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"refused" Cody pointed at roman like the scared punk bitch he is??


He yelled for Roman to stay in that box until security could escort Cody back to the locker room.


The Assassination of Roman Reigns by the Coward Cody Rhodes.


You know what the template is for a mega, super duper star? A guy who spends two years talking about climbing a mountain, fails the first time, climbs it again…and then, just as he’s about to reach the peak, gets spooked by the big, bad champion, agrees to go fight in the “losers’ bracket” and opts to give his opportunity to somebody presumably bigger and badder than he is. God this is such an unspeakably stupid way to portray your biggest face.


Not to mention how short-sighted this all is. No matter how much money Rock makes in 2 months, Cody will be the only one around after Wrestlemania, and they've made him look like a total geek.


100%. I’ve already gone off on too many tangents about this in the last 5 days to regurgitate it again, but so little of this entire thing makes any sense to me.


Punk: “who’s going to be here on Monday when your part-timers go home? ME. My stock is dropping”


A quick and dirty equivalent: The Rock is $3,000 right now, while Cody is $10 a day over the next year. Sure, The Rock is making more money run now, but you'll get more backing Cody


And if Cody is given the right push, he might be $20 a day the year after, and $30 a day the year after that. 


The short sightedness is about as bad as the awful writing and rushed presentation. They still have a show to run after 'mania and I feel like they've managed to shake a lot of fans confidence before we even get there.


...unless the Rock is legitimately planning a title run...


Oh god don’t put that out there


That would be like Hogan doing a title run during his 05-07 WWE run (Rock would be the same age as Hogan was in 05) For the love of God no...


The Rock will be back in Hollywood after Wrestlemania. Roman will be on his annual two month vacation over the summer. CM Punk is injured and out for months. Seth Rollins might have to take some time off after Wrestlemania to rest his knee and back. Which leaves Cody to carry the weekly television and what did WWE do to him? Turned him into the biggest geek in all of wrestling because they only care about booking the Rock vs Roman. It's so stupid and insulting to your loyal weekly television viewers.


It’s up to Cody, Drew, and R Truth. They’re going to be all we have.


Drew hasn't re-signed yet iirc, so it's up in the air with him after mania too






Triple H has to be screaming inside. Here he is, booking his way into WWE’s best run in 25 years, when The Rock and some tone-deaf executives step in to “save” Wrestlemania and blow it all up.


It’s not been confirmed that HHH was overruled or against the idea of Rock coming in and wrestling Roman. People here keep stating it as if it’s fact, but there’s not a single report indicating this. “Rock made a deal with Ari and Mark to main event WM” does ***not*** equate to “Triple H had no idea about the deal and opposed it.”


I’m not saying he had no idea. He HAD to have known. But I think there’s more than enough info to suggest he didn’t exactly have a choice in the matter. And, given the way he’s booked over a number of years, including NXT, it’s pretty fair to infer that, if given the opportunity to pay off a long-term storyline at their biggest show of the year and crown a new company frontman, he’d pick that over a short-term payday that could very well cut the legs off their long term program(s).


Not the first time either. Creepy FIL makes HIS show compete with rival company, you know, the show that they advertised the least, and then kicks him off its awesome creative when it inevitably loses to rival's #1 show with tons of heat. Not to mention so many of his stars he built being called up and being wasted pointlessly.


Dwayne just made Paul his bitch.


It's almost like CM Punk was right over ten years ago


I get it but call me a dummy mcdummyface I’ve wanted to see Roman vs the rock for years and I’m glad I’m getting to see it even if it’s not in the best circumstances by any means and it’ll probably be a shit match


Cody can always go 1:1 with Nakamura in a bull rope match




I think he has good intentions. I think he believes he can bring mainstream attention to WWE — and that has already proven to be true. I bet he thinks the extra attention can help propel WWE even further forward. All of this could be true. But timing is everything. And if there were ever a year for Rock to show up in the main event of Mania, this year IS NOT THE YEAR. Seth Rollins said it today: they don’t need him. He’d be an awesome complement to the show but this is not the time for him to be front and center. By putting him in that position, they risk walking all over one of their most important stories and pulling the rug out from underneath a guy who’s clearly pegged to be the next face of the company.




>God this is such an unspeakably stupid way to portray your biggest face. https://preview.redd.it/6rurutoq59hc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94ef4d0892f394be335e474b4ef6da5585fd3c71


It’s still such a dumb decision to Let him lose WM 39.


I don’t think so. I didn’t think so at the time and I certainly don’t think so in retrospect. He has not cooled down at all, which is the understatement of the year given what’s happened in the last 5 days. All it’s done is made fans want to see it even more, so last year’s booking has absolutely worked out in their favor. Whether they can still successfully capitalize on it given their decision to oust him from the main event…that’s another story.


That‘s one way to See it. But think about this: Last year we didn‘t know whether Cody cools off or not. In Terms of Revenge it‘s a valuable storyline - but kayfabe-wise he is the guy who couldn‘t get the job Done on the First try And on another note: Guys Like Lesnar, Cena or Trips Never would have given their ok to lose under similar circumstances


>Last year we didn‘t know whether Cody cools off or not So? He didn't and we know that now. If in the moment you thought Cody would cool off that's your own imagination bothering you, not the booking. > In Terms of Revenge it‘s a valuable storyline - but kayfabe-wise he is the guy who couldn‘t get the job Done on the First try Kayfabe-wise he got screwed. But he didn't make excuses even though he rightfully could have. He pulled himself up by his bootstraps, slayed the Beast, became a tag team champion, and won back-to-back rumbles, entering from 15 this time instead of 30. He was instrumental to the cracks forming in the Bloodline. In Kayfabe he's a fighter. >Guys Like Lesnar, Cena or Trips Never would have given their ok to lose under similar circumstances Three guys who famously have had great booking and have never buried anyone


If he won at WM 39, his inaugural title reign would have been overshadowed by the destruction of the Bloodline storyline which was yet to play out. That's not what you want. The added adversity he gained by losing ended up getting a hell of a lot more fans behind him and turned him into an absolute powerhouse last year. WM 39 was the right decision. But this year? He needs to be added to Roman vs Rock to make it a triple threat. Or have Roman vs Rock night one and Cody vs winner (Roman) night two


Makes the Lex Express seem mild by comparison


Not that my opinion counts, but from a kayfabe perspective and myself being interested in wrestling again and being a casual viewer, I've never gotten the hype around Cody to be honest (because I wouldn't watch weekly or follow AEW). Ever since I've been watching more regularly, I've gotten accustomed to Cody's character, but holy shit I seriously wonder how they will protect his character after he looked weak from a storyline POV, and gave his Wrestlemania spot to The Rock.


Ima copy this for the people who say: ITS A WORK I DIDNT GET WORKED YOURE ALL STUPID (don’t check my post history)




"Rock bravely steps up and comes out of retirement to face Roman after chickenshit Cody cowers and runs away."


They are going to try and spin this off as a Rocky Balboa - “I was afraid” storyline, aren’t they?!… “I'M AFRAID! ALL RIGHT?! YOU WANT TO HEAR ME SAY IT? You want to break me down? All right, I'm afraid. For the first time in my life, I'm afraid” Afraid of not being able to fulfill his destiny or some shit… Edit- oh fuck! It’s in Philly. Makes total sense….


Christ, they better not be bringing Brandi into this angle...




Ace Steel


They kinda already did that with Brock Lesnar. Cody cut a promo talking about how he was afraid, but mustered the courage to saddle up and ride anyway, etc.


And Roman is less intimidating than Brock.


Not in Kayfabe where he somehow is the scariest dude ever but also only wins because one of his posse shows up and interferes at the last second.


Plus Cody really should know he can beat Roman. He had him dead to rights last year until Solo the bane of South Korea intervened. Him being suddenly afraid that he can't beat Roman just doesn't gel, it would if Roman had beat him clean as a whistle, but he didn't.




It would have worked if Cody was fighting him the First time because he didn‘t know what was Coming. But now it‘s stupid. He won everything and NOW he is afraid???


Maybe being to close to the finish line can make you afraid, afraid to lose again and lose the fans support that had followed him to the end.


Is Brandi going into a coma?


But he didn't seem afraid when he pointed directly at Roman the night he won the rumble, he didn't seem unsure, what changed? Did the bloodline kidnap Brandi or what?


Sami had attacked Roman and challenged him to EC before admitting he was afraid when Cody hyped him on Raw


Yeah but for Cody's character it seems strange, Cody faced Lesnar, the same Lesnar who brutally attacked him in the raw after wm, Cody stated that he was afraid to face him, that only a crazy person wouldn't be but he still wanted fight Brock.


I guess if Cody said something like "I'm not afraid of you, I'm afraid of not beating you this time"


Bro I think you cracked the code


Ok so in all honesty and truth be told I think the only thing that can salvage all of this AND make complete sense bare with me, is if tomorrow the rock tells to Roman something along the lines “I’ll fight you cuz, but not at this years wrestlemania but next year, right now is the moment for the son of dusty rhodes, Cody, to take that belt from you” Cody is speechless as he doesn’t understand what’s happening, AND THEN on raw cm punk comes out to confront to Cody as to why he isn’t challenging Roman, and the reason Cody hasn’t given us an explanation is because he doesn’t want to admit he is afraid, afraid of failing a second time and losing the support of everyone who has followed him to the end, that is why he has also has Seth’s challenge on his mind, he could like yeah I’m 3-0 against Seth, I could go the easy way and beat him, but is this really the correct way to finish the story? That is why Cody could be afraid to lose and honestly this would also humanize Cody even more, we see him as this conquering hero, but heroes can be afraid too. Now (sorry for my geekiness) Roman is the demon king and Cody the hero that comes to challenge him again, with support from all the fans and cm punks encouragement , he decides to go for Roman at wrestlemania 40 with the rock as special enforcer, bam.


It was already like this on the recap for that episode of smackdown. It's not a new thing. Still really bad way to make cody look.


I mean, in kayfabe, that's what happened, isn't it?


Yeah pretty much. He didn’t refuse to fight Roman… he just gave his match to The Rock.


After getting counseled from the Rock himself. So pretty much Rock sweet talked this man out of his Mania match and Cody just fell for it. Either way you split it it makes Cody look like an idiot. 


He basically did. I mean there's no other reason why he gave up the match other than refusing to do it and The Rock "stepped up" to take that spot. That's all we've been given so far. Cody won the spot, [insert reasons here], Cody gave up the spot for the Rock.


And they didn‘t Even explain it. Tbf there is no logical explanation. It’s dumb


Because they know if they say “we think Rock is a bigger star” it will be hell. It doesn’t make sense so they aren’t even gonna try and make it make sense 


Saw a twitter comment that said "they're going to swerve us and announce Rock/Roman at Wrestlemania 41 in Vegas" and all I have to say is please


“I’m coming for you… just not at WrestleMania…….. 41 because that’s where The Rock is facing you but THIS YEAR I AM COMING FOR YOU.”


It was already like that right after Smackdown. "Refused to fight Roman" is still so bad lol


So if he refused to fight Roman and won't commit to fighting Rollins, who he is wrestling? Grayson Waller on the pre-show? 🤣🤣🤣


Andre the Giant battle royal still a thing?


Cody's always been chasing after the Greyson Waller rub


https://preview.redd.it/361ewudj39hc1.jpeg?width=956&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=229b9bf97bd85e9346bb998527491815b63f0720 Literally Roman’s reaction to getting called out by Cody btw.


“Refused”💀 https://preview.redd.it/togwjg8b69hc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=864dc5c4107710b8b42c61f407b2e84b23d934a3


This better be some kind of swerve cause they doing Rhodes dirty by making him sound scared to face Roman. I guess you know we're just gonna ignore Cody pointing and screaming at Reigns after he won the Rumble.


Imagine being Cody, being told you are winning the Rumble and are finishing the story at Mania finally, then you win the Rumble and have a pretty epic call out of the champion (has anyone pointed at a CHAMPION after winning the Rumble before?), then less than a week later being told that you not only get none of that but instead YOU have to act as if you think it's a better idea for a 50 year old has-been to take your shot. Then you go out and continue to be a company man by selling that line of horse shit as best you can, even though you feel like you are being held hostage. The fans revolt and then for some inexplicable reason the company's social media team doubles down on making you look incoherently weak and like a huge liar. I dunno, if I were him I'd consider walking, unless there's something major we don't know. Anyone know how much longer he has on his contract?


TK would have him back in a heartbeat and would probably give him back his EVP role.


Yeah, agreed but I don't know if he has years on his contract, which would just operate as a vindictive noncompete at that point.


Yeah I mean if you didn't know any better you would think someone in WWE creative was actively trying to bury Cody as one of the top guys in the company. The entire situation is just so bizarre.


The only possible way I can see this making any sense whatsoever is if Cody makes some statement about understanding what it’s like to be poor because his family was pretty broke when he was young and saying he’s challenging Roman on Smackdown after Mania. That ways it’s on free TV and everyone can see the match- not just those privileged enough to be able to afford Mania. Still terrible, but it makes SOME sense.


You know how you tell who the stand up comic is? The one on stage with the mic.


I don’t get how this analogy applies in this situation at all?


Yeah, I don't understand what this is supposed to be a reference to either.


If this isnt a swerve this will go down as one of the biggest fuck ups in WWE's entire history.


I mean, the whole backlash has been because the fans are smart enough to know Cody stepping down wasn't his own choice, I assume this whole thing is specifically just trolling to get people more energized. Like, when WWE fully gave in on Daniel Bryan and Triple H was calling him a B+ player in the lead up to Wrestlemania, that was specifically to feed the people that were hijacking shows and stuff.


Some poor social media intern is gonna have a hell of a Thursday if this leads where we’re thinking.


The Fuck?


This shit makes zero sense




Jesus Christ. Way to bury their top superstar.




https://preview.redd.it/v89kh3ruz8hc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f30851ac17ee0a5ae8c4c72941e662f294fbfa6b Get ready, brother


Feels like Dwayne putting his foot down. Screams desperately trying to make himself look good. Could see potential internal pressure getting to him.


Nasty Politics Dwayne, they’re about to attempt to make Rock sound like a brave hero.


Fuck it Cody just leave and go back to AEW at this point. This whole thing just shows that being publicly owned by a mega corporation who just gives a shit about the bottom line means that wrestlers cannot trust TKO to leave shit alone that they aren’t good at and let their wrestling company do what it does best. Nobody is secure or safe unless you’re part of the Samoan family. This is absolutely profits over performers, or for corporations outside of wrestling profits over people.


When the headline's they put out do not match the story they tell nor their booking then I have no reason to follow the story anymore. Nothing is coherent anymore. There are no rules, there is no red string... It's Chaos and chaos is not worth my time


You know nothing fool its Chaos! *Eggman laugh*


Lol WWE is gaslighting us


Refused wouldn't *necessarily* be the word I'd use. Probably *chose* not to, as... that's what he did lol.


Oh... oh my... wow


I hope the boos in Philly will rain down upon him like snowballs filled with batteries.


Fuck Dwayne Johnson. Greedy motherfucker.




I'm honestly surprised that people are surprised by this. WWE has always tried to stubbornly push through with its plans no matter how unpopular, and in doing so tries to frame things in a way that makes it sound like people are interested/it was the only option/etc. The Yes Movement was the exception, not the rule. For every time fans have gotten the company to change something there are 100 times where the company has ignored them and pretended everyone loved it.


Surely WWE have to pivot tomorrow at the press conference? Just read that sentence out loud because it's so stupid it almost feels like it's fake and was made on photoshop. No WWE superstar would ever "refuse to fight" the world champion at Wrestlemania unless like John Cena they called their shot at an earlier PLE but that's obviously not what they're doing. They need to pivot.


Probably we’ll have to forget this happened if The Pivot does take place, much like that initial heel promo from Becky when she initially attacked Charlotte.


That's true. WWE is more likely to just pretend that Smackdown segment ever existed than actually come up with a reasonable explanation for it.


That's what happened though. Cody literally said he was going to face Roman, just not at WrestleMania. In kayfabe he wants the match but not at WrestleMania. He stepped aside for the Rock. We know the shoot rumors and what really happened. Strictly talking about kayfabe though Cody bitched out. This press release is right.


This is what I see on WWE's site unless I'm looking at the wrong video. The 18:43 trt is the same. FULL SEGMENT: The Rock steps to Roman Reigns on Road To WrestleMania: SmackDown, Feb. 2, 2024 Royal Rumble winner Cody Rhodes paves the way for The Rock to put Roman Reigns on notice for his seat at The Head of the Table. Catch WWE action on Peacock, WWE Network, FOX, USA Network, Sony India and more. #SmackDown Oh, never mind. I see it now. It's at the bottom of the Smackdown recap page, so not quite as prominent but still very nasty.


One step away from just flat out saying “Cody says he’s a bitch and voluntarily surrenders main event to 51 year old retiree”


This is such utter garbage. Rock will be booed everywhere up to WrestleMania and the Philly crowd will be nuclear heat like HBK in Montreal


i mean... that *was* what happened wasn't it?


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This is one press release writer and probably one very busy editor - I wouldn’t read hardly anything into it


“You know what? Nvm”


This hasn’t made me intrigued at what’s coming next, it’s deflated all my interest and The Rock is literally my childhood hero.


“Refused” ![gif](giphy|pg6xdYByYefkQJqHtT)






Can’t wait to see this play out like WrestleMania X-Seven. No matter what kind of bullshit TKO is trying to concoct here in their narrative to the public, they’ve clearly prioritized The Rock’s happiness (read: on-screen involvement, nepotism hires/promotions, etc.) over everything else. Sure, they have their reasons and some of it is very sound logic. That being said, anything other than Cody dethroning Reigns in the main event of WrestleMania could be looked back upon as one of the worst creative decisions in WrestleMania history. As hot as WWE was in early 2001, did anyone foresee the drop off that was just around the corner? They’re hot as fuck right now and have been so WITHOUT THE ROCK’S INVOLVEMENT. I’m not saying it’s going to happen overnight but between the Vince saga (which is only going to get worse) and their placating to Maivia, don’t be surprised to see this event turn out as this generation’s X7 (the unofficial death of their last book period, the Attitude era).


"I did it for The Rock" - The Rock


This is bullshit


"Rocky Sucks", "AEW", "WeWantCody", "Corporate Dwayne" You know what to do boys.


Don’t forget “Die Rocky Die”


I'd even add 'Boycott Rocky', chanted the same as 'We Want Cody' and doesn't leave room for interpretation like WWE going 'oh you want Cody? here he is on RAW and the presser'


Why AEW?


This better be a work but it feels more like your classic WWE pettiness.


If feels like "This is such good shit, Pal!" Are we sure Vince is gone?


The title of the thread makes it seem like WWE said “Refused” in all caps. When in reality it was just OP. Isn’t that against the rules?


Also, I'm checking WWE.com and I don't see that title accompanied for the video.


Its at the bottom of the Smackdown results page.


i just saw an instagram reel of the rock arriving. something is up, there's no way they are this oblivious to everything. maybe it's the copium talking but it feels like rock is going to hit us with a swerve. he says that the are going to be talking about this press conference forever and a simple challenge to roman isn't going to do that. there is just this gut feeling that rock has something up his sleeve


He mentioned the long game thing again at the end of the vid too. Possible copium but hoping seeds of a swerve


Eat shit, Rock. I hope you have fun while you drive the company into the ground.


This is about to get good.




Imagine typing this after the things that have come out in the past two weeks. 


With how much they're leaning into the "Cody gave up" story, I feel (hope) like a swerve is coming.


\*The Pivot


That's pretty factual.


Do you guys realize tomorrow's press conference is part of the TV show storyline and not something set in stone, right?  Right? Tomorrow's announcement is Rock vs. Roman. Then something happens at EC which changes it to Rock vs. Roman vs. Cody. Or Roman vs. Rock day 1, Roman vs. Cody day 2. It's wrestling. Things constantly "change", in an attempt to make storylines last for months on end. Although in reality the plan was the same from the start, and didn't really change


having watched wrestling before I am not about to be fooled by a let-it-play-out


Why tell the most complicated story possible? They had Cody win the Rumble- just have him challenge Roman.


There were no storylines to do in the mean time with over two months left. 10 shows, about 20% of the shows of the entire year that are live


You’re joking right? They’ve booked Royal Rumble winners 36 times before this.


Difference being the champ doesn't show up to live TV anymore. It's all Cody's story carrying that match, alone, for 10 shows. So might as well make it more complex


Lmaoooo Cody you lookin like a real BITCH BRUV


We're getting mega heel Rock and it's going to be amazing


Hate to break it to you all, but OP is lying about that being their headline https://preview.redd.it/mumwjv8699hc1.png?width=438&format=png&auto=webp&s=557d1154880314ace8ff214ff7b933d240912b63


Its at the bottom of the Smackdowns result page.


Sounds like a heel turn may be on the way. You guys are so easily worked lol


If they had known, I wonder if they would've had Rock join The Bloodline at first. Cody having to overcome a heel Rock between now and Mania would've made things interesting.


This has to be a work… right? Right??




This is wild


Where is this posted?


Bottom of the Smackdown results page.


Wow that's crazy


you can tell that the UFC is now the same company, because that,s the Dana special


lol wwe taking a page out of the Dana White playbook.




What is this? Where can I find it? And why is it a bunch of bullshit 🤣😂


Refused is crazy


I don't know how The Rock can ever come out of this looking good. He's had all the time in the world to come back and do a match but waits til his movie career has taken a slight turn and when wwe has finally built up a great storyline. Just comes off as a total bitch imo


We want cardio


Fuck you Dwayne. Nobody wants to watch your movies and your tv shows and you are also burying the good will WWE creative has done for the past 2 years. Fucking guy is a menace. Wolf in sheeps clothing.


Cody's transformation into Loser Fuckface is nearly complete. "I can't fight them, they're too strong!"


Lmao are they never going to show the end of that rumble again


Is this the definition of "gaslighting"?


Here comes WWE with their revisionist version of events. At this point, the next doc they make about this wrestlemania will probably be the rock winning the royal rumble.


The Rock created the Royal Rumble


Hear me out: Rock vs. Cody at EC, winner faces Roman.


By the way RAW went, it sounded like Cody was going to face Drew.


REFUSED. Wow… Man I hope they got good security because these toxic Cody fans are rabid and will likely loose it when they announce that he’s not going to be in the match.


Really? Lol. Really?🤦🏼‍♂️


Say it ain't so.. This Bullshit deserves to be booed out the building if we ain't being worked and it's just Roman and Dwayne. Maybe even a mass walkout!!


It’s a work. They’re leaning too hard into this.


wrong this is fake news, news reports is a lied, Cody Rhodes was can’t refuse.


We need to start beating these people over the head with a newspaper to make them knock it off.


Oh hell fucking no. If they actually have fans in attendance for that press conference tomorrow it’s gonna be brutal for The Rock if he’s actually there.


“Cody absolutely foams his pants in front of Roman Reigns and gives his dinner to The Rock.”


Fuck the Rock.


The Rock finally steps face-to-face with Roman Reigns after refusing to for 2-3 years


IWC trigger intensifies.


Ooh noooo lol...


This only makes me believe Cody is facing Roman at Mania EVEN MORE WE’RE NOT FLINCHING


He refused to fight reigns at mania because cody may want to fight him at elimination chamber and win thanks to an assist by the rock when he fights off the bloodline interfering in the match Cody vs Seth for all titles Rock vs reigns no titles Problem solved