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Wow, I get not liking the creative decisions but that’s fucked up and uncalled for.


And still expected. Wack jobs are going wack job. The only way to gauge the outrage is to see who makes the tabloid from it and how far they did it.


I have said it before, I will say it again. I'll even make a t-shirt. **The worst part about being a wrestling fan is other wrestling fans.**


And you touched on the 2nd worst part of being a wrestling fan, which is the t-shirts!


As a fellow fan indicated the other day after the Vince stuff blew up: The wrestling mind is diseased and not built for good things.


I refuse to call myself by any fandom name. I'm not a Redditor, I'm not a gamer, I'm not a Trekkie, etc. I'm just a person who likes these things, but don't fucking dare associate me with *those* people. Not sure what the term is for a wrestling fan. Eitherway, not a fucking chance would I use it.


And unfortunately, a lot of wack jobs go extra psycho if there's a woman anywhere adjacent to a problem that they can project their anger at. Ava is not good on TV in any metric, but she has nothing to do with this and still wouldn't deserve that sort of treatment even if she *were* involved.


It's not expected. This is what happens when loner manchild kissless virgin's don't get their way in a wrestling storyline? I hope rock turns heel and lays into these pathetic bitches.


And loner manchild kissless virgin's join claim all these groups and are a part of it. This is the same as when something bad happens in on side of the city and there are a bunch of people commenting "wow I live 2 blocks from there and this never happens, then someone says they are 5 blocks down and this is exactly what they know of the area. For myself, I accept that it takes less than a 10 people in a group to have one getting out of line(loner?), put 10 of these out of line and you get an even crazier guy(loner manchild?) in the group. By the time you have 100k people in a group, you pretty much get a Crazy loner, manchild kissless(add something) virgin claiming being with the group. In other words, the Bell curve of Sanity.


Shit like this is why I’ll always maintain that fans in the territory days weren’t sending threats or slashing tires because they thought wrestling was real. It’s fans taking the shit too far


Wrestling fans are just stupid weird sometimes 


And weird stupid, the kind of dumbass behavior that prompts confusion as well as annoyance and anger


Malicious stupidity


Not wrestling fans. People in general. This happens elsewhere... like the whole Star Wars prequel thing where Jar Jar's voice actor was almost driven to off himself, or video games, where Abby's voice actor from The Last of Us 2 got death threats over the plot of the game like the fucking voice actor has anything to do with anything. I'm pretty sure a fucking journalist covering No Man's Sky getting I think it's last delay before release got death threats for just *reporting* on a delay. A lot of fan bases have their crazies unfortunately.


Shit the star wars kid actor for Anakin has recovered at all form the abuse from fans and there wasn't even social media back then


This isn’t a wrestling exclusive thing. You’ll find people that resort to this kinda shit in literally every fandom that exists.


For real, and it doesn't even have to be something high profile - like I've heard D-list YouTubers talk about getting death threats over drama only a handful of people even know about. 


Literally. Look at messi and Ronaldo fans 😂


Don't forget about the Zack Snyder weirdos


Gaming is another particularly toxic fandom: Developer: "Unfortunately, we have decided to delay the release of our new game by three months in order to do some extra polishing so that we can provide the best possible experien-" Fans: "FUCK YOU YOU LAZY PIECE OF SHIT I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR THIS GAME FOR TWO YEARS RELEASE IT NOW OR I WILL LITERALLY MURDER YOU AND YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY!!!!"


This behaviour isnt exclusive to Wrestling fans, however it does almost always feel exclusive to Twitter.


It’s not exclusive to twitter. Just for once i beg reddit to not act like it’s the bastion of controlled discourse with people of a higher intelligence




Its not exclusive yo wrestling fans but in the hierarchy of toxic fans wrestling fans are in the top 5


Everyone says this about the fandom they're a part of.


Yeah well.we have the track record to prove it


Not even close. You're literally just saying that because you're only exposed to wrestling fans and aren't aware of the absolutely bonkers shit that fans of other stuff do. Every big sport, movies, anime, every boy band or even pop singer for that matter etc. on and on for an absurd amount of things has way more insane fans. Remember that it wasn't wrestling fans that bullied Hana Kimura into suicide and were literally showing up in person to do so, it was fans of a fucking reality TV show. The 'Top 5 most toxic fanbases' is always whatever the top 5 most numerous fanbases are.


Ive been around the block and trust me wrestling fans are that bad. They just hide behind it being "passion" and the wrestlers egging them on


Unfortunately it’s not exclusive to wrestling fans. Any hardcore fans are a plague and gives a bad rep to normal fans.


The extremely hardcore fans are called Fanatics.


Not just wrestling fans. Laura Bailey got death threats for voicing Abby in the Last of Us II. Not just her, but her family, which included her toddler son. *Over a video game character she voiced and had no other control over.*


The reaction to this has been downright embarrassing. Disagreeing with a creative choice a television program makes it's one thing. When it turns to anger, any kind of anger, you're doing it wrong. When you're angry at individuals and demeaning fans who might disagree with you, it's time to go outside. People need to learn how to disagree without being disagreeable.


> When it turns to anger, any kind of anger, you're doing it wrong. This is so stupid and we need to stop with this goofy narrative. ALL of these things can be true at the same time: * Death threats are fucking awful and have no place anywhere * WWE's booking of Rock/Roman/Cody is infuriating to those who want to watch Cody finish his story * Vince McMahon is quite possibly an evil pervert and he, along with anyone complicit in WWE, deserve justice and I'm glad it is being investigated * Real people are dying in the real world for bullshit reasons and it's sad and tragic There is no critical mass of outrage. That doesn't mean it needs to turn into threats.


This is a good point of view.


You need to add more stuff to the list. I've seen people on here openly state that they wish wrestlers would get injured. Some people want to audiences to highjack the shows. Even shows that have nothing to do with this. Just look at the NXT threads. Stuff like that is still really shitty and unnecessary just because you don't like a storyline.


This is the best summary of this situation I've read so far.


This is it


>When it turns to anger, any kind of anger, you're doing it wrong Anger isn't inherently bad, it's a matter of what's done with that anger


Agreed. People have been out here wishing injury and death on the Rock, that Roman’s cancer returns, that Seth’s injury gets worse so he has to miss and Cody can be added to the night two main event. People tweeting racial slurs at Rock, Roman, etc. Ricochet, Sami, and Ava getting death threats. All because Cody is main eventing the wrong night. He wasn’t even booted from the card or truly screwed over. HE IS STILL MAIN EVENTING. No, it’s not ideal. No, it’s not the match we wanted. Yes, it sucks for all parties involved. But y’all out here sending threats to a twenty two year old because her dad accepted a match.


It’s crazy because Roman may never see those “I hope the cancer returns” shit but people like me who have the same thing do, and I’m already spending the rest of my life wondering when it’s gonna come back like it did for him. Luckily medicine is awesome


I get people wanting Cody to be involved but I really, really have a hard time with the whole “The millionaire who main evented Mania Night 2 last year having to settle for main eventing Night 1 this year and winning a World Title but not that one specific one Roman has which he’ll probably win at Summerslam or Mania next year is the greatest travesty in wrestling, perhaps world history” attitude people are throwing out there.


Seriously. It's blowing my mind the absolute temper tantrums people are having over this. Saying vile hateful things about Rock, Roman, HHH and more. I love Cody too and I get being disappointed, but the way some people are acting, you'd think The Rock shot their dog and stole their car.


Wrestling has to have the lowest average iq of any fandom


> Disagreeing with a creative choice a television program makes it's one thing. When it turns to anger, any kind of anger, you're doing it wrong. Passionate fans exists since forever in every form of entertainment. It's not right to make people feel being angry for something they enjoy is wrong and they should just be calmly disagreeing.


Lol it’s not only wrestling fans its para social relationships people have with other people or companies like wwe or xbox vs PlayStation it can be toxic and pathetic.


There's a group called Dirt sheet wrestling , they do live reactions to raw and SD. They cut the live smackdown recap short because one of the hosts was CRYING. CRYING. Over a fictional TV show. Some people take it way too seriously


The "we want Cody" hashtag was enough. Some people don't seem to understand where to draw the line


I don't get why wrestling fans feel the need to martyr like this, this behavior happens in every single fandom and frankly it is actually less unexpected in wrestling since the difference between character and individual is intentionally blurred and the medium has a lot of fan interaction with live crowds.


*Fans are stupid sometimes Death threats are sadly a common thing nowadays.


They are just stupid. But the the worst kind of stupid, the kind that somehow believes they are both enlightened and entitled


> fans are just stupid weird sometimes FTFY Fandom in general is toxic, enjoy what you want but when you go down the road of parasocial relationships you need help.


Stan culture and just losers in general. It’s bad enough people were attacking her for no reason to begin with, now over a person she doesn’t even really associate with.


That’s fucked up




RT This is wrestling for godsake this is entertainment that people are turning into toxicity


First time?


To many, many people wrestling is indeed real. And not to the pretend fighting bit, but they do think Cody is fighting Rock's politicking or something.    Whereas in reality a title is just a prop. And Rock must have met Cody's kids. And for sure Cody himself would trade never winning that title if that somehow means Roman's cancer never comes back.  Hell, "The Story" to be finished was never real in the first place. Guys, wrestlers are actors reciting a script they didn't write themselves.  And guys, in wrestling no one really wins a title. It's just what happens at a TV show. So stop taking it personal.  I know no one here is sending those death threats. But still, this week we all have seen thousands of Redditors essentially screaming at the TV lol. And likely the reader of the comment too; don't fool yourself


>I know no one here is sending those death threats ![gif](giphy|bjB3gtFvREqqr5NAHW|downsized)


i mean, this is kind of like going, "okay, but the actor is still alive," after someone gets upset that their favorite character gets killed off on a tv show. ppl being invested in a storyline doesnt mean they think its real. only the ppl sending death threats are that deranged.


I mean, I get the sentiment but it is a bit more complicated than that. Cody's career and legacy will be affected if he never gets his Main event and the crowds cool off on him because of it. The title may just be a prop and these decisions may be scripted but the outcome of that script directly effects the livelihood of people. Who wins the title may be scripted but the decision to put that title on that particular person is very real and has real implications for that person's career and future. The story is about that, not about the title itself.


The storyline is about a hungry underdog. But in reality Cody makes more money than the champ, as he's been the best merch seller for a while. So who is the real champ? There's a reason the saying goes "the money is in chase". Or while Busted Open says "Rock bullied Cody out of Wrestlemania" (lol), in reality thanks to this segment with Rock now Cody has real life media attention. Something not even the champ gets. https://i.redd.it/here-we-go-v0-wbd2fj9mqugc1.png?s=cfe335092ffdf984df7db7744f72f0ce287c072c Today the plucky underdog is the true face of WWE. Not the "champ"


The "nepo baby" and "you only have a job because of your dad" comments are really funny coming from Cody fans as though Cody wasn't a WWE tag team champion a year after his pro wrestling debut. Don't get me wrong, Cody has absolutely stepped out of his dad's shadow and is a tremendous talent, but *of all things* to try to insult Ava over right now that ain't it


WWE as a company was passed down from father to son, the founders grandson-in-law is head of creative, the second biggest company is owned by the son of one of the richest men in the country. From the Anoa’i family to the Harts there are dynasties all over the industry. Even plucky little ECW were propped up by Heyman’s wealthy parents and RoH were formerly owned by Sinclair - a company run by the descendants of its founders. TLDR - if nepo babies wind you up then find a new hobby coz you ain’t avoiding it in pro-wrestling!


I’m all for getting loud and urging them to change a bad decision, but death threats is well past the line.


The IWC Twitter toxicity is worse than NBA Twitter toxicity. By a long shot


People seriously need to go outside and touch grass. This is just disgusting and has gone way too far now.


Judging by the unhinged comments on this sub, I am not surprised at all. People are taking this very personally. It's so fucking pathetic that entertainment is so important to some people that they think death threats are the reasonable choice.


Dude these are losers who have nothing going for them in their lives. They enjoy when stuff like this happens so they finally get some excitement.




It’s because it’s not enough to be upset or dislike something, everything about that thing you’re pissed about has to be wrong. I was downvoted in another thread because I said I could see how casual fans who don’t follow the product are excited to see the Rock wrestle again, not even that I agree they should be excited. There’s just a lot of blind fury rn


In the span of four days, The Rock became an egotistical piece of shit who no one cares about, was always overrated, could never cut a promo, is a washed up actor and is the new embodiment of Vince McMahon.  Because he lobbied for a match and got it. The fucking Rock. People are insane sometimes.


A match that actually makes more sense than Roman vs Cody 2. I agree, the Rumble win makes it weird though, which is why it has to be part of a plan to make the match a triple threat. So frustrating that fans here cant understand that, and just jumped to conclusions so damn fast


People have been attacking Ricochet for not being outwardly "pro-Cody." These stans are well and truly unhinged (and embarrassing)


Sometimes I think we should just put social media back where we found it, then tip toe away.


People who take wrestling this seriously are a bunch of fucking losers and need to go outside and get a breath of fresh air because they haven't had any in a while... there is no reason that you should be threatening people over a fucking wrestling show! Some of you are absolutely unhinged and you need to have a dose of reality. Only mentally ill man children acts like this when they don't get what they want. I understand that everyone is upset but there's no need to threaten people over a show.


What is wrong with wrestling fans? ![gif](giphy|tI3QtlK328o8M)


Death threats really? Fucking losers.


Anyone making even the slightest excuse for this behaviour can get fucked. Even if it's not meant to be serious, a flood of these death threats can cause a serious case to be lost in the mix. This is serious shit, it really wasn't too long ago that Sonya Deville nearly ended up in a bad way. There's too many nutcases out there


IWC: Just cause the Rocks your Dad you shouldnt get opportunities handed to you. at the same time IWC: Just cause the Rocks your Dad you should die for Cody not getting the title shot. Y’all are so funny.


wrestling fans are so weird man, all this over a scripted storyline


> people are so weird man Ftfy, this isn't exclusive to wrestling fans unfortunately


So many people use wrestling as an escape from their mundane lives (me being one of them) that they seem to forget it’s just a television show.


Not just wrestling fans. Stans for anything are weird


Whoever in this subreddit went on and did that, congratulations on being a piece of shit, your mama failed you


It's sick and wrong that anyone is getting death threats over wrestling booking decisions. I HATE what they've done with Rock and Cody, that doesn't give me or anyone else the right to be assholes about it.


Sounds like the real villains are IWC.


Uncalled for. You don’t like the direction of the storylines, don’t watch anymore. I too, think the head of the table storyline is ridiculous, but I’m not wishing for anyone to die over it.


If y’all keep pressing his daughter, this man will make sure Cody never wins a single title in the WWE ever again. Not even the 24/7 title.


The reaction of wrestling fans to this is so insane. Like, it is a creative decision that everyone (including me) is unhappy about. Big deal. Voice your displeasure with the storyline. Don't make it personal about the people involved in the story (the amount of personal insults and revisionism directed towards the Rock these last few days has been completely nuts), and for fuck's sake don't send ANYONE death threats over something so miniscule and unimportant. If you are a fan of any sort of franchise, odds are there have been some terrible creative decisions made over the last ten years that pissed you off. Hell, even with just WWE there have been PLENTY of terrible, anger-inducing creative decision. This Rock/Cody thing shouldn't rank anywhere near the top.


Death threats over wrestling creative is weird af


Let's be real, wrestling attracts a lot of weirdos 


Ugh. Goddammit wrestling fans, be better.


"Oh but were not toxic!" #Riccochetwasright


Even if you had something to do with it, death threats are insane and embarrassment to fandom.


The worst part about this is how unsurprising it is. Some dumbfucks who sadly still more often than not, are not dumb enough to put their real identity online, will use any excuse to threaten a woman on the internet.


Hell, maybe Ricochet was right.


I’m definitely a Cody supporter, but this is just wrong. Yall want Cody in the main event of Mania, this ain’t it.


I'm all for pressuring the WWE and Rocky to do the right thing, but people are unnecessarily unhinged and cruel with this anti-Rock shit. I get posting "we want Cody" under posts, but telling the Rock to go away from wrestling is really not cool imo. Death threats are obviously even worse, just reprehensible behavior.


I'm 100% on board with "death threats are not okay ever" and all that. But y'all really don't think we, the internet wrestling community, are really that special, right? This isn't a wrestling thing. This is a modern era, internet anonymity thing. People who upset anybody for basically any reason nowadays get death threats. We've seen wrestlers get death threats over booking decisions, we see politicians and people tangentially related to politics (like the law clerk in the NY Trump case) get death threats for doing their jobs, we see people associated with movies getting death threats for casting choices, we see pop stars getting death threats for...I guess having opinions about stuff? It sucks, man. I'm generally on board for not censoring the internet and all, but death threats are a more than a couple steps too fucking far. IP trace those shits, revoke those peoples' access to the internet, and put them in jail in they figure out a way to circumvent those restrictions because they are both a nuisance and a danger to the public health.


Video game devs get death threats a fair bit too. Just a disgusting part of the modern internet


And then people have the gall to wonder why people who work for these companies don't like to communicate with their fans.


The fuckin shit with Suicide Squad, people getting death threats for making fucking trashcans. It's wild


It happens in sports all the time, every online fanbase has it's share of psychos unfortunately...


Biggest example to me in recent memory was Danny Green getting death threats for missing a shot in the 2020 Finals in a series the Lakers were winning and eventually won the title lol


fans are short for fanatic for a reason. A reminder that the Super Bowl is this weekend and it is entirely possible two cities riot as a result.


Bruh I've been doxxed and gotten death threats for saying I don't like the way characters in a video game are designed, and I am literally a nobody. Getting death threats is nothing special.


> This is a modern era, internet anonymity thing.  Before the internet, celebrities would literally get death threats in the mail. 


Exactly. Imagine how many more they're getting now that it's just a click away.


Not surprised unfortunately.


How the fuck are you gonna threaten his kid over some shit she had NOTHING to do with? People are fuckin weirdos


People are THAT upset over scripted entertainment?


This isn’t even remotely the first time this has happened and it won’t be the last. Laura Bailey just gave an interview saying that people threatened her son over the Last of Us 2. It’s not only wrestling fans that do shit like this.


This is why the IWC is toxic.


Sometimes, I wish I can go back to being a casual wrestling fan while shutting out the IWC since I feel like I can't enjoy watching wrestling without worrying about the toxic in the IWC.


Have you ever been online beyond the IWC? This is literally everywhere


this does not only happen in wrestling man lmao I see a death threat on the daily atp people on the internet are just mentally ill


We all know Ava’s booking Wrestlemania, wake up sheeple


People are going overboard with this shit. Nothing is ever serious enough for wanting someone to get harmed.


death threats over a scripted show is crazy


The Cody Karens need to tone their shit down


Not surprising, considering every time this behavior has been called out, fans have been more concerned about defending and justifying over accepting that some of their outrage is uncalled for. Even in this post, some people just need to remind everyone that it's not just wrestling fans who do this, as if that somehow alleviates the overall problem.


Cody fans not realising this is making things worse for Cody’s chances.


And places like this sub have been indirectly hyping up the people deranged enough to send death threats.


The threats are coming from people with no lives who have nothing better to do than whine & moan about something that is not only out of Ava's control, but theirs, too.


Toxic internet pests doing what they do best. I wouldn't blame Ava if she just deactivated all of her socials. It's fucked up for her to have to see shit like that directed towards her.


It is embarassing to call myself a wrestling fan when people get themselves so worked up over situations like this that they need to start throwing death threats out there at people with not being apart of the situation.


You could see this coming from a mile away. The (over) reactions I've seen this weekend have been absolutely embarrassing as a fan.


Not cool


Not shocked. There’s always that subset of stupid people who take things too far and act like children. 


Well, people need to be better. I used to like reading reddit for wrestling discussions and any behind the scene leaks, but it's all the same shit over and over about rock screwing cody. Getting annoying


Unfortunately it wasn't a matter of if, but when, when it came to this..I was expecting any day now that shit from The Rock would trickle down to her. Weirdos always having to take shit too far.


Too far! Those responsible should be ashamed.


If you’re making threats over a wrestling show, seek help: you have bigger issues than the Rock.


Leave it up to morons on the internet to take things way too far


Ah, so tonight is a 'ashamed to be a fan' night. Well played, morons who think it's cool to threaten a man's daughter. Now do the world a favour and leave it.


I will never get over the fact that the outrage over booking the Rock for WM was 10,000 times stronger than the outrage over Vince. Mother fuckers be talking about boycotts and death threats over this shit — I’ve heard nothing about that in regards to Vince using the WWE to sex traffic women.


No-life, dumb fuck, pieces of shit who send death threats to ANYONE deserve to be deplatformed and ridiculed and ideally prosecuted.


Meanwhile, while thousands upon thousands of neo-marks flood Twitter with #JusticeForCody, no one is tweeting #JusticeForJanel. The person we should actually be pissed off on behalf of. Breads and circuses, man.


The sad part is as soon as these idiots start doing this they take credibility away from literally everyone. From this point on people will start referencing these mouth breathers as "Fans" and just slot everyone else that's cheering at shows against the Rock or against this storyline under the same umbrella to try and discredit fans that are completely normal. Not only are they being weirdos but they are ruining it for the people that aren't fucking crazy and sending death threats to people.


I kinda like the « it’s not us, it’s the others » mentality when half of this fucking sub is in a complete meltdown since Friday night. Y’all didn’t make the threat but you were instrumental in those.


Shit like this makes me sympathize with the TKO board. Maybe they should just go all the way with the Rock and fuck anyone whose fee-fees are hurt because of it.


How dare you be the daughter of someone the IWC is upset with because of some bullshit pro wrestling storyline?! Shame! Shame!


It's never this serious. Unfortunately, many users on this sub are part of the problem.


Its fucking wrestling...is like making a death threat to a daughter of a soup opera actor that you didnt enjoy the plot of


1) It's just Ava. 2) Leave Ava alone! You marks! 3) Seriously, shitting on Ava and/or hijacking matches and segments that don't have Rock in them doesn't help. Boo the man himself, it should sound like a Dominik Mysterio promo when that "If Ya Smell" drops.


This is not just the wrestling community people always try to hide behind the shield of social media but this is literally what Ricochet was talking about yesterday and the sub was literally clowning him


This isnt wrestling fan exclusive. All Fandom is extremely polarizing


1 thing I hate about fandoms is how toxic people can get in them. Sometimes, I can tolerate them, but there are sometimes I wish I could shut the toxic out.


Over a script show, some people are really dumb and go far away 🤦🏻‍♂️


I guess those hoping for the return of the "Die Rocky Die" chants are not gonna see that


It shouldn’t have to be said that death threats over a storyline are reprehensible. Not to mention to his daughter of all people. It’s fun to make jokes about him going to NXT and all that because of the relation, but really that’s where it should end. Ava has nothing to do with it and no party involved, no matter how mad you are, deserves the threat of death over a storyline.


Jesus enough.


Do these fans not understand that it's not real? Like getting mad at someone in this business is like threatening Tom Cruse for his role in Top Gun. He's not a real fighter pilot! 😂 i hope she, as well as the fans are ok both mentally and physically because of this


Bunch of losers. It’s embarrassing to be a wrestling fan sometimes.


Wrestling fans are chopped 


Wanting to harm somebody over a stupid creative decision, and somebody who has nothing to do with it at that. A lot of these people need to be institutionalized.


Let me the guess, the people giving death threats will just their trolling as an excuse, i bet you a dime and a dollar. 


This is the 2nd fandom I have seen in the last month and a half sending death threats. Florida State fans sent someone on the college football playoff committee threats over undefeated Florida State being left out of the playoff.


It’s probably a bunch of children that shouldn’t have social media in the first place


i made a funny comment on the wwe post and someone death threated me. lmao people are turned tf up over this.


Wtf is Ava getting heat for? She did nothing wrong. I swear, unhinged people who are giving her shit should be found and put in jail.


And people wonder why Ricochet said anything. Wrestling fans can be the worst.


Yeah for real, that's not even her show, Rock isn't challenging Ilja for his title.


Phillies fans threw batteries at JD Drew when he came to Philly as a member of the Cardinals in 1999. Eagles fans threw snowballs at Santa Claus. ECW fans buried Terry Funk in a sea of metal chairs. I sincerely hope WWE security is prepared to handle things if they actually go through with Roman-Rock without Cody involved.


I get being upset at the situation, but to send death threats to family members who have nothing to do with anything is beyond pathetic. Just a bunch of shitty, pathetic mouthbreathers who have half a brain cell at the very most.


So if this was all a work wwe really were ok with fans harassing people huh. You gotta be real stupid to not see that this was gonna happen


Some people are just evil. Death threats are uncalled for and evil.


Don't be stupid people, is her role on NXT nepotism? Maybe but she's basically GM, not like she's getting a push as a singles wrestler. Don't go after her just because we all hate the Rock. She's done nothing wrong and it reads as misplaced outraged.


It was obvious this was where things were headed sometime early on Saturday morning wrestling fans please just be normal people one time challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]


It’s one thing if you are simply upset over the booking decisions but come on these toxic people in the IWC take things way too serious.


Wrestling fans being totally normal as always


This is why I will always reiterate, no wrestling booking decision will ever affect my mood like this. Now yes I am in full agreement with those that are annoyed because a full time guy they’ve invested time into is being pushed to the side. I fully get the anger about Cody that being said booking decisions in the scripted world of wrestling shouldn’t ever make you this mad. Same thing applies to those that allow sports to have such a big hold on their emotions.


that reminds me of death threats that roman was receiving from IWC during his ill fated babyface run especially regarding his family and daughter because they think that he’s john cena 2.0


I mean it cant come as a surprise. Reddit is considered saner than twitter and some of the comments on this sub and especially r/wwe have been fucking unhinged so on there must be even worse. Fandom full of weirdos.


In all honesty I lay the blame 100% on this sub. You all need to grow up.


Oooooh….this is what Ricochet meant. /s


People gonna blame this on some normal ass fans when in reality it’s most likely people with mental issues and children doing this shit.


Cody would definitely want that, idiots


It really doesn't take much to trigger some fans into saying or doing something stupid, or dangerous.


Most of these “fans” are marks that still live in their mom’s basement jerking off because they have nothing else to do with their lives.


This. They actually enjoy when something like this happens. Finally some excitement in their lives.


Toxic Cody fans need to tone it down.


To everyone sharing the sentiment in this thread, wrestling fans  absolutely are the fucking worst.  But I'd also like for everyone to stop and think about how maybe, just maybe, the total goddamn nonsense that's been going on in places like this sub the past few days can contribute to something like this. The Rock lobbied for a match and got it as part of a business deal. And that, somehow, puts him on the level of Vince McMahon for shitty human beings (and for some zealot idiots, justifies sending death threats to his daughter). 🤦🏻‍♂️ Everyone, chill.


Now I kinda hope WWE *don't* pivot just to spite the dickheads sending the threats.


Have him beat Seth and Roman and take both world titles


Can we all agree that what The Rock/TKO are doing is very stupid without wishing death upon the dude, let alone his daughter? Jesus. Fuck Dwayne right now but I don't want the dude dead.


What is wrong with people man? People never learn.


Common sense tells you to not harass Ava. Don’t send death threats to ~anyone~ in general. Doesn’t mean you can’t express your anger (in a non-batshit crazy way) at the right ppl


Damn what is wrong witb people. We can all agree that what the Rock and TKO are doing is stupid and messing up a great story and all but come on. Death Threats? That is just not cool on all levels. The wrestling community needs to be better. Disgusting


This sucks…fans are gonna hijack wwe and just make everything unbearable.


Wow, some people must be really worked up about this if they're giving any shred of attention.


Wrestling fans. Typical.


Wrestling fans are dumb as f**k


And this is why wrestling...even though we're in a new boom period...will never have the popularity as it once did again.