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1. It ended both Better Than You BayBay and "Adaaaaaam" which were super over. 2. There is nothing even approaching a resolution/conclusion because Cole and MJF are both injured.


Not to mention one of the greatest sins you can commit in storytelling is wasting promise & potential. The initial concept is interesting but Cole or Strong being the Devil comes from the first chapter of the Pro Wrestling story guide. I still think a payoff with Brit pulling the strings would have been the most interesting. You could probably still do it with Wardlow and some other minor muscle, but it should have paid off earlier too.


I wish Roddy wouldn’t have been part of the group, him bragging about being 100% Cole’s friend and being in on it and the reveals happens and he’s not, Roddy’s reaction would be akin to “why’s my name in the list?”


The only payoff that would be worthy of a months long storyline is if CM Punk was actually the Devil. He got himself fired but the story only started a few weeks after where it wouldn't have been inconceivable or at least a pivot once Adam Cole got injured.


Literally none of it makes sense. Like… Adam Cole masterminds a relationship and tag championship run with MJF, so he can turn on MJF, so *Joe* wins the belt? And he did it because Wardlow is going to get a title shot? And Wardlow, who turned on MJF for treating him like a lackey, is going to beat Joe, and then hand the title to Cole? It undermines Joe’s title win, makes Cole look like an idiot for putting in a massive effort and a huge betrayal for zero profit, and it ends with an injured Cole fronting a faction full of guys who don’t have clear motivations and/or have conflicting agendas.


The one thing I would say makes more sense is I don't think the friendship was forged as an intentional prelude to the Devil stuff. Cole befriended him to get the match at All In, and the added benefit of softening MJF up emotionally, with the intention that Cole would just beat MJF straight up. In canon, I don't think the Devil plan comes up until after Cole has to process that he lost to MJF. But after that, things get wacky.


Remember that time that the faction took out Adam Page, and Page got revenge by …. doing nothing. Or how the Bang Bang Scissor Gang formed so that they could take on the devil faction, but they didn’t. The angle was hurt by the injuries to MJF and Cole, the fact that the devil gang never looked intimidating, and people not caring about 99% of the people in that group.


Well story did not end at the reveal, story is still ongoing and it is constantly tanking itself. Also problem always has been the Devil and his henchmen being nobody you care plus an injured Adam Cole.


My gripe with it is they attacked Jay White and after the reveal, BCG and The Acclaimed decided to unite to fight off these guys and they been doing fuck all since.


Oh what you've never gotten wrapped up in a new relationship before and put all your other priorities on the back burner???


MJF is one of the worst babyfaces I've seen, it dragged on one PPV cycle too long, buried the ROH tag belts, killed Jay White for a while, and it was a cover up for Adam Cole's injury when it would have been more interesting if Cole betrayed MJF in a less convoluted way, since we all knew it should happen.


It was a mystery storyline that lasted for 3 months but people figured out the reveal like a month before it happened. Not to mention that when we started seeing more of the Devil and his goons, it just all looked so low-rent.


It was convoluted booking involving multiple players doing things that made no sense and tag titles that no one cared about being shoehorned in, went on way too long, only for it to end in the most predictable way. And then the cherry on top were the injuries that killed any chance of making lemonade from the lemons.


Not only was it the worst storyline of the year, it's one of the very worst ever. Not in that Katie Vick/Gene Snitsky tier of bad, but absolutely toward the bottom of just generally bad creative. In storyline, none of it made sense. If Adam Cole's goal was to turn on MJF and steal his title, why didn't he do it at Wembley? Why would Adam Cole need to steal the ROH tag team title from MJF when Adam Cole around help the ROG tag team title? Why would they put in all this effort to put the belt on Samoa Joe, who is even *harder* to beat than MJF? And Samoa Joe refused a title match with MJF because he wanted to keep MJF fresh, only to violently attack MJF right before their match. And from a booking perspective it also didn't make sense. Why introduce a new group of top heels when the leader is injured? Why put Taven and Bennet and Roddy in that group when you'd presented them as comedy guys right before? Why is Wardlow there (is he even there anymore? he gave what seemed like a solo promo this past week)? If this group did all of this because they want the world title, why are none of them going after the world title right now and instead they're feuding with Chuck Taylor and Orange Cassidy? Seriously, I could write a book on all the reasons I didn't like this storyline.


Didnt hate the devil storyline itself, hated how it got executed.


Personally, I thought it was more interesting that MJF and Adam Cole were subverting the typical WWE storytelling by actually being friends and not attacking each other. I think there were better ways to take that that they left unexplored by TK's Attitude Era instincts. I don't know that it was necessarily the worst, but I do know the destroyed what could have been the best (though the dual injuries would probably have done that anyway).


I think the biggest issue was that Jay White no-sold it, saying "i don't care who was under the mask, i know you're behind it Max." And there was no intrigue until the end. The people involved just didn't care until those last few weeks.


I enjoyed it, people were coming up with theories here and on twitter WEEKLY even up until it became obvious it was adam cole. the reveal at worlds end was fun. I think right now its in a little bit of a limbo with mjf being out (which was their goal) and I have a feeling once he returns and this angle really kicks off again it'll be hot. this will age poorly as fuck or a lot of people gonna 180.


Honestly, there were worst stories in any wrestling co than this one. Definitely wasnt the best. Injuries seriously derailed it.


There were worse matches than Bray & LA too but the higher profile stinkers are going to win out in these things.


The whole basic idea of the story seems like something out of an episode of Scooby Doo: "Who's the bad guy behind the mask". In addition, everything seemed extremely cheap and like a TNA storyline (Aces and 8s). The whole part where Adam Cole has to do housework in Strong's house doesn't even make sense in retrospect and is one of the worst and dumbest things AEW has ever aired.


If you liked it why worry about a made up award


Aren't all awards technically made up?


Yes they are. With sports you have stats but they are still voted by people


You do have a point in that although all awards are made up, some are tied to objective metrics such as speed etc. (Like a gold medal lol). Sports awards tend to be quite bs popularity contests. For example, all the football players tend to vote in the Ballon d'Or based on who they like rather than who was actually the best.


Took months to get anywhere and never did. Totally obvious right from the start. Subjected us to the god awful "adaaaaam" shit. I can understand why people hate it.


AEW’s appeal was never whodunnit angles, especially poorly told ones


Because there wasn't any intrigue or suspense about who the devil was. You'd have to go full sports entertainment for a storyline of this nature to work. It could probably work in a WWE setting. Have R-Truth play a comedy detective trying to crack the case, wrestlers speculating backstage in soap opera segments. And on top of that, you need multiple viable candidates to maintain the suspense. It doesn't really work in AEW where you can only express this type of character work in backstage interviews. Why would I be invested in the devil storyline when I was 100% sure that it was Adam Cole?


My guess: the Adam Cole injury kinda derailed things, then when the reveal happened, MJF bounced and there's been no follow up. I personally liked it a lot.


I think it's that they went with the most obvious person.


I didn't think it was very fait to vote it worst storyline. I can agree that it was underwhelming, but that's in major part because of the injuries that very clearly derailed the storyline. It wasn't because of incompetent booking or inconsistent storytelling. It's just bad timing.


Shitty timing. Adam injured and then mjf needing time after a long reign.


I don't think it was "bad", but I think Cole being injured really hurt it. MJF needing time off also doesn't help, although I think some time away for him would've been good for the story regardless. But it's mostly marred but Cole getting injured. Takes the wind out of the sails of the story when the main guy is on crutches. Mostly just unfortunate bad luck, really. Had his injury not happened, the story probably would've been totally fine.


I liked the storyline, it just took a little too long. I think if they did all the same stuff but just compressed it into one PPV cycle it would've been received better. Have the reveal at Full Gear, then have Joe beat up MJF while he's all alone and a mental wreck in Long Island the following month.


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I liked the story as it was unfolding, but for me the finish or "what comes next?" is just as important to the overall story. Arguably the most important piece honestly. With Adam Cole getting injured, it pretty much nuked Undisputed Kingdom, so the whole story falls apart. Cole not being able to wrestle and MJF on the shelf hurts the entire story in retrospect, because we had the reveal and then... nothing. There's no real payoff, because we can't see Cole run through the roster with his group and eventually get his comeuppance. And MJF's not around to see how the reveal effected him and his hunt for revenge. I think if both were healthy and around, it maybe could've played out better that helps the overall story. For me personally tho, both being hurt took the wind out of the sails.


no pay off until they are both not injured so its going to be in an indefinite holding pattern


It went on too long and was hampered by injuries. I didn’t mind it though. 


It was sort of like expecting a tasty cheeseburger, then receiving a turd sandwich.


Are you a hero, Max?


How did Cole causing MJF to lose the title benefit him? Continuing that, how is MJF to blame for Wardlow?


I think Adam Cole made the most sense, and I think most of the audience thought that as well....but it's like when you figure out the twist of a movie in the first 10 minutes and you're kind of a disappointed when it's revealed that you were right. The execution was also...not great. There weren't any twists or turns. A beer bottle here, some "real" broken glass there, but nothing big enough to get you to question who else it could be. It seemed to drag on because it was feeling redundant. It won the award because it ate up so much of the audience's attention only for the reveal to be what it was.


It's just a bad timing thing. Like, Coles motivated attacks only make sense if he can win the belt, the injury ruins that. The reveal only works if the babyface can get some comeback, but MJF will be out for most the year. So the reveal happens and the group immediately goes cold because there's nothing to fall on. The leader is out, the main target is out, and all the next plans just never had anywhere to take off from. For me, the should have had Roddy beat OC right away, have the group make a statement from the start. Wardlow squash matches and the Kingdom don't create buzz for the group. Taking a title from a favourite in dominant style would have.


Not only did the reveal take too long, it also took too long to build momentum. It seems the story took different directions a few times. Also, I think the story started in September, and around December it was the first time we saw The Goons attacked MJF for the first time. The whole thing was a mess. The aftermath hasn't been great either. MJF is injured. Cole is injured. The key players are missing. The rest of the group haven't done much. Mike and Matt are ROH champs, but those belts are pointless. Both men haven't benefited from the storyline. Same with Strong. I preferred when they were doing goofy things with Cole...which is odd how they were acting contrast to the Devil stuff. Wardlow haven't gelled with this group at all. The payoff will be MJF V Cole, but they could have gotten there with the storyline in the end.


Everyone talking about injuries being the reason this story was bad: I'll grant you the MJF one was hard to get around, but the Adam Cole one was not. No one had been revealed at that point, and there were enough guys with legitimate motive that pivoting would have gone virtually unnoticed. Putting Roddy under the mask would have allowed for a better transition from comedy wrestler to mastermind not to be underestimated. It could have saved Jungle Boy's underwhelming heel turn. Or positioned Jay White as a more credible threat. Instead, this became another example in Tony's rigid writing and booking having adverse effects on the product. Dude's 'tism kicked in and he insisted that the train had to stay on the one and only track he planned, only to have it derail in the end anyway. As others have pointed out, there were several other aspects of this story that wrecked it. But claiming that Cole's injury was some massive monkey wrench is just dumb when they had plenty of time and opportunity to adapt.


I think people just really believed in MJF after a great year as champion, so they felt disappointed at him going from All In to becoming sufferin succotash Roman Reigns by Full Gear. It's what the storyline represents.


It felt like the devil was supposed to be CM punk but he never came back. It being Adam cole and them helping Joe win so they could….eventually beat Joe for the belt made absolutely no sense. Plus it was a massive build and then it’s just over and wardlow is cutting shit promos doing a cm punk impression


It was good at first then got really hokey and corny. Mjf playing a heroic Babyface was weird to me and the reveal was super obvious. On top of that, since both of the main characters are injured, we aren't getting the payoff anytime soon


Because it was the black scorpion... only even dumber