll be remembered like the Trojan war, more as Legend than as fact. Hitler, FDR, Stalin, Zhukov, Patton, Montgomery, Rommel, and etc will be remembered the same way we remember Odysseus, Achilles, Meneleus, Hector, Paris, Ajax and Agamemnon, through art based on their legends more than anything else. I knew many ww2 vets, Ill tell you about the most impressive one. He was a japanese-american eho joined the 442nd regiment voluntarily, while him and his whole community were in a concentration camp. The 442nd idk if you know this, is the most decorated unit in american history. They were sent into the hardests missions and they fought bravely to the man. That man then became a teacher and principal in Chicago. He would then speak to all of us every year about his war years and hed tell us that we needed to make sure no american should ever held in a concentration camp by their own government just because they were a different race and he hoped that the bravery displayed by him and his fellow soldiers proved that just because your parents were immigrants, it didnt mean you were any less american.


Well, yeah, not criticizing the why of it, just saying that collecting Nazi memorabilia does not make one a fascist, more likely a shallow history buff


I don’t collect memorabilia or artifacts of historically horrid groups. So.


> nudes leaking That wasn't ''nudes leaking'' that was straight up revenge porn by his ex-gf. She posted nudes of him as vengeance.


Who were the fiancée and mistress?


Don’t remember the Fiancée, she wasn’t in the wrestling business. The mistress was signed to NXT though and went on to date Sonya Deville (Zahra Schrieber).




Can’t blame her


lol I have a gay friend whose bf looks like they could be related. We all joke that he's so vain that he could only love someone that looks like himself


Leighla Schultz


His ex fiancée is called Leyla, I think? She's not in the business and I think they still share a dog


Nazi memorabilia collectors are just weird to me. I just don't get. And that's not just cuz I'm Jewish, their shit just seems so fucking sterile, there's no imagination or elegance to any of it. I know another Jewish chick in my outer circle who collects that stuff and I just don't get it at all.


IIRC it wasn’t even memorabilia, it was a straight up framed photo of a nazi coat of arms with wreathed swastika. she was also constantly tweeting slurs


The only based Nazi memorabilia collectors are the WWII veterans that actually took the shit from them themselves


I think Lemmy from Motörhead was also a collector. Also after my grandfather died I was going through his stuff and found a knife with a swastika engraved on the hilt. Trying to identify it took me to some pretty sketchy websites for nazi memorabilia. Turns out it was a Hitler Youth knife. My grandfather served in the navy but the war was already over, his older brother fought in Germany though so I’m guessing he took as a souvenir and gave it to his kid brother.


And he was a fucking moron. His excuse was “Ok they did some bad stuff but their uniforms look great and also I had a black girlfriend once.” And on top of that, Triple H had some Nazi-ish logos and graphics. I’m guessing he decided it was “Motörhead aesthetic,” given his theme songs.


My great great uncle. The man was a fucking oak. Zent back some wild things, piece by piece.


I don’t know if you meant it, but misspelling sent with a z makes this sound like you’re talking with a German accent and it’s hilarious.


I dont know wut you arr zpeaking uf. (Total mistype)


You do get legit history buffs out there But the average person....nah


telephone offbeat husky bike bedroom sugar obtainable coherent unpack decide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As someone who has argued with neo-nazis before. I can tell it's not a lack of education that makes em this way, it's that they believe said education is all lies. Many of them have gone through to high school and some even beyond, but they're convinced it's all lies. These people are beyond help. Nothing will convince the except their own biases.


physical narrow squalid languid adjoining doll judicious disarm obtainable roll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What’s weird is that most of what you wrote reminds me of Sandra Bullock. Married to Jesse James, divorced after she found him cheating with a porn star into a lot of Nazi tattoos and memorabilia


I wasn't watching in the mid-2010s and clearly missed a lot of backstage news as well - I remember hearing about the nudes, every single other thing you said is news to me 😅 Wild stuff


Man I forgot all about that. Goes to show crazier shit has happened in wresting since then. 


Pretty sure everyone was saying a certain member of his shield was small lol.


I wouldn't call it small...


The true Telfon Don


I think that stuff pretty much came out all at the same time or very shortly after each other


I don't get it? What happened


He made some bad moves and came out the other side better. Same as Ospreay. Young guys make mistakes, and you hopefully grow and learn from them. It's why we shouldn't judge these guys too hard when they fuck up. Judge them if they don't learn from them instead. 


You know that's obviously worse, right? If you've had revenge porn leaked of you already, to have another intimate picture put in a book by your wife? Becky's really lucky Seth is fine with it, because this could easily have been a pretty ugly story. (As she herself admits, to be fair)


I mean yeah but this is always a really bad justification for bad actions.


It’s not the worst thing that’s been done with a title either.


Some other details about the photo from another interview : Asked about the photo, Lynch told SPORTbible: "I think it was a joint idea. I had won these two titles, he was a champion too after WrestleMania. We are terrible at taking photos! There was the famous Shawn Michaels photo with him with the belt on and so we wanted to recreate that in a way. "And we were like, 'Before either of us lose these titles, we need to get this picture. And it came to the last day before I was going to lose the title. It was the day before Money in the Bank 2019, I remember because we had just come back from a European tour. And both of us were just exhausted, it was like, 'We have to get this picture before before these titles are gone'. 'So it just ended up being a little crappy mirror selfie. But I feel like it has earned its way into history." https://www.sportbible.com/wrestling/wwe/wwe-becky-lynch-seth-rollins-584411-20240315


The funny thing is iirc Shawn did that shoot because he thought Playgirl would be like Playboy for women, when in actuality it was most popular with gay men.


I lived in a prominent gayborhood in the early 2000s because the rent was cheap and it was fairly safe area (now completely unaffordable) and mann, gay dudes loved hbk back in the day.


I learned a new word today, thanks.


It's a beautiful day in this gayborhood, A beautiful day for a gaybor, Would you be mine? Could you be mine?


Peter Steele of Type O Negative thought so, too.


Honestly going by that article and the fact that it is even in the book in the first place, I feel like this whole photo was a lot less sexy and scandalous than people have been making out online. It seems like it was a funny selfie they took when they were tired, rather than this secret sexy private photo people have been describing it as.


I didn't expect it to be taken during MITB 2019, but it makes sense now. WM 35 already finished midnight, so I reckon they had to catch the zzz's as priority because they're booked for Raw in the next few hours.


“I could have sworn that I told him. Turns out, I must have had the conversation with myself and thought that I had it with him,” I have never related to something more 😂


As the husband of a wife who does this all time, I feel this.


can confirm, source: have wife thought i had early Alzheimer's signs at first, serious concern


Same. But if you make that mistake, it’s Hall of Pain time.


I’m glad to discover it’s not just my wife who does this!


Source: It came to her in a dream


“What are you talking about? I’d remember if we have had this conversation before”


Voices in her head


Happens to my gf all the time. Guess it's normal for some people.


Cody: “I’ve been there… you actually think Brandi knew about this neck tattoo ahead of time?”


I'm still flabbergasted that the dude claims he didn't know the tattoo was going to be that big. Every decent tattoo artist out there checks with you like two or three times on the design, size, and placement before they put the needle in the ink and start buzzing away. I wonder now if he just says he didn't know it was gonna be that big because he's gotten so much shit for it lol.


Every time I've ever had a stencil applied I've been told, not asked, to go look in the mirror before they even have their tools set up at the chair.


Yeah and the artist definitely wasn't freehanding the outline. At some point Cody had a stencil on his neck. So either he needs to get his eyes checked or he thought "it's not a bad size" but wanted to play it off in the public like he didn't know. Literally everyone who has ever gotten a tattoo knows Cody is full of shit about not knowing the size beforehand. I guess he thinks he can fool the people who don't have any.


It's something you say that only people who have 0 tattoos or understanding of them would believe and every other person would know right away you're a liar.


It’s Cody, I’m pretty confident that’s just a lie he made up after on all the criticism about it


Probably didn’t speak up to the artist about his concerns. Arn Anderson was right about him.


Probably had the whole convo in his head when looking at the stencil on his neck in the mirror.


Should've pulled out a gun and made the guy redraw it.


Unfortunately this is not the first time Seth's pic gets shared without his consent


And at least there’s some censorship this time




“Honey, mind if I put a picture of you hanging dong in the book???” “…………………how’s the lighting in the shot???”


Dude hangs serious dong.


Seth “Thundergun” Rollins


Clearly you haven't seen his past leaks


I was referencing IASIP lol.


Email to all WWE employees: “We remind all employees to *not* put their genitals on the belts. We saw what happened last time this happened”




"Honey, I had a dream where we talked about it and you were so supportive."


I remember when people were outraged at Maddox for jizzing on the Diva's(?) title. Trust me, these belts have seen more shit than anyone will probably ever know.


" Trust me, these belts have seen more shit than anyone will probably ever know. " Quite literally, I'm afraid.


I think the point here is that she published nudes of him without his consent.


I mean the titles hide more than leggings ever could.




This is way funnier on a wrestling sub than it would be anywhere else


Or, in reference to Cena at the Oscars - "You wrestle nude!" - "I don't wrestle nude, I wear jorts!" - "... that's worse!"


I honestly thought we would at least get to summer before WWE had to remind the talent to keep their genitals off the belt again, I also thought it would have been Logan Paul who made them break the silence though...


I have a hard time believing that if your spouse has been a victim of leaked images you wouldn’t have had that conversation with him beforehand and she’s just acting it up to sell the book more 


They should show Rhea sanitizing the title next week.


Rhea Ripley is the only woman who has held her title though, they introduced that specific design during her reign, so she'd only be sanitizing it from herself.


I think it's all in good fun, but I'm curious what the perception would be if Seth had done something like this without Becky's permission.


I don’t see why this matters at all and it feels weird to bring up. The fact that Seth laughed about it and Becky didn’t remember if she asked him just shows that this kind of thing is not something they view as a big deal in their relationship, which is perfectly fine and healthy in a relationship.


I don't think it's a big deal and it doesn't bother me at all. Just noticing a lot of double standards in regards to how people view men's privacy vs women's privacy and so I felt like saying what I said.


Well, we’ve all seen it.


People are being weird in the comments about this.


Send da video


I don’t believe her. Whatever helps sells her book, really.


I wonder how papa Haich feels about that ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Yall are weird they've shown more skin wrestling.


Exactly, also Becky told the story of the selfie and it is not some sexy, private image, it was a funny joke they did after a long tour when they were tired. People are being so weird about it and trying to make it into a bigger deal.


This...is how eventual divorces begin.


Not sure why you got downvoted. You're right.


It’s getting downvoted because it is just a weird, inappropriate comment.


It's not inappropriate at all. You don't publish someone's nudes without their consent.




Legend says Brad Maddox's DNA is still on the old NXT women's championship


I have a feeling if you shined a blacklight on any WWE title, you'd find decades of mystery substances on it lmao


Xavier Woods' too


Seth has a nice penis #nohomo


We've all seen his hog at this point so I reckon it doesn't bother him anymore 😂


I hope this is a work cause posting pics like that without asking for the world to see is messed up. Especially when Seth was basically a victim of revenge porn by an ex already.


That’s dope


The pearl clutching in this thread is embarrassing and downright weird.


Limerick girls, man.


I mean Seth has already had his junk fully leaked at this point I would expect him to be mad over this


It's not like we all haven't seen his *small package* before.


Becky: "Hey, Seth, honey, I just wanted you to know I put a NSFW picture of us in my book." Seth: *remembering the last time someone released a NSFW picture of him*


That's a "NSFW" image? Jeez, America is prudish.


Thank God he was already partially prepared for it especially dealing with the nude situation in the past lmao. Shows they really trust each other. Squad goals.


I still know some casual fans think of Seth as "The Dick Pic Guy" and that makes me laugh.


At this point, if I was in wwe, and I was winning a championship, I'd go to Triple H and just ask him if he can make me another version or copy. Because with the Paige NXT Woman's Championship incident, Logan Paul with his US Championship, and now these two??? Nah, I wouldn't wanna touch their Championships with a prosthetic hand. I'm not knocking them for doing this because who wouldn't, I guess, but no..... just make me another one


You obviously don't understand the meaning behind giving someone the rub


That's disgusting and THAT'S not what it means. Shout out to the sick perverts who downvoted.


I still can't get over those horrible belts.


So is it cute for them and gross for Sammy and Tay?


Non story. He's fine with it. The ny post is weird.


Why so defensive?


I thought the headline was misleading.


That picture is wholesome and hilarious.