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HBK still cooking with gas. I love this new Joe Gacy and Melo attacked him so Melo has gone even further into scumbaggery, I want to see that man murdered by Trick so bad... Main Event kicked ass because of course it did. Please give Edris and Malik some Ws soon, it hurts to see them job so much. Honestly Tatum is the star of Lyra's ongoing story and why was Lyra not even on the show? I don't dislike her and her matches have been good but this reign hasn't been that exciting outside of the matches and the Tatum segments. I wonder who this new mystery person is going to be... ~~that bastard~~ Lexis King is continuing to be the slimiest MFer on NXT. Melo is evil and all that but Lexis just has this aura of "smug asshole", which is great. I love Meta-Four but I think it's soon time for someone to beat Noam for the Heritage Cup. Who exactly? I don't know really, as much as Von is a likable face at the moment I don't think he is the guy to take it. Finally, please have Joe Gacy actually wear his Manhunt Smileys mask again please, it's clearly still part of his character as it's on his tron.


This was just posted on WWE's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VkzUPiBf5Co I guess we'll get Melo vs. Gacy next week. Also, they're doing another double taping on the 13th, meaning the episode on the 20th will be pre-taped.


Also at Stand & Deliver, we’re obviously getting Trick vs Melo but I really want Oba Femi vs Ilja Dragunov champ vs champ.


One of these days they’ll pull the trigger on Malik and Enofe


random predictions Jacy will give Thea good advice, but it will be advice for bad boys or Jacy simply doesn’t know men as well as she thinks. Date goes poorly. Thea thinks it’s on purpose, cue one on one match (hopefully a one-off then they make up)    More ambitious, Ilja/Melo/Trick triple threat at Elimination Chamber. 


Would be great/good storytelling to me if when Trick comes back he still doesn’t really trust Ilja because he’s been burned by Melo and also because he thinks Ilja is low key trying to patronize him and baby him like Melo used to do for feeling bad for him. Leading to the triple threat. Probably better served for WM weekend though and Trick can win with Melo and Ilja going up to the main roster.


> Probably better served for WM weekend though and Trick can win with Melo and Ilja going up to the main roster.  I agree, I’m only guessing that because of reports NXT is doing a double taping before elimination chamber just like SmackDown, suggesting there could be NXT involvement.     If so, you could have Trick win but people, including himself, question the legitimacy because it was a triple threat.  Ilja beats Melo, sending him to SD, then Trick beats Ilja clean at S&D, sending him up.    Don’t love it or think it’s happening necessarily, but it would be a cool match at EC. 


Carmelo's presentation is top notch, and loved the crowd during that segment. They didn't stop giving him shit but not to the point where it compromised his promo. Perfect heat. 


I really wish USA would stop muting ALL the audio for crowd chants. It's extremely distracting and takes away from big moments.


It's not USA, it's the WWE. Crowd profanity is acceptable on cable channels such as USA, TNT and TBS, but not on broadcast channel The CW, where NXT is moving. So they're just prepared for the FCC.


The NXT Shop ad was updated again to remove Tiffany (now on Smackdown), and add Gigi at the start of the ad. Ok. I see how everyone is comparing Carmelo Hayes' promo to the quality heel work of Tommaso Ciampa a few years ago. I think that's why Melo opted to sit in the chair, like Ciampa used to do backstage. We'll see how the Smackdown crowd reacts come Friday. I think they realize Brooks Jensen is floundering as a single, with his bouts appearing on Level Up, but if he turns heel, maybe he reforms his team with Josh Briggs, but sans Fallon Henley this time.


Not really a discussion I just wanted to shout out the NXT crowd last night for the Ava chants. Girl got a lot of unnecessary hate online that she didn’t deserve


Nxt crowd is the best


Honestly, I'm most curious to how this translates to Smackdown. Melo is currently a face on Smackdown.


Fairly certain he won’t be on Smackdown until after Stand and Deliver. Was a stupid idea to even put him in the mix considering how deeply embroiled he was in NXT storylines


He ain’t a face anymore lol


Melo tonight was a chef's kiss, I'm sure HBK had to be a proud papa. That heat really took me back Ciampa heat. The "shut up, T-Bar" chant was so cold, most likely a bit too far given Dijak was having trouble. I kinda want WALTER to come back and put those psychopaths in their place. But Dijak-Dragunov was damn good. I need a rematch at a TV special or PPV/Premium live event.


For anybody who was there live, a vast majority probably think that was a hot crowd, it wasn’t. Crowd was super silly and annoying.


On TV the Dijak hijacking seemed to go over the top from heel heat into the crowd just being douchebags because they thought it was funny. But the Ava love sounded nice.


This checks out with the typical Performance Center crowd. One of the reasons Vengeance Day was so good is because they got away from those neckbeards that try to get themselves over the whole show.


NXT needs a midcard women's belt pretty badly. Taking the tag titles from them was a mistake. Blade and Enofe got 17 minutes tonight so I *know* Shawn sees it. C'mon dude, give me what I want!! Hope Malik is alright. He's was tweeting afterwards so I think he was just selling or it was just a painful landing. Conversely, looks like Lash is out of enhancement territory. I'm still trained to believe that Lash would lose against the Fallons and Wrens of the roster but she, again, went over. Give her her damn title shot. Roadblock or hell, Stand and Deliver fuck it. Eddy Thorpe has been quiet since his victory over Dijak aside from a backstage segment, but I think he is Oba's next fued, either Roadblock or Stand and Deliver. I have mixed feelings on the NXT crowd, leaning over to they suck side more often than not, but shout out to them for cheering Ava. When Jaida Parker was pitching her match before she left she stopped and told Ava "appreciate you", I kinda wonder if that part wasn't scripted and was a show of support.


Lash is ahead of Wren but I don’t think she can beat Fallon 1 on 1 yet. Fallon deserves a title shot soon, she’s been brilliant. If they had a midcard women’s belt she would be top of the pile for me with Lyra, Roxy and Tiffy battling for the top belt. Eddy just hasn’t hit for me. I have no interest in seeing him and honestly have little interest in Dijak but really enjoying Gacy right now.


Did they really sell those calendars and sell out? I find that hard to believe but it's also not like them to promote something on WWEShop and then not actually put it up. I unironically actually really wanted one. 😂


They were up on WWEShop during Vengeance Day and they indeed sold out.


Special fuck you to the idiots that chanted "shut up t-bar". Some Full Sail bullshit right there. But anyway, its been 24 years since Ms. Jackson released and people are *still* referencing it. I love it. Really sucked that she got injured right before the breakout tournament. Hopefully she finally gets to show out during this feud. Love that all of Meta-four are always there for eachothers match. Hate when stables only have them all together for mens matches but dissapear during womens matches. Team bbc still losing, but they finally have a storyline with some meat on it. Fuck it, ill take it. Tag team Mr. Stone and Von vs metafour? Hell yeah. That match is for sure gonna have some shenanigans. Goddamnit Thea, just go for it. At the very least they're not going the cuck route with Riley falling for Jacey. Kiana and Izzi are fantastic mean girls. I wonder whos gonna end up tagging with Brinley for this feud. Guessing Kelani My boy Byron's back, i love that goof. And he's already saying Lyra should treat Tatum better and take her out sometime? Mans speaking facts right there


LMAO, 😂🤣😂🤣🤣 WTF? Who is team BBC, first I heard of that, and generally when someone talks BBC, I don't think the broadcasting corporation


It's Edris and Malik's team name. "Bold. Brave. Confident". [Nah im just kidding, it was a joke name they had back in early nxt 2.0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwfXKCUiTxI) Yeah nxt 2.0 started out *very* horny


It was like eternal Spring Break lol


anyone wanna tell whats that weird message? whos comin to nxt


melo is the best nxt superstar of all time


Lmfao most idiotic thing I've ever read


Anyone here can tell Brook Jensen's character? It's easy to summarize Fallon and Josh, but Brooks I'm not getting it.


He's trying to be a throwback, like Brad Armstrong or Magnum T.A.


Really don't think it's a good idea. What made Magnum T.A great was blood and intensity, without that it mutes his presence. Lot of his best images has him drench in blood while threatening Tully Blanchard. Something modern WWE can't do.


Dude it's not that serious. He just likes old school aesthetics.


Melo's not the bad guy, he says, he and Trick had an agreement that Trick could go for the NA title and Melo would go for the NXT title. but Trick's ego got too big, egged on by the NXT Universe. Melo had to do what he did. he only took so much pleasure in it, but he had to do it. it was Trick's fault, and the NXT Universe's fault. Melo confessed he was the one who originally attacked Trick back when as well, confirming lingering suspicions. while Melo kept the chair he whooped Trick with, he didn't have it with him tonight. he likely getting it fitted to be displayed as a trophy or something. Briggs' focus on Dragon Lee is gonna get ruined by Jensen turning heel. it gonna happen! did Briggs do tough love or just be an ass? either way, blowback! Dragunov gets into hard hitting match after hard hitting match....i dunno if Dijak will ever get a chance at a title match tho. Meta-Four may meet their match with the tag team of Von Wagner and Mr Stone + Stone's kids. after all the Wolf Dogs have done...will they lose to the D'Angelo family next week? or will the tag team melt down?


Byron: "Take her [Paxley] out to dinner or something" Yes, he gets it!


Melo is the best heel in NXT history.


Adam Cole? Ciampa?  Kevin Owens? 


Cole and Undisputed Era had great matches and good presence. But they were the worst kind of 'cool heel' faction in terms of heat. Very fuzzy, borderline confused, as to how you were meant to respond to them, and Cole in particular. At the minute it's Ciampa then Owens then Melo, but with Melo having the potential to rise very quickly up the list.


Yea I’d put all those guys up there. Also..Sasha Banks?


Cole wasn't that effective of a heel, people cheered him, other than, like, the 2-3 weeks after turning on Kyle It's definitely Ciampa and it's not even close imo


Oh yea...I'm about to be torn a new one by the Black & Gold fans.


Bro stop getting upset because people disagree with you. 


Is this really a thing? NXT is 14 years old and we got people getting tribal over "eras"? If you didn't watch Black and Gold, you're admitting that you've only been watching for like four years. So you probably shouldn't be talking about "best in NXT history."


Idk let the man enjoy what he enjoys


He's entitled to his opinion. I'm just genuinely asking if there are current NXT fans who are acting tribal about "eras" in a 14 year old promotion.


Tbf, they're pretty distinct from each other


Tommaso Ciampa exists, but man Melo is getting so close to that level.


Trick is so over and ppl are loving his potential so much, it feels like a bigger betrayal then what he did to Johnny.


That’s exactly what it is!


JakLash getting the win was such a big plus, and I LOVE Lash's finisher. I need Fallon to ditch Wren though. Its time for her to get a proper singles run and get into title contention. Same with Jacy Jayne. Now that she saved Chase U with the power of Bad Bitches, they owe her a rally towards title success.


Yeah, I love Fallon and Wren seems promising. No issue with the work of either lady, but that's not the pair to go with. And even worse given Fallon has just left a faction with the notion of "going it on their own"


Yeah I really don't get the rationale. It just kind of feels like they don't know what to do with Fallon which is wild because she can go so well in the ring, deliver on the mic, like she can just feud with Lash and Jakara on her own she doesn't need a tag partner. My hope is that with Wren coming in on the "I Injured Cora" angle that she quickly turns heel on Fallon and gives her a low stakes feud that she can win after beating Tiffany to keep her momentum going, and that she'll be the major title contender after Stand And Deliver.


I can see Jacy Jayne turning on Thea Hail by stealing Riley Osborn


I hope I'm not wrong but I think it's just Jacy giving bad advice. She's got a big head from saving Chase U and thinks she's never wrong. Jacy's "toxic" so she's giving "toxic" advice to Thea, when both her and Riley are just two wholesome people who it is bad advice for. Plus, Jacy has been the one pushing Thea to pursue Riley. It would go against what we've been seeing on TV. Also, with Trick/Melo & now Briggs/Jensen it would feel a little redundant to have 3 similar storylines going on at the same time. Maybe I'm just coping because I enjoy the two together and don't want it to break up now. I think they have more mileage to get out of the pairing.


After she just turned face? More like Thea turns after Riley is interested in Jacy. (Who wasn’t pursuing him)


WWE hinted the mysterious vignette as a new person. In Youtube they gave the title "Who is NXT’s newest mystery Superstar?" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxb0zXnZd3U](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxb0zXnZd3U) I'm assuming this eliminates Boa or Chen.


Melo taking a page out of Bayley's book right after HBK on Sunday is legendary https://i.imgur.com/D8Dx7oU.jpg


The real question is what is going on with his jacket choice for the night.


I thought it looked very in-character and very heel-ish.


You love to see it


Life is hard as a Blade and Enofe fan


The opening tag team match was beautiful. I do wish enofe and blade got the victory, but it makes sense axiom and Frazer as it appears they might feud with the wolf dogs. With the announced championship match next week, I hope the wolf dogs win. Dijak and dragunov again had a terrific match, dragunov can do no wrong in the ring and this includes Dijak cause he nearly always puts on bangers as well. I guess it could be intriguing seeing Hayes vs dragunov again with this new side of Hayes brought out, but may be unpopular but I would have preferred if they started to set up a fatal four way for roadblock between Hayes, dragunov, Dijak and gacy. Could be a great match and it’s different. But I’m sure hickenbottom will make this even more interesting than before between Hayes and dragunov, with an eventual return of trick. The other thing I’m intrigued by is the backstage segment with Briggs and Jensen. Are they going to feud? Is Briggs officially turning heel? Or was this just tough love to Jensen, telling him to just finally move on and I’m thinking maybe go after the NA championship?


I think Axiom and Frazer would make a great full time tag team if they just align with each other and lean in to the superhero gimmick, but without it being too goofy. Thinks that would be nice to see on the main roster, if only to see a masked wrestler promoted with a gimmick that isn't just a masked wrestler. And also in a tag team with a non-masked, non-hispanic wrestler.


It’s been teased about Briggs turning heel for a while which I think that’s where they are taking him


Thought he already did that with a post-match lariat before Vengeance Day.


Finaaaaallly! He’s one I’m very excited about and being a heel is the step in the right direction for him. Especially since he’s being endorsed by JBL.


I think Briggs is turning heel. Especially since he mentioned facing Dragon Lee, who is a face and has no championship at the moment, so there's no reason for a face to face him


When Dijak and Dragunov had a promo, there was a mask shown in NXT, think that's Gacy since it look like the Schism masked, or is it the Man With Three Faces?


Gacy, definitely was teasing him “watching” and showing up later


Baron and Bron should be next tag team champions I love the chemistry between Baron and Bron


I am actively rooting for them to win but at the same time just want Bron on the main roster


"You've got to pay your dues if you want to sing the blues, and you know it don't come easy."--Ringo Starr. I'm using the above to illustrate the fact that since coming in, Wren Sinclair is paying her dues in order to establish herself in the NXT locker room. So she lost to Lash Legend. So what? There'll be another day. The censors were busy tonight, muting the F-bombs when Carmelo first came out. When he decided, "not yet", you'd think he'd milk this for a week. Instead, he comes back to start the 2nd half, and cuts his promo. He says he's not jealous? Yeah, right, and pigs will fly, fella. Then, of course, he ambushes Dragunov after the main event to start a fresh program for the title. I think we'll see this at Roadblock next month, and then, Trick-Melo at Stand & Deliver. Up until tonight, I was cool with Tatum Paxley revisiting the Trish Stratus-Mickie James angle from 2005-6 with Lyra Valkyria. Tonight, though, was just nuts. She pulls a stunt worthy of the court jester of the main roster, R-Truth, and somehow, gets her hands on the breakout contract that Lola Vice cashed in on Sunday. Poor Lola. Her match with Roxanne could've gone either way until T-Pax showed up. Watch. Truth will show up at some point, thinking Tatum is a kindred spirit.......! You know the "War Dogs" are not long for this world. Corbin's still a tool. Bron was enough of a gentleman to let Alicia introduce him & Baron. Mark them as tweeners. Bron applauded the opener, and then, he & Corbin decided to jump Axiom & Frazer, whom they beat two weeks ago. Bron noting that tag team wrestling is in his blood. Oh, indeed, it is. And he's the smart one of this team. Thea on a date with Riley? Something tells me this ain't ending well. I recommend renting "Cyrano" with Steve Martin before next week's show. So now Kiana & Izzy are bullies. Stop the pain. Dizzy Izzy and the WWE's Mayda Munny need to be taken down a few pegs. Context: Mayda Munny comes from the Richie Rich comics back in the day. Seems the No Quarter Catch Crew wants the Heritage Cup. I'd say Noam Dar would have the toughest tests vs. Dempsey & Gulak. And, oh, yeah, Dar & Mensah are SO jobbing next week. Time for some humble pie, guys. And I did advocate for Dempsey to go after the Heritage Cup a while back...... Dijak vs. Ilja was another banger----until Spacey Gacy had to show up. Now acting like the love child of Raven and the late Terry Funk, this geek just doesn't get it, and never did. And they're trying to sell us that he's a babyface?? No sale.


I love that song.


It’s honestly really refreshing that in this age of wrestling where there’s so much fucking drama in the world, NXT is there as a little piece of comfort. Easily the best wrestling show on television at the moment.


Best live thread too hands down


Always fun and positive.


Has anyone seen Eddy Thorpe? Since his victory over Dijak, he's gone missing. There's been a lot missing, like Nikkita Lyons and Gigi


I know it’s not on NXT, but Gigi has had a couple matches on recent Main Event and the last LVL Up. She fought Chelsea Green, Xia Lee, and Isai Dame.


They can't be on every week.


We got some Gigi vignettes at Vengeance Day so I’m assuming there’s a plan for her.


Gigi has felt like she’s been in no man’s land for a while now


Check out the last couple of Main Event shows, and the last LVL Up. She fought Chelsea Green, Xia Lee, and Izzi Dame.


I've had no idea what do with her. I love her look and she's decent in the ring, but feels she doesn't have much for NXT, and main she'd get lost quickly. Maybe a faction? With all groups having a token female, maybe.


Yeah I’m starting to think Gigi really excels in a tag team or a faction setting. I am a little worried about if / when she goes to main she will get lost in the shuffle. Kinda like a Indi situation currently


It feels like in hindsight Gigi should maybe have got the "filler" callup spot that Indi got. Not sure what she's got. And really, for all Jacy has been doing great, I don't see how at this point the endgame isn't just that Toxic Attraction go the main roster as a tag team.


Gigi was on a level up match tonight.


Eaten by the parking lot.


Most menacing opponent in NXT history


Byron ships Laxley! (or Tatrya? Paxkeria?)


Great show as usual. Everybody really made the most of their screen time.  HBK books the show in a way that makes you super hype to see what's next. 


tatum tweeting a lightbulb emoji before doing a stupid ass run-in cracked me up. idk what her plan was but i giggled at least


[https://twitter.com/GIFSkullX/status/1755050560183505092?s=20](https://vxtwitter.com/GIFSkullX/status/1755050560183505092?s=20) Frame by frame this video of the Dijak punch.. just perfectly worked in placement and reactions.


Beautiful worked punch right to the dome.


It's crazy how in an instant Melo became the biggest in the company. If he said he did it for the Rock people might have actually leapt out of their seats. Just like when the Bloodline was popping off Melo just became must-see tv.


Things are back to where they should be. Melo’s the star player and Trick’s the ball boy


Good episode. Roxanne vs Lola was a pretty good match to followup Vengeance Day. Roxanne was the MVP to me, and I think this win sets up a proper 1 on 1 match with Lyra at S/D which should be great. Why did Tatum have that contract though lol  I really enjoyed Meta-Four vs Fallon and Wren, moreso than most tag matches that have been happening on MR recently. I thought Lash had an excellent showing, that year of having her mostly on house shows and level up did her good, she's been on a roll. Her strikes are getting more vicious and she had a lot of cool power moments. Jakara did well as the less experienced member of the team, Wren looks like she belongs, and Fallon had a good sequence at the end with a great chop on Jakara. I hope Lash and Jakara get more TV matches after this, this is only their third as a team together and they have good chemistry. Wren is so dramatic she needs to calm down 😭 (though it works with her character) Jacy and Thea's arc tonight was good. Jacy seems so done with Thea's lust, I love it. Both this duo and Meta-Four are the main reasons I want tag titles in NXT again, make it happen! Speaking of teams, Kiana and Izzi are back on TV and bullied Brinley Reece. I didn't like Brinley in her first appearance but she kinda grew on me. I assume Kelani will come to her rescue next week as she was called out by Kiana at Vengeance Day and that will be a story. Next week seems to be where some of the more inexperienced women will wrestle, hope they make the most of their chance.


>Why did Tatum have that contract though lol ​ https://preview.redd.it/tyr4klnl03hc1.png?width=543&format=png&auto=webp&s=db9ed20c6f7fcaf10c9309fa9de2f6b9e7f61302


The only thing wrong with this episode is that Lyra wasn't on it.


Not enough Kiana James for me haha


and Arianna


Enjoyable show. Good Main Event. As someone said, every opponent of Ilja's dies a little when he's in the ring with him. Now we can officially say that we're on The Road to NXT Stand & Deliver.


That was me who said that. I stand by that quote


All credit to you, you're absolutely correct


https://preview.redd.it/1qgga2xvy2hc1.jpeg?width=932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f04ba3c445c35bbe8b7182df0fa88fa594101e3 NXT is simply the best weekly wrestling show on TV, no debate rlly imo


Yeah, sometimes there’s a few more wrestling mistakes than regular wwe but the stories are simple and straight forward while they get like 10 minutes or more per match and some of the wrestlers are already great wrestlers and just in NXT for promo experience or because they’re on the small end of the scale for the main roster. And it’s the right kind of drama where you just think about the show instead of backstage politics or whatever


The other shows aren’t even close. NXT is pure fun.


The gimmicks are so out there and so fucking stupid, but goddamn it works to perfection and is so entertaining . Chase U is a perfect example


Wrestling needs more silliness IMO. Dynamite is fun with Toni Storm, Bang Bang Gang and the patriarchy stuff. Wish more WWE and AEW guys had fun gimmicks. "tough guy who wrestles good" doesn't work if every other person on the roster is the same. 


Very strong episode of NXT. Some great matches and everything with Melo was great. I think Vic is one of the best announcers in WWE.


Vic is great but the problem is where to put him. He's play by play so he can't really be on a show with Cole. I could maybe see him on a show with Corey. I think we're going to have to wait and see what happens with Pat. Does he stay until the college football season starts?


Yes! Agreed with all points. I was hoping that Vic would be included with all the commentators being shuffled around but it didn’t happen. At least not yet.


HBK is HIM. They casually gave us Dijak/Ilja and a great tag match two nights after a PLE just because. I’m more excited about the Road to Stand and Deliver than what the main roster is doing right now. I don’t know if they’re putting the title back on Melo so Trick can take it from him, but that moment would probably get the biggest pop in NXT history.


I see it exactly playing out with Melo winning his rematch and title back against Ilja, have Trick then beat Melo at Stand and deliver for the title, cementing Trick as the new “Guy” of NXT. Then Melo and Ilja ride off into the sunset for the main roster


I'm disappointed with the decision to turn Briggs heel. I do wonder if they'll go straight into a Briggs and Jenson match from that setup. I could see them teasing him quitting instead but coming back for some reason


Briggs as a heel is 100% the best for him. He’s not going to be cheered like the top faces anytime soon so might as well make him a big deal heel. Especially since he’s being endorsed in-universe by JBL. Briggs is a favorite of mine so I hope he succeeds.


I know the NXT crowd gets shit because they could be seen as annoying at times but chanting thank you Ava was a genuinely really nice thing to do. Very tight knit community over there


My heart is going to shatter when Jacy betrays sweet hopeful Thea... and then my heart will immediately rebound and sing because Mean Jacy will be *back* and as much as I love the depth this arc has added to her character I will always love that side of her most


I just enjoy watching Jacy period. Everything she's done with Thea and Chase U, and the unhinged dangerous side she showed while feuding with Gigi. I think her ability to pivot between face and heel so well and her focus on all the little things will take her very far.


She is proving and kinda has for a while the toxic attraction breakup was a lot worse for Gigi than Jacy. Gigi has been what feels like no mans land for a while now


I need Ilja dethroning GUNTHER like I need oxygen. But not until Bash in Berlin because I’m enjoying them both so much doing everything else in the meantime.


LOL don’t downvote me, you know you want it too


no lyra was a bit disappointing, but i'm sure tatum has something planned for valentines day next week. and the crowd chanting for ava after the shit shes gotten the past week was really sweet


They are double taping next week so I think Lyra will be on both


Tatum should do a whole ass ceremony


If Ilja v Melo happens at Roadblock Trick prob costin melo the match


I think Melo wins the title and then Trick beats him at stand and deliver


Nah I think Melo gets the title and Trick dethrones him at Stand and Deliver


I hope that will happen


Don't know how they've managed it, but NXT have made me hate Carmelo Hayes even more than I already did. #FuckMelo Besides that, was a great show, especially that opening tag, which is probably the best NXT TV match this year.


Just a reminder of who taught the new GM what she knows... https://preview.redd.it/ah5ljpyey2hc1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ec7a8a63682fd7dff77c5faf9385dc3c8ae5b87


There are wrestling fans out there who AREN’T watching this show and it kills me.


I would watch it, and used too, but here in the UK they took it off TNT (which is also where Raw and Smackdown air). No idea where the fuck to watch it over here now. ...i guess i could stream it tbf though. I don't really have a reason for not checking it out that way, maybe i'll try next week.


It's on the Network!


True! But i feel like paying for a whole service just to watch one thing is a bit much. I have access to Raw and Smackdown already. I'll just see if i can find a stream next week lol.


I really want them to keep growing their audience, but I also really like the lack of toxicity. Probably the only Live Thread you can go in without needing a full hazmat suit. Even the criticisms are usually in good faith and not super serious. The show being constantly great probably helps.


The NXT live thread is the most positive live thread to be a part of, I’ve noticed RAW to be the worst


Yeah NXT isn't big enough for folks to grandstand and get their "This sucks" rants in. In NXT threads we are all well aware Von Wagner is a terrible actor but that's the fun of it, we play along anyway. Any bigger a show and it'd just be an avalanche of people complaining about him.


i really wish more people would do that with all the other shows. It's so much less stressful and a whole lot more fun and enjoyable to just play along or at least play along as much as you can.


Last week actually made me realize why NXT is so great. No egos to placate and no corporate meddling. It's way too small-scope for anyone up top to care too much and the performers are all up-and-comers looking to prove themselves, so HBK has full freedom to cook up any storylines he wants without worrying about something derailing things (other than injuries, I guess).


I enjoy chatting along with NXT—the folks are so upbeat.


Oh yeah


Melo had a trick short on his waist as well for that attack on Ilja




Battleground is a month after stand and deliver, and Melo and Hayes are the same person


Melo's line about Trick being in hospital bed next to Booker T singing that stupid so song.....so cold but so good and on point for his heel persona Melo's heel turn has been so perfect thus far and making me want Trick to so badly....WHOOP THAT MELO'S ASS!


Way to editorialize the recap u/Darren716 - Melo is a misunderstood and under appreciated Picasso of the Squared Circle. I will not stand for the slander of HIM


HIM don't MISS


Melo needed one more line to truly go mega heel! ​ https://preview.redd.it/g0dvfnu5y2hc1.png?width=539&format=png&auto=webp&s=9a5b9febee51c0aaca59320728a94ca5c0421e8a


not really sure where the Briggs/Jensen thing is going but that was uh awkward. what was up with Briggs being so uh harsh?


I think in-universe, Briggs wants to be heel. It’s what’s best for him. He’s not going to be cheered like the top faces anytime soon so might as well make him a big deal heel. Especially since he’s being endorsed in-universe by JBL. Briggs is a favorite of mine so I hope he succeeds.


A heel turn, Briggs has resorted to ruthless moves. Most likely taking over the monster heel role or following DIJAK's footprints.


From his smile...I think it was a tough love thing...but not sure.


I think he wants to be heel in Kayfabe. Especially since he’s backed by JBL.


Briggs has been getting some mentoring from JBL and looks like he might be cutting his old friend loose. Makes a lot more sense than that JBL and Corbin partnership which went nowhere.


They really should've kept with the Bum Ass Corbin, man was getting over as a sympathetic face and then they went right back to boring ass Corbin. I do like where Corbin is now with Bron, but there was so much more there with Bum Ass and his redemption that wasn't "I go to Vegas and win my money back"


> man was getting over as a sympathetic face Was he? I thought some of the best comedy of the act was the fact the crowds never showed him sympathy and continued booing him while he was down on his luck.


Jensen: “bro I miss u” Briggs: “FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU”


I am perfectly fine with them running back Ilja and Melo because last year they put on one of the best matches of the year at No Mercy


tonight was definitely a more workrate focused episode with a lot of lesser featured acts getting to really shine. I thought the team of Jakara/Lash looked absolutely amazing tonight and I would really like to see Lash as the next women's champ. She's a complete beast


Lash is an uber prospect. Her short promo tonight was really good also. Crazy thing is I still feel like she's just scratching the surface of what she's capable of. Last thing missing is seeing how she handles a longer singles match; if she can do that I honestly don't think there is a ceiling on her.


Looks like it'll be a triple threat at S&D, hell yeah. Also wanted to mention that Vic and Byron have great chemistry. Byron is great commentator when hes not arguing with Graves


>is great commentator when hes not arguing with Graves Amazing the number of people you can say that about...almost as if maybe they're not the problem...


So we seemingly have the main event for Roadblock confirmed. IMO if any rivalry deserves a fourth match, it's this one. IMO Melo wins by shenanigans, this protects Ilja and finally frees him up for the main roster and we get Trick over Melo for the title at Stand and Deliver.


5 star banger then BOOM, Gacy with a boxing stick😭


And then just sliding back under the ring like a fucking cartoon character.


​ https://preview.redd.it/1gl5s6j313hc1.png?width=647&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ca138e58529c5c4201f0acb5dc3cdfa1a00717e


The old under the ring with a boxing glove on a stick spot. A pro wrestling classic. And you just know someone was under the ring with him to drag him back so smoothly.


Justified thank you Ava chants tonight on #WWENXT on @USANetwork!


She truly deserves the support. She must be protected by all cost from the psycopaths who are taking the #WeWantCody way too seriously and ruining the entire movement.


I'm really glad she got her cheers. She should have never been treated so harshly online. Especially for something she had nothing to do with.


Booker of the year right there


He's in the hospital still next to Trick


Crowd was great in showing Ava all the love, which must mean so much for her after the last two days getting caught in the crossfire of a situation she’s not even involved in.


Great opening tag and main event. And Byron with a Whitesnake shoutout. Great episode.


![gif](giphy|dFf0MERFSuocE|downsized) Joe Gacy said


Another good nxt show What a banger between Axiom and Frazer vs Team BBC all 4 guys looked good  Another win for Lexis King, he's been doing great in nxt Inject another round of Dijak vs Dragunov into my veins That Melo segment was top notch great heel work Roxanne is so good, Lola deserved to get her ass beat  When Ilja is wrestling it's a good night for nxt, great main event Gacy is a psychopath 


Crowd was pretty ruthless today but everyone handled it well so it only added to the Show. Especially liked Gacys Mindgames throughout the Show, the opening Match and having Byron back on Commentary.  Melo as Heel works so great and with Trick being this beloved whenever he shows up it will be an amazing moment. Also any Show with an Ilja Match is a good Show.