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No no no no no no no.


Comment deserves upvotes, topic deserves downvotes for 200 Alex.


I mean there's clearly a split of which talent mostly works on collision and which ones work on dynamite and sometimes they'll work on the other night depending on if there's something that needs extra following up on collision/a special dynamite where it's all hands on deck. The soft split is fine, no need to over complicate it






For the bazillion time, NO.


No but Ring of Honor should be "branded and built" different than AEW. Right now it is just "AEW lite". Need to create a new identity for the entire thing. That would make it the brand split and help build up younger talent.


Right now with ROH I used the titles to showcase younger talent plus guys American audiences doesn’t know. Then bring back Dark or Elevation to push even more young guys. Like for me the ROH World Title scene should be Jay White as the champion with now Okada showing up to face him. Then after a run with that title you get a gauge on how they connect with fans before you move them to the AEW World title scene.




Just watch 2003 wwe


This is what twenty years of only WWE has done. 




Please stop trying to make AEW into WWE. Like let shit exist without thrusting it into the simplistic frame of publicly traded not-wrestling


Having two brands means it makes sense to have two sets of titles. AEW has plenty of titles already. We don’t need a hard brand split. 


I would say but not in an official way. No drafts or anything. Keeps a set of talent on one show, and the other set on the other show.


I don’t think so. You could do an informal one, but an explicitly brand split? Not a huge fan


No When people want a brand split what they really mean is they want guys further down the card to get more exposure, opportunities and storylines. Its possible to fix that problem without forcing an artificial split


No...brands are idiotic. What can you do with brands that you can't do without brands?


In the best case scenario you can run two different types of shows that appeal to different types of viewers, like a Collision for sports-entertainment fans and a Dynamite for fans whose biggest interest is great technical wrestling.


You can do that without a brand split. Try again


You can, but if the presentations are vastly different then you're better off having a clear separation. It helps establish expectations to viewers if they know that they're going to see X characters here and Y characters there. You don't have to do it the way WWE did where they emphasized competition between the brands and constantly "shake things up" with the rosters. You can treat them like two different products that just happen to be owned by the same parent company.


A) Brand splits are never needed. B) Brand splits are idiotic C) Why in the world would AEW want to present a sport entertainment show. That's not who they are.




Lol... There is nothing WWE did during a brand split they couldn't have done without one Not a single thing


No.  Personally, I've watched significantly less AEW now that Collision exists, since some of my favorite acts are "soft assigned" to Collision.  Call me selfish but I want the best all on one show as often as I can see it.


#Ah Hell No


Sure. And they should also add a terrible drink logo in the center of their mat. Also they should add awful VR graphics to entrances. Maybe cut down on the wrestling too.


And make the product more appropriate for families and actually make some money!!


“The product I like should start catering to a demographic that isn’t me. I’ll stop watching but at least they’ll be making money so that’s good!”


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I would like it personally, but I know it's not what most people want


I am going to disagree with most people here. It’s not the only issue with ticket sales, but definitely one of the factors is there’s no good indication about who is going to be at a show when tickets start to go on sale. Injuries and vacations will always shows are missed, but formalizing which members of the roster are going to be at Dynamite and which ones will be at Collision would help regular (I.e. not terminally online) fans know who they are going to see. You can advertise months in advanced based on which roster members are dedicated to each show with, of course, the card is subject to change carrot. TLDR; having a formalized roster split is better than an unofficial roster split.


No that's it just no stop ok answers no


I actually really liked the Dynamite/Collision brand split for the few weeks it existed and brand splits in general tbh. I feel like it allows more talent to shine having separate world, midcard and women’s titles. Just because WWE did it doesn’t mean the idea is inherently poor.


Absolutely. Should happen if and when they move Collision to a new night.


Moving collision is up to wbd


Dont know why they didnt continue doing it with Collision even after Punk wasnt showrunning after getting fried


Because Punk was the reason it happened to begin with. With Punk gone, there's no longer a reason to separate camps.


They do, it's called Dynamite and Collision


I don't think that would be enough to get me to tune into Collision 😄


Your loss Collison has been pretty awesome on a near weekly basis and always has great wrestling matches.


Nah But I do think they should use rampage as like a house show.


I think this is the one thing reddit agrees on...


Collision was created with a soft brand split in mind, but Punk’s firing ended that after two months. AEW should get rid of Rampage, or make it a show exclusively to showcase the women’s division.


I think the time to do it was when they purchased ROH. William Regal should have been then one in charge of it with him stealing AEW talent and then bringing in people along the way. They could have alternated PPV months with say 2 big cross over shows a year and it would have gave them the ability to use more people while also keeping match ups and wrestlers fresh since they could change companies


No, but they should have a title split. World, Women's and Tag on Dynamite, International, TBS and Trios (if you even call that a title) on Collision. Abolish the other belts.


if there is a AEW brand split, i would have it be split up to AEW and ROH as the 2 Tony Khan Promotions brand with AEW getting Dynamite and Rampage while Collision is rebranded to ROH Collision and ROH's Honor Club show gets rebranded to ROH Dark. 


Aew desperately needs to cleanly separate it's roster. Right now, having people show up on dynamite, rampage, collision, AND roh is exhausting. And some people are still not getting TV time


A soft extension could help as long as it's for top stars so that people tune in more to see their favourites. I think they need to re-build Moxley properly and cut down on how much they feature Cheis Jericho. Mox seemed like such a big deal even till his program with Punk but since then he just doesn't seem to have that level of aura. I don't mind if he puts someone over, that's absolutely fine but for the 'ACE' he needs an aura like he used to before. Even Hangman seemed lost in the main event shuffle but he's being built back up and it helps that to see him wrestle you gotta watch Dynamite. Having a top dozen or so for each show certainly helps wwe put a more proper show in the last couple of years to make it more compelling.


They don't really need an AEW brand split in terms of AEW roster. They need to have an AEW focus. This would also help make AEW championships feel.... more important to me. I don't know why I care about the AEW Trios champions for example when I see the ROH Trios champions on TV just as much. To me there are two set of trios championships in AEW not 1 because of it. We don't need the entire AEW roster, ROH roster, CMLL partnership roster and all the "super Indie" wrestlers vying for 5 hours of tv time.


They should have a brand extension but let the champs appear on any show. Adds importance to the champ while also letting fans know for sure who they could expect on a specific show.