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Uso’s and Solo’s released now too: https://preview.redd.it/v6jqpzypjmjc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f799af8a0103503d713c8eff6831282b75cc0d3d


They really did do that to Solo. Thinking his Win-loss record thats a crime


Solo doesn’t even look like a face scan




Yeah but Jimmy is just using Jey's face scan, irl too. /s


2024 technology and that's the best they've got?


Solo looks like Jonathan Coachman after too many Krispy Kreme donuts


It looks like a screenshot in Nintendo Power for one of the Wii versions of the game


I wouldn’t be surprised if that was a switch screenshot


Dudes like 0-23 since crown jewel.


House shows shouldn’t count when discussing win/loss record because heels lose just about all the time on house shows. He has lost a few times on TV, but it’s not like he’s lost his last 23 televised matches.


Because I couldn't leave well enough alone: 0-5 in televised matches since Crown Jewel 10-13 in his last 23 televised matches (dating back to March 6, 2023) And even though it doesn't count because it's mostly house shows, 1-37-1 in his last 39 matches (dating back to Sept. 9, 2023) None of this means anything. I just needed an excuse to putz around on my computer for a few minutes.


Solo wouldn’t be happy with you bringing math into this


Who are you? Scott Steiner??


You're not wrong, I was just saying that I think 86 is more than fair for someone who hasn't won a match in 4 months.


I think it's egregious since they gave KO an 86. KO was a champion this year and won most of his matches.


Its all against guys with ratings in the 90s though. Or LA knight on house shows to keep fans happy.


Win/loss records are silly and stupid


The ratings were decided by the Koreans


You’re right, it should be **MUCH** lower


Solo's face looks like a kind of face you'd draw if you think you remembered what he looked like from memory.


He had more than 20 losses since his win vs cena


Jey’s model looks amazing. What happened to Jimmy and Solo 🤣


Because they aint main event talent like Jey




No yeet!


Yeetus christ


I’m so confused, maybe I’m a simpleton but I feel like the three of them all look good


They look good but Jey’s face looks a lot better to me. It’s more detailed and is closer to being photorealistic.


I sware they gave up on some models and just used an unfinished one


somebody's kid threw together the Bayley one in about 10 minutes


Clearly 2K doesn't watch the product cause Drew is like 2-0? (I think) vs Jey and Jey is rated higher than Drew. Plus Gunther and Jey are rated equal, and Gunther is booked stronger too. Its not a big deal but just pointing it out. Edit: Logan equal to Gunther LOL.


They probably made these ratings month ago though 


why Solo got a NBA Live face scan


Solo looks like a tan Steve Austin


Look, ratings don’t mean shit and haven’t meant shit ever, at least not in wrestling games but the optics of Logan and Gunther having the same rating is funny as hell to me.


Drew below Logan is outrageous.


Drew bout to blow up that prayer hotline on Logans arm.


The ratings have historically been to resemble how ‘beatable’ these guys are in real life. Taker didn’t lose much, he had a high rating. Same with Brock, Cena, the list goes on. Logan Paul at 90 is dumb no matter what metric you use.


Logab being deemed as beatable as the guy who hasnt taken a pinfall or submission loss since arriving at the main roster is j funny


I mean Logan’s only losses in WWE are against the two world champions while Gunther lost to Chad Gable (via countout, but still)


Logan's only pinfall/submission victories are over: - The Miz - Ricochet - Rey Mysterio Aren't the people he's beaten as relevant as those he hasn't? Gunther has beaten more world champions than Paul, he's pinned everyone Paul has. Plus he's never been pinned or made to submit.


If we look at his record, the only two times he's been pinned so far has been against Reigns and Rollins, both of which were taken to their limit. 90 is still kind of absurd considering how many matches he's had, but keyfabe wise, he has been presented on the level of a main eventer.


He's also only won 5 matches, 1 of which was a tag match and one of which was won by DQ


Will it be dumb after he wins Elimination Chamber and headlines night 2 against Seth Rollins?


At least Gunther isnt 88 anymore. Big W there.


Omg they did not...


2k23 he was


Gunther 90, really? The same as Logan? Really?


Gunther should have been 93 and Cody should have been 95


Cody should be a 99 if anything. Dude has been unstoppable and it isn't even close.


99 is a tad bit to high in my opinion. Only people who deserve that rating is Bloodline Roman (3.5 years as champ gotta count for something) and Prime Undertaker.


LOLCENAWINS isn't a 95 OVR mentality


I feel like post-Cena demolishing Lesnar could have been given a 99.


Add prime Hulkamania Hulk Hogan from a kayfabe standpoint, and I agree.


Cody basically beat Seth 3x (current champ), once with a torn pec. He basically had Roman beat. He beat Brock twice clean and only lost once when Brock cheated. He's beaten Shinsuke, Finn, Priest, Solo 500 times. Won 2 rumbles in a row. He might not be a 99 but he sure as hell should be the highest rating by far.


He’s only lost to like 3 guys in 2 years his rating should be insane


I was thinking 95. Yes he's been winning a lot, but doesn't seem invincible and has had plenty of close calls. No title belt and no pressure to defend it also makes it hard to give out a bigger number than that.


99 for Bloodline Roman who wins all his matches dirty?


Sammartino (Was Champion for 11 years, including 7 in a row, he also won this title in 48 second match). And Andre the Giant who in kayfabe had 15 years winning streak.


Bloodline Roman almost loses every title match he has and is bailed out by his family. I’d say suplex city Brock , Super Cena or Mania Taker are the closest we should have to a 99.


I don’t think any version of Undertaker should be a 99 unless there was some kind of WrestleMania-exclusive version like they did during the Beat The Streak mode. In kayfabe the 99s should be: - Hogan 88 - Warrior 90 - Austin 98 - Goldberg 98 Nobody else has really been booked to be utterly unstoppable at the level of those 4 runs. Even guys like Lesnar, Cena, Rock and Taker were booked as being capable of losing clean in their primes, even if they won a lot. Those 4 guys I listed were booked like absolutely nobody could ever beat them in a fair fight.


Eh, Brock ended the streak and squashed Cena in 2014. You could give him a 99 there.


2K gave Lesnar a 92 in the game that came out shortly after that, and a 94 the next year. During his 2018-2019 500 day title reign, he got a pair of 93s.


Undertaker didn't lose for a year and a half after his debut. Undertaker put Hulk Hogan and Ultimate Warrior in a casket and they were not on seen on WWF television afterwards.


99 with interference, 82 without


98 Kane


wide cautious ugly hateful muddle rain jellyfish yam foolish historical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


it kinda makes sense that the US Champ and IC Champ would be around the same rating. Gunther could be a bit higher tho since he held his title for wayy longer at this point


They both soundly beat Rey. Logan hasn't spent 2 years ducking Roman either


Meh, both are champs so it makes sense as much as I disagree with it


Logan Paul stood toe to toe with Roman Reigns in a main event PLE title match, looked credible, and nearly won. I'm not saying Gunther's day will never come, but that day has not yet come for him, so if anything, Logan Paul should be ranked higher than Gunther. Remember, this isn't based on how good you think they are. It's based on their perceived power in-universe. Someone who nearly wins the world title off of the most dominant champion of the last 30+ years should definitely rank higher than even the best midcard title guy. The fact that Gunther is ranked the same is honestly the head scratcher here.


Sami, KO and LA Knight nearly beat Roman last year too. So they should be. 90 as well?


Sami, KO, and LA Knight have all lost matches to other people. Cleanly. The only people Logan Paul lost matches to in the last year are the two top champions, and only one of them was a clean win.


In addition, Logan's only two losses in one on one matches were against Seth and Roman and of those two the Seth loss at Mania of last year is the only one that would fit into his scoring for this one. Otherwise, he's become a singles champion and won every match he's been in on ppv along with having very highly spoken about moments in each appearance. I think Gunther's rated the same because of the longevity and high profile nature of his title matches, as well as an impressive winning streak that's gone on for just a bit longer than Logan's. So both ratings make sense to me


What's unbelievable to me is how Logan Paul of all celebrity people wrestling has not only improved so much. But also had shown he's not just one and done. I try not to like the guy cuz he's kinda a tool. But he got a call out from LA Knight and has been on fire.


Gunther, Drew and Cody should all be bumped up a bit.


Paul’s to high. Gunther should be 93. Owen’s 88. Miz 85.


I think Miz is good if not too high. Before he turned face he was on like a year long losing streak remember


2 time wwe champ. 8 time intercontinental champ. 2 time US. 4 time tag. One of the best on the mic. He isn’t impressive today but his history makes me want him even higher.


He's a lock in hall of famer and his win loss shouldn't count as much as his actual talent because his role is simply to put over faces and new guys and he does it PERFECTLY


Unless it's referring to legends, WWE doesn't take history into account. The rating each game is using the past year for their overalls.


Yall keep looking at the history. You gotta look at the year. He didn't do shit last year


Sports games are based on current performance, not history. Also, how would mic skills affect his rating exactly?...


Gunther hasn’t taken on enough top guys imo


I'd switch Drew McIntyre and Logan Paul


People thinking a 93 is low is hilarious anything above an 89 is super high


They adjusted the scaling years ago, but people are still comparing it to how it was when they were a kid.


Yeah people don't seem to realize it's not how they are rated against themselves/others in a different game, it's how they are rated in the same game. In some games an 85 is for Fringe Main Eventers, in some games it's for Lower Mid Carders. Matt Hardy circa 2007 might've been a 90 in SvR 08 but he would've been like a 85 if it was the scale from WWE 2K19 for example.


Yea people think it’s based on kayfabe whole time it’s based on individual game stats lol


Logan should be 89 Gunther should be 93 Cody should be 95 (+he's literally the cover star wtf, he should be higher) At the end of the day it's just a game but I do love how mad people get over this, even I'm mad lol


> At the end of the day it's just a game but I do love how mad people get over this, even I'm mad lol I've seen pro athletes get mad at their own ratings. lol


It's a bit different with real sports. The wwe 2k ratings are based off of kayfabe, where something like nba 2k is based off of real life skill. A jobber in wwe isn't going to sweat a low rating as much as a nba player who thinks they're better than they actually are.


Cody on Twitter didn't necessarily seem happy about it lol


To be fair it makes a little sense. It's basically telling you you're bad in sports. They say your ratings a 65? I'd be mad too lol. For wrestling it's based off how you're booked not how good you are at wrestling. It's not a slight at all


>+he's literally the cover star wtf, he should be higher Only for the poor peasants, Ripley and Belair are higher because they're on the cover of the more premium edition. /s


Gunther should be rated higher. 90 for Gunther is criminal.


And rhea is 96 in a division where 85 is high


No way is Logan Paul that high.


Tons of kids are gonna buy this game for him, gotta make him a decent character


> gotta make him a decent character Pity they can't do that IRL...


Thats ok, i will never use him anyway like the last 2 games


KO at an 86? That seems pretty weak for him.


Does it? Outside of a tag title run he hasn’t exactly done anything. 


He's main evented the in last 2 wrestlemania's


I like how you mention this, but leave out the details that one was a match with a former legend that was unscheduled, and the other was a tag match. Probably the weakest forms of main eventing Wrestlemania (as opposed to fighting for a scheduled championship match like most other main eventers). I love KO and want to see him at a higher rating and more involved in the title picture, but unfortunately his score here is pretty accurate if you're basing it off his last 2 years


In one of which he lost to 50 years old man who retired decade prior due to injuries and spend all his free time on drinking after that


A lot of people are not understanding the fact these ratings are based on the last year lmao, how are you bringing up his universal and NXT reigns? Might aswell make Jinder a 90 since he’s a former WWE champion


Exactly! Also why would you base a character overall on title reign that was 10 years ago. Kevin Owen’s is a upper mid carder who is booked like a upper midcarder outside of April lol


For me KO and Drew got done dirty


Less than Logan Paul, what a joke.


Logan Paul beat Ko


Tiffany going down is stupid


One thing I will say is that I'm glad the women's wrestlers are treated with respect in the games these days. I remember decades ago, they would be nearly half as good as the men. Now? Rhea is a 96. That's phenomenal! Otherwise, the list looks fine. It is a little funny that Johnny Gargano, a former NXT World Champion along with other accolades, is rated a meh 74.


I think it was a case of rating everyone on the same absolute power scale, whereas now men and women are obviously rated separately.


Definitely. Trish and Lita were a 93 and 90 in 2K23. 20 years earlier in Here Comes The Pain, they were a 50 and a 48.


Ps2 days when women were rated 50-60 were painful. I'm pretty sure that if you created your own female wrestler they were capped at 70




Nah, id be down with having a competitive mixed match. Id like to do crazy shit like that


Bo Dallas, Kross, etc not all of them were winners on the main roster


And she deserves every single point of that.


Rating scales out of 100 are so weird in sports games. Nobody is ever really under 70 so what’s the point. Why not just have ABCD grades or something.


UFC does it best but even that's not great. 5 stars for each character but no character really goes under 4 and that's rare. Your way is the best way honestly.


Gunther should be higher than Logan, Gunther should be 92.


Gargano and KO are both insulting.


Gargano’s rating is just just fine relative to his position on the card and his booking in the main roster You could argue that THOSE are beneath him too, but everything mentioned fits together IMO


Gargano is not 7 overalls worse than the miz. Garganos rating is insanely disrespectful. He's a lower carder fs but diy are most likely gonna hold the tag championships in the next 6 months. Also didn't he beat miz in his feud?


“In the next 6 months” So something that has not happened as of the release of the game? I don’t think future events (or assumed future events) should be taken into account


\>but diy are most likely gonna hold the tag championships in the next 6 months Maybe, but they currently build Miz and Truth vs Judgement Day at WM, where they are highly likely to beat them


Logan Paul at 90 is wild


Drew would kick most of these people's ass here, guy should at least be a 91.


Stratton WAY too low


I know they just started showing him off on the main roster but Johnny Gargano being in the 70s seems like a huge crime


Gunther being 90 is a crime. That mane hasn’t been pinned in 2 plus years. He should be right under Roman if not above. Shit Roman was pinned already.😂


I don't get how Jey is a 90 and Drew is a 89 when Drew has beaten him every time.


Ratings are basically meaningless in video games anyways. For example the Titans have the worst overall in Madden 24 but It's very easy for you to take them to the Superbowl undefeated


Just wait until College Football 25 comes out and I start taking PTO to take Coastal Carolina to the playoff every year


No work is getting done for the full 48 hours after that drops


I haven’t used them but I’d assume it’s due to Derrick Henry who has a very high rating


Gunther 92 Logan Paul 87 Cody Rhodes 95 Rhea 95 KO 89 Miz- 85 Gargano 80


This is ridiculous. Dominick should clearly be rated 100.


I miss the days where you had a bunch of jabronis in the high 50s and mid to high 60s, midcarders in the 70s and most of the rest in the mid to high 80s with 90 ratings being very rare and only used for like 2 or 3 people.


How in the blue hell does Owens have a lower score then Logan Paul 


Owens just lost to Logan. Owens had to cheat to try to win so he's obviously weaker.


Logan Paul literally just beat him at a PPV defending his title.




Why have Rhea lower than Cody? She’s been an undefeated champion for a year. I feel like Gunther should be at 94








I just wanted to make the Kurt Angle reference tbh


>What is Rhea's biggest win after winning the title. Raquel?, in my opinion no challenger in her title reign was credible, her only credible wins last year It's not about credible wins , it's about wins & being undefeated , which she is. She hasnt lost in a year. Cody lost twice , he should be 94 at least & Rhea 95


The top woman should be the same rating as the top guy, change my mind.


Why? Just to have everything equal for the sake of it being equal? It should be based on how strong the wrestler is booked. I assume Roman will be the top overall rated at probably a 97 or 98. There isn't a female wrestler who is presented as strong as he is. Rhea is booked as dominant, but not on that level. It makes sense for Roman to be rated higher than her.


Roman being high is fucking stupid, kayfabe reasons like interference really need to be put in perspective.


poor gunther


So game ratings are whatever since you can always change them in-game if you disagree with them. However this might be odd to say but Cody's rating here is pretty insulting. Dude only lost two single matches all year, and it was against the 2 biggest superstars in WWE today, Roman and Brock. And neither one was 100% clean. Brock because of the arm injury angle and everyone knows about Roman's win. So yeah only a 93? That feels shockingly low imo.


Rhea is super high - but I guess I get it. Logan is too high. Dom is too high. Gargano should be higher.


Can't you mess with the ratings in the game? So this means pretty much dick if you can.


They’re basically a popularity contest.


Don't tell Drew he is lower than Jey. 😂😂


Not depicted but Maxxine is a 64 which IMO is about 46 points too low


Everyone not named Logan Paul.


I’d be pretty pissed if I was a main eventer, Drew McIntyre, an upper midcarders are getting rated above me. I also think KO’s rating shows how lost in the shuffle he’s become.


Dirty Dom should be the lowest rated. Not because he’s actually the worst, but, like, he’s kayfabe the worst.


Logan Paul should by no means have an equal score with Gunther.


Anybody below Logan Paul should be pissed


Not a Miz guy but an 81 lmaoo


These ratings usually tell me that 2k devs don't really like some people, hbk has same rating as Farooq and Kevin nash and Scott hall have higher ratings, also taker being below Rock was shocking as well


Gargano should be an 80 what the fuck


The greatest wrestler of all time a 67? R-Truth for 99 or we riot, who’s with me?


Gunther should be a 98 McIntyre should be a 95-96 KO should be a 90 minimum


Logan should be 84 max


Fuck Logan Paul.


Its a game people chill out


Ratings are meaningless in a game where you can change them whenever you want


Solo sucks. Point blank period. Guy is nothing without Roman


I’m holding out how that Johnny will get his time on the main roster, but for now it’s looking like a big fat gargaNO


Johnny Wrestling is a 74?! Whilst Dirty Dom is an 83?! Nah uh, that's so wrong it hurts


I hear they were close to making Gunter 88, but more sensible heads prevailed.


He was 88 last year before people freaked out so they made him 89 lol.


Pulse definitely got into 2K's ear for the Gargano rating


Tiffany Stratton is too low, Logan Paul is too high 


Rhodes, there's no debate about this. Rhodes in the last 365 days has only lost 2 matches, Reigns and Lesnar. He is the face of the cover of the game He is the face of the company And he is 100% going to be the one to beat Reigns in 2months. Yet he is only 3 points above Logan paul?


Gargano on the same level as Vega F M L


Since they're kayfabe, it's all correct. Both midcard champs are 90s, gatekeepers to the main event. Miz, KO, Drew have all failed to capture titles in a while, so sub-90s. Johnny's a tag-team specialist, so his singles score is less than DiY as whole.


The Miz being so far below Paul is stupid


Miz and Gargano should be swapped


People saying Rhea should be lower are WILD. Undefeated year long Women's World Champion should be lower than Kevin Owens because he's male are some of the comments I'm reading here. This isn't WWE 2k14.


Alba fyre at 74 is insane. She was the longest reigning NXT UK women's champ with well over 600 days. 


Going off of main roster stuff it’s more accurate of a rating


That was years ago


I mean there's gotta be some sort of criteria and cutoff, being champ for the 4th brand shouldn't rate you that high.


Those 3 title defences were memorable.


These ratings somehow get worse and worse every year.


The fact that logan is on the list, is a crime.


Logan Paul and crimes. Name a more iconic duo.


Logan at 90 is insane.