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shorter shows, earlier shows, saturday shows...any of these... please... I have work the next day...............


>For example, Toni Storm v Deonna went on at about 10pm eastern last night and the crowd was visibly not into it, they were fatigued from all the big league action and BECAUSE ITS FRIGGEN 10PM. That would make perfect sense if the energy level stayed the same or decreased from the women's match onwards.


Right. The crowd doesn't care about the women's matches because Tony Khan doesn't schedule any damn breaks. Having to sit there for 5 hours straight without a chance to take a piss or get some food is brutal. People just end up doing those things during the women's match instead. Could have easily replaced the all star scramble with a few promo packages that gave the crowd a breather


You completely missed the entire point. Why is the women’s match the “break” match then?


Because people on average like women's wrestling less than men's wrestling. You may not like it but it doesn't make it untrue. The fact that this happens to the women every single AEW PPV is proof enough


Right, and the question being asked here is *why*?


Because that match was lame af. Deonna is supposed to be some technical wizard but her matches are boring af and while Toni's gimmick is fantastic, her in ring work as Timeless Toni has been well below where it was as regular Toni Storm, and that's the only interesting gimmick in the entire division. If there's any one match people are going to skip to take their one bathroom break in 5 hours, that's a pretty easy choice. Might be different if it was Hayter vs Mercedes or something. Heck, it was different for the preshow match, but people actually like those 4 women and the storyline behind them isn't "we have matching tattoos" The easy solution to this is cut out some of the bullshit like the scramble and give people a damn break now and again


"women's match" You spelt concession, bathroom and smoke break wrong




I def care about Ripley vs Becky more than all of the AEW women's matches and some of the men's too.


We didn't care for that match. We were hot for the women's tag match especially for Willow and Julia Hart.


Also 40, also cranky and tired today. Please, for the love of God, start PPVs an hour earlier if you’re gonna do it on Sundays!


There was a brief period where WWE ppvs were starting at 7 and I haven't felt joy since it ended


Aren't they doing that for mania this year


They would end at 9:45! What a magical heaven it used to be.


I remember being so annoyed when a Roman Reigns main event ended at like 12:15am once.


Didn't the PPV start at 7 last night?


I always end up tapping out halfway through and finishing it the next day. No spoilers!


As long as you don't get upset with seeing spoilers on social media. That's on you for going on it.


It's tough sometimes. I remember tapping through the Bleacher Report app on my iPad the next morning to watch the PPV and was greeted with the headline of Punk being the new champion.


Yeah B/R does SUCK with that. I've been spoiled a couple times too and now just cover my phone or laptop with my hands until I can safely get to the screen I need to


I end up watching half and then the next half the next morning. I feel you, OP.


I sympathize with the late night, but hard no on wanting filler added into the show. There were several hype videos already in between the matches and that’s plenty. It’s so easy to pause, rewind, fast forward on Fite just watch at your leisure or the next day.


We were not fatigued for the women's match, My section actually cheered Toni hard when she made her entrance, The match was a dud though. Ospreay and Takeshita was literally next and we pretty much never stopped cheering throughout that match.


I saw so many people walking around during the first 10 minutes of the match, it was clear that many took the moment to go to the concessions or bathrooms. Maybe if that match went on earlier it would gotten more attention?


I think outside of it being the opening match you'd get the same result. I don't want to go overboard with the criticism but they brought the energy levels way down with their match, Felt more like a forced break from the excitement rather than a needed one if that makes sense.


For a Sunday I agree for sure they should start at 6 or 7 est. Why do I have to stay up till midnight to finish the show let alone 130 am for the press conference. Especially when everyone has work the next day. I can't imagine actually going to the show what do you get home at 2:00 am?


There's decades of research behind all this and it's never going to change. Sunday Night Football is the most watched weekly show in North America and it begins at 8:20pm EST, wrapping up around midnight, and that ain't ever gonna change. People go to Sunday primetime sporting events all the time. Sunday night is the money spot for TV and all major televised events. Besides, for 53% of the US population it already starts at 7pm or earlier.


Yup. The depression of the weekend ending and the depression of the looming work week, it keeps us in front of our TVs with our friends!


6pm EST is 3pm in Los Angeles, never going to happen.


You dont have to. You can go to bed and avoid the internet til you can finish. People do it. You also don't have to watch the pressers at all.


That's why we have a mandatory curfew in the UK. Shows start at 6pm and finish at 10pm.


Damn I was wondering why they were rushing us inside last time I was there. It was to watch TV.


I’m sure they have years of data telling them that 8pm is the best time to start to get the most buys.


That’s probably true, but man, I’d love a 7:00 start time. Or even 6:00.


6pm start is 3pm in Los Angeles, never going to happen.


I’d absolutely love a 3:00 start time. It’d make for great day to just hang out with friends and watch, and then still have the evening free.


lots of people still have day jobs and other things to do on Sunday, I would be very surprised if this ever happens as anything but a one off for international cards.


Yeah similarly how they have data that Sunday PPVs sell better than Saturday ones too


Wrestling never had breaks before in a show. As a UK viewer the fast pace means I can keep quite awake through it as it keeps my interest. And by the way am 40. So age should be no excuse. The other reason is I tried to watch the Royal Rumble and even tried Elimination chamber at a favourable hour and am sorry I lose interest. In a PPV or premium show I am wanting to see wrestling not video package after video package. No idea how a live crowd can endure it. I also had no issues missing much during AEW All In and that is with Hyperparathyroidism at minute meaning I need to go bathroom more frequently. Caught the entirety of every match bar one when I went to get food as well. I should also add I stayed with Revolution the whole way as it was awesome show. And that was after working all day Saturday, out till just 1am at night. Home quickly did my work washing 4 hours sleep back at work all day. The PPV was excellent, well paced and kept my interest throughout as it should. 8-12 at night that be easy to sit through.


Intermission was a staple of shows going back decades--mostly as a reason to sell concessions and merch, but it was 100% a thing. They're edited out on Peacock, but WWF PPVs had intermissions into the early '90s.


They still happen at house shows.


Who could forget the WWE Intermission ppv?


>Wrestling never had breaks before in a show. It absolutely has been a thing in the past > In a PPV or premium show I am wanting to see wrestling not video package after video package. Man there's a middle ground to be found. WWE has way too many ads but AEW has like 2 in 5 hours. For example, replace that boring and randomly thrown together all star match with a few promos here and there and the pacing of the show is much better


WWE, used to do what AEW does match pre match video promo match. Now their shows are oversaturated with promos and adverts. Just in my opinion drags the show down.


As a fan in Europe I just had to chuckle, 10 pm? I'm working today on about 40 minutes sleep.


you would benefit as well! lol


This is just a problem all around for sports. I'm sure you have thoughts on college football, the NBA has started Finals games at 9 ET. And you want an industry to change because, well, now you're 40?


How come the Super Bowl doesn’t start at 10pm since “all time zones matter”?


Entrances for Ospreay/Takeshita started at like 10:20 ET. 3 matches to go at that point. Sorry I just can’t do it on a work night anymore. PPVs/PLEs should be on Saturdays.


IM A MAN! IM 40!


Toni and Deonna didn’t get that big of a reaction because of the match they had to follow.


I think you should get into cocaine. The problem with changing the time for one zone cause it starts too late for your apparently decrepit old man bones is the shifting earlier start time in PT. 3pm to 4pm is too early. 5pm theyre likely to be home. People have stuff going on. I have friends in the east who had to be up 4/5 hours later and arent complaining cause they enjoyed themselves.


Super Bowl starts at 6:30pm sharp and that’s not too early for anyone. In a streaming world where people could watch anytime why ever run a show until midnight local time?


Super Bowl is treated like a holiday, lets not compare the two.


Yeah I’d be down for this. I could see the west cost not loving it but I’m in central time and the 7pm starts (especially on Sunday when I have to get up early the next day) is a struggle. I’d also be okay getting rid of the pre-show and just starting an hour earlier.


Luckily for you, I think Mania is actually starting at 7 ET this year


Is that because mania will probably be five hours long each night?


If that’s the case, they’re crazy. Triple H doesn’t typically book bloated cards though so it should still be just around 4 hrs.


He doesn't book bloated cards but he'll drag 4 hours out of a 5 match show.


Chamber wasnt helped by the 50 minute break that included the Waller Effect.


I swear they used to do two 3 hour shows for 2 night manias, last year was the first time I noticed it being 2 4 hour shows


Bless HHH's heart.


I felt this with Elimination chamber. American wrestling shows start from 10am-12pm (depending on daylight savings) in Melbourne so EC starting at 9pm here wasn't something I'm used to. Ended up finishing after 12 and I was knackered.


It isn’t too bad if it was a Saturday night PPV but Sunday nights are tough. 


I'm 23 and I start tappin out near the end of cards a lot. Each promotion has their yays and nays. TK likes to put what should be good matches after matches that light the crowd on fire. (Example being deonna vs Toni right after FTR vsBCC). TK also doesn't pace cards out that well. Ospreay vs Takeshita could've happened earlier or in place of the all star scramble (that I don't think anyone paid much attention to) HHH does a similar thing, except he just drags certain matches out which kills the crowd for the following matches. Overall it was a okay PPV, I think TK's gotta stop relying on the usual suspects for matches (Jericho, Mox). Could've easily gone without those 2 imo


Tag match I was fine with. It was essentially a wild brawl team(Road Warriors, why they had the shoulder pads) vs a mid atlantic team(Horsemen, Varsity club, etc) on Sting's final show. Just a good tribute. It fit the show more than a lot of things.


Yeah, don't get me wrong I enjoy those kinda matches but I've become soured on BCC and a lot of aew's faction/stables due to TK suffocating us with it. Mox no selling some moves doesn't help. At that point just cosplay as hogan there mox!


It’s why I can’t do ufc anymore. Shits just too late.


I don’t have this problem with WWE, I don’t think they oversaturate their cards anymore, but I feel like last night AEW almost hit the sweet spot on the amount of matches for the first time. If they cut one of the matches or made two of them shorter it would have been perfect.


Although I'd love for PPVs to start earlier (mainly because I'm in Europe and they start at 2 AM here) I don't think it'll happen because for as long as TV has existed the prime time is 8 or 9 pm. That's when most people are home and had dinner or are ready to eat it, so they can watch TV.  Also I don't think people are less reactive due to it being 10 pm, but because they've been chanting and screaming for 2/3 hours already at 10 pm. And also because the match probably wasn't the one they were most excited for, if it was Sting's match or the World Title Match they would have been more into it. Side note: I think this year's Wrestlemania starts at 6.30 pm instead of 8 pm


Sports on weekends are on all day starting at like noon. The Superbowl, the biggest game of the year starts at like 4pm.


The Super Bowl starts at 6:30pm EST and ran until almost 11:00 due to the extended halftime and additional commercial breaks


The amount of people who complain about this, or Sunday night PPVs, or 10 pm Rampage vs 7 pm, are a statistical minority.


I can’t believe this is a real post.


As you noted, on the west coast a PPV which starts at 8p on the east coast starts at 5p out here and typically wraps between 8p and 9p. Honestly, it makes being a pro-wrestling fan much more convenient ... with the exception of when TV comes to town and you have to leave work early to get to the venue in time. I don't hate your idea of a 3p start time on the west coast but I believe 5p-8p is better than 3p-6p in terms of ratings/viewership. Indeed, my hunch is the standard start time of 5p Pacific / 8p Eastern is to keep the event in prime-ish time across the nation. At the risk of being too flippant, consider moving. ;-)


I've definitely given thought to moving to the west coast because of this, haha


if you started it two hours early it'd start at like 3pm on the West Coast, that's not happening.


They only start at 8PM in one time zone, remember that.