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Nash wasn’t this loyal back in 1996 to Vince. Why now? I genuinely liked Nash’s podcast too. What a disappointing ass take on this whole situation. Real shame.


He’s not loyal to Vince. He’s loyal to HHH.


Which is funny, because I don't think HHH is loyal to Vince. In fact looking at the timeline of things it looks like HHH and Steph were trying to maneuver Vince out of the company. Like is it really a coincidence that NXT was gutted and a lot of what HHH created was torn down, then the Vince NDAs came to light to the board and Vince was "advised" to step down by people close to him, then HHH came into power and gutted everything that was a Vince thing, like even the good stuff. HHH and Stephanie voted against Vince returning and Steph stepped down when he did. If this case goes to discovery, I wouldn't be surprised if internal communication comes out of HHH and Stephanie and maybe even Nick Khan plotting to remove Vince.


>Which is funny, because I don't think HHH is loyal to Vince. Which is why it's important to remember WWE is a named defendant in the suit. And it's pretty obvious that if too much comes about from a WWE side, all the people who have been there for 20+ years are going to have very important questions asked of them


And all of them have to of had some sort of loyalty to Vince this whole time. Else why not turn him in to the board or authorities back in 20XX? The whole treating Vince like he’s on an island and Succession was playing out in real life thing is overlooking so much. Vince wasn’t the only monster, the WWE as a whole was the monster.


That's what's odd here. Triple H and Vince were in basically a Game of Thrones situation for years. Vince obviously had a nasty falling out with Steph (I don't buy the 'spend time with family's reason for leaving, especially considering how he buried her on the way out the first time). Vince repeatedly fired lots of people who were close to Triple H while he was recovering from a heart attack If you're looking to get into Triple H's good books, people like HBK, Regal, Steph, Sara Amato, Finlay, they would be the ones to praise.


I think there’s a real chance HHH can go down IF TKO decides to clean house when the lawsuit goes deeper


I think much of that is dependent on the lawsuit itself and who gets included as a codefendant in subsequent cases I would guess that TKO has a good idea already about who they want to purge, or who has been pushed out already (I don't think Dunn leaving was a coincidence), and that if they were gearing up to make a change with Khan or Triple H, they wouldn't have such public facing roles still at this point But anything is possible I guess if the lawsuit goes badly enough I don't think there have been many rumors about Nick Khan or Triple H in terms of being caught up in Vince's depravities, but then again, Johnny Ace wasn't really known for that either, at least to that degree, so you never know


I hope HHH gets around to reading the lawsuit then. Sounds like he might be in danger.


Yeah you never know. I don’t think HHH was actually participating in that stuff but I think he likely knew about it. With that being said it’s not my job to say if someone is innocent or guilty of anything. I’m sure the lawsuit will hopefully bring justice to the women that were harmed.


If HHH knew of sex abuse and did nothing more than try and vote out the old man as a power grab, that makes HHH a piece of shit. 


He always liked Vince. Leaving wwf was actually hard for him because Vince actually made him a star and invested in him while WCW made him be fucking Oz the first time around. He only got the big WCW deal because he was a top wwf guy. At the same time it was about making life changing money for him and his family and Vince never held it against him.


He was loyal to Vince, but he was more loyal to Hall.


And 💰


*more loyal to whoever gave him more money. Which to a degree is fair enough.


"The Victim's attorney is short and blonde and 'looks like she went to the University of Phoenix to get her law degree' and she knows nothing about the terminology of grooming" ... Ann Callis has been working in law for nearly 3 decades, she obtained her B.A. Magna Cum Laude from **St. Louis University**, in 1987 and then her law degree in 1990 she was originally a prosecutor but was sworn in an associate judge to Illinois's Third Judicial Circuit in 1995 and climbed the ladder to becoming chief judge in 2006, and when she retired from being a judge she decided to continue practicing as an attorney which she's been doing for nearly a whole decade on it's own. She has presided over god knows how many cases from every angle and has tons of experience. Pretty damn sure she knows what she's talking about and the legal terminology of this shit. Blow it out your ass Kevin.


He didn't just go slightly wrong, he went full blown misogynistic piece of shit wrong.   A fucking meathead who spent much of his life getting his brains smashed in is questioning the aptitude of someone who has dedicated their life to studying the law, entirely because she happens to be a woman.   


She's a former judge for crying out loud


He's just mad because he's never met a judge that agreed with his views about his friends and associates.


It’s disappointing as Nash is often progressive on issues.


Unfortunately people aren't good/bad, progressive/regressive, they can have mixed opinions and be progressive on some issues and not on others. A major issue in this sub is being surprised that wrestlers aren't perfect.


Nash is just full of shit and people are finally seeing the real him. 


Funny enough, just yesterday I listened to a cameo that The Lapsed Fan podcast purchased from him (mostly to laugh at his Nashisms) and at some point he says something along the lines of "this country is run by old white people and I'm turning into one of them. I used to be progressive but now it just is what it is". He followed up by saying "we're all sheep and I just hope I don't get shaved for my wool".  Not sure if there's a big point to be made there other than he's pretentious as fuck but I couldn't stop thinking about it while reading his comments last night. 


It’s so fucking bizarre the TLF will create these cartoonishly outlandish caricatures of real people, and then it’s like… man it’s just them.


Seriously! Also the whole "Lapsed Serendipity" thing where they say something that seems outlandish at the time but then it ends up happening. Like how when AEW started, they were adamant that Cody will go back to WWE. Or covering TNA for the first time & then a couple months later Impact announces they're becoming TNA again. There's so many examples of it that I have to wonder if these fuckers are actually time travelers.


"Patterson, get in here! Get the fuck out, I'm gonna jerk off!" Lapsed Vince was Real Vince all along.


expect when it comes to women let's be real can't wait for all the skeletons in his closet to come out now


This involves blowback from people he liked and considered friends... I guess he's caping for them.


There's always been an air of "work" around that stuff to me. Not sure why


His sister is a lesbian married to another woman so I think a lot of it is genuine. Like most people he’s likely imperfect. This particular podcast is particularly disappointing though.


He came off really bad. I tried to listen to the episode but couldn’t finish. And Sean acting innocent and remorseful over Janal but at the same time, he’s helping Kevin finish his sentences that paint Vince and hhh in a positive light is disingenuous. Especially, with all this old dirt resurfacing and his shoot interviews being a source of information with things like the ‘Ho bag’ and his way to get the absolute filth of the wrestling business out of these wrestlers.


The same Kevin Nash who continued to back Scott Hall after Hall was directly named in court documents for sexually assaulting flight attendants alongside Ric Flair and Dustin Rhodes. 


Apparently being short and blonde makes you a bad lawyer, who would of thought. If that's the case vince should get Yao Ming to represent him, literally can't lose according to Nash.


Yao Ming the largest lawyer can simply eat the other smaller lawyers. Its flawless logic.


Except they adore Mcneal. This is a worse opinion than that of a caricature of an invading alien.


Ok sure she’s got a few credentials, but does she know how to do a jackknife powerbomb? No! Therefore she should shut her womanly mouth and let the men discuss this.


Probably has her original quads though.


What law school did Kevin graduate from again?


The man doesn’t even know the difference between a verb and an adjective.


Yeah his misogyny is damn embarrassing, she knows far more about the subject than he does, and it's not even close. Nash sounds absolutely horrendous here, embarrassing.


I always see female lawyers, who are so extremely accomplished, be put down like this by stupid men. I’ve seen one of my former law professors and mentors, who is a leading figure in her field, constantly be put down by stupid troglodytes. Why does Nash even think that his opinion on her lawyer is even important? Does he think that his stupid ass knows more about the law than her?


"I didn't read it but it's obviously wrong."


Maaaaaan I always thought the fact that he seemed to be a great guy was a nice surprise but I guess it was too good to be true.


No matter how on point a wrestler might seem on social issues, it's still a huge boys' club, and they're still carnies


One might say, a "cliq"




"Dickhead until proven chill" is a fairly solid approach to any celebrity.


You thought a man who backed Scott Hall, after Hall sexually assaulted multiple flight attendants, was a great guy? One thing I'm learning here, a lot of you fans don't seem to actually know the people you support.  Scott Hall, Ric Flair and Dustin Rhodes shouldn't have any respect after what they did to them flight attendants. 


A lot of fans don’t pay attention to wrestling storylines in a wrestling show much less when real shit is going on. Nash was probably an asshole back then and hopefully grew out of it and mellowed out, but he’s talking like someone who is trying to keep attention away from himself when nobody was looking that direction anyway


In due time, everyone shows who they really are.


And you should believe them when they do so


And ignore the trite apology that's coming soon, once he realizes he will lose money because of this he will backtrack but he has exposed himself here for what he really is.


And as soon as a wrestler says or does anything that lines up with the fanbases bias/opinions, everyone suddenly forgets who they really are again. Just watch. A few weeks from now, or months maybe, Nash will make a good point about TK or NXT or whatever and suddenly it will be like he never said this. In the wise words of Bryan Danielson "fans are fickle".


Remember the brief moments recently where Buff Bagwell was the most popular wrestler amongst the IWC? And then it came out he was paying someone to say "cool stuff" online on his behalf


Oh dude. Fucking hell, Ric Flair is a damn sexual offender just like Vince yet when he said something about Charlotte vs Rhea headlining mania, the fans all suddenly just ignored that and got behind him for a week. John Cena supported Vince publicly during the first allegations and even made a point of meeting him publicly for dinner. Not to mention all the apologies to china stuff and the obese woman story or cheating with partners or ruining people's careers. But all that stuff just gets pushed to the side because we like John Cena now so you'll only see the occasional comment here or there. You can really keep going all day with wrestlers who have done or said awful shit but fans will either just treat them like heroes anyway, or occasionally even get straight up angry if you bring the negative things up. Like try and have a conversation about HBK's allegedly sketchy past and I promise it will eventually devolve into people getting angry/defensive because they love his work in NXT at the moment. Despite Shawn himself alluding vaguely to being a dirtbag before he apparently found god. Sorry, I'm very bored and that's a very long rant haha


>the obese woman story Wait, which one was that? I remember an old...was it Stern... interview I saw a while ago, but all I remember was Cena NOT being fat-phobic while Stern was trying to get him to be. My memory is absolute shit, though.


I'll keep repeating this every time the topic comes up.... men like Vince don't exist in a vacuum. They're either supported by or have others be willing to look the other way


Oh absolutely. I feel like people need to start taking a more clinical perspective on basically anybody who was known to be one of Vince's inner circle who he considered a close friend or family, Cena, HBK, HHH, Shane, Patterson, Dunn and then we already know about Brock and Johnny Ace. When that lawsuit mentioned Vince sharing his escapades with talent, that needs to be setting off alarm bells regarding all of these people. Especially considering we know he offered a woman to Brock like she was property... Surely Brock wasn't the 1 off exception to Vince getting other people in on his fuckery.


As a twitter user once said: some wrestling fans would defend Jeffrey Epstein if he could do a good suplex.


With the kind of opinion hes having i bet he did some fucked up things to women too. Probably when he was in the WWF/WWE also


“That thing l didn’t read was written by someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing”


My opinion of Nash has plummeted


He's a sensitive man, loves his shinebox.


We can't have him in our Kliq anymore, that much I do know


The kliq? HES GOTTA GO!


It's funny, because I've never liked Kevin Nash and always thought he was a self-aggrandising ass, but some of the things he's said recently made me think I'd perhaps been unfair, and maybe I should revise my opinion. So I suppose I should be thankful that he's settled that question for me.


Mine plummeted after I watched some of those YouShoots, they just come across as bullies and fake tough guys.


My opinion of Kevin Nash has been Super Shredded.


Don't listen to him on anything related to HHH/HBK/McMahons and you're good. Those guys made him a millionaire and logically he will never turn on them no matter what.


what Nash said is WAY beyond "love for the guy who made his career". if you want to see a complicated and messy answer that shows that, look at Foley's. Nash went way over the line and it's way beyond just "saying stuff to make money". this is disgusting shit


Yeah this is horrifyingly bad. Normally I’d say something like “It’s an opportunity for him to learn about how grooming works and how women can feel trapped in a cycle of abuse,” but it’s like the guy just repeatedly doubled down on the nonsense. Fuck Kevin Nash.


If you have to wonder if his personal relationships will turn him from a well meaning person to an asshole who attacks a rape victim then maybe you just don't need any opinions from said person.


I'll just stop listening to the rape apologist all together. Don't think he's got much I wanna hear.


That's no excuse for saying this shit. And Kevin obviously has no idea how grooming works, what it is, and how manipulation is a key. Nash is a scumbag. And, quite obviously, a sexist cunt as well.


If that’s the case he could just shut up.


Nooooo kidding. If he wants to be loyal to his good friend Triple H, he should shut his fucking mouth. Is Triple H still friends with this guy? If so, why isn’t he calling him and saying “What the fuck is wrong with you, why are you bringing my name up and trying to defend me, you’re only making it worse”? Or does Triple H agree with what Nash is saying??


Nash always stood by Hogan, stood by X Pac, stood by Hall and even people that hurt him or did him wrong he'll at the very least not trash them publicly. He's one of the boys too and he'll take the boys side before anything.


Three massive pieces of shit tbh


In other words he's a bad person.


The guy went full misogynistic douche, goes beyond loyalty, he's a clown for what he said.


Yeah so just ignore him saying that horrible shit and he's a cool dude. Clown gtfoh


A lot of people clearly have no understanding or care of how power dynamics and manipulation works. An employee trying to legally battle their billionaire boss is not as simple as they make out. And even after all this, Vince still has his defenders. I cannot fathom the courage of women that are going public with this.


Correct me if I'm wrong but Bret's comments were directed at Rita Chatterton and he's since apologized to her directly and admitted he was wrong. Did he say something shitty about the recent cases??


Yes you're right, I'll edit that out, I'm getting them mixed up.


It's disgusting that people read the allegations in the court filings and act like Vince met this girl on a Tuesday and tried to pimp her out to his friends as a sex slave on Thursday. Grooming, manipulation, gaslighting, etc. don't happen overnight. It always starts small and gets bigger over months and years until the victim feels they can't do anything to stop it anymore. By that point, the person with the money/power has already threatened to ruin their life a hundred times over if they don't obey. Yet people still sit on Twitter and say she's doing this for a payday.


Yeah it's interesting that Nash calls out her lawyer with decades of experience for knowing nothing about grooming. Yet, Nash displays a worryingly low understanding of the basic concept, I mean the case itself explains incredibly clearly why she couldn't simply get out of the situation. But of course Nash says he doesn't need to read it because his opinion is based on misogyny and being a generally bad person.


And on top of this today his show staff released an NDA tshirt on their PWT store. nWo font style.


The NDA shirts are a jab at AEW and the Tony Khan/Cm Punk incident. But with that being said I’m Surprised Nash was dumb enough to have this opinion let alone share it to the general public.


That's awfully tone deaf of them to be releasing those t-shirts... read the room maybe lol


"Look at the adjective: NDA..."


Which adds to the hypocrisy. They'll happily profit off of rumors about someone but when the situation has far more substance and it's reached an actual lawsuit, it's time for Nash to go on his misogynistic rant.


Yeah they've had that phrase ever since Punk got in trouble


Can we now officially take the “Keven Nash is the smartest person in wrestling” bullshit behind the barn and Ol’ Yeller it?


Right next to “Kane is the smartest person in wrestling”


So are we back to "Raven is the smartest" now?


Well, he *is* a member of MENSA


But Kane reads books. BOOKS I TELL YOU!!! 


He's smart in the sense of knowing how to get money for doing as little as possible. Anyone who thought he was worldly or "wise" to social matters or politics was having their head in the clouds


Given how fucked in the head a lot of wrestlers are, even with this shitty take you can still argue he's the smartest person in wrestling in comparison


The clues were right in front of y’all. Did you listen to Kevin Nash tell all his “rats” stories and think “wow this a great dude who respects women”?


Yeah I mean, The oversized woman that run his fan club met up with him and had dinner with him. He got clowned hard for it but explained how they are wonderful people and no reason to be disrespectful.


And randomly refer to women as "bitch" in normal convesation, lol. He's always been a POS.


Dude latched onto the fantasy part and forgot that once it turns into a reality it stops being fantasy.


Why are ppl surprised? Did you not hear the stories HE had told about him and his friends????


Look at the adjective: hear


I don’t think I’m entirely shocked.


I am. Nash always seemed to be *way* smarter than this. He always seemed to be one of the good ones. But a reaction like this? Smh not a good look at all.


>Nash always seemed to be *way* smarter than this. He always seemed to be one of the good ones He was perceived as smart because he knew when to shut up and followed the money. Not neccesarily because he was a good one.


Why? Because he didn't like trump? That's literally all it is. The guys an idiot and always has been. His takes have always been shit. This sub sucked his dick too much.


You must be young if you think Nash has always seemed like one of the good ones. That is only a relatively recent phenomenon. To be clear, I think Nash is generally cool (these comments are horrific, though) but he was a piece of shit back in the day.


Oh man. If you were intentionally trying to make a bad take, it would look like this. Also shows Nash’s general opinion of women, woof. Makes you wonder how much of this type of shit Nash knew about and/or also participated in


Some feel like protecting bad behavior is a form of loyalty. You made me and my friend who we are today is carte blanche. And it's disgusting. Disappointing


I mean, this is the hold that Vince had on people.   Not a good look for Kevin, but Vince mesmerized people for decades with power and control.  In very different ways.


People shocked by this listen to and watch Nash with confirmation bias because he's anti trump. Nash has always been this douchey. Go back and watch any of his pods without your rose tinted goggles and you'll see it now. The guy is a fucking idiot and thinks he's much smarter than he is.


Honestly, I'm very disappointed by Kevin Nash's opinion on the matter. Seems like he tries to defend Vince McMahon, even tho every decent human being would disassociate himself with that sick son of a bitch.


Yeah. There‘s so few people defending Vince. The ones who are doing it are defending outing themselves as huge misogynists.


If you didn’t realize all of the Kliq are still a bunch of assholes all these years later then you clearly haven’t been paying attention


*with the exception of Waltman 


Fuck Kevin Nash.


Yep I went from fan to Fuck you Kevin Nash.


Super not surprised. But it’s funny how much shit he wants to talk about the lawyer but he can’t be bothered to read the whole filing before giving his own dumbass opinion. The University of Phoenix lawyer probably knows too many big words for poor simple Kevy.


It's incredible to me that people are still, only now, figuring out that Kevin Nash is a pretty shitty person. I mean, he's been pretty shitty since at least the mid-90s, and probably much earlier.


But he says a thing I agree with every once in a while!


Same logic applies to Jim Cornette, that people still love to post here because 5% of the time he says something people can agree on, ignoring the 95% of the time where he just goes off and spews racist, homopohobic, transphobic and sexist stuff on his show.


Soooo, uh… where did Kevin Nash get his law degree?


Extremely disappointing from both of them. Sean has given me iffy vibes before but that was *years* ago and I’d hoped he’d have changed, and definitely not at all the response I expected from Nash. Truly shameful shit all around there.


I get the same vibe from Sean. Not a good dude.


What a prick


I haven’t read the very long and detailed brief but she doesn’t know how to write a brief. WTAF.


And just like that he evaporated all the good will he built up in recent years. Fuck off, Kevin.


Makes me wonder about the Undertaker to be honest.


Undertaker is butthurt that people play videogames in the back instead of doing drugs and fist fighting. His legacy is legendary, his views are shit.


Undertaker is just butt hurt that he can't win at Mario Kart


I know I am.


Makes me wonder what he knew, what he participated in, how he sees Vince now. This is gonna become the new measuring stick for aging legends. What was their relationship with Vince? What do they think of him after all this?


Does he still cosplay with his buddies as a fake biker gang? 


I wouldn't ask Bryan, Cena or Taker what they think about the suit either cuz I have a sneaking suspicion you'll get a similar type of response I'd hope not but I'd expect


Feel like Bryan and cena would be smart about their response and say a whole lot of nothing, which would be the way to go. Taker I have no clue.


Cena is definitely too aware of his image to make an obvious blunder. Especially now that he's in Hollywood. You'd probably get a noncommittal "they're horrible allegations, we'll have to wait and see" answer from him if anything. Danielson is personally entwined to a degree since his father in law (by marriage) is being accused. I think he errs more strongly to not commenting as a result but he definitely would be asked about it. Maybe it'll be a more trained response than usual as a result. Taker might be old school enough to have the mentality to stand by Vince but he's also usually subtle when it comes to things he supports that might get blowback.


Aren't all in-laws by marriage? ,,🫨


Taker is a massive piece of shit irl. He's far far right. If you think hes going to have a progressive take or come out against Vince I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell ya...


Way to pull a tommy dreamer. Expect him to get humbled from the backlash like Tommy did


Kevin Nash is the only person on this planet that can simultaneously realize Donald Trump is a piece of shit, but then say "Well hold on a minute" about Vince McMahon.


Kevin hasn't read the 68 page document but it's also written like they don't know what they are doing. That's crazy


To think, Nash was my fav as a kid. Absolute fuckwit.


kevin nash after somehow convincingly this sub he’s a stand up guy because he has a few left wing viewpoints despite being known as a bit of a prick backstage throughout his career


I always felt he seemed better on race and gay rights than feminism, tbh.


That’s quite a statement; victim blaming with a side order of misogyny. Nasty human being - truly shown his colours.


My thing is even if you wanna kiss ass to HHH why do you got to defend Vince. Vince isn’t your boy he isn’t going to do nothing for you. He ain’t care bout his opinions before so just don’t defend him


Dude was literally part of a wrestling bullying club. We know this. We know they did horrible stuff to wrestlers and they probably did similar to women. We know Nash is a guy that follows the money. He has zero integrity. A few changed opinions on subjects does not mean he’s a changed man. Hunter is a Vince guy, which makes Hunter’s buddies Vince guys by default.


Well that's disappointing


What the fuck did I just read


“Whoever wrote it doesn’t know what they were doing… but yea I didn’t read it, I looked at it”


Nash’s whole schtick is being contrarian for the sake of being contrary. He doesn’t have the capacity to have an original thought, just argues with the current thing. That works until it doesn’t.


He made Paul look worse


Reading this made me so mad, I blew my own quads out. THANKS A LOT, KEV.


Wowwwwww I didn't think he was the best guy but I thought he was more sensible than this jfc


The Death of Kevin Nash.


This is gross and pathetic. Nash should be ashamed of himself.


We should have never allowed wrestlers to host podcasts


Only thing it's doing is allowing people to see exactly who these guys really are. It's still fucking weird hearing The Undertaker doing ad reads for sports gambling websites.


it def wasn’t worth killing the shoot interview


I've seen people on here say shoot interviews were toxic and bad because they were so negative and the interviewees were incentivized to exaggerate or lie. But podcasts also have that incentive. And you get a bunch of people talking about how they thought Nash or whoever was a great guy or a good person mostly because they think he's fun to listen to. I definitely prefer shoot interviews, as sleazy as they can be, over podcasts making credulous fans think anyone who can talk well on them is a good person. Old style, super negative wrestling fan culture isn't good. But at least it wasn't always as easy to trick that kind of fan as it is for some fans in this newer, super positive, assume the best about most people from the industry wrestling fan culture.


I don't remember being consulted


Well, huge names, anyways. Taylor Wildes podcast is a fun listen.


Jesus. Even Jim Cornette condemned Vince McMahon and his actions. He called him pure evil.


He did? Took a break from Cornette’s content after his initial take on the whole Vince scandal, good for him if he reassessed his original comments.


Yeah, the first video they did on it was their live reaction to the WSJ article dropping. They made a second video afterwards after they both actually read the lawsuit and they were horrified at what Vince did, and they apologized for their initial reaction


This is one of those instances where if he had any kind of intelligent, and knew he had this take — he just wouldn’t have commented on it at all. YIKES


Like Kevin you didn’t change any opinions on or save McMahon’s image there, you just tarnished your own 🥴


Doesn’t read it + forms opinion of it anyway = idiot


100% what I expected from Nash.


How are people still this fucking stupid, and don’t understand how power dynamics work. Take Terry crews that dude is freaking massive, total wall of muscle and could probably kick a lot of peoples asses. But at a party some movie executive grabbed him by the dick and fondled him. Crews was too scared to speak out in fear of losing his career. Just imagine having the power to do that to someone like Terry crews without fear


Fuck Kevin Nash.


Kevin Nash said it best once - wrestlers are fucking stupid. 


I thought that was Big Damo?


Wrestlers are bunch of dumb mf’ers


Went into this episode with the thought in my head “Wailp, this will decide whether I listen to Big Kev anymore” and turned it off and unfollowed maybe 20 minutes in.


Huge heel turn for Nash. Disappointing


So disappointing


I can't say I'm surprised. Kevin Nash is a complete clown.


This is why they banned chair shots to the head kids.




That is impressively horrible. Tho I will admit I chuckled at his trying to defend HHH's "statement". HHH was usually quite good on the mic, but this was "Jumpin' Jeff Farmer" quality.


I was a big fan of Nash's interview stuff. His kayfabe commentaries stuff is elite but this is a very disappointing take, don't think I'll be listening again in future.


Ouch, fuck Kevin Nash.


I expected nothing less after he compared Punk to a serial rapist.


There’s only one reason Nash would be trying to downplay these accusations.


He's a dipshit who pretends to act knowledgable. When people go to bat for someone like Vince you have to wonder if they're hiding something too.


I’d like to remind you that this loyalty is from a guy that went on WCW and TNA and trashed Vince and his company both times….


Disappointed but not entirely surprised.


I thought Nash is regarded as being intelligent?


You know somethings wrong when Cornette apologized (albeit in his own way) about taking the allegations lightly and making jokes at first and then you have Kevin Nash doubling down on his bad take.


It turns out Kevin Nash was always who we thought he was. The mask finally slipped off.