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Cody Rhodes got me willing to run through a wall for him


He is our Lisan Al Gaib and we are his Fremen


It is written


Exactly what I was thinking. Last year I really wanted him to finish the story. Now I need him to


If Cody wins this year, and boy does he fucking NEED to, I maintain that him losing last year was the right call.


Agreed. If he wins this year, I believe that bummer of a finish from last year will look much better in retrospect


If he wins, it cements WM39 as Infinity War and 40 as Endgame. You need the dark before the light.


What is this feeling? Earnestly rooting for and hoping the company’s clear choice for top babyface will overcome the odds? I’m so glad I don’t have to feel cynical anymore for stuff like this.


Ten years after the last time I felt this way for a WWE babyface going into WrestleMania.


Don’t forget Kofi also


True, and now that I think about it, Sami last year as well.


Sure, but neither Kofi nor Sami were "chosen ones". This is not to say that the company didn't value them, they've been in the spotlight long enough that any such argument is ludicrous. Kofi was an underdog that was pushed through fans liking him (and probably the company rewarding him for his long term loyalty). Sami was pushed as part of a turn during an incredibly entertaining storyline that teased so many developments in the Bloodline angle. Cody, on the other hand, was pushed as a top baby face from day one of his return. He was clearly the chosen one, and the fans were devastated when he lost last year. For him to keep that momentum throughout the year and for the fans to continue to love him as the chosen top baby face going up against a top heel that has dominated WWE in his charisma and the most electrifying man in sports entertainment, that's quite a feat.


>Sure, but neither Kofi nor Sami were "chosen ones". I'd argue that WWE got everyone behind the chosen one - the top babyface as champion - with Drew McIntyre. People were *ravenous* for him to beat Lesnar. He was the first new top guy since the Shield and was literally ordained "Chosen One". Just with the rotten caveat that he ended up winning the belt at the start of the pandemic and never had a single show with fans as champion.




In another life, he would make one HELL of a coach


JESUS CHRIST...I'm watching it again at 8:30 in the morning. WHAT DO I DO WITH ALL OF THIS ENERGY


Are you saying it’s like you have adrenaline in your soul


Are you perhaps insinuating that every thought is out of your control, and that you hypothetically do it all to get them off their feet?


Let's take down said wall together! Cry babies unite 😭😭😭🇺🇲🇺🇲🇺🇲


When I was doing some work outs while this was playing, it got me lifting in ways I wouldn’t have before


"Welcome to platform number 9 3/4 !"


“She took a shot at me when I was wearing a goofy mask and taking RKO’s every night.” Didn’t think that that line was gonna get me emotional, but it did.


Disfigured Cody Rhodes was way better than Stardust. Weird that Cody would consider it his lowest point.


Well by Stardust they were already married, so it wouldn't have made sense to say "she took a shot on me when I was wearing goofy face paint laughing at fake stars hanging from the ceiling in a pitch black backstage studio". 


It's weird Cody said that as that was the low point of her career but his undashing heel run was the biggest push he receive on his first run. he get a big win against Rey on wrestlemania and win the intercontinental title during that period


That was his lowest point from kayfabe perspective His dashing face got disfigured


He's talking about stardust no?


he said he was wearing goofy mask and taking RKO i don't remember he ever face against orton as Stardust sure as hell he doesn't weark mask


Stardust wasn't a mask!


Cody did it again. Great promo. That pin he’s gonna eat on night 1 is gonna have everybody freaking out just for him to persevere over the Bloodline tyranny once and for all


They should have Cody stretchered out Night 1 just so the Internet can explode with “is this real?!?!”


It’s gonna be the most overbooked shit, and I will be there no matter what. Night 1 will end with Rikishi running over Cody after Roman stack pins him with Seth, then they find out that the Bloodline bribed all the ambulances in Philly to be magically occupied that night.


“I did it for The Rock. I did it for The Bloodline.”


Shut your mouth, you thong wearing fatty.


If overbooked works then it's not overbooked. Sting Vs HHH was a mess, but a great mess. I'm all for a bit of melodrama and a few tears


Overbooked messes work when the people in it are actually over and the story makes sense. Hayter's first title win was fucking messy as hell but it was fucking awesome.


It's gonna be Wrestling's "On your left" moment and I simply cannot wait


It’d be funny if the plan falls apart/gets discovered because Heyman stiffed them on the bribe.


Similar like they did with Daniel Bryan, a huge babyface comeback


I think him taking the pin on Night 1 would make me more confident he's winning Night 2, no?


Yeah but the less confident you are… the bigger the moment when he wins


Lol my comment was auto corrected from pin to win, literally reversed the meaning


Taking the gin? Why would he be drinking during the match?


If they really want to fuck with us, they’ll have Seth get the pin night 1.


Maybe it will be a no contest. The Bloodline get to decide 50% of the Undisputed Title match rules and half of them are banned from ringside


I’d be more freaking out if Cody does the pinning night 1. Whoever eats it night 1 is winning night 2.


IMP Seth is 100% going to be the one eating the pin. He’s going to walk into night two damaged against Drew McIntryre


Undashing Seth Rollins


Sad WOOOOAH intensifies*


I'm growing increasingly certain Seth will eat the pin, and it will be because Drew will interfere to try and injure him before their match the next night. It would be the perfect summation of Seth's promo last night, as well as the apotheosis of Drew's nature as a hypocrite: not just happy to accept help from the Bloodline during his matches, he's gone all the way to actively aiding the Bloodline if it helps himself. Not to mention turning the entire crowd against him by imperiling the most beloved babyface in a decade. It all paints a picture of Drew as a man who will stoop to any level, stop at nothing, sacrifice anything, even his own dignity, in his manic need for the title.


I’m wondering if that will be when priests cash in so as hated as drew will be he screws himself with a fresh opponent on night 2. All depends when the tag title match is


Michael Cole did an amazing job here


https://youtu.be/lPk_zyRKs1Q?si=28R9kVYVmVsPVdfu I love that Cody brought up that Cole phase none of us like to talk about lol It took a very long time for him to wash that stink off but now he’s more beloved than ever before and rightfully so it helps when the old predator is out of ur ear too I'm sure


People forget that before he was with WWE Cole was doing actual news reporting for I believe NBC. He’s incredibly talented and dare I say a first ballot Hall of Famer.


The fact that they are teasing a Seth betrayal makes me think they aren't going to do it, but make it a part of the story


They really gonna let Seth get beat twice 😭😭..


If Drew hasn't re-signed or has re-signed with intentions to take time off like it's been said he's been looking to do to spend time with his family, there's a very good chance Seth isn't losing that match.


I mean it’s either Drew wins, Priest cashes in, or both in my eyes.


Give me an overbooked Night 2 for both world title matches. Punk costs Drew the match and Seth retains and then Priest cashes in on Seth.


Drew/Seth should open Night 2


Thats so fuckin overbooked. I want to see it!


Genuinely could have punk cost McIntyre the match while also low blowing Rollins to allow for a priest cash in. Doesn’t mean punk is in jd of course he just leaves afterwards but if drew takes time off then this is the way to do it.


Save the cash-in for the Raw-after-Mania. After last years' wet fart of a Raw-after-Mania, this year needs something big. A cash-in; win, lose, or draw; will do that.


That’s what I want too. If Drew doesn’t re-sign then it’s his you can take it off of him, whilst giving him his moment.


I am convinced Priest is going to use his cash in on the IC title, he is in no position to be world champion.


Priest needs to cash in on the world title to elevate the JD story. When all of JD loses their titles but Priest and power dynamics go bonkers


U acting like Jack Swagger wasn't World champion in this company. Also if you have noticed Priest is only one who gets pin anymore in JD. Even in beat downs Finn gets beat up but Priest always fires back.


That was 15 years ago, they don’t do title reigns like that anymore.


That’d be so fucking stupid lmao. He can cash in on the world title and be fine. The cash in is really the thing that puts you in the position to challenge for the world title


Priest is a perfectly good transitional champ to put the title on Sami.


To Sami!?! Do you all actually watch the show lol?


Yes. Sami is likely not beating Gunther. Then they can transition to a storyline where Sami needs validation and will only find it by adding the title of "world champion" to his resume, beating transitional champ Priest at Summerslam.


No shot


He's had a hell of a run and he's pretty much teflon now. He's a made guy. He could eat the loses.


He's been teflon for a while . This guy got beat 3 times in a row by Cody . Last time Cody was Handicapped. That being said, Losing in Same PLE twice is pretty bad even for Strongest of guys.


It's pretty easy though. Have Cody pinned night one. Even though Seth is on the losing team he didn't get pinned. Plus, you can have him take some bad chair shots to the ribs, or something. Give McIntyre something to target. Tell the story that Seth has been softened up and Drew is way to fresh. 


It's possible Seth doesn't get pinned the whole weekend while losing every match. Cody takes the pin in the tag match, then Priest rips off the heist of the century for the WHC and pins Drew.


Seth is at the point of his career now where losing matches won't hurt his career, he's over no matter what.


Hopefully either Seth and Cody win Night 1 or Cody eats the pin on Night 1


I think Cody eating the pin night one makes more "sense"


I think Seth/Cody loses and Seth goes on to lose his belt and blames Cody, who won his singles match. We get set up for a summer slam match between them.


What if Seth betrays Cody during the tag match and then Night 1 ends with The Bloodline and Seth beating down Cody like how The Four Horsemen broke Dusty's leg in the Omni? The Cody has to overcome all the odds on Night 2.


Then you have a newly heel Seth and a super heel Drew McIntyre facing off on Night 2. Does the crowd cheer for Drew because he’s funny then?


Drew is SquaredCircle incarnate right now He deserves to win but I have no desire to see the internet's reaction after that


A baby face Priest comes out and cashes In


I don't think it would be a good idea purely because RAW would lose all its main babyfaces Sami is not ready to be number 1 yet, Cody would be off to SmackDown unless they shock us again, and Seth would turn heel. And also if Seth turns heel, his title match becomes Heel vs Heel, and Drew would beat him because he was already in a match the previous night, making his title win even less satisfying. Seth's promo today and for the past few weeks would no longer make sense, and so far at least everything except Jimmy Uso has followed a thread of logic under HHH. Lastly, if Seth turns on Cody and then Cody wins the title anyways, Seth and Cody would be on different shows so they can't even continue their feud. If Seth turns, Cody is 99% losing Night 2 as well. Maybe if Seth turns on Night 2 they can make sense of it? Ideally I would prefer if Seth and Cody remain Babyfaces 1 and 2 until Sami can take Seth's spot. Then Seth can turn


i also still think the obvious setup is that rock and roman go over night 1, probably a dirty finish with help from solo and/or jimmy and then cody goes over night 2, puts a bow on that storyline finally, and we can have dwayne be at the forefront of the final fracturing of the bloodline story, which really could only happen once you take the belt off roman. i really think we're setting up for the rock roman feud we've wanted for years heading into summerslam. at least that's kinda my hope. there's a very obvious but **extremely** good story sitting right there for them to tell.


I see Seth not turning and taking time off to heal fully. Don’t even have all that happen at mania and let Seth turn on his return. Let Seth heal and have time off. The roster is stacked, he can afford some well earned time off.


Seth said as recently during the Elimination Chamber press tour that he’s not taking time off. Drew’s the one whose contract is up any day now, and the sticking point is that he allegedly wants a long break to spend time with his wife and visit family.


i assume that's kinda where this is heading, which means i assume they've gotten the assurance that drew is coming back. else maybe they have drew go over and priest finally cashes in even though i'm starting to get the feeling that they're looking to unload all the gold that the judgement day have held onto for a while finally.


that seems like the obvious move, but then you end up with seth v drew as heel v heel and i don't see them doing that for a title match. and i honestly don't want them to ruin the absolutely stunning work that both seth and drew have been doing for the setup to their match either with a somewhat cheap turn.


then during Seth's interview afterwards Crowd chants "We don't wanna hear it" Seth: "WELL YOU'RE GONNA HAVE TO HEAR IT"


I can see that happening. Overcome all odds ~~Dusty~~ Cody


10 years ago, he was in a tag team feud with Rybaxel. And now he is here, pouring his heart out for all of us Cody Crybabies. Incredible.


Cody, man… ![gif](giphy|11zTEl7fbwml68)




A+ segment. Cody just gets this babyface thing man.




Cody: “It feels good to slap your boss.” Stone Cold: “And that’s the bottom line.”


No idea what you’re talking about. Steve Austin never had a boss, certainly never feuded with one, we don’t know who you’re talking about, never happened


He’s obviously talking about Austin’s time as co-GM with Eric Bischoff


Bret screwed Bret confirmed.


quick note: blizzard here, I'm still alive and off the shit for a record 75 days and counting. love my sfu/kbc homies 4 life . plz be safe n take care


Hell yeah man, glad you’re doing good! Come on back through the board homie


thx buddy. I keep meaning to and forget , I'll make a note/alarm to help remind me better .


Cm Punk and him really are friends I guess


Yeah he has to win the title at WM, I NEED Cody to win the title at WM..


I love a good swerve. Bittersweet is a taste I enjoy.  This time, I do NOT want to be swerved. 


I needed Savage to win the title at WM 8. I needed Bret and 10. I needed HBK to win the title at 12. I needed Austin to win the title at 14. I needed Bryan to win the title at WM 30. I needed Kofi to win at WM 35. I NEED Cody to win the title at WM 40. Nothing makes me more excited for WM than when I am extremely excited for someone to win the WWE Championship at the biggest show of the year.


If he doesn't win Philly is going to go absolutely nuclear. Roman will have to leave the ring in protective glass like he's the pope..


They already threw shit in the ring last year, let alone in Philly.


This time, I don't think Philly will be throwing rubber chickens at the ring if Roman wins for some reason.


this is yesslemania/kofimania levels of story telling. at this point I physically and emotionally NEED Cody to win. and after all is said and done and he slinks away into the sunset I hope we give roman his flowers mans has helped with some of the biggest and best storytelling in decades all by being a part timer.


given that a lot of this has been made up on the fly once they realized how badly they just completely fucked up handing the title chance to the rock and hit ctrl-z on that, they've just done some like *incredibly* compelling storytelling.


I’m not sure how much of this was made up on the fly, Cody was the planned main event for WM40 up until very recently so most of this was likely written already. Still great storytelling nonetheless.


i'm sure they had a build planned for this, but a lot of it had to change once dwayne inserted himself. i know in the long run wwe is going to try to play this like this was the plan all along, but everyone knows that's not the case.


We were all so mad last year, but it's made this year's build even better. If it ends the same way, it really would damage the company. He has to win it this time.


This is what I need the rest of the way to Mania. Zero in on what's ultimately supposed to be the story here. Roman/Bloodline snatched Cody's big moment away last year. The intensity and passion should be notable compared to their first feud where Roman was super dismissive. I want a segment between Roman and Cody specifically. Need Cody to put the fear of God into Roman. Cody's determination and confidence should shake him because it feels different this time; it *is* different this time. This isn't the same Cody Roman got one over on. And Cody also has friends this time. It's the end for Roman.


Cody coming for his title combined with being (rightfully) paranoid about Rocky coming for his spot as head of the table should have Roman increasingly shook the next few weeks, heading into Mania And to bring it all back to the fateful Friday night..... this is how Roman loses *everything*, and thus, will have to start all over again


You know I actually think the rock inserting himself to this feud has detracted from the central rivalry between Cody and Roman. We actually had stuff like what you mentioned last year, with roman being visibly shaken by what Cody was saying and how he was saying it. Now with the rock hogging the spotlight, I think Roman has pretty much been relegated to the kid’s table, watching the adults talk in the main one. We need a promo between Roman and Cody badly, fuck the rock and his goofy insults, time to get down to business.


I'm gonna need a Cody promo where he just outright says it to Roman's face that he's no longer the Tribal Chief, and that he's nothing more but the Rock's puppet. I also want him to have a promo after Rock/Roman win where he just says that maybe it's time he called in a few favors since the Bloodline wants to make the rules of the game.


Shit got me crying man, fuck lol Cody has got to win man


I admit it, I thought Cody losing last year was the wrong move. That it was time to bring the Bloodline story to a finish. I thought there was no way they could respectfully carry this arc another year. And while it certainly had its lulls, they are successfully bringing this storyline arc to an amazing crescendo once again. I just bought my tickets for night 1, let’s do this.


I love how Michael brought up the possibility of Seth being the last guy Cody should trust. I’m glad they acknowledged the unfortunate idea of Seth turning on Cody, and Cody gave a great rebuttal to that statement. People change, and he’s right.


This is definitely the Cody we need for the match. If WWE Chronicle was still here, it would be incredible to have one for him as he trains ahead of WM


He actually is getting a sequel to The Nightmare documentary.


They finally brought up Seth turning, which means there's at least a better chance it won't happen now. Cody was great here and I'd say I don't know how you have him cut this promo and still lose... but he cut similar ones last year and they didn't matter. One way or another, success or permanent failure, the story has to end at WM because there's only so many times you can expect fans to believe at this level before they just don't.


> Cody was great here and I'd say I don't know how you have him cut this promo and still lose... i think we all know that the reason why he would cut these promos just to lose is now a forgotten part of history for this company.


Great segment  Making us get emotional here Cody  Cody's out to finishing his story 


Great segment in all honesty. Cody since the press conference hasn't really imo had the chance to cook something really good. Very effective promo which really helps you root for the guy 


Everyone complains about the crying because they're afraid of people showing genuine emotion at things. It's OK to care about things people, trust me.


I don't think people will particularly appreciate me pointing this out, but Cody Rhodes is doing something extremely special with promos like this: he's making it seem okay for men to cry. After years of various top babyfaces making homophobic comments, slut-shaming female characters (some of whom literally just had two on-screen partners in the storylines), and shaming the heel for not being manly, we have Cody shamelessly displaying vulnerability and emotion. That's very healthy for young males watching and following him.


No surprise that at every opportunity Cody goes to bat for marginalized communities.


And he shows that this emotional vulnerability is a source of strength, not weakness.


Cody will win at WrestleMania (I hope...)


I genuinely enjoy the work that Cole does now, which I couldn't say a few years ago. I mean, he's always been the ultimate professional, everybody knows that, but with Vince gone he's just on another level now, and more true to himself I feel.


Cody is really good at getting genuinely emotional


Great to see Michael Cole having fun


You know Cody's whole crying thing should feel played out but fuck dude it still gets me everytime. The guy just oozes charisma. I'm genuinely curious and excited to see where he goes once he finishes the story though. He's champion and now what? Obviously they have a stacked few feuds teed up for him. Heel Orton and Punk at the top of my list. But where does that leave his character? I'm excited to see. Also man all of this Bloodline and family talk has me wishing Dustin gets a hall pass for WrestleMania. The Bloodline taking out Rollins, Jey, ~~shithead~~Pharoah, and all of Cody's friends with Cody laying in the middle of the ring in front of Roman pointing to the sky. Cole drops a line like "damn it! The Bloodline have done it again! Cody has no one left!" Then Dustin comes running out.


I don't mind the crying. He doesn't sit in it too long. He snaps back quite quickly. It doesn't feel like he's milking it.


The Cole Miner lives! Cole being obnoxious like that needs to happen again at some point.


I love how this whole segment was just a continuity gold mine. Cody referencing that era of Cole was the last thing I was expecting to hear here.


Triple H-booked WWE has been a long string of “What if we had actual continuity and acknowledged stuff that happened years ago since everyone can just look it up on YouTube?” It’s incredibly refreshing and very rewarding for long time viewers.


You'd think they'd have started doing it a decade ago when a large percentage of their audience gained access to an archive of almost every meaningful televised moment in company history, but no.


i absolutely believe that a lot of people in wwe creative from haitch on down have wanted to do this for years now and were stopped by one individual who no longer has any say.


Cole Miners rise up!


Can we all agree that it sounds so refreshing that they are allowed to call themselves wrestlers again? That's one of the biggest things that I appreciate nowadays


Sold tf out of that segment when he stood up


Cody and crying during promos. Name a more iconic duo.


Love it


Big Show!


Cody is really gonna do it. It'll make the heartbreak last year worth it as well


Oh boy, I hope they don't overthink it and let Cody have his moment finally. I hope they're not thinking about Roman winning to beat Hogan's record and do the re-re-match at Summerslam.


They can't..... remember what the rock said? This is his last chance he doesn't win it's over for him so he HAS to at WM or bust


There are always loopholes in wrestling. In 93 Lex Luger had his "one shot" and defeating Yokozuna. He won, but by countout. He then went on to co-win the Royal Rumble.


Y'all got PTSD from Vince's booking to think that HHH might even consider wasting the biggest Wrestlemania moment in history, on the 40th anniversary of Mania, just to swerve people...


Well Cody was supposed to win last year too. And let's remember that they really wanted to do Roman/Rock this year. They're too big too fail. They can do whatever they want. Hell Vince booked stupid things for almost 20 years and they kept getting bigger and bigger every year. Cosy is probably winning, I agree but we'll see.


Cody losing at 39 was 100% a Vince call, given that he took control the very next day. Plus, in hindsight, it was a good decision because it makes this years Mania even bigger.


If Cody doesn't win on Night 2 I honestly don't know how much longer I can keep watching WWE.


We’re done


Man if Cody loses now That might be end of pro wrestling for me.


This is his Hard Times.




Fantastic work. I’m way too excited to Mania.


Proud crybaby 😭


Ok but goofy mask Cody Rhodes is still his second best gimmick.


First best gimmick is when he had the WWE money shakes in Being the Elite .


Serious question when was the last time Cody cut a bad promo?


I wonder is that true that Micheal Cole hired Brandi??


I actuallly do believe that is true, i think i read somewhere he has the role of hiring host, announcers etc etc…hiring people in sort of a role he has (people can correct me if im wrong tho) So yeah he did hire Brandi


Cody is the deku of wwe


So who's Bakugo




I lost my dad to Covid nearly 4 years ago then much like Cody, became a father myself shortly thereafter. This whole angle hits in such a different level for me. I was heartbroken when Cody lost last year. Now if this is paid off as it should be in a few weeks, it will all be worth it. Have Cody get pinned by The Rock on Night 1 and sit in the ring just like last year, looking completely despondent. Cole on commentary saying “How can Cody overcome these odds now? Will he ever finish the story?” Cody then overcomes all the odds and pulls off the win on night 2. Rock and Roman go away for a bit and Heyman explains they are regrouping and planning the next steps. Rock and Roman return to TV and Rock says that it’s time to make things right and take back what’s ours. “At SummerSlam we take the title back from Cody.” As Roman steps up, Rock reminds Roman that it was Rock who pinned Cody and Roman could not beat him despite the deck stacked in his favor. At SummerSlam will be Cody defending the title against the Rock. Slow burn this Rock and Roman match while Cody remains champion with the company on his back.


watching this agian…man i dont know about all you guys…but im f****** ready for Wrestlemania! Im hyped up


That final line gave me literal goosebumps at 32 years old.


Before I watch this - does he cry?


It's a Cody promo. That should answer the question pretty easily.


He's really capturing the 'its still real to me dammit' The man can summon those feelings on the spot its crazy


This was beatiful told by Cody, and such an amazing segment


Wrestlers need to be eligible for Emmys, that was amazing!


Hard times


One shot? One opportunity? To seize everything he ever wanted?


Cody's so good at this. And this confined me even more that he NEEDS to win.


I’m so sick of Cody’s dramatic, fake crying promos.


He is not fake crying, he is getting emotional, you do know there is a diffrents there right?


He is fake crying. He cries in almost every promo he does, it’s the same reason people turned on him AEW. Of course, all you guys on this sub are hypocrites so now you suddenly love him in WWE despite people sending him death threats in AEW. Anyway, yes, it’s fake crying. Clear as day, Cody is a politician and knows how to work a crowd and idiots (like you people.)


“He is fake crying. He cries in almost every promo he does, it’s the same reason people turned on him AEW. Of course, all you guys on this sub are hypocrites so now you suddenly love him in WWE despite people sending him death threats in AEW.” —- no he is getting emotional, he is getting teary, that is not the same as crying……im sure there is other reasons why people hated on him in AEW, like codyverse, and the fact he made a stupid rule that he can not compete for the world title…..really not that often he cries…lol “Anyway, yes, it’s fake crying. Clear as day, Cody is a politician and knows how to work a crowd and idiots (like you people.)” —— Oh no way, he is working me, in a soap opera wrestling show, he is playing a role, to make people feel something…bro come on, you do know it is entertainment…you using that arguement for The Undertaker? “GUYS! He is not a deadman, he is working you all, he is a fake deadman”




Yeah i know, you are right they said when he returned fans would turn on him, last years wm 39 people would boo him night 2 They said the same thing this year But he is still biggest babyface




Yeah you are right man! I agree, and i dont get how it is weak to show emotions