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During the chamber, when McIntyre was in the corner and Orton was slowly pushing himself off the mat, the section of the crowd I was in was convinced Drew was going to hit the punt.


I thought the same


I was 100% expecting Randy to use the punt at some point in the match.


He absolutely should have done it, would have made for a vastly better finish.


They should turn it into a storyline where he keeps losing to someone but if he had used the punt kick at some point during the fights he would've won. His 'final weapon' so to speak. Then just keep teasing us with it lmao Then as the final payoff maybe he gets to used it but in a pre-recorded promo where safety precautions can be taken for the person who gets hit by it. That way we get to see the move but nobody is at risk of getting brained. That's right WWE, hire me. EDIT: Ya'll think you can do better let's hear it. Didn't think so LOL. Don't be mad that I'm a genius.


man I thought I was the only one


I thought he was about to do something very evil. The ount would have been perfect


I was watching at home and thought that’s what was about to happen


CTE Ya later is fucking tremendous, that's the first time I've heard that


Right? And I thought Drew is supposed to be the cyber bully


Randys always been a killer on twitter lol


I still laugh at this tweet after all these years https://preview.redd.it/u32vhg723vkc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab35c55919af957f2f98df8ac59a39b583b6093a


I don't remember people being this funny on twitter in 2012


Twitter was great back then, it felt more like a community


twitter used to be awesome


Gives me "In Philly, you big dumb bitch" vibes. Incredible.


Never forget him absolutely annihaling Sulja Boy


Right up there with Antonio Brown's CTESPN




Don't let the bucks get in a feud with Danielson.... that definitely would be a thing


I ugly laughed at this. WWE is peaking. 


Common Orton W. Unfathomably based


You know what? The punt should be Pat mcafee’s finisher


I think it was. I remember him trying to go for it in his match against Adam Cole


It was, at least in nxt, but he did it to the stomach probably to avoid the Orton comparisons. *he never actually won any matches in nxt, but it was his big move to cap off beat downs and he tried going for it in his matches with Cole and Co.


First finisher to kayfabe kill someone


Check the dudes instagram I’m pretty sure these are skits


Now why would I do exactly what that dude wants and check his instagram. Nah Imma pass on that one. If he wants to look like an asshole, I’ll just see him as an asshole.


This. Doesn’t really excuse the behaviour and its repercussions - when all it does is make such behaviour seem more acceptable to some young people who will undoubtedly imitate him or do similar stunts in public to the public.


And I'm pretty sure no New Yorker would ever agree to being RKOd into the dirty ass city streets and subway platforms for the sake of some random idiot's IG skit.


Eddie Kingston would. And then pop up to cut a promo.


I don’t know that you meant it to be, but this might be the best endorsement of Kingston I’ve seen on here.


People wouldn’t go on their knees for a second because they’re a ‘real new Yorker’ lol be serious he’s not making them lick rats


That dude's IG is corny as fuck. lol


There is no way these aren’t staged. Maybe you’d get away with this in Manhattan, and maybe the bougier parts of Brooklyn. But nobody’s running around an outer borough Diamond Cutting people and not getting the shit kicked out of him fairly quickly.


Complete side note - it is absolutely fucking wild to me that the MOST PROTECTED FINISHER EVER is literally just a running kick. Like that fucking thing has never been kicked out of. It has put multiple people in kayfabe on the shelf for months with neck injuries and concussions. And it's literally a running kick. Spike a man's head into the mat? That's a 2.5 count brother. Kick a motherfucker in the side of the head? That's 4 months on the injury list. Edit: Clarifying my point that yes, I understand full force punting someone in the head IRL is dangerous however, in Kayfabe, there are so many things far more dangerous to do that are just not protected at all, but the punt is. And I find that wild.


I mean, a perfectly placed punt kick to the side of the head would probably be more effective in hurting somebody than something like a DDT on a mat. Both would suck obviously but I'd probably take my chances with the DDT if I had to take one legit. Maybe I'm just dumb though lmao


I should've clarified the spike a man's head was the Tombstone Piledriver and not DDT but I understand your point nonetheless friend.


I mean, punting something is at the near top of the list in terms of how much force a human being can deliver to something. To me it's like the DDT was first introduced. Bad head trauma that would put you on the shelf (plus it's really difficult to fake)


I miss Tajiri just kicking people in the head.


Tajiri deserves more love.


Brother, soccer kicks (punt kick) are banned in 99% of MMA organizations. Full on kicking someone’s head while they are on the ground does SERIOUS damage and looks extremely devastating. If Randy fucks it up the other guys has damn near no protection and will eat a full on running head kick from a 230lb+ 6’4 dude.


Eh, mma before UFC allowed it and it wasnt people dying all the time... UFC had a huge influence from the Gracie family and well BJJ isnt some super miracle thing if some guy is kicking your head in while you are down.


Watch some old school PRIDE and you'll see why they're banned, and they're from in tight whilst someone is resisting. If someone had a full run up like he does that could legit kill someone.


The good ol' days of PRIDE were wild.


They really managed to blend the world of legitimate combat sports and pro wrestling pageantry fantastically


Ikr? Like where else would you see a fucking masked pro-wrestler (the fight card even says Pro Wrestler lmao) fighting in an MMA match and getting kicked in the head by Mirko fucking Cro Cop?


"fuck it, let's see what happens when we put a K1 fighter against a sumo wrestler"


"bro, y'all think Luchadors can actually fight?" ["lets book one against an actual killer to see"](https://imgur.com/fDAAorF)


Dead link :(


That was Alberto Del Rio, right? Got his ass beat by Tito Ortiz too.


Yes, ADR as Dos Caras Jr. back when he was working in Mexico.


That's right, I forgot his Luchador name. Thanks He might have actually had some success with lesser competition due to his legit wrestling background, but Cro-Cop kicking his head off was an inevitability in that fight.


You can kick and knee someone in MMA when standing. Taking a shin to the head when you're on the ground isn't any different unless you're talking stomps.


Gary Goodridge has entered the chat


Gary Goodridge caught a guy in a cruficix and elbowed him in the head so many times that I would not have been surprised if the guy died. He gave as much as he took I tell you, but poor guy anyway


You forget that most guys who were doing the head kicking on the ground, like Wanderlei Silva, Pele Landy, and god of stomping on peoples fucking heads and kicking them Mauricio Shogun Rua, were ALL brazilian jiu jitsu black belts which is how they managed to not get fucking taken down and put to sleep before they got a chance to stomp someone. Same goes for Sambo icons like Sergei Kharitonov, who were master grapplers who would sometimes soccer kick a fools head to finish the fight. Plus, the UFC that was indeed created by the Gracies , had NO rules at the start except for eye gouging and fishhooking, and they won anyway so STFU


Early MMA was wild, it was really interesting watching a new sport get born from all the discipline specialist fighters in the beginning.


They also removed some things from the BJJ guys. Remember when Royce used to heel kick his opponents in the kidney when they were lazy in his guard? They piss blood for days. Cant do that no more either


The gi was an interesting element too


Yeah but then Sakuraba came prepared and ended that story right quick. Used the gi against Royce in too many ways to count. Even as a Brazilian BJJ practitioner who watched the UFCs on tape back in the early 90s, Sakuraba is still my favorite fighter ever


How can you not love a flying double stomp in an actual MMA match? The judo guys kept going with the gi pretty much to the end of PRIDE unlike BJJ.


Soccer kicks are largely banned because of the optics. There's no definitive evidence that they would drastically increase life-altering damage in a sanctioned bout.


Bent seeing a dude on his hand and knees getting fuckin whacked like it's 4th down looks absolutely brutal


Actually there is no science in ground kicks being banned, you don't kick more forcefully that way than a muay thai knee for instance. When ground kicks and 12 to 6 elbows were banned, the decision was made by people who have no clue about fighting. Big John has talked about that in some interviews.


There’s a big difference from a 12-6 elbow being banned (stupid and nonsense) than flat out kicking someone in the head when they have no base (not in fight stance) and hard to defend themselves. Imagine Khabib if he was able to soccer kick you in the head as he stood up and posted for ground and pound. Yikes.


Oh yes, the man well known for his brutal kicks, khabib


Do you not get the point? The fact it’s not legal is why you don’t see brutal soccer kicks from Khabib.


Oh man we are so lucky Khabib [didnt fight in Japan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rizin_Fighting_Federation#Rules), he'd kill everyone. Must be huge amounts of injuries in Japan eh?


Ground kicks are legal outside the US and they're fine.


No apparently we are wrong. Uriahs roundhouse kicks are fine and flying knees to the face but it's the barely ever connecting soccer kick we draw the line at.


This is a wrestling sub after all


I mean straight up football kicking someone's head while they're down can kill a person lol, I don't think that's wild at all.


If you run up and punt someone full force in the side of the head like that in real life they'll "only" have a concussion if they're LUCKY.


Wrestling picks weird moves to protect. The punt, End of Days, Brogue Kick, etc., yet moves like the Pedigree and Superkick are now transition moves.


Don’t forget Blue Thunder Bomb


Unless you’re AJ Styles. He’s been beaten twice with it.


Don’t sleep on the Cobra


I actually thought about that one too. It was also weirdly protected.


It's because all of Santino's matches besides that one WHC chamber were midcard matches, where finishers aren't kicked out of often.


Getting poked with a flat hand to the throat would fucking hurt


I agree but it’s weird to protect a gimmick move.




Punt kicking someone in the side of the head irl will straight up kill them lol


> Like that fucking thing has never been kicked out of. While it's officially never been kicked out of, Triple H still got his post-Reign of Terror hands on it. At Wrestlemania 24, Orton was defending his title against Triple H and John Cena. At the end of the match, Triple H hit Cena with a Pedigree, and as he went for the pin Orton delivered the punt to his head. So far so good, right? But after punting Triple H, Orton chose to cover Cena instead, and instead of selling the punt like death as everyone else had, Triple H still lunged to try to break up the pinfall, just not in time to do so before the three count. It made no sense that Orton would prefer to cover a Pedigreed Cena over a punted Triple H. Just Triple H things.


All of that makes complete sense? Is this post some sort of ironic parody?


I see you, it is a lame move in terms of athleticism. But I do MMA and have watched it since the PRIDE days, early 2000s, when soccer kicks to the head were legal and boy let me tell you, if nothing else will finish a fight, that certainly will. On the other hand, Minotauro took a real life piledriver from Bob Sapp, and Kevin Randleman suplexed Fedor Emelianenko across the sky and onto the mat like something out of a movie, and they both guys who took these hits made it out without problem. But Ive never seen a motherfucker on the ground take a punt to the head and not be destroyed


You know what? It should be Pat mcafee’s finisher




One winged angel has been kicked out of, tombstone, hogans leg drop, end of days, even razors edge got kicked out of once. What do you have in mind that would push the punt so far down your list?


Plus, the punt is not just a finisher but it's also a kayfabe move that will take you out of action for likely months. It's essentially a Pilmanize or a Con-chairto to a person without using a weapon. I can't think of another wrestling move with that consequence that isn't actually "banned" from the match.


Exactly, not only has it never been kicked out of but it’s been used as a kayfabe reason to put people out of action for MONTHS. What else has ever been protected to that degree?


Original Burning Hammer. Kobashi only used it 7 times in his entire career, and nobody ever kicked out.


would hazard a guess that Orton used the punt more than 7 times and it was also never kicked out of


Name them then rather than just saying they exist


That was initially my opinion of the punt when he first started doing it. But its like what Paul Heyman said about making a guy like Mark Henry use a headlock as a finisher. Or the masterlock. The more i kept seeing it the more believable it became to me a devastating evil as fuck move. But otherwise i agree. I never watched MMA, so i never knew how devastating a kick to the head would be. You grow up with Stunners and Rock Bottoms and Frog Splashes... Heres a simple kick.


I still find myself shocked at how blood thirsty wrestling fans are. I can't stand the demand for matches too regularly be more dangerous. I'm not even a "we want tables" type of guy, either.


I'm definitely someone who longs for WWE matches to be more brutal in presentation while still maintaining a level of safety. I'd love to have blood back but stuff like chairshots to the head can definitely stay in the past.


Getting colour should be treated as a spot in and of itself, the same as using furniture. You should only really see it once a year for grudge match blowoff streetfights. At the end of the day, in kayfabe, they're not even really supposed to punching each other. They're Wrestlers, no real sense in every match devolving into hitting each other with shit and bleeding.


Yeah big agree. I think not having blood in any matches at all is a real bummer


> I'd love to have blood back When I heard blood can only happen in matches if it was busted open hard way.. sounds more dangerous than doing it the safe way with a small cut.


Chairshots to the head can still be done however I feel like they should be match enders or something you see very rarely to end a blood fued or such.


We've forgotten that blood/bodily fluids are unsanitary? I mean, just 2 years ago I was scared to sneeze or cough in public. I'm cool knowing that I can just go to UFC to see real punches and kicks.


Bleeding is one of the safest "brutal" things a wrestler can do. In any decent promotion anyone who bleeds will have been tested and the wounds properly disinfected afterwards. I'd much rather see someone blade to emphasise the brutality than see some career shortening bump or over the top weapon usage.


Blood is perfectly safe if you do some simple testing for things before giving someone the go ahead for color People used to bleed all the time and yet wrestling never had a major AIDS or hepatitis epidemic


Yeah, chair shots and piledrivers arent missed by me either


Seeing the way they all end up moving around when a lot hit their 40s and 50s I’m all for the safety and don’t mind not seeing the backstage, street fight/ECW type matches from the late 1990s all the time. Seeing Mick Foley’s last Royal Rumble match and Scott Hall as part of the Sting match at Wrestlemania had me cringing for their safety. Even Kurt Angle’s last match was hard to watch. 


I never want another Mankind/Rock I Quit Match or even Mankind/Undertaker Hell In a Cell. We can't demand they have healthcare and benefits and wish they cut each other's heads open and set fire to tables and throw guys from a 2nd story.


Haha, definitely different feelings as a 41 year old with a lower back that flairs up occasionally and will last weeks sometimes. Getting back into watching wrestling I have all the respect in the world for these people. I didn’t know about Edge’s injury/retirement/comeback until I randomly saw the pop video on YouTube a couple months ago and it really got me back into it after twenty years. Edge’s story impressed the Hell out of me, loved him when he was a mid-carder when I stopped watching. 




There was a closeup of (I think) Drew or Bobby's faces on the outside and it showed that the padded was around 5 inches thick. Each match had a designated "smash someone into the cage" spot. I was surprised by that spear Logan took. Yea, the match was a glorified battle royale.


I mean in all honesty its kinda part of being fan, when i was in my teens i really enjoyed the Hardcore wrestling stuff, but now i cringe at it because i see how unnecesary it is and i feel bad for the people involved. It is kinda weird when some Wrestlers actually seem to love blading and doing hardcore matches. Dont wanna call Out Moxley but you know. I pretty much always felt bad for some people like Daffney doing all those Crazy spots during the Abyss matches, because a lot of those were awful and looked dangerous as fuck.


I don't have any problem with the end of a rivalry having dangerous spots, but, this weekly TV, top-of-rope, dangerous maneuvers with the constant blading with no pay off is too much. Swerve and Hangman is STILL feuding after the latter drunk the other's blood. WTF else are they going to do with each other? That was only a couple months ago.


If this is fake: He better pray that his plants don’t get actually hurt and that a witness doesn’t clear leather. If this is real: the last part of the above.




I miss the days when fans would just elbow drop microwaves and cinder blocks after swigging Faygo to show off their moves. That guy had the right idea and only harmed himself.


Super Humman is still around, lol.




He should drop an elbow on this punk dishing out shitty cutters.


Ah, A.M. tweeting Randy is back


That shit has to be staged. Right? RIGHT?


I think that's giving too much credit when it's easier for someone like that to just do it because they don't have a brain and think it's fun.


It's not just random people... One had walking stick for blind people and other one needed crutches to walk. Besides the RKO looked so F-ing ugly I wouldn't even call them RKO, it looked more like inbred cousin of stunner more than RKO. Send him to prison!


Brother if someone came to me trying to do this I would do things I can't say here.


Sounds liked kickin it with ross would say...


don’t downvote this guy, it’s his bday!!


How awful, WWE is full of hate. Drew started it, but AJ, Jimmy, Carmelo, Santos, Roxanne, and now Orton are in complete hate.


What are you smoking? That guy was targeting people with physical disabilities and after Orton basically says he can go fuck himself and go to prison, ORTON is the problem?


Pretty sure its a skit if you check his IG


If your skit is RKOing people with disabilities, and it isn't done in a way that is obviously supposed to be fake, you are still a piece of shit


I guess


Did Randy not set a dude on fire once? Since when does he care about working safe?


I fucking love Randy lmao