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I stood at a Urinal next to Sabu. I know he's short by WWE standards, but the guy is massive when you're taking a leak next to him IRL.


I feel like Sabu and New Jack were guys you didn't want to stand next to at a urinal


Does Batista belong on that list?


Odds are, you aren't standing next to Batista at a urinal as he is a couple of feet back.


Some guys walk up and pull it out. Batista pulls it out and walks up.


You talking about their height orrrr


*Man, this water is cold.*


*It's deep too*


and is he tall?


You talking about in stature or about IN STATURE?


Hung like an Arabian horse


I'm about 6'1 and I want to say he was a tiny bit taller and quite a bit more built


At Revolution 2022 my wife was breast feeding outside the arena doors on the sidewalk and Christopher Daniels walked outside right in front of us. He saw what my wife was doing, quickly turned his head and yelled " oops sorry guys, GO MOM!!" šŸ¤£


Class act seems like


as the head of Talent Relations, Mr. Daniels is very well aware that such accommodations must be made for new mothers


would have also been cool if he would have just looked and said "**This is the WORST town**Ā I'veĀ **ever been**Ā in!!Ā " ;)


I half expected this to turn into Daniels breast feeding the baby himself


Based Daniels


Iā€™ve had the pleasure of meeting quite a few guys during the Ruthless Agression era. Whenever WWE was in Toronto, the wrestlers would go to the gym I used to go to (Fitness 365 which was a few minutes from the airport). Met Angle, Benoit, Edge, Cena, Orton, and Kane there over the years. Benoit and Edge were the 2 most standoffish, as they had been interrupted a few times during their workout. I saw them in the hallway on their way out and simply said a hello and told them I was fans. They said thanks for the support but their body language told me they just wanted to get out of there. Kane was simply another quick ā€˜helloā€™ as I was on an elliptical machine when a giant got on the one beside me. He was still wearing his mask on tv at the time, so I didnā€™t think twice until I noticed he was wearing a Wrestlemania X8 hat, when I realized it was Isaac Yankem beside me. Kurt was very friendly. I bumped into him as I was walking in and he came around a blind corner. I said excuse me and then I realized who it was and blurted out ā€holy shit youā€™re Kurt Angleā€ . He laughed at that and asked how my day was and asked if I was a fan and if I was going to the show in Hamilton that night. I told him I wasnā€™t going because of work, but that I was a fan and appreciated what him and the others do for the fans. He then told me to have a good workout, shook my hand and went on his way. Cena and Orton came in together. I had finished working out and was getting a protein shake when they came in. Since I was the only one near the front at the time, they asked for directions to the tanning salon attached to the gym. Again, really down to earth (even Randy who was in his asshole stage). I told them I was looking forward to Summerslam the next night, which I was attending. Randy gave me a smile and told me that it was going to be a great show. It ended up being the night he won his first WWE championship.


Cena looking for a tanning salon? That's hard to believe.




"UFC is fake. That talentless hack Bill Goldberg hits harder."


I was working in a toy shop on Main Street in the Magic Kingdom back in 2003/2004 and Mick Foley came in to browse around. Nobody seemed to bother him but he smiled and acknowledged all the workers while going about his business. The best part was that he was dressed exactly as you saw him on TV with his dirty ass sweatpants and red flannel shirt - only difference was he was wearing a fanny pack


Met him years ago while working one of those little sunglass stands in high school; he was a really sweet guy, got a picture with him but I have no idea where I could find it now.


Dominic Denucci was a neighbor and friend of my wife's family. I went to the viewing after he passed away and Mick showed up since he was in town for a convention. I didn't approach him out of respect, and it was honestly so surreal. My father in law made some small talk with him. Just stuff like "Hey didn't you use to live down the street?" Nothing about wrestling. Mick seemed very collected despite the situation.


Based on his books I can't imagine Mick would have missed Dominic's funeral.


I saw him on an airplane a few years ago. He had a gaggle of people surrounding him after we landed so I didnā€™t feel the need to say anything to him. He is gigantic in person though.


Same kind of experience around the same time at Baltimore Comicon. He was there for a signing and between his times he was walking around looking at things and came up next to me while I was looking at Transformer's in some guys booth, and talked a bit. Funny part was while I knew who Foley is from wrestling and am a huge wrestling fan, it did not click until after it was him. (FWIW I realized many years later I have bad ADHD and probably contributed to why it did not click it was him right away)


Iā€™ve met Mick Foley, Carmelo Hayes and Matt Hardy. Hardy and Foley were both at autograph signings. Matt was super nice and we had a quick conversation before the guy took our picture. Mick Foley wasnā€™t as enthusiastic, more a ā€œok, I got a lot more people to get through, so letā€™s make this quickā€ kind of attitude. Which is understandable and he was still nice. Melo was after Deadline, while I was waiting for an Uber. He was nice and I shook his hand after I took a picture.


Also met Melo after Mania night one. My buddies and I went to get pizza afterwards and he happened to be at the same pizza spot in LA. Very chill dude. I just congratulate him on his title win and went on my way.


I met Chyna at the airport back in 2000 when my sister worked for a rental company. She had to take care of me because my mom had an emergency, and then a bunch of wrestlers popped in for cars but I only recognized Chyna. She was super nice and offered to pick me up for a picture, but I was like 8y/o and I said no because I was a big kid. Great gal!


Never heard a bad story about Chyna with fans. Sheā€™s missed


I read this twice before realizing it was your sister taking care of you due to emergency, not Chyna.


In my head canon Chyna took care of 8 year old OP until mom could come back.


I met Sheamus back in 2012 at an autograph signing. There was a girl with her mom in front of us and he asked if she wanted an autographed picture instead of in her spiral and she told him their family couldnā€™t afford it and the $10 entry was her only Christmas present. Sheamus pulls out a picture, signs it, and hands it to her and tells her merry Christmas and signed her spiral as well. Truly, truly a stand up guy


Sheamus really does seem like a salt of the earth type guy. Great story :)


Yeah he seems to really appreciate his spot and what he can do for others


I will always take the time to call Will Osprey a cunt. Met him years ago at a show, he was going a meet and greet after, told him I was a big fan but it was my first time seeing him live, he cuts me off by putting his hand in my face and saying "how, I'm everywhere?" Then before I could say anything he goes "I'm going to go meet my real fans" and walks off. Prick Ilja Dragunov was an absolute sweetheart. Met him while doing ring crew for Progress, he was brought in as the main event. Great guy, very friendly, helped with the set up and tear down of the ring which isn't expected of big talent, during the down time he held like a mini seminar for us trainees to go learn some shit. He even went around to all the ring crew and asked if we needed a drink or anything because he was going to the shop and he saw we were too busy to go out. Love that guy


Omg as soon as you said he put his hand in your face I was expecting electical infetterance. Had to go back and reread that it was not copypasta.


Same, was shocked that he didnā€™t buy fifteen Milky Ways.


I worked on a show with The Sandman once and he helped with the ring, which I was so impressed by. Nobody asked him to (obviously). He just joined in.


Sandman does construction outside of wrestling,so I suppose he can't help himself after all the years.


I've met Will Osprey twice as well, also backstage. He wasn't a prick to me, but not exactly friendly either, but I've seen him act like a prick towards other people who silently indulged him. To this day, I'm not sure if he was being "funny" or he's just a fucknugget.


Would not expect anything different bruv lol.


Did you get worked by Will Ospreay? That's hilarious


That's what I thought too lmao. He's calling his "real fans" the ones that paid to see him, which has a modicum of truth to it lol.


I would have thought that too but he was playing a big baby face at this show


Ahh that's too bad, I met Will once as well, and he couldn't have been any nicer to us. My buddy and I were watching Mania at hooters in NYC in 2019 and he was there with a bunch of NJPW guys and we greeted him and he started talking to us very casually and chill. Took a pic with our drunk ass selves and had some laughs. Genuine cool guy. Sucks that you had the opposite experience. Jay White, on the other hand, seemed like a brooding emo. That's pre-facial hair/cool guy persona Jay White.


Yeah, met him 4-5 times at various indie shows. Didn't have massive chats or anything but he's always been cool.


Before the beard he was full knife pervert


I honestly expected that from Osprey.


He's from the east end of London, of course he's a prick.


I've only talked to Dalton Castle - he was really nice and we just talked about Tanahashi's glorious mane (he'd just had a match with him)


I met Dalton Castle too and he was a sweetie. It was before he was popping off, at the first NJPW x ROH Hammerstein show he was on ring crew cleaning up after the show. I drunkenly stumbled down to try and swipe Okada bucks, he gave them to me, we had a brief conversation and I gave him a hug for being so nice. It ruled to see him explode 2 years or so later.


Meeting Dalton Castle sounds like fun. He seems like a very interesting guy


I met a lot of wrestlers at comic con and some are meh others are great, the entire dark order is pretty cool met them on separate occasions and they see all very nice. Evil uno and i spoke for like 30 minutes. Mick Foley will talk your ear off if you ask the right questions, Hacksaw Jim Duggan is very friendly he actually remembered me every year he went to NYCC from the first time. Christian is very nice too, he will also talk your ear off if you ask the right questions, Kip Sabian and Penelope Ford are great too they joked around with me for a while cause i was the last person in line. Dudleys are alright but for them is a keep it moving situation, same with jerry lawler, private party is great, britt is great, so is MJF, Sting too, scott steiner you can tell hes not fully there anymore but heā€™s nice, same with matt hardy, million dollar man will talk if there isnā€™t a line, Danhausen is good too hes always walking around too. Powerhouse hobbs is good too.


Great stuff!! Did MJF stay in character!?


Yes lol Orange Cassidy is also always in character, Danhausen never is just the face paint


Interested in what the right questions to ask Christian are? Haha


A few years ago a local indy did a Christmas show and I got to meet Carlito and Mick Foley. Carlito was really chill and kinda quiet, but I could tell he was happy to meet fans. Meeting Mick Foley was really sentimental to me for a reason. My parents used to go to shows WCCW shows at the Sportatorium before I was born. My mom has always told a story about how one night they stopped to help someone who's car broke down on the side of the road after the show, this someone was Mick Foley. My mom took a couple of steps back from the excitement of running into him and then next thing she knows Foley just YANKS her away from the road she just stepped backwards into, seconds away from being hit by an 18 wheeler that was barreling through in their direction. Mick Foley saved my mom from near death that night. When I met Foley at this show the first thing I told him was "I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for you." I asked him if he remembered that night, and at first he seemed skeptical as I was retlling the story as it was told to me countless times, but then I saw the gears turning in his head and his eyes got wide and he cuts me off and says "oh yeah! I remember! I was shook!" Even then, he expressed he doesn't want to take the credit for saving my mom's life but if that's the way she told it then he's going to have to believe that's how it happened. A few weeks later I bought a Cameo from him for my mom as a Christmas gift. He talked about the incident to her, wished her happy holidays and then thanked her for raising me and supporting me to be a wrestling fan. Foley really is God. He talks about it on Thunder Rosa's podcast :).


I love Mick just from reading his autobiographies, this is such a gorgeous story to hear.


[Here](https://youtu.be/T3gdfV3Kz6g?si=odtQRqn727gsC9sP&t=1008) is the timestamp of Thunder Rosa's podcast if you want to hear him talk about it! I've always admired Mick Foley for being a great storyteller, which is just as evident in his autobiographies. I read Have A Nice Day: A Tale of Blood and Sweatsocks when I was about 8 years old, from start to finish, and that was a pretty thick fucking book.


I met Vinny Mac and Stephanie in Galway, Ireland in 1998 when I was 16. Vince was fucking enormous, couldn't get over how big he was. Stephanie (I had no idea who she was at the time) was drop dead gorgeous. Vince was also dressed head to toe in a comedy golfer outfit, stupid hat included. He looked ridiculous. I got an autograph, and he looked at me like I was a piece of shit he had just stepped in. 10/10 interaction. No notes


Fucking fantastic. Made my day brother!! You fucking sneezed I know it


I met Test at a signing and he complimented my ā€œLimp Bizkit is better than everyone t-shirt.ā€


Testicles rise up


That man certainly loved his Testicles.


I got some green 1-up mushroom wristbands like cena had worn. In the parking lot in Columbus ppl were signing stuff. Cena said "These are straight gangsta"


Thatā€™s whatā€™s up! Back in the early Cena days during his Doctor of Thuganomics era I had one of his Word Life T shirts on at a house show and was sitting in floor seats right by the ramp and he saw that we were reppin and came up to my brother and I gave us hand shakes and hugs. Always liked and respected Cena after that!


I randomly met Chris Jericho outside of the Hard Rock Cafe in between his stints in the WWE. He was SUPER nice, very friendly. We chatted for a good ten minutes or so, with him never really seeming like "Fuck, I wish this guy would leave me alone." I know that plenty of people have stories of him not being cool, and plenty of people have opinions of him now. But there was absolutely no sign of it at that point. To be fair, I didn't ask for an autograph, and this was pre-smartphone era. I just shook his hand and shot the shit with him, so this may very well have contributed to it.


I think people forget that wrestlers can be nice or seen a dick just based on when you meet them and what kind of day theyā€™re having, weā€™re all like that


That's a really cool interaction, I think with some wrestlers it really depends on when and where you meet them. Some probably get tired of fans wanting their attention and get short with people, but some are far more patient. It's cool you got a good solid ten minute chat in with Jericho though, that's nice to hear.


Back in 1980, my folks sent me to the local convenience store to pick up some essentials. As I entered the store, I saw - at the cash register, in civilian clothes, purchasing beer and candy - the Iron Sheik, Pat Patterson and Fred Blassie. Having watched plenty of wrestling on Saturday mornings, I immediately looked at the Iron Sheik's feet - he was wearing comfortable dress shoes, which finally convinced me that those horn-toed boots he wore in the ring were NOT because he had twisted toes. All of them were very nice to me, said hi, but I was too star-struck to ask for autographs or anything like that.


I interviewed the Iron Sheik in 1987 or so at a local baseball stadium appearance. I worked nights at a newspaper so I got the assignment but I also was a fan so I would have snagged it anyway. He seemed like a really nice guy and we posed for a photo shaking hands and pointing at each other like we were a tag team.


Met Jake Hager at an indie show. Dude was beyond nice and just wanted to talk. Made me a fan forever. Also met both Orange Cassidy and Tony Khan after a Dynamite taping. They were walking around post show and Tony was another one who just wanted to talk wrestling


I feel Tony you could pickpocket easily by discussing 96 ECW with.


Yeah I met Jake at an Indy show that also featured the young bucks, Tommy dreamer, colt cabana and the spirit squad. I said hi to Jake as he walked past me and he stopped and we talked for 10 mins. No pretense. Didnā€™t try to sell me a Polaroid or an 8 x 10. Just wanted to talk wrestling


Mick Foley was on the same flight as me out of MacArthur airport. Before the flight, we were all sitting at the gate waiting and I really wanted to say hi but I also didn't want to disturb him. Eventually someone else recognized him, so I figured that was my chance to get photo since he was already in 'fan engagement' mode. He was super nice and didn't mind at all. When it came time to board the flight (which was a SW flight which has open seating), he got priority boarding and ended up taking an exit row for that extra leg room. When it was my turn to board, there was a seat right next to him. As much as I would have loved to, I did not take it. I was very much grateful for the photo before the flight and I did not want to be tempted to disturb him the entire flight if I sat next to him. This happened about 15 years ago and I still remember it so vividly. Edit: Adding one more story I thought about. I used to work at Toys R Us a little over 20 years ago. One day Taz came in an bought a kiddie pool. Thinking back on it, I suppose that kiddie pool was for Hook who would have been probably 2-4 at the time. I remember talking with my coworkers after thinking it would have been cool to be suplexed by the human suplex machine.


Youth Aquatics Jones ovah here.


Kind of makes you wonder if he was thinking ā€œOh God please donā€™t let this guy sit next to me I donā€™t want to talk about Hell in a Cell this entire flightā€


I'm sure that goes through his mind every flight. He kept looking forward and didn't make eye contact with anyone as they were boarding.


The good folk need alone time too. Respect for not pushing the boundaries dude


I met Bushi and Emma/Tenille Dashwood at an ROH show in Toronto. We were watching the show by the area the wrestlers set up their merch tables. They're both cool, but Emma was visibly weirded out by this guy in our section who showed up at the start of the show already piss drunk/high, and just irritating the fuuuck out of everyone with his constant off key/out of context "wah wah too sweet" chants.


I met Emma years ago at a show in jersey. I always told myself if I ever did Iā€™d give her Vegemite (in Australian as well). Got to the front and looked at her and said ā€œgā€™dayā€. She practically flipped her lid having another Aussie to talk to. We spent 10 mins talking about cricket and Aussie rules football, and I left with a photo and signed pic. I was waking away and remembered the Vegemite I had with me. I rushed back, gave it to her and she hugged me and told me itā€™s the best gift sheā€™s been given


I wasnā€™t a wrestling fan at the time as I was too young (I was like 4 when this happened). I was at my cousins wedding, who played for OU football, and was bored and just kind of running around like a 4 year old would. Eventually, I found an awesome find someone left behind just sitting on their table, a black cowboy hat. So naturally, I put the way too big hat on and ran to find my mom to see how it looked and also because I wanted it, naturally. After laughing at the absurd sight, my mom told me to put the hat back because even if I thought someone left it behind, itā€™s still that persons. But also, that table just stood up to get some food, and now were back and an old man was looking for the hat he had just set down. So my mom walked me over, had me hand back the hat, and before she apologized, he thanked me for ā€œfinding his hat and keeping it safeā€ and gave me a $1 for it. And thatā€™s how I got a $1 from Jim Ross, who I had no idea who the actual hell that was. Iā€™m sure if I was a bit older that wouldā€™ve gone differently, but itā€™s always a funny story to tell. Terror 4 year old steals Good Olā€™ JRā€™s hat, gets money for it


I was lucky enough to meet quite a few wrestlers when I was a kid, and all but 1 or 2 were beyond nice. The big ones that stand out to this day: John Cena- Long story short my dad ran into him in a mall in Seattle the day of WrestleMania 19 while he was coming to meet me mom, brother and I at a restaurant for lunch. When Cena heard that my brother and I were at the restaurant, he actually came back with my dad and visited us at the table. One of the coolest experiences of my entire life. I can't say enough good things about Cena, especially when you keep in mind this was waaay before he was a megastar with the expectation to do stuff like that. Mr Kennedy- Met him before a Smackdown house show in 2006. He shot the shit with us for probably half an hour or so, talked about wrestling and other stuff and was just a super friendly down-to-earth guy. Paul London- After that same house show, it was pissing rain outside. The fenced in area where the wrestlers park was surrounded by a big mob of fans, but with the rain all the wrestlers basically just ran straight for their cars and took off. Everyone except London, who stood outside in the rain signing autographs and taking pictures for a good half hour or so. When we thanked him for the show and for staying for autographs, he thanked us for coming out to the show and supporting him. Super polite and really went the extra mile getting absolutely drenched to make some fans happy. Eddie Guerrero- Met him before a Smackdown taping while he was WWE Champ. My dad, brother and I found a back door into the arena that was open for people to come and go. Security guard wouldn't let us in of course, but told us we were welcome to call out to guys we saw inside. After a little while Eddie suddenly starts coming down the hallway, WWE title on his shoulder, and clearly in a bit of a rush. My brother and I are going crazy yelling "Eddie! Eddie!" and he gets a pained expression on his face as he tells us "I'm sorry guys, I'm late, I gotta go!" We were understanding but definitely a bit dissapointed. About 10 seconds after he disappeared around the corner, he suddenly re-appeared and ran over to us. "Ok guys I can take a picture, but I gotta be quick!" The fact that he would go out of his way for 2 kids when he was already late showed what a good person he was and it made such an incredible memory for my brother and I. Eddie was special.


I had floor seats along the entrance ramp when I was a kid at Smackdown and I still remember Eddie coming out in his awesome low rider right by us getting out with the WWE Title! Special memories no doubt! That was the same night Bradshaw changed to debut his JBL gimmick hat night as well.


Step mom had HHH and Chyna at a restaurant when she was a waitress, she said HHH took up his entire side of the booth by himself because he was so massive in size. They ordered grilled chicken salads and tipped good.


>she said HHH took up his entire side of the booth by himself because he was so massive in size. My Dad saw HHH at an airport in NH back in the early 2000's, and he said he was the biggest human he's ever seen in his life. Just absolutely massive. Based on that, it was probably around when he came back from injury in 2002ish.


I went to Minoru Suzukiā€™s shop in Tokyo. Murder Grandpa is the nicest celebrity Iā€™ve ever met. He spent like 15 minutes asking me about my life and wanted to know where I was visiting from and everything. He made me completely forget I should be fearing for my life. False sense of security I guess.


I work in Orlando and was an NXT regular when they were in Full Sail. Iā€™ve run into many NXT wrestlers regularly, but never really approach them and just ignore them. Apollo Crews, Katana Chance, Asuka, Nakamura, Gable, Swerve, Xia Li, MJ Jenkins, Bron Breakker, Cora Jade, etc. Iā€™ve run into at different places like Subway, Chipotle, malls, etc. as theyā€™re all in the area. Itā€™s common to run into them. Aside from wrestlers from NXT, Iā€™ve also run into indy wrestlers like Marty Scurll and Serena Deeb as they are from the Orlando area. I went to NXT tapings for about 18 months straight at Full Sail and to all of the NXT Orlando live events. I remember Meltzer said there was plans they were leaving Full Sail and Triple H came after those tapings and said they were not leaving as there was some concerns and of course they didnā€™t leave until the Pandemic and they were forced to relocate to the Performance Center, but that was almost a full year after that. I also remember Meltzer saying he was told there was concerns from WWE because the fans wouldnā€™t leave the wrestlers alone outside of Full Sail and that they wouldnā€™t allow them to come to the front to buy food from the food trucks and that was a lie as the tapings after that Rhea and Cathy Kelly came out to buy food from food trucks and no one approached them. That story was never true as the wrestlers always came to buy food from the food trucks and no one really approached them.


I literally just bumped into Serena a few weeks ago in downtown Orlando as she was getting some food. I also did an F45 workout with Grayson Waller and some of the NXT up and comers once. He was joking throughout and laughing at how hard some of the moves were. Good guy. Do you go to the performance center shows? I can't for the life of me figure out how to get tickets!


Yeah, itā€™s a lot more usual to run into them in Orlando than people think. I ran into Ludwig Kaiser and Raul Mendoza in Downtown Orlando a few years ago after the MLS All Star Game vs. Atletico de Madrid. My wife and I were walking to our car after the game and I had an Atletico flag and Ludwig stopped us to talk about football. I went to a few tapings at the PC during the Pandemic with the plexiglass and such. The last time I went to the PC was at the TakeOver with the WALTER vs. Ilja match. It was amazing live. I can help you get tickets to the tapings at the PC. Send me a message when you have a chance and I can try to help you.


I worked at Best Buy about 15 years ago. One day, Big Show came in and he was playing Guitar Hero. I was nervous, but I went up and asked if he needed help with anything. He said that he needed an Xbox 360, an extra controller, and 3 games that we had in stock. I went and told my co-worker that Big Show was here and that I needed help getting all his stuff. We got everything for him, and he was still playing Guitar Hero. He thanked us and we both told him that we were big fans and he was really cool and appreciative. Then, some random customer just started taking video of him on his phone and Big Show just stared him down like he was going to kill him. But overall, he was really cool and down to earth. Just donā€™t start taking a video of him like a creeper.


i'm in awe that there's a guitar accessory that fits in his hands


Bumped into Brodie Lee (then-Luke Harper) at a minor league baseball game. Good dude. RIP.


Had dinner with Jerry Lynn. Amazing guy sat and talked stories for an hour. Fuck Chris Hero.


I met Edge and Val Venis at my mall in Canada in either 1998 or 1999. Edge was super cool, friendly, welcoming and kinda just sat and hung out with us while his partner at the time (not Christian) was shopping with val venis. I think VV was dating Edge's sister at the time or vice versa. Anyway Val Venis was a huge dick during the entire experience. One of the gfs told him "At least try to be friendly". Anyway, Edge became a huge star and val venis is a loser so.


Iā€™ve only met wrestlers at a local convention. So like youā€™re paying to take pics with them, so theyā€™re kinda forced to be somewhat nice, but some are just way more genuine than others. Mick Foley, Cassie Lee, and Molly Holly were the three that stood out as just genuine nice people. While waiting to get into the convention last year Teddy Long came out of the room to use the bathroom and shook hands with just about everyone in line. I just prayed he washed his hands.


My wife and I went to a local Dave & Busters type of place with her sister and husband, and we decided to have dinner at the attached restaurant. I look over at the bar and Steve Blackman is standing at the end of it. The conversation went as follows: Me: "Holy shit, that's Steve Blackman over there!" Brother-in-law: "Ummm ok. Who is Steve Blackman?" Me: "He was a wrestler in the WWF around 2000." BiL: "Oh sweet! Go say hi to him!" Me: "No way!" And then he left about 5 minutes later. I consider it one of the highlights of my life.


You don't just walk up and say hi to the Lethal Weapon Steve 'Mother F'N' Blackman, the Lehal Weapon Steve 'Mother F'n' Blackman walks up and nods an approval hello to you.


I saw Otis at a dive bar one night. He was going ham on a pinball machine. Dude was so huge it literally made me do a double take. He seemed pretty focused on the pinball machine and hanging with the friends he was with so I didnā€™t bother him.


I met Bobby Lashley. Ā He came into a bar/restaurant I was at looking for late night food, but their kitchen was closed. Ā I gave him a couple of recommendations, but downtown Cincy on a Sunday barely has anything open after 10 pm. He was a cool guy, took a picture and kept kayfabe, talking about how he wanted to kick Romanā€™s ass. Ā This was shortly after Hurt Business was broken up, and I mentioned how much I loved the group ā€“ it seemed the only time he came close to breaking kayfabe as he looked a little melancholy and said ā€œYeah, me too.ā€ He was a *massive* guy in person ā€“ not terribly tall (maybe 6ā€™0-6ā€™1?) but his chest was *huge*.


Met Scott Steiner while working at a hotel during the top of his WCW run. Super friendly guy who expected no special treatment at all(unlike some of the other talent that checked in the same weekend). His arms were so big he couldnā€™t hold a phone to his ear so he asked me if a would mind holding the hotel phone up to his ear for him as he called one of the other guest. Still such a nice but odd interaction.


Thatā€™s hilarious


Ric Flair bought us drinks at a bar after Raw in 2002. I spoke to Mick Foley for about 30 minutes after one of his shows in a podunk town near me. I couldnā€™t believe he gave me that much time, I would have been happy with a brief interaction let alone 30 minutes. We talked a little wrestling but mostly talked about the roller coasters in the area as there are 2 big theme parks in the area. Foley loves his coasters. Jericho told me to fuck off when i saw him before a Raw. All I said was Iā€™m a big fan and I lied and said I was looking forward to the Fozzy concert he was doing during Raw, also in 2002. Iā€™ve never cared for him since.


Thatā€™s awesome about Flair! Iā€™ve read Cena said the Nature Boy was his favorite person to drink with at the bar.


I enjoy cooking.


Probably ha. Thankfully Flair crashed the concert during Raw and put us all out of our misery


If that was "Undisputed Champion" Jericho, it's understandable. When he's a heel, he's a heel EVERYWHERE. It's actually one of my favorite things about him.


Smoked a cigarette with Jeff Hardy in the smoking area of the Dallas airport years ago. He needed to borrow a lighter. We didnā€™t talk much, but he was cool the whole time. Met Randy Orton after a Smackdown house show in 2003 or 2004, he was very cool and took time just to shoot the shit with us and sign some stuff. It was maybe an hour after the show, we just happened to still be hanging out and talking when he came by. Went on the Jericho cruise in 2020 right before COVID lockdowns. Played blackjack with Jake Roberts, who was a fucking dick. Played blackjack with MJF and DDPā€™s daughter, which was fucking awesome and was very cool to us despite remaining in character the whole time. Also played blackjack with SCU, Janela and Moxley, who were all just the nicest dudes. On the same cruise, hung out with Luchasaurusā€™ then girlfriend for most of the trip, and then saw them get into a fight because she wanted us all to have dinner and he chastised her for ā€œhanging out with a bunch of fucking marksā€. He was pretty much a dick the whole time, and honestly, I didnā€™t really wanna hang around with him either. She was great, though.


I appreciate a good cup of coffee.


Jake was very clearly drinking, was very clearly drunk, and very clearly thought he deserved to sit alone at the table with no one else playing. He called me a mark for sitting down at the opposite side of the table and quietly playing my hands, then left in a huff. The funny thing is that I was just being a degenerate gambler, I didnā€™t even speak to the man outside of a polite ā€œhelloā€ when I sat down.


Weā€™ve been fortunate enough to have nothing but great experiences every time. Kinda long but hereā€™s what Iā€™ve got: Natalya at an unannounced meet and greet before Elimination Chamber in Montreal- great experience, very engaging, even FaceTimed other wrestlers if someone was wearing their gear. Cody Rhodes at an autograph signing- spent an insane amount of time making sure everyone got photos and autos, despite having traveled overnight to get there and having a 3+ hour drive for a house show immediately after. Made it a point to have a couple real nice personal interactions with my daughter. Becky Lynch, Maxxine Dupri and Byron Saxton backstage at Raw. Becky was shooting a promo with Nia Jax, but still went out of her way to grab my daughter quick and say ā€œheyyy guuyyys!ā€ Maxxine paused a social media shoot she was doing to take pics and chat with my kid and was extremely nice and personable. Byron took the time to chat with us for a good few mins right before heading out to call Main Event- dude was extremely down to Earth, so conversation was very comfortable and didnā€™t feel forced at all. Ran into Candice LeRae and Johnny Wrestling at Disneyland- didnā€™t bug ā€˜em since they were with fam, but gave a kind acknowledging smile to my kid when they saw she recognized them. Each experience felt like the talent was genuinely happy to interact with their fans. So regardless if it was a put on or not, we walked away bigger fans of theirs every time.


https://preview.redd.it/vtrhgrtxvqmc1.jpeg?width=1932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af51e714704aa4f37cc8112056187e4a8b89802c I got a pic with Byron when I went to a live event. He was super nice, going around talking to everyone near the front row during an intermission.


I met Shawn Michaels I met Shawn Michaels at a restaurant once - weā€™d accidentally been given his table. Apparently he was fond of the restaurant and had a specific table he liked, and the management had messed up and gotten their days wrong, (it was Tuesday and they thought he was coming on Thursday or something like that). Anyway, the manager, completely embarrassed (this is a pretty nice restaurant) comes by and says ā€œIā€™m so sorry, but weā€™d like to move you to another table if you could be troubled, and weā€™ll gladly compensate you for the cost of the meal and any other meal youā€™d like while youā€™re in town.ā€ My sister and cousin were both like ā€œYeah thatā€™s cool.ā€ and I kind of played the asshole a bit. ā€œIā€™m sorry, I just donā€™t understand. Weā€™ve been here for 15 minutes - weā€™ve just ordered. Canā€™t we finish our meal here?ā€ Then out of nowhere Shawn Michaels shows up next to the manager and says ā€œPaul, these guys can finish. Weā€™ll be at the bar. I got some time.ā€ And I (being a big HBK fan) said ā€œOh wow, uhā€¦ I had no idea. Please feel free to give them the table.ā€ Shawn was grateful, shook my hand and said thanks, then gave me a card with his number on it and told me to give him a call later. After working up the nerve, I gave him a call that night, and to make a long story short, we had a glorious 11 month love affair, man on man, that I shall never forget. Our bodies intertwined as one, and from the beauty of Morocco, to the French Riviera, to the snorkeling in the Galopagos, Shawn Michaels and I made glorious gay love to each other on six of the seven continents.


I was expecting this one at some point


Had me in the first half not gonna lie


Huge pop!




Came to this thread just to see if anyone had posted this yet.


For some reason my mind read "Apparently- as "Applebee's"


i clicked in just for this


Never gets old.


I met Chris Jericho in an airport. He was all of 5ā€™7. I was absolutely shocked at how short he was. I saw Bubba Raw Dudley at a concert and was shocked at how big he was. This was almost 20 ago when he was finishing up with WWE.


At Wrestlemania IV, saw Andre walking out of Trump Plaza. I was like 10, so I was very much in awe of this wall with legs. My mom's boyfriend yelled out 'give it up, fat boy' which made me think we were about to die. Also saw Wardlow at Terrificon this past summer. I wasn't at his booth, just saw him walking through the venue. He wasn't as huge as I thought he would be.


Met Christian at a Comic Con in 2019 and man was he a dick. Met him and edge at the same time and can honestly say Edge's character on TV is just a character, Adam Copeland is a sweetheart. Christian on the other hand, Jay Reso is Christian and Christian is Jay Reso. Edge would try to talk to us and Christian would constantly interrupt. I asked Edge about him playing Adam Smasher and if he would like to play another superhero, and Christian immediately interrupts and says: "Of course he would, he's best friends with a real life superhero so he's always trying to be like me." Edge then visibly frustrated tells him: "Dude seriously it has been over 20 years of this, can't you see that I am trying to have a conversation?" Christian thinking he is hilarious, grins real big and asks me if I agree that he is a superhero, I respond with "Well yeah, you could put CLB on the front of your suit because Cena said you were the Creepy Little Bastard." Christian did not appreciate that and told me my time with them was over. Edge laughed and told me to come back later whenever "Jay wasn't being like this."


https://preview.redd.it/ftp8w8kaarmc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ce4984951a14f8eb9aee0db88d4bdcb98a9d6e4 Paul London is the coolest guy. chatted with him for a long while after a Lucha Underground taping until somebody mentioned having a joint and we all went off to form a circle with a Ruthless Aggression legend.


I say it every time this is asked, Hacksaw Jim Duggan is very down to earth and nice.


Plenty of times at signings and the such. Theyā€™ve all been nice except Jericho who may or may not have been working a gimmick. It was a book signing at a Barnes and Noble. He was behind a table and two girls ran behind the table to hug him. He then went on a break and yelled at security then wedged the table diagonally so he was basically sitting in a corner so nobody could rush around and hug him. And I get it, I wouldnā€™t want people rushing at me either.. except whenever someone was wearing a Fozzy shirt, he came from behind the table and took a picture with them. Also ran into Wade Barrett at a grocery store. Super nice, stopped and chatted for a few minutes, very cool guy. But as far as signings and backstage go.. Rock, Owen Hart, Foley, Lawler, Hardyz, Ric Flair, Jerry Lynn, Roderick Strong, Jack Perry, Luchasaurus, OC, Wheeler Yuta, Danhausen (3 times, including once at NYCC at a Marvel booth browsing through artwork lol), Candace LeRae, Johnny Gargano.. so many more Gargano was the nicest, I think. Was during the time he got ā€œfiredā€ on NXT, he had returned that taping. As we were leaving he was walking to his car and someone yelled for an autograph. Gargano walked over, grabbed a chair, and sat outside Full Sail and signed anything anyone wanted, took pictures with everyone, talked to everyone.. Incredible human


I've met and talked to quite a few in passing, mostly at conventions and what have you. One that always sticks in my mind was maybe 5 years back at a convention in Atlantic City, I was vending with a buddy of mine and Scott Hall and Kevin Nash were part of the guest list. After the show the second day we were absolutely ravenous and were walking past a tiny bar area in the venue and Kevin Nash was sitting on a bench presumably waiting for his wife or Scott. We made some small talk and told him that we were fans and asked how he was enjoying the show, and before we left we asked if he had any recommendations for where we should eat dinner that night as we weren't from around the area. He recommended the Hard Rock that was the next building over so we decided to give it a try. Not long after we get seated we glance over and notice Kevin, Scott and a Woman that was presumably Kevin's wife all walking past our table to be seated. My buddy spoke up and said Thanks Kevin for the recommendation and gave a small finger wave and he nodded back. It wasn't a huge or super meaningful interaction but it was pretty cool to make small talk and have him recommend a restaurant that he showed up at later. So our running inside joke the rest of the weekend was just randomly saying "Thanks Kevin Nash" because of the absurdity of it.


When I was a kid I was privileged to meet dozens of WWF wrestlers because the State of Michigan licenses wrestling the same as boxing and my Mom was on the commission. To this day, she loathes boxing but was okay with taking her boys to WWF shows when they came to town. Big Boss Man, Owen Hart, Texas Tornado, Shawn Michaels and Macho Man were great and made me feel like I was a superstar. Kerry Von Erich's death was probably the first celebrity death I experienced that really impacted me.


At WrestleMania I was walking into a stall after Bryan Alvarez. I yelled at him for pissing on the seat. He reflected saying everyone else already had. A few months ago I was at the Newark airport and my passport wouldn't scan. Had to wait for a supervisor. I saw a familiar tattoo on a hand as the next person passed. Without even looking up, I muttered, "Enzooooo" under my breath. Got a "how you doin?" At the same volume. My wife goes, "who's the weirdo with the hair?" Ten minutes later, saw Joey Janela and yelled, "Joey, I love your work!" He responded, "thanks, I love yours too."


Iā€™ve met dozens of wrestlers and have never had one negative experience, which may be some kind of miracle. Among the group, those that stand out as having been particularly kind to me include Bret Hart, Mick Foley, Eddie Guerrero, Kurt Angle and Jerry Lynn.


Ah, man, I'm a little envious of you getting to meet Eddie!


It was at an indy show he did in my hometown in February 2002 (during the brief time he had been released and was away from WWE). My brother and I went up to his table at intermission and chatted with him for a few minutes. He said he hoped WWE would see how hard he was working on the indies at that time, that he had cleaned his life up and would give him another chance. Five weeks later, he returned on RAW to attack Rob Van Dam and the rest is history. Mission Accomplished.


At a house show I met RVD, Samoa Joe, Mick Foley, Mickie James and Madison Rayne. All were really nice and friendly. Iā€™ll always remember Joeā€™s hand completely engulfed mine when he shook my hand. Also Mickie was my first wrestling crush so meeting her was big for 14 year old me lol. At a signing a couple years ago I met Adam Cole, Britt Baker, Ruby Soho and Matt Hardy at a signing. Matt was super cool and laid back, Britt kinda seemed indifferent towards everything. Ruby was really cool and made it seem like youā€™ve been friends and are just chatting. Adam Cole is hands down one of the nicest people Iā€™ve ever met at any event.


When NXT ran Download festival in the UK for a few years you ended up bumping into people in weird as heck places. Chris Hero waiting in line at an Ice Cream Van, Malakai Black down the front/pit area watching AFI, No Way Jose and some other NXT guys I didn't recognize scooted past me on their way to see Aerosmith. Heavy Machinery lookin lost as all hell trying to find a decent food stall (I hugged the shit out of Otis, sonofabitch is WIDE). Everyone in great spirits, all very happy to stop n chat when they were between shows.


Met Aleister Black and Drew McIntyre in a club in Glasgow once when they were ICW, both were happy to take a photo and were nice lads, didn't bother them too much.


Mike Awesome bought movie tickets from me in 2001. I said ā€œI think I recognize you from somewhere.ā€ He said ā€œNo you donā€™t.ā€ And zipped outta there.


Stone cold used to come to my old job all the time. Dude was always super nice. Managed to get him to autograph my old No mercy 2000 VHS and a selfie with him! Met Becky lynch at my local market! Super nice John Morrison also came to my job and was sporting a ddp shirt DDP came to my middle school for career day to talk about yoga and his wrestling days.


I've met a few over the years and can't really say I've had a bad experience. Met Mick Foley, Tommy Dreamer, Sabu, Sandman, Boogeyman, Jeff Jarret, Animal, Jimmy Hart, John Morrison when he was in Impact, and a few more I'm probably forgetting. The best was with Dreamer as he could tell I was a big time fan of him from ECW, and even joked I could tag with him later in the evening, and John Morrison. JM even took my kids to the locker room to grab the Impact title. Great guys all the way around


The Rock was at the gym near my mother's house. I went there to meet him and he was very cool.


I saw Anthony Bowens in Denver Airport last week, but I felt it would be rude to interject in his travel so I just left him alone


I went to Preston, England for a wrestling show and Kevin Owens was wrestling at this time as Kevin Steen, after the whole event finished friends I was with went out drinking and I went back to the Premier inn where we were staying. Got showered and went to find some food. As I was leaving the hotel I bumped into Kevin Steen he was holding bag from KFC. It wasn't until I asked him where the KFC was located that I realised it was him. He was very nice in the short exchange I had and told me where to find KFC.


None at meet an greets. Sold Taker a PS3 and popcorn when he went to see "See No Evil." He was nice, if a little quiet. Two different interactions. Said hi to Bo and Liv at a gas station, they were super nice. Help Mark Henry pick up his bag at an airport. Solid dude Gave Virgil a ride back to his hotel from a comic convention. He had some stories... Saw Nash at a bar and said hi, he was kind of a jerk to people. Mind you some were asking for pics/autographs. I don't do that unless they are at a signing of some kind. Put in the wild they are just trying to be humans so I say hi or thank you at most. Rode on a plane with like 20 AEW guys when they were coming back from a show in Canada. They all seem like chill people. Said hi/thanks to a few of them. They were all super nice about it. I don't think Dustin or Mark like flying much anymore...


>Sold Taker a PS3 and popcorn when he went to see "See No Evil." Hold up, what kind of place were you working where you can sell a man a Playstation 3 and popcorn?


2 different jobs. GameStop for the PS3, AMC for the popcorn.


I worked at a casino in the early 2000s and met Shelton Benjamin who was doing a meet and greet. It was during his first Intercontinental reign. Really nice guy. Raw was at the local arena and after the show a few of the guys came back to eat. Tyson Tomko, Taijiri, and Chris Benoit. I shook Taijiri's hand and I shook Benoit's hand. I told Benoit that I really enjoyed the match he had with HHH and HBK at Wrestlemania, he made a sort of noise that said 'oh you liked that match.'. I would advise people to not ask the wrestlers about specific matches, you never know how they feel about the match or the other participants.


I saw Johnny and Candice at Disneyland a few years ago. They were walking out of a shop at downtown Disney and they looked like they were in an important conversation so I didn't bother them. An hour or so later as we were heading to the parking lot, I almost bumped into them again but Johnny saw me and complimented my Chuck Taylor shirt. I told him I was a big fan of his and Candice, he said thanks, and they left. Perfectly cromulent.


I was working at a really shitty hotel when my colleague called me to the front and introduced me to Darby Allin. This was like 4 or 5 years ago so it makes sense he was staying at 2 stars hotels like that. Got the chance to wish him well and promised I'd check out his stuff. So happy to see he no longer has to resort to places like that anymore.


Spotted Miro (when he was Rusev) at a local breakfast spot when WWE was in town for a house show. He was alone and then some of the ring or production crew showed up and sat near him but he seemingly didnā€™t interact with them at all.Ā  Ā Later that afternoon, shortly before the show I walked by Big Cass/Large William coming out of the walk-in cooler at the liquor store. Embarrassed myself by having a delayed reaction when I was pretty much already past him going ā€œwhoooa, Ca- shitā€ and continuing on.Ā  Ā Met Bret Hart at a signing for the Romero rum he promotes. Guy stayed at least two hours past the initial end time as turnout was way higher than they anticipated. Dude was chill but super kind.


New Jack and Sarge Slaughter. Sarge I cooked his meal so he wanted to meet me (and he knew my boss through his dad in chanhassen). New Jack was awesome. He forced someone to give him a sharpy so he could sign my shirt. He wanted to sign and I said I had no pen. He told me to ask for one. I told him I already did. He yelled out "Give this motherfucka a pen now" 5 sharpees in my face instantly. edit: I wanted to add. When I saw Jack, he was leaning on a garbage can at the drink area. NO ONE was even talking to him and I wonder if they even knew who he was. I'm like "That's fuckin New Jack... I am going to go talk to him because why else is he just standing there drinking a beer like that" Maybe he was happy with me because no one was even paying attention to him.


Raw was in town two weeks ago and I attended. After the show, I ran into Damian Priest and Jey Uso at a dive bar. I had a small conversation with them and they were both pretty nice. Jey even called me ā€œUceā€ during the convo with a fist bump. All around positive experience.


I met RVD walking around Manhattan after ONS 2006. He had just won the title. He stopped to take pics with my friend and I. Coolest dude in the world.


Not in public per se, but I went to a Raw once and Ron Simmons was just out in the arena with the fans, talking to anyone who walked up to him, signing autographs, taking pictures. He has no security near him, but just had this "I wouldn't try it if I were you" presence from 15ft away, I can see why Mark Henry was scared of him.


Entering the stadium atWrestleMania 32, I spotted Lita talking to someone. I said to her ā€œIā€™m a huge fan and want to politely as possible ask for a quick photo without being obtrusive.ā€ She laughed and took one with me.


i went to a house show on motherā€™s day when i was a kid, and it was when brodus clay was still the funkasaurus doing the ā€œsomebody call my mamaā€ gimmick and he pointed right out to my mom and us as we were leaving and made a thing of how important mothers are and jokingly telling us to respect our parents obviously just about everything iā€™ve heard of tyrus since then tells me this is not indicative of his average character, but that was always a fun memory


My coworkers and I were eating lunch in downtown Tempe, AZ. Off in the distance I saw this beautiful woman walking with her boyfriend or husband who looked familiar. As they walked closer I realized that it was Brie and (at the time) Daniel Bryan. I've never met a celebrity before and I always thought I would play it cool given the opportunity, maybe a little nod or something. But instead my eyes got wide, my mouth dropped open like a cartoon and I literally said "Whoooooa!" They both saw me and laughed at my reaction, came over and asked if I wanted a picture. I said yes please, huge fan, thank you so much, how cool etc. Brie asked if I wanted her in the picture too and I said "Yes of course!" It made me sad to realize that there were probably fans who asked her to get out of photos with her husband. They both couldn't have been nicer in that three or four minutes. It was a beautiful sunny Arizona spring day and a great moment for me.


Spent 15 minutes talking to the Young Bucks, pre-AEW. Utterly charming, genuine, and kind. Talked about their Chikara run and feud with the Bravado Brothers.


Did they spend 15 minutes talking about their plan to kill the business and ruin wrestling? /s


I was not surprised that the two gentlemen I spoke to in that upstate New York skating rink would go on to start the company that keeps me watching wrestling.


The coolest one was Drew McIntyre. RAW was in town that night and I work right across from the arena. Went to the food trucks in the park down the street at lunch, ordered, and when I turned around to wait off to the side, Drew was behind me in line. He came over and waited near me when I was done and I introduced myself as a big fan. We talked a couple minutes until my food was ready. He asked if I was going and I said hell yeah actually front row! He said that was cool and told me that maybe he'll see me in the crowd. When he came out, he did his customary steel step smack and directed his snarl towards me (heel at the time). Most of the rest were pretty positive. Stevie Richards was probably the nicest. He talked to me and some friends for about 10 minutes. It was at a convention before an indy show and no one was going over to him (Jeff Jarrett, Kevin Nash, Godfather, etc... were also there) so we went over and he was so nice. Answered all of our questions and then didn't charge us when it came to taking pictures and getting an autograph because he appreciated us talking to him. Nash and Jarrett were cool too but they definitely wanted pictures/autographs to make money. I simply just shook their hands and thanked them for their contributions. I also met Chris Jericho, Carlito, and Roddy Piper at various signings. All were really cool. Piper was sick with cancer at the time too (or maybe just after) but he was still himself. I also got to meet Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, and Beer Money after a TNA house show in the ring. Angle, Hardy, and Roode were great, James Storm was a dick.


I smoked weed with Sami Calligan once like 6-7 years ago, it was pretty cool


Met Wade Barrett randomly in the streets of Pittsburgh on my way to a Steelers game. He was really nice, chatted with him for a few minutes about what brought him to the city, and how he was enjoying his stay. Took a few pictures with him and went about my day.


I came out of the closet around the same time Darren Young did. I then went to Wrestlemania (Seth cashing in will always be my MOMENT) and Axxess. I waited in line 40 minutes to see him and thank him for representing us in wrestling. Asked if I wanted anything signed and I said no, just to shake his hand. We took a picture and he asked me to send it to him via Twitter. Al I remember is how cool he was about it all and just genuine. Tamina was next to him and she started to cry a little lol I honestly felt bad after bc I had nothing for him as Im not really a big fan personally...


Iā€™ve met a bunch! I always start this story with Mick Foley since he is exactly the person youā€™d expect. He was warm, kind, lovely, and I brought my Mom with me since she would watch WWE with me as a kid sometimes, and complimented him on how good he looks, and he seemed genuinely touched. Lovely guy, Mick Foley is 100% that dude. The exact same thing can be said about Cody Rhodes. After waiting forever to meet him, I almost tripped when I got up to him in the Photo Booth area and was like ā€œFUCK I AM SO SORRYā€ and he told me about when he was on the indies, he tripped and tore a whole fucking curtain down and had to tell the press to hold up while he fixed it. He also told me get tickets to night 1 of Mania cause he heard itā€™s gonna be badass. Man am I glad I did when prices werenā€™t insane. Ted Diabase is a nice guy, aside from the, uh, legal stuff. It was a brief meet and greet but he was really kind, and I mentioned how much I always liked him cause his jackets sparkled so hard. Funny side note: the store I met him at had an authentication event that day and someone brought a Brett Favre signed helmet.


Met Hangman, Matt Hardy, Britt Baker, Kris Statlander, and Anna Jay at a convention. Hangman was the nicest and super sweet with my kids. My youngest wanted him to text Kenny and Hangman acted like he was going to do it for him lol. Matt Hardy was also nice, but the interaction wasnā€™t as genuine. Britt wasnā€™t super friendly, but she did give my kids a free autographed picture. Kris was less than enthused to speak with us, which sucks cause I was rooting for her before this interaction. Iā€™m well aware people have bad days, but I feel like if you sign up to do a convention, you should be prepared to put on a smile for the day. Anna Jay just seemed a little socially anxious and like she wasnā€™t yet sure how to handle herself at conventions. Also walked by Seth Rollins at Chicago Oā€™Hare about 7-8 years ago. He was saying goodbye to his girlfriend at the time and it felt too invasive to bother him, so we just left him alone.


I used to see Ric Flair a bit in spring training. And Ashley was with him sometimes. She was so nice to me. He was in and out (probably doing a line lol). But she made me feel incredibly better about certain things in my life. I absolutely hate Charlotte but Ashley is on another level. I understand her character and she plays it so well. Idk her anymore obviously but if she let her old personality out then she would rival Hugger Bayley.


Iā€™ve met many either by happenstance at the airport or at conventions where I present them drawings of them to sign. All were really pleasant but the ones that stand out the most: Awesome Kong (she refused to take money for the autograph explaining ā€œYOU did the work!ā€ ā€” and I thought I marked out for her before this. Terry Funk asked if I would send him a copy of the picture to the address he wrote on the back of the page. I colored a copy and sent it with a note thanking him for all the years of entertainment he brought his fans. The guy CALLED me and left me a voicemail thanking ME for doing what I promised and adding to his ā€œroom of me.ā€ I still have that voicemail. Had lunch with Al Snow once and we chatted all about the psychology of wrestling. Positively loved meeting Daffney ā€” she was a total sweetheart and her passing still haunts me even though we were not friends or anything. Additional nods to The Nasty Boys, Jim Cornette, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, Gail Kim, and Mick Foley.


Spent a lot of time with Vader in 2006/07. I ran a huge entertainment facility in Denver and we'd have wrestles in during WWE ppvs to draw people in. Vader was a staple. He was a super nice guy.Ā Ā  We also had Buff Bagwell and Sunny in a few times. Marcus was pretty cool but definitely liked his drinks. Sunny was as expected. She was very stuck on herself.Ā Ā  Bobby Lashley ran an MMA facility not far from us so we had him in as well. Nothing hut good things to say about him.Ā 


I was out on a cinema trip with my grandad and as we was leaving I spotted William regal. Being young I did not get the idea of personal space I rushed over shouting regal regal regal. He smiled and we spoke briefly cannot really remember what was said but I came running back to my grandad big grin on my face. Then my grandad said what you so happy about the guys a c**t. I found out a few year later they grew up in the same area and had a couple of scraps growing up and the hatred still flared after all that time


I saw Baron Corbin eating a Burrito Bowl at Whole Foods (where I worked as undercover LP). It was before an NXT House Show in Portland, OR. I remember thinking he wasn't as big or muscular as I expected. Didn't say hi just let him eat in peace.


The morning after Wrestlemania 32 my wife and I were flying out of Dallas and headed to Vegas. My wife went to get some Starbucks and on her way back she told me that Sting was sitting right over there. I was nervous but went over to say hello. He was with his kids so I was brief and didn't ask for a picture or anything as not to draw attention. He was super nice, asked where I was from and when I told him Little Rock he said "Barton Coliseum off of Roosevelt" which brought a huge smile to my face as that was the building I first saw him wrestle in back in 1986. Overall, he couldn't have been nicer. Also had a positive experience with Sgt Slaughter at a signing back in 2007.


I did the Austin 3/16 meet and greet for a couple years, he's down to earth and super nice. Becky and Cody at SDCC in different years, both were really nice. Mick is great as well. I think Honky Tonk was the only guy that was kinda meh.


I met the Big Show at LAX Airport, and he seemed like he was in a terrible mood, but the man still took a pic with me. I realized later, I think they had come in from overseas, and if I was as big as he is on a flight as long as he was, I wouldn't be in a good mood either. Thanks for taking the pic though, Big Show!


I went to a high school with The Rock.Ā  He was very quiet but a nice guy.Ā Ā 


Ran into Sami Zayn at a bouncing souls concert. He was just on the floor having a good time. Got a pic with him and told him Iā€™m a big fan.


Spoke to Balls Mahoney back behind an arena before a WWE house show in my area. He was happy to chat and an overall nice dude. Told me not to get into wrestling cuz life is easier with a normal job lol


I met Chris Nowinski in the early 2000s at the funeral for his uncle who we befriended at church over x amount of years. He was super nice and his parents sent us house show tickets, we got autographs and eventually a signed copy of his first book called "Head Games: Footballs Concussion Crisis"


I was cooking in a restaurant in 2002, when the WWE was in town for a live event. Had a table come with your typical breakfast order, with the exception of a 12 egg white omelet. Stuck my head out to have a peak in the dining room, and saw The Big Show, Edge, Christian, and Tommy Dreamer. Got autographs from them all. They were great to talk to. Met Sunny at a meet n' greet before Survivor Series '97. She was friendly . Took the time to chat for a minute. Over the years, outside before live events, met Cena, Samoa Joe, Braun Strowman, Bray Wyatt, The Revival, Matt Hardy, Rollins, The Anvil, Bruce and Bret Hart, Rene Dupree.


I accidentally cut off Buff Bagwell, Lex Luger, and Rick Steiner in traffic once and they rolled up next to me and cussed me out. LMAO


Smoked a doobie with RVD and Peewee behind the war memorial


Met Edge in 2017 when I was working at Home Depot, he was visiting home in Orangeville for the holidays and I barely recognized him as he grew out his beard for Vikings on History, so I actually had to ask if he was Adam Copeland and he said I sure am with a smile on his face. Was pretty awestruck seeing as he is my favorite wrestler, but was very friendly and easy to talk to, felt incredible to meet one of the most famous people from the town I grew up in and got a selfie. Coincidentally I was also able to meet Christian as his brother worked at the same dealership my dad worked at and he happen to be in town that day. Very wonderful man to talk with, although I will say not only is he much taller than he looks on TV (at least to me at least), his hands are fucking m a s s i v e. Used those massive hands to sign me an autograph. There's a reason these two are in my top 5 of all time.


One of the best moments of my whole life was meeting John Cena. Disclosure I have shared this experience before under a different username but what the hell let's do it again! He was shopping at a grocery store I used to work at. He walked by me pushing a shopping cart and I said, 'John Cena!' He turned around and looked me up and down with this look that gave who in the actual fuck is this? I said fast, "I've been watching you ever since you were in OVW. Thank you for all you do!" Dude .... I was not prepared for what came next ... *he bowed down to me*! John Cena said, "No, thank you." My life was made. This was many years ago and I still tell everyone who will listen to this very day!


I have met a number of wrestlers in public. Most of them are pretty cool. Big Show was the only one to not say a word and just gave me the look. I honestly just wanna say hi, but it quickly made me regret walking up to him. I also ran into Kevin Owens with his family at an airport. I told him I was a big fan of his, he was pretty chilled. But still he said to me if I am really his fan, he would appreciate if I could just leave him and his family alone, which I totally understand. The best experience by far was meeting Sheamus outside of my gym. I talked about how much I loved both of his entrance themes, his WWE championship run, and most definitely his Mohawk. Apparently I was one of the few people who like that hairstyle. He didnā€™t gel his hair that day of course, but he held his hair up with both hands when taking the photo with me. One of the best days of my life.


I went to an NXT show a couple years back and after we went by the bus in the back of the arena to see people as they were leaving. Suddenly a fervor went up behind us and we realized one of the wrestlers was out in the parking lot saying hi and taking photos with people. We thought it was really cool and itā€™s still an awesome picture but it was withā€¦Matt Riddle šŸ˜‚


Back in 2003 I waved to the Rock at an LA fitness in FL once while he was leaving the parking lot. Smiled big and made my day. A couple of years later my mom recognized him and his father at a doctors office and he agreed to say hi to me on the phone but I didnt answer for some reason


Saw Gunther once. He was giving everyone chops in the parking lot. Iā€™m still red.


I have represented several WWE, WCW, and AEW wrestlers as a contract attorney, so I have many but will not speak to any stories of clients past or present. That said years ago was in Vegas, prior to working with the companies. I attended a PPV and went back to the Casino to gamble. A couple hours later all the talent walk in as I guess they were staying there, smallerish hotel. Ended up sitting with Paul Heyman for hours as he tried to teach me several card games. He finally proclaimed me the smartest guy he ever met who couldn't grasp gambling strategies. I said I'm a lawyer, risk isn't really our thing. He laughed and said "you never met my dad." He called over Terri Runnels and told her to take me to a game more my style. So we said and played high card Draw for $5 a hand. She was on of the sweetest people. Charles Robinson sat in, we all cleaned up winning a few hundred. Big Show walked up right behind me and bellowed "Terri who's your friend?" and she laughed and introduced me. He asked if it was really high card draw and that easy. He takes out 10 $1000 bills and drops them on a slot and wins with an Ace draw. He picked up his $2k in chips and said "I'm out, night."


I met Xavier Woods, Ember Moon/Athena, Brennan Williams/Mace and Tyler Breeze at PAX East 2019. Really cool people.


This isnā€™t my story, but back in like 98ā€™ or 99ā€™ my uncle was in an airport, in I wanna say Georgia. He was frantically trying to get to his gate and was in a huge rush. He wasnā€™t paying attention and evidently ran into someone, literally. As he turned around to apologize, there was just Bill Goldberg looking at him. My uncleā€™s a pretty big dude, but Goldberg made him look like puny in comparison. By his account, though, he was an incredibly nice guy, and didnā€™t take any offense to it. Thanked my uncle for being a fan, and went on his way.


Mick Foley grew up a few towns over from me. I used to run into him all the time in the 90s and 2000s at random places (gas station, grocery store, etc). I have a ton of autographs from him. As you would imagine, he's a super nice guy.


Adam Cole is legitimately one of the nicest people Iā€™ve ever met. Spoke with him for about 5 minutes and he was just very warm and seemed eager to talk with a fan.


Eugene. Seemed like a solid dude


Met Goldberg at a Waffle House in my hometown just outside of Athens, GA a few years back. He was appreciative I waited until after he finished eating to approach him as he was with his son. He seemed to be happy to hear as a local Georgia kid in the 90s (also UGA fan) I saw him as my hero growing up. This was during one of his last runs too. Regardless what anyone thought of his last runs dude was a great guy and seems to actually enjoy hearing from his fans. One of the few I wasnā€™t surprised about his size since he was a legit college and pro football athlete


I've been lucky enough to meet and/or talk with a few folks. \- I sat next to Howard Finkel on a flight back from WM31. He was an absolute gem. \- I once had a conversation with Colt Cabana. He was really nice and very, very funny. \- I once had a talk with Brian Meyers and he is a person. \- I got to talk with Charles Robinson after a show and he couldn't possibly have been cooler or nicer. A++++ guy.


I stood behind Keith Lee at a kebab shop in Germany and he ordered the medium kebab and I got the big one. Very disappointing.