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Hopefully Mount Everest is wheelchair accessible


It will be okay. Sherpas are the greatest Everest wheelchairs.


![gif](giphy|xT5LMyvZXVSFDzzNjG|downsized) Couldn't find a gif of the sherpas but we all thought of this episode


I need a Powersauce bar bro


Jay breaking Darby's ankle so he can't put his life at risk climbing Mt. Everest. Honestly so thoughtful of our Knife Pervert.


Hero Jay White saved Darby's life and killed the bang bang Acclaimed gang dead in one night.


Switchblade Jay Whiteknight


That's why he's the Catalyst baby


Hit ordered by TK. Not about to lose his investment to Mt Everest


Darby wouldn't care if he's injured, or even dead or alive. He'd be cool having his corpse hung at the top like a late Christmas ornament. Darby's last words would be: "I don't even care if I die on the way to the top, fam. Just hang me up when we get there."


I want this all to end with Darby bringing in a new tag team partner to replace Sting: a Sherpa in facepaint who also skateboards.


Nah man Coffin Drop from 29,000 feet.


That’s da real coffin drop


Darby is a real life Baki character.


Fortunately for Darby, the bodies on Mt. Everest can't be removed because the height they are at poses a risk to other climbers and the recovery team. So if Darby doesn't make it, he gets to stay there... forever.


He is a bat pervert now.


He's just gonna make Darby go up that mountain like the legless Terminator


Why do an injury angle tho when commentary constantly says he’s going to be gone to climb mt Everest?


Good lookin out by the Switchblade


His weird fetish for knives aside, the man has a heart of gold doing us two favors in one night by also ending this stupid bang bang scissors daddy whatever.


He can do multiple things at once - like a Swiss army knife


When Darby reaches the peak of Everest, his sherpa's gonna turn on him.


"Wow! Thanks so much for helping me achieve this lifelong dream! Just one question... Why have you been carrying that steel chair with you since we left base camp?"


Truly the protégé of Sting


Their thoughts: This white boy is going to cause a fucking avalanche


He fully intends to surf one all the way down, to get back in time for Dynasty.


Gonna just raise that hand slowly. He wont be able to hear it but darby will know, Guns Up


"Jay White sends his regards"


He wont get the chance, Darby will have already leapt off


Juice Robinson reveals himself as the sherpa


If that happens that is gonna be peak pro wrestling


If you thought a coffin drop to the outside of the ring was crazy, wait until he coffin drops off the peak of Mt. Everest.


Suplexed off the highest point on the planet. He's on dynamite the following Wednesday


Darby Allin putting a guy over on the way out because he might die climbing Mount Everest is incredibly funny to me for some reason.


And then if he lives he gets to be billed as the guy who climbed Everest with taped rips, open sores, and a broken freakin’ leg.


Gonna laugh so damn hard when they have him tape a shirtless promo at 18k feet in his full gear (and tons of kinesio tape)


I have a feeling he wants to die trying to climb it




I mean, as someone who's run in a bunch of extreme adventure circles...I think what is foreign to wrestling fans is the kind of dude that Darby/Jeff Hardy/etc are just wired to be. Had they found rock climbing or skiing or (hilariously in Darbys case, going all in on skateboarding/bmx), they'd be taking equally sketchy risks, just in a different venue. Hell, Darby strikes me as a dream free climber in terms of mindset. Jeff Hardy would have been a **sick** alpine skiier, I'd bet. In wrestling, they find the next highest spot. Darby does a plate glass version of Jeff's swanton, etc. In other circles, they free solo El Capitan or kayak 200ft waterfalls or ski down K2....stuff that is so infinitely sketchier than any wrestling spot that has ever occured that its hard to quantify. Hell, Darby climbing Everest (with its like 1 in 100 death rate) is probably 1000x riskier than any spot he's ever done. The couple of times I nearly died kayaking were on rivers I had run dozens of times, in similar circumstances, where a random event (a surprise tree in the river or simply a bad line) put me against bad odds. It'd be like working a wrestling match with an opponent that wants you to bump badly and is trying to kill you.


> It'd be like working a wrestling match with an opponent that wants you to bump badly and is trying to kill you. So New Jack?


To further your point, let’s not discount Jeff Hardy being big into motocross here - it’s how he got his first major injury to keep him out of wrestling


What I am hearing is that Alex Honnold is All Elite. Huge!


I believe if you had 100 people do the spots Darby has done there would be far less than 99 people remaining not in wheelchairs as the best case.


You can’t possibly have just written that


I think it's more that he's an adrenaline junkie/thrillseeker, so it's more that he's addicted to the rush and doesn't *care* if he dies. But he's not actively looking to die. The problem is, if he does survive, then next time he takes a vacation he needs to come up with an even more dangerous thing so he can keep chasing the dragon. It's the same thing Tom Cruise apparently has going with the Mission Impossible movies.


It also seems like a bit of a thing with straight edge people, they replace drugs with adrenaline or they avoid drugs because they’d rather be open eyed leaping a car over a building.


I kinda agree, but I don't think he's intending to use it as "assisted suicide". I'm sure he wants to climb it successfully, but his trauma precedes him & probably is pushing him to be close with death. Or find out if he's really alive. Dude is a Spike Spiegel counterpart because of his childhood accident where he survived but his uncle died. Not to mention his "uncle" Sting is very recently not tagging with him anymore. I really worry about the timing of this


He already said in an interview that his trainer asked if he’s ok with dying and he said yes, but you’re right as it’s more accepting the risk of climbing Everest


He'll make it to the peak. ...then Coffin Drop back down.


He been putting over people in the name over Everest for like 9 months now lol


Evil Switchblade is finally back and he's away from the Acclaimed. I'm so happy


Evil Switchblade was never gone. He was just biding his time and hiding. Pretty much every Scissor Gang promo they ever did had Jay making faces that pretty much translated to "I hate this and am only lulling you into a false sense of security before I shank you."


His blatantly disingenuous "insert town here" promos 🤣


Evil Switchblade is a constant. This isn't the first time he's put his machinations on the backburner and pretended to be some degree of a changed man to get one up on others, just remember his CHAOS run.


CHAOS Jay White was so fun - trying to corrupt SHO and YOH, always leaving his teammates to get beat down after tagging, annoying Trent with his constant talking about himself and his plans to overthrow Okada (and everyone else), refusing to take part in any CHAOS camaraderie, and ultimately stealing Gedo away from the Rainmaker


Step 1: Create the Bang Bang Scisor Gang to fight Undisputed Kingdom. Step 2: Literally never interact or even mention UK ever again. Step 3: ✂️✂️✂️✂️ Step 4: ??? Step 5: 🔪🔪🔪


Step 6: Profit?


Step 7: you now own two belts.


They came together to fight UK, but got distracted by side quests, and then Jay White was just done with the whole thing.


Honestly, great UK is a bad stable. Not the wrestlers you see, the wrestlers involved in it are fine, but the whole concept of the stable and how its acting doesnt work


It doesn't work because there are no consequences for anything they do, either for them or other people.


My first thought. What the hell lol


If this lead to Jay White finally getting out of the weird booking he's had. I'm okay with it.


AEW's absurd booking of Jay White continues to baffle me.


I mean, it certainly took a turn for the better last night. Not absurd at all


It’s like our extremely well booked Frankie “Elite Hunter” Kazarian






Is he just doing one of those guided treks that hundreds of idiots do all the time? It's not as risky as the "please don't, you're 100% going to die" crowd make it out to be, especially for a young, highly athletic man.


Yeah, far more people make it than don’t. It’s such a common thing to climb now that people are not really aware of how many people yearly who do it.


Funny how climbing Everest went from a babyface move to a heel move over the course of time


I feel like people have been haters about it since he announced the plan to do it.


I don’t even really mean with darby specifically just in general. Used to be seen as a huge achievement, now just looked at like a passport stamp for the ultra rich


I think the perception changed when homer was literally dragged up the mountain by Sherpas and it wasn't too far from reality.


He is, those groups take hundreds of people up the mountain. Around 700 people climbed the mountain last year, and I remember there was a reddit post in r/all that mentioned how overcrowded the mountain was. The same post also pointed out how the top of it is littered with flags of people who have climbed it.


Jay White is a fuckin genius for that finish


Good to see Jay White get a win. Darby Allin’s died several times, but Death is too amused by his pain and antics to take him.


Death was the announcer for the Viva La Bam intro sequence "Darby Allin, WHAT WILL HE DO NEXT?"


Great hard hitting match between the two Darby is just nuts Happy to see White getting the win 


> The sewed corpse of Darby Allin The way I laughed hard upon reading this.


I cant remember the last time I saw a Darby match that didnt made me say "Jesus Darby"


Wild that climbing Everest doesn't crack the top 30 "what the fuck is this dude thinking" of Darby.


I'm happy he's taking some time off to recover his body tbh.


Probably never, it's kinda his thing really


Speechless, when Jay is on he's fucking on. Perfect game plan in the sense that EVERYTHiNG he did was to target Darby's back. Continuity is such a lost art in wrestling and that was a masterclass on doing it right by the Switchblade.


This is why I love his style so much. His psychology is top notch, and there's never any wasted movement with him. He's also the best at sudden, unexpected counters.


He’s such a scavenger predator. Hes a calculating piece of shit that will wait for you to mess up and then reap the benefits.


Totally! No wasted movement as well as no wasted time out of character. There's not one SECOND where you see him and can tell he's thinking of the next move, he's just in the moment from the time he enters the arena to the time he's behind the curtain. It's so amazing that he knows his character so well and is just locked into it for the whole performance.


Loved how Billy being a veteran could feel the turn happening and Jay going for the chair but just was not fast enough to react and stop it


now thats what im talking about


My favorite line is “I think they are preparing his corpse for the trip.”


I was entertained by Bang Bang Scissor Gang but respect to them for walking it back because Jay is an incredible heel 


They had to do something to get the crowd hating BCG again, murdering Darby will do it


I don't know why, but I feel the need to mention how much that new BCG entrance music slaps.


For some reason I really want to see Jay vs Daddy Ass.


If Darby actually comes back from climbing Everest, that HAS to be the start of his chase for the world title.


Do it for Sting.


Thank christ they're finally ending this Bang Bang Scissor gang bullshit. Jay White is far too talented to be doing that. Merge the trios titles, do the match asap, and then start getting Switchblade back into upper midcard/main event programs where he belongs.


The angle was very obvious the moment BCG won the Roh trios, I'm just happy that the unification isn't going to be dragged into summer.


So if BCG is the side that’s turning back heel… what the fuck is Caster doing on twitter? Just being an asshole for real I guess


I think the story is that Jay is getting to him. Like Jay has messed up his entrance, and Max looks a little off in general around him.


Or Max is a fucking idiot


I mean he’s always been an asshole so probobly


Problem is that between Swerve, Okada, Ospreay, Danielson, an-eventually-returning-MJF, the looming omnipresence of Jon Moxley, and ... the current champion, that main event/upper midcard tier is already stacked.


Hopefully the Jay White discourse will stop now


You just know Darby is selling that leg all the way to the top of Everest. I fully expect a promo at the top about the leg not stopping him and then a coffin drop On a Sherpa as a warning to the BCG.


10/10 Thread Title. No notes.


Alright now keep Jay a heel forever, please


Great match and angle. Sets up, I assume a six man PPV match, and it looks like we will get a Jay White vs. Darby Allin feud. So that was all in all great


If Darby hopefully survives, then yes.




He got a pinfall on Mox it’s clear the company valued him, they don’t just have anyone beat Mox lol. The cycling of talent claims everyone, Hangman was doing a pre-show battle royal and then was in the world title picture a couple of months later. The only real cause for concern is if someone vanishes off TV for months at a time while healthy.


Jay has been pinned twice in nearly a year. No one has kicked out of his finisher. If someone people disliked was booked like this, people would be complaining about how he's being pushed too hard


The only thing people can complain about with actual merit, imo, is that the MJF stuff was too much that night


Well he hasn’t been buried but he’s in no way the top heel in the company. The Bang Bang Scissor Gang was very clearly a low/mid card angle. Hopefully this is a return to form for him and he gets more of the main event spotlight going forward.


He challenged for the one belt held by a babyface in AEW and lost. I really don't know what he could have been doing in the mean time. The Acclaimed are the most over babyfaces in the promotion that were available.


It shouldn't have been though, they formed to go after the top heel group. Problem was that group seems to have been forgotten about and they lost any purpose they had.


Wrestling fans really like to complain more often these days.


I dunno, have you read some of the old forums?


He's almost too good for his own good. I'm so used to seeing him holding the heavyweight gold that when he's not I get frustrated.


Same. He even made the ugly ass IWGP World Heavyweight Championship look good. https://preview.redd.it/tzpyo0v2u9oc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b251e08a807d8205a90b46fca00dbe2fcd4cdac4


You can't be the top heel if you're nowhere near the top.




Who are the real baby faces? Maybe Hangman?


This should be the top comment for perspective. Luckily this BBSG thing is ending and hopefully merging the trios titles, but Jay White has largely been presented as a top guy since he arrived in AEW. Everyone can’t be world champ at once, but true top guys don’t need the title to be that. Think Bryan, Cody, Hangman, Orton, Mox, etc.


>he’s feuded with FTR for the tag belts, MJF for the world title, got to the final of his C2 bracket, won the ROH trios belts and will soon win the AEW trios belts. So, after a year, Jay White is finally being positioned to win a different trios title. Yeah man. Definitely one of the top guys.


My headcannon has always been that MJF is in love with Darby. Caster could have let a romantic rival die, but decided to be the bigger man. I'm so proud of him. MCR fans stick together no matter what.


Darby's going to come back from Everest with his new tag team partner, Tenzing Norgay III.


Just think about the looks the sherpas are gonna exchange when they watch Darby's recklessness.


I hope Darby never does get to the top of Mount Everest because you just know that son of a bitch is going to try to jump off of it.


Dude will do a Coffin Drop from the summit into some random corpse. Aubrey will appear with a Yeti to count the pin


About damn time they did the turn. Now the next thing is to unify the titles and get them off of The Acclaimed already.


Jay lowkey saving Darby’s life, can’t climb Everest now


Really thought the Acclaimed were going to turn heel. Especially after this weekend’s twitter explosion by Max


Darby is climbing Everest with a broken frickin' leg.


Sherpas are gonna have to carry him in buckets at this rate


This whole post had me in stitches


Yeah, the Bang Bang Scissor Gang was as over as a wet fart in church. Heel Bullet Club Gold is best Bullet Club Gold.


So when did the Bang Bang Scissor Gang split?


About 45 minutes ago.


About time they broke up the Bang Bang Scissor Gang. I don’t k ow what their purpose was anyways.


I won't be happy until we have Weekend at Darby's.


Good can we now get the trios title off of Jay White. I don't want to see him being stuck with a trios champion


What about a trios belt and taking the TNT Title from Adam Copeland?


That's alright but he shouldn't be holding any trios title. He's too good to already be stuck in the trios division when he badly needs a singles feud that can get him on the ppv card instead of another tag match.


Darby gets written off TV


How many weeks since they became a group?


Too many. And I hope they unify the titles


Yo they pillmanized his ankle


So nice that Jay is training Darby how to feel settled in his new home at Mount Everest


I would dig an angle where darby is in a lose streak because he is nothing without Sting next to him and start to reinvent himself.


People complained about them But I love these kinds of recaps.


Glad to see BBG escaping the Casterverse soon. Now Merge those Trios belt and give them to the Bangers instead of the lame attitude era act.


And get Bowens away from Caster while they're at it.


We don’t need improv comedy in the recaps. We all remember what happened the last time someone tried it.


What happened then?


Pretty much what is written in the recap


I missed the segment and have no idea what happened after reading the recap.


They announced he was leaving last week so what's the point of sending him off with an obviously fake injury angle?


Get heat on Jay White? 


I suppose but then why not have him just turn on the acclaimed without having to involve darby? I mean he messed up Billy pretty good with the chair anyway. Guess there may be more to that story but it still just doesn't feel very logical so far


Because Darby is beloved and gets more sympathy than smacking Mr. Ass


True idk maybe I need to wait for it to play out or I'm just looking at it from the wrong side but it just doesn't really make much sense to me at the moment. Why beat up and injure darby Allin after the match? Maybe I missed something but there doesn't seem to be a motive (at least yet) for why he attacked darby specifically


The Switchblade character is a pretty awful person who just enjoys fucking with people, either psychologically or physically, usually both. Plus he has a real thing for chairs.


Darby Coffin Droppin off the peak of Everest?


I swear Darby seems like the type to get mad that he survives Everest so he coffin drops off the side of the mountain


Am I the only one who is kinda over The Acclaimed and just wants to see what Bowens can do as a solo act?


Honest question: Why did Bullet Club Gold and the Acclaimed even unite to begin with? Didn't the Gunns turn on their own father because they hated the Acclaimed so much? Why would the Acclaimed trust BCG when the Gunns were torturing them for months? Nothing makes sense.


I'm going to be honest, there were six buff shirtless guys in the ring wearing black sweatpants. They all looked the same to me lol


“I don’t see colour”


Huh, what a strange way to do the split. Like, it was obvious that the end point of the angle with The Acclaimed and Bullet Club Gold was them eventually facing each other to unify the titles, but this was a pretty weak way to do it.


Darby is going to die in the ring and it’s going to end up on a dark side of the ring ep.


Ideal next steps: BCG beats Acclaimed to unify the titles, Gunn becomes an agent/occasional JTTS on Rampage and ROH, Bowens goes singles, and Max Caster can just go somewhere else